I don't really want to cause trouble

Chapter 85: Stay behind in the dark river



After a few coughs, the woman woke up first and looked around in confusion, not knowing where she was.

But when she looked up, she was dumbfounded.

All the skulls in a circle are looking at her.

Blinking her eyes, the woman closed her eyes again and slumped on the ground, her body trembling.

Then the male.

After waking up, seeing the woman, was anxious, and quickly stepped forward and shook her.

"Huya, Huya, you wake up soon."

Seeing the woman not moving, he picked her up again, sniffed, and got angry, quickly stretched out his hand and patted her face.

"Pinch people, hard work." A voice reminded.

The man suddenly went to pinch.

"It hurts... Let go of your paws." The woman opened her eyes suddenly and called out loudly.

"Huya, you are awake." The man was overjoyed.

"Who asked you to choke me, do you want to choke me?" The woman glared at the man.

"Yes... Uh?" The man reacted and looked up, dumbfounded.

So many... Skeletons

"It's me, how about it, isn't it very efficacious?" The little paper man jumped out, his hands on his hips, he looked like he was crying.

Man: "..."

What the hell

Isn't this a paper man? Can you speak

"Huya, are we dead?" The man asked with a trembling voice when he suddenly remembered something.

"You have a headache, whether it hurts or not, ask if it hurts." The woman also stretched out her hand to pinch the man.

With this pinch, the sharp nails penetrated deeply into the flesh, and the man's tears came out all of a sudden.

He hurriedly jumped away and yelled: "It's so painful, you can do it lightly."

"Oh, you still know it hurts!" The woman snorted coldly, then turned around, looked at the little paper man, and stared: "I tell you, I'm not afraid of you, you can't scare me."

"Who wants to scare you, if it wasn't for Miss Xu Ling who found you, heh, now you are just for feeding fish. You are so angry if you are not grateful, hey, people are not old." The little paper man said. Shook his head.

"Did you save us?" The woman was taken aback.

"Otherwise, in this underground river, which is us, who can save you? But now you are honest and will take you with you later. Remember not to talk nonsense after you go out, stay alive, and don't continue to die. Now." The little paper man had an elder-like educational tone.

The woman was speechless, but there was no rebuttal.

"By the way, what about Lu Ping? Why didn't you see him?" the man said again.

The woman's face dimmed suddenly and said: "In the previous earthquake, we were forced to re-enter the water and wanted to go, but a big fish appeared, Lu Ping might..."

The man also suddenly sounded, his face pale.

That fish is really too big, six or seven meters long, it feels like it can swallow a person in one bite.

"So, are you two of the three who disappeared in Qinghewan yesterday?" Liu Jin, who had been listening to them, spoke.

The woman and the man looked over, a little surprised.

Among these monsters, there is actually a normal person

But this is not normal, floating in the water, without any equipment, but nothing unusual, this is how humans can do it.

"Are you?" the woman said.

Liu Jin said: "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I saved you."

The woman was silent for a moment, and said: "Thank you very much for saving my life, I don't know if I can..."

"No, there are too many dangers in this dark river, and ordinary people can't survive at all. Since your companion is separated, even if I find him, I am afraid that it will be cold. Give up, choose the path by yourself, and accept your fate. "Liu Jin refused without waiting for her to speak.

"That's also a life, can't you help?" The man looked at Liu Jin sadly.

Liu Jin smiled: "Why didn't you think that you were also a life when you were dead? I didn't think that you were dead. The hundreds of people on the river are now risking their lives in order to find you? If someone else has a long life and two short lives. , Does that count as life? Whom should I complain to?"

Man: "..."

"If you met me, it was your luck. I will save it easily. If I can save it, it is also your life. If I can't save it, I won't bother for you. This is my attitude. Others don’t need much. Say it." Liu Jin finished speaking indifferently, and turned to ignore them.

The man stopped talking, and finally looked at the woman: "Huya, Lu Ping is really, really..."

The woman shook her head with a frustrated expression: "This time, we were wrong. We shouldn't have come to Qinghewan."

Not long after, Daqing came out.

The huge body of the snake, and the two claws under its belly that were fierce at a glance, made a couple of men and women breathe in cold air again.

What kind of monsters and monsters is this Qinghe Bay

"All packed up?" Liu Jin asked.

Daqing nodded.

"That's OK, let's go." Liu Jin said, turning to look at the large swath of skeleton monsters.

"Listen well, everyone. After I take you out, I will bury the bones for you. Then I will help you to concentrate your souls and send them to the rescue. I hope that everyone will not make trouble, otherwise it will be difficult for me to handle it."

"Shangxian, don't worry, we wait for detachment and nothing else." The old fisherman responded again.

"Very well, follow me now."

As Liu Jin said, with a wave of his hand, a stream of water swept across, opening a channel in the water.

He took the lead. Behind him were Daqing, Xuling, Qipao women, etc., and behind them were the skeletons.

Seeing this weird scene, the men and women looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth and followed.

They followed at the end. Although Liu Jin said about them, he was a living person after all, and he couldn't really ignore it. They followed, and the opened water space followed, providing them with a shelter.

Liu Jin walked by, and the water channel was formed behind him, forming a protective circle.

I don't know how long later, Liu Jin saw a whirlpool, sucking water into the dark river.

This is not the one entered, it is obviously smaller.

Obviously, the bottom vortex in Qinghe Bay didn't know how many vortexes, which made this dark river ruin so many lives.

Without hesitation, the water channel spread to the whirlpool, which made the boats irresistible to absorb water, but it had no effect on Liu Jin, and he passed through so easily, bringing a group of aliens and two living people.

When this side was leaving, a corpse of a newborn diving suit was flowing at the bottom of a dark river.

Beside the corpse, a young man looked confused.

Soon, it suddenly looked in one direction, and a figure wearing similar clothes floated over.

The young man's eyes lit up and he waved quickly.

The figure paused, and finally floated over. When he revealed his true face, the young man was startled.

Skull! !

This is the wetsuit skeleton.

It looked at the wetsuit corpse for a moment, and an equally young phantom floated out.

Then, the phantom pointed to his skeleton: "This, here you are." He pointed to the corpse of the young man, and continued: "This, mine."

Young man:? ?

After speaking, the phantom didn't give it a chance to speak at all, and suddenly got into the body and floated away.

The young man stayed behind, looked at the wetsuit skeleton, and looked at the guy who snatched his body, dumbfounded.

Everyone is dead, do we need to change the corpse

Hiss~~~ Why does it feel a little chilly... (End of this chapter)