I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 62: I am the god of purring, this is the god of teeth grinding


Take a closer look.

Sex: Male.

I'm going, a man, or a monk, with such an angry name? Use such a charming avatar

No, this avatar is so familiar

Zooming in, and then looking at Xinyuan, Liu Jin was stunned.

Is this guy a man or a woman

I'm so confused by you.

After Liu Jin's weird eyes were looking at him randomly, Xinyuan pushed a few steps away vigilantly: "What are you looking at?"

"I think you are very nasty." Liu Jin replied.

"You are talented, your whole family..."


Liu Jin glared at him, his heart dared not to say anything, and said angrily: "Don't you think you are too much? Where did I provoke you?"

He has no chest, no buttocks, and Adam's apple. Although he looks pretty, but slightly masculine.

Listening to the voice of this speech, there is no feminine femininity, no matter how you look at it, it is not a woman.

But why is WeChat...

Liu Jin hesitated to say something, but said helplessly: "It's nothing, when I say nonsense, let's go."

After speaking, Liu Jin took the lead.

My heart fate looked at Liu Jin angrily, and vowed secretly, when he finished his spiritual practice, he would leave immediately and hide away from now on. No matter where he went, first check if there is anyone around him like this bastard.

Only when I got on the ship did I experience the luxury of the ship. The bedroom arranged for Liu Jin was also very exquisite, and there was only one bed.

Seeing the bed, Xinyuan's eyes widened: "Why is there just one?"

Liu Jin said: "What? You can't sleep on this bed?"

"No, the two of us..."

"What's the matter with these two people? What are you afraid of? Don't worry, I am not that kind of person." Liu Jin explained solemnly.

Xinyuan was about to continue talking.

Liu Jin said: "Don't forget our agreement, I can do everything."

My heart is desperate.

"Oh, right, let me tell you something. From now on, you will be my brother. There may be something wrong later, but no matter what, you are not allowed to refute. If you can't speak, don't speak, just pretend to be advanced. If you need to cooperate, I hope you will act with my wink and follow what I say. If you do well, I can allow you to make a reasonable request. If you don’t do it well, then it’s hard to say.” Liu Jin continued Say.

Xinyuan's eyes lit up: "Okay, what you say must count."

Liu Jin smiled and said, "Don't worry, a man, he will keep his promises."

Xinyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

After tidying up, Liu Jin lay down on her face, with a comfortable expression.

Human nature is still lazy, able to lie down, never sitting.

Xinyuan looked speechless. This guy had his legs crossed and took up more than half of the bed. How could this make people sleep? Can you crush me just by turning over

This must not be with him.

After taking a look, there was a sofa in the bedroom. Xin Yuan walked over to sit down, put his hands together, and recited the Heart Sutra silently.

Liu Jin glanced at Xin Yuan and curled his lips.

What to wear, you can tell from WeChat, Mensao is one, and she's still a big lady in women's clothing.

Before long, there was a knock on the door.

Liu Jin got up all of a sudden, focused a little, and looked at Xin Yuan and said, "It's your turn to perform. Don't mess it up for me."

Xinyuan was at a loss, but she was also refreshed.

Liu Jin went over to open the door, and he saw the little handsome boy with a mole on his eyebrows.

Turning to the side, Liu Jin said blankly: "Come in."

"Thank you God." The little handsome guy was very respectful, and then walked in.

Liu Jin closed the door and sat down in the **. Then he looked at the little handsome boy and said, "Let's talk about it, how are you preparing?"

"The son of God already knows?" The little handsome guy looked at Liu Jin in surprise.

I know what a shit, it's not what you say.

Muttering in his heart, Liu Jin had no expression on his face.

"I got the oracle saying that you will cooperate with me, but how to cooperate requires your detailed explanation."

The little handsome guy suddenly looked reverent and enthusiastic: "The God of Purr is supreme, with boundless power, and unified the three realms."

Snoring God

Snoring god

Sure enough, it is a Cthulhu, and the priesthood is so weird.

Over there, Xinyuan's expression also changed, and he looked at Liu Jin with weird eyes.

This looks so evil.

What the hell is this kid doing

"Don't talk nonsense, talk about your plan." Liu Jin asked directly.

The little handsome guy has no doubts.

The Son of God represents the spirit of God, and is the carrier of God in the world, so you should talk to him like this.

"My Lord God, it's like this. We have planned this plunder of Hailing Spring for a long time. We originally planned to attack and snatch it, but we didn't expect the Daomen event to be placed in Hongshi. This is convenient for our plan. Now there are five on board. A disciple of the Taoist school is controlled by us and has become our internal response, and the high priest has already led another team, collected 100,000 sea ghosts, and peeped nearby. As long as we do the defense of Lingquan Island, the high priest can deploy Ten thousand ghosts search for souls, then, the Lingquan Island will be the thing in our palms, and the Lord God will be able to enter the depths of the spring’s eyes and obtain the spiritual orbs. At that time, the God of Purr can return to the world, lead us, and walk on the bright land again. ."

The little handsome guy said, his face was enthusiastic, his eyes seemed to have seen a bright future.

Liu Jin was secretly surprised.

I thought it was just a little evil god trying to take advantage.

Unexpectedly, they had a bigger plan, so they wanted to seize the spiritual spring and let the evil god descend

Tsk tsk, now I understand what the god child is, it's really a carrier.

Xinyuan was even more surprised and almost couldn't help standing up.

Sure enough, it was a bad guy who actually colluded with the evil god and wanted to seize the sea Lingquan. Listening to this, I am afraid that neither the guards of Lingquan Island nor the people on the boat will survive.

But Liu Jin's words appeared in his mind, and his heart was a little puzzled.

Such a secret thing, this Liu Jin is really a bad person, why should he pull himself together? Are you not afraid of being exposed

Looking at Liu Jin, Xinyuan's heart is full of question marks.

"Okay, the plan is very comprehensive. When I come, you and the high priest will have the greatest credit, and I will reward you for eternal life." Liu Jin nodded with satisfaction and ran the train with his mouth full.

The little handsome guy was overwhelmed with joy, and he knelt down quickly: "Thanks to the Supreme God of Purr, the servant is willing to offer everything for you."

"Okay, very good, I'll ask you, do you have money?" Liu Jin said suddenly.

Little handsome guy:? ?

"I came to the world, there are many restrictions, so I have to ask some friends of the demon god to help, but they want money." Liu Jin explained solemnly.

The little handsome guy was a little dazed: "My Lord God, does the Demon God also use human money?"

Liu Jin said: "What do you know, the world is the origin of the ten thousand realms, man is the protagonist of heaven and earth, and is born with luck, and money is the basis of human circulation. This money can be used in both gods and demons. If the amount of money is large, You can even comprehend the law of the God of Wealth from money and seize the power of God of Wealth."

The little handsome guy sucked in air.

It turns out that there is still this one.

What a great message, if I tell this information to the high priest, I might become the first young priest.

Excited in his heart, the little handsome guy hurriedly said: "My son, I have a sum of money in my name, and there are tens of millions, but I can't get it now."

Liu Jin's eyes lit up, really, tens of millions? Ma Dan, I have never seen so much money in my life.

"It's okay, this is the God of Teeth, my friend in the world of Gods and Devils. You can call now and let someone transfer the money to the account under his name, so that in the future, the God of Teeth will be my ally, and the gods will come in the future. In the world, we also have a place." Liu Jin continued to talk.

The little handsome guy looked at the bewildered heart fate, and he was so excited.

No wonder it needs two idols to pass on. It turns out that two gods' sons have descended. I don't know if the teething god has developed believers in the world. If not, maybe I can become his high priest? ? (End of this chapter)