I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 203: Can't eat soft rice


Song Jinyi's roommates all showed envious and jealous expressions when they heard what Yao Qian said to Chen Chuan.

"You are from Cantonese, where will you work after graduation?" Chen Chuan asked.

"I'm in the Shanghai stock market, and I'm a car app. This time I'm here not only to attend the wedding banquet, but also to do business." Yao Qian said.

"Car app?"

"Well, it's car clubs, communities, offline matching activities, and smart travel. We have programs on the short video platform. You can watch them."

The two chatted and ate vegetables.

Chen Chuan saw the supervisors, managers and directors at the entrance of Tianya hall, so he left the table first, walked to the door, and let them leave.

At this time, the couple toasted to the table of Chen Chuan and Yao Qian.

Song Jinyi and his bride came to Yao Qian's place first with a glass of wine, and said, "Thank you Yao Qian for coming."

"I'm here on a business trip, and I have something to do with work. Bless you all."

"Thank you, hey, where's your boyfriend? Is that a colleague or a friend?" Song Jinyi asked.

"He's a college classmate, and he went to the entrance of the hall to talk to his colleagues," Yao Qian said.

"Oh, no wonder he wears a suit and leather shoes. Your boyfriend is a hotel worker... By the way, the work you mentioned before you came was to interview the owner of one of the three great cars, right. I met him in Haiqin City There are many people, so I can help you inquire about it. There is the largest parallel-imported car dealership in the Auto City, and there are many luxury cars in it. I heard that the owner has a 918. I will ask you later. I know the manager of the dealership. "Song Jinyi said.

"Senior Song has a wide network of contacts, and it would be great to be able to help."

"Is your company going to open a branch in Haiqin City in the future? If there is any need in the future, I can take care of it. I can help you with car clubs, offline activities, and contacting luxury car owners. I watch the video every issue. From Douyin to Biz.com, your hosting style has become more and more mature. Come on. You will get better and better... "

Song Jinyi was holding the wine glass, and before he could finish speaking, the bride Wang Xiuhua twisted her from behind.

"Anyway, I did it, you can do whatever you want." Song Jinyi raised his head and drank the liquor.

"You can't have white water here, right? It's so enjoyable to drink?" Yao Qian asked with a smile.

"Haha, you have seen through this. I'll exchange it for real liquor." Song Jinyi picked up the liquor bottle on the table, poured a glass, took a breath, and drank it in one gulp.

His roommates saw it and rushed over together and said: "Song Jinyi, you really fooled us with white water, that won't work, I'll replace it with the real one..."

Song Jinyi was force-fed by his roommate, and before he left, he said to Yao Qian: "Leave the matter of contacting the magic car to me. I will definitely make your interview a success. The interview location is at the International Golf Course? You wait for the good news." Bar."

"Thank you, please. I'm free these two days." Yao Qian said.

After Song Jinyi and the bride left, he excused himself to go to the bathroom and made a phone call on the way.

"Hello, is this Manager Zhang Jingyin from the Tianxing Luxury Car Center? I'm Song Jinyi. That's right. I have a friend who works in the car column. She wants to do an exclusive interview with the three great cars. The location is at the National High School. Your store is Isn’t there a Porsche 918? Is it your boss? Then can you contact me, this car column is great. I know these luxury car owners want to keep a low profile. The sound can be dealt with in the later stage. You need to help, how can I mention a few good cars with you in the previous stage, okay, you can help me ask, please, I will give you a small red envelope when it is done... " Song Jinyi was on the phone and walked into the bathroom.

When Song Jinyi came out of the bathroom, he saw Yao Qian's male companion talking to a group of hotel managers.

Those managers stood opposite the male partner, all of them looked like they were listening carefully. Although they didn't bow their heads, anyone who had worked could tell that the expressions of those managers were serious and respectful, but not humble. A decent low profile in front of superiors.

Song Jinyi frowned, not only looking at his male companion more.

He felt strange, how could Yao Qian's male companion give a lecture to the hotel executives, who seemed to have a poor temperament? The management of a five-star hotel is different from that of a low-star hotel, let alone a super five-star hotel like Tianhai InterContinental. These executives are high-quality talents with an annual income of nearly one million, not ordinary waiters.

Take Xu Jingrong, the general manager of Tianhai InterContinental, as an example. She graduated from an authentic SEG school, which is the world's largest hotel university located in Europe.

"President Xu." Song Jinyi greeted Xu Jingrong when he passed by.

"Hey, Mr. Song, happy wedding." Xu Jingrong smiled.

Chen Chuan also said, "Mr. Song, happy wedding."

Song Jinyi looked at Chen Chuan and said, "Thank you, thank you for your piano. My wife may become your little fan girl. If you are still interested, can you play a piece on stage? I can pay for it."

"No, if it makes your wife happy, I'll be free. I'll play another one later." Chen Chuan laughed.

This wedding banquet was held in a joyful atmosphere.

After Chen Chuan finished speaking to the hotel managers, he asked them to disperse, then returned to the stage, and played "Mr. Wang has a piece of land" and "Canon in D major", which are often played at weddings.

With the sound of Canon's tone, the hall was quiet again.

In the sound of the piano, everyone can feel the raindrops falling little by little, from light to heavy, like a drop of ink dripping into a water glass, slowly melting and rendering. But suddenly it became brisk again, the sky suddenly cleared, and the lovers danced on the lawn. Repeat and extend without interruption. The heart becomes a forest, the road ahead is long, where is the stream and where is the end

Yao Qian closed her eyes and felt the sea breeze blowing in from the window. In this pleasant music, she relaxed physically and mentally, feeling as if she had transformed into a stream, flowing through the forest and extending to the sea.

Before you know it, the wedding banquet is over.

In the afternoon, Chen Chuan and Yao Qian went back to Haiqin University for a walk, looked at the old scenery, and took a group photo next to the school's teaching building, downstairs in the girls' dormitory, and in the rockery.

In the evening, Yao Qian invited Chen Chuan to dinner, not in a luxurious hotel, but in the Jufuyuan restaurant outside the west gate of the school.

"Grilled sea cucumber with scallions, stir-fried chicken, beef brisket with matsutake, wolfberry shark's fin soup..." Chen Chuan ordered the most expensive dishes, and also ordered Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, 360 yuan for eight crabs.

When eating crabs, the crab roe is fragrant and the crab meat is white, tender and sweet. Chen Chuan said to Yao Qian: "The crabs in Hongze Lake are the best. Good water produces good crabs. The water in Hongze Lake is shallow and hard, with lush water plants and clear lake water. Bottomless, wide extension, suitable climate, primitive feeding, natural growth, the aquatic products raised are very delicious, and they are sold overseas. Hey, you are filming me, making a video?"

On the opposite side, Yao Qian was indeed pointing her mobile phone at Chen Chuan.

"Yeah, I'll send it to the group." Yao Qian clicked send after finishing shooting.

"Uh, don't post it... already posted it, okay." Chen Chuan ate the crab and said, "I'm just popularizing science."

With that said, Chen Chuan clicked on the university class group.

Zhou Mu: Stare, stare, stare.

Cui Jiaming: Vomit, vomit.

Zhao Yalin: Speech!

Zhang Yang: Hetui!

Brother Tiger: Huh? Yao Qian, how did you capture Chen Chuan? Where did this video come from

Brother Leopard: With Brother Hu's IQ, I can't understand. They are eating together. No, how could Chen Chuan have dinner with Yao Xiaoxian

He Jinglan: Wow, hairy crabs, the saliva is flowing down. Look at the background, this is Xiaoximen Jufuyuan, right? Are you having a back to school party

Yao Qian: No, I went back to Haiqin to attend a wedding, and when I met Chen Chuan, we came to see the school together, to get nostalgic. He killed me and asked me to treat him.

Zhou Mu: Damn! The smelly and shameless Chen Chuan!

Cui Jiaming: Speech!

Brother Hu: Chen Chuan looks really haggard and miserable. Chat with me in private, Brother Hu will reward you with a few meals (smirk).

Liu Cheng: Let the girls treat you? Chen Chuan, you really are a softie, no wonder the equipment in the game is so good, and you said it wasn't bought by President Teng

Brother Leopard: You two had better go back to your respective houses after dinner, and don't stay together at night. Otherwise, Chen Chuan will kill you the next time we meet.

Brother Hu: You must die!

Chen Chuan watched the chats in the group, and looked up to see Yao Qian looking at her phone and laughing.

"What happens after dinner?" Chen Chuan asked.

Yao Qian looked at the phone and said, "I have to go back to the hotel to work for a while. There is an online financing project that has not been settled yet. I still have to wait for a call. What about you?"

"I'm fine. Can I help you with your work?"

"You can't help us, our company wants to open a branch in Haiqin City, but we can't open it if we can't get financing." Yao Qian said.

After the two finished their meal, they stood at the door of the small restaurant.

"By the way, at noon tomorrow, Song Jinyi and his dormmates will treat me to dinner alone. Don't you want to eat well? Come with me." Yao Qian said before leaving. "

"But, it's the most enjoyable to eat and drink." Chen Chuan said.

Yao Qian stopped, looked at Chen Chuan, and frowned slightly: "I am willing to help my old classmate, but your thoughts are not good. I can take care of your food for a few days, but I have no ability to take care of your food all the time."

"Then I want to let you take care of me all the time, what should I do?"

Yao Qian said with a serious expression: "I only have more than 10,000 yuan a month, and after removing the rent, cosmetics, and clothes, there is not much left. If you don't want to work steadily, you always want to eat, eat, and eat soft food." , I really may not be able to support you. You must at least cheer up."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

After the two chatted, Yao Xi took a taxi back to the hotel.

Chen Chuan returned to Haiyue Court.

On the way back, Chen Chuan received a call from Zhang Jingyin.

"Boss, I have a client who said that there is an auto column that wants to do an exclusive interview with the three great cars, and asked if you want to do 918?" Zhang Jingyin asked.

"Is there any benefit to doing that kind of show? Not interested."

"I heard that the interviewer is a beautiful woman."


"At the International Golf Course, if you want to go, just drive 918 to go there the morning after tomorrow."

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