I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 215: Everything is written on the face


The next morning, Chen Chuan took a plane and flew to Bingcheng.

He just got the [Fish Shoal Detector] and felt it was fresh, so he wore it on his face when he went out.

Take a taxi from the airport and go straight to R&F Jiangwan New Town. This community is worthy of being a high-end community in Bingcheng.

All of them are large apartments with one elevator and one household. Chen Chuan reported his name at the real estate agency center.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, you are buying Unit 1501, Unit 1, Building 9. The information is complete. If you leave a copy of your ID card, we can help you go to the real estate transaction center to transfer the ownership, so you don't have to run away by yourself."

After hearing this, Chen Chuan gave her her ID card and asked her to copy it.

After handing over, Chen Chuan got the key, walked around the community a few times, and arrived at Building No. 9.

Look at the house purchase contract, it says 300 square meters, the price is 25,000 square meters, 7.5 million, plus taxes and fees of 112,500, the total is 7,612,500 yuan.

The money must have been sent directly from the system to the intermediary.

This house is a reward from the system for completing the [Daily Deeds One Kindness] card by oneself.

Chen Chuan feels very comfortable in Bingcheng. The latitude is 44° north. In late October, the temperature is around zero and there are scattered snowflakes in the sky.

This feeling is very magical. On the streets of Haiqin City, there are still Meng Lang's girls wearing short skirts with bare legs, and it is snowing here.

When he came here, he still contacted his loyal younger brother [Yue Wushang].

"Boss, are you coming to Ice City? I'll gather my troops right away!"

In the world, Yue Wushang followed him to hunt down [Government of Love].

In reality, Yue Wushang sneaked into [Qingyi Pavilion] and became the backbone of the gang.

Therefore, the people he summoned were all from [Government of Love]. There are many ids that have been seen in the game.

At noon that day, in the Regent Hotel, Chen Chuan was warmly received by Yue Wushang, Zui Xiren, Da Fei, Bao Ma Hou and others.

These people have a little money, and they can be regarded as middle-level krypton players in the game. After playing a lot of games, I dare not say that everyone can earn 58,000 krypton.

Moreover, the people of Bingcheng are enthusiastic and forthright, and Chen Chuan got acquainted with everyone in a short time. With the help of [True Sobering Pill], feed them one by one.

In terms of personality, Yue Wushang and Zui Xiren are exactly the same as those in the world.

In the corner of the banquet.

Yue Wushang asked quietly: "Boss, are you feeling rather lost, and you haven't seen the person you want to see?"

Chen Chuan nodded. In fact, he wanted to see [Smiling Like a Flower] when he came to Bingcheng this time. Unexpectedly, such a secret private matter was seen through by the younger brother.

"I haven't seen him either, I heard he is a man?" Yue Wushang said, "If you can't see him, you can still consider me."

Yue Wushang quietly moved to the side of Chen Chuan, moved her face closer, but was pushed back by Chen Chuan's hand.

At this time, the girl named [Drunk Assailant] also came over, and she said: "Did the boss not see the person he wanted to see? Actually... she is not a man with a smile, she just used a voice changer to joke with you, I have seen her real photos, she is super beautiful. Today I told her that the world will come, but she said no time. Boss, do you want me to make another appointment for you?"

Chen Chuan stared at [Drunk Assailant], how could even she see his private affairs

Chen Chuan shook his head. In fact, in the game, he also told [Smiling Face Like a Flower] that he wanted to come. If she didn't come, it must be because she was not ready to meet and couldn't make an appointment.

"I have her mobile phone number, boss, can you remember it?" Zui Xiren said.

"No need." Chen Chuan took out his mobile phone.

"1xxxxxxxxx" the drunk said.

Chen Chuan called on his mobile phone.

At this time, a man with a horse face came over. His in-game ID was [Bao Ma Hou], and he held a beer and said, "Boss, are you a little disappointed that the man didn't come? Let's have a drink, we This person especially admires the rich, and the richer I am, the more I admire him."

Chen Chuan had a drink with him mechanically, and thought, what's the matter with his handsome face, why he can't hide the matter? Whether it is a human being or not, you can see through your own thoughts, I really don't believe it!

Chen Chuan stood up and decided to go to the bathroom to wash his face and manage his facial expressions.

After coming out of the toilet, after washing my face, I made a few facial expressions in front of the bathroom mirror, and suddenly felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

"Boss, are you..."

"Shut up!"

"Hmm..." The guy whose game id was [Da Fei] was taken aback, and smiled awkwardly, "Okay, okay, I'll shut up and say nothing. Boss, are you in a bad mood?"


"Actually, there's no need to be in a bad mood for a woman you can't see. I'll wait for you back, let's continue drinking!" [Da Fei] walked out.

Chen Chuan carefully looked at himself in the mirror, everything was written on his face, how could it become a major event in the future

After taking a few deep breaths, he washed his face again, wiped it clean, took out the thrush pencil that he carried with him, and drew a sword eyebrow for himself. It looked more heroic, but not so easy to talk about. Anyway, one [God-level makeup technique] can't be wasted.

Passed by a person on the way, the person stopped, wanted to strike up a conversation, and said: "Boss..."

As a result, Chen Chuan didn't stop, didn't even make sense, and continued to move forward.

Chen Chuan returned to the wine table, seeing Yue Wushang and the others had a good time drinking.

They still talked about the things in the game, because everyone didn't just play the game casually, they invested 580,000 yuan, and they still hoped to get back their money, or to have a good time.

But looking at the posture in the game, among the eight major guilds, a guild called [King's Landing] is really too fierce. Unite with another one and fight against the other six.

Chen Chuan's Four Seas Guild and Yue Wushang's Qingyi Pavilion are two of the six families that were suppressed.

Being beaten by 2 to 6, he was so beaten that he couldn't hold his head up, and Lu's family lost face!

"I heard that the boss of Junlin [Junlin, Shui Qinghuan] is a real hero." Someone said.

Chen Chuan couldn't listen anymore, who is still a phony or something. You know, the number one weapon in the whole server is in his hands.

Sure enough, Yue Wushang stood up and spoke: "You guys, don't destroy your own prestige, grow the prestige of [King's Landing, Shui Qinghuan] on the opposite side, our boss, this is a serious hero, with a magical weapon, who can beat it?" beat him?"

"We made a mistake, accept the punishment!" Several other people were fined drinking.

Everyone continued to discuss things in the game.

Chen Chuan left the banquet, strolled downstairs, and bought a wild ginseng seedling in a small shop, which was not expensive, only 15 yuan. The last time I bought online, Chen Chuan felt that it was not authentic.

This seedling, watered with [Water of Life] after returning, is another century-old ginseng.

Holding the seedlings, wearing a black windbreaker, standing in the light snow, with a red scarf from Zui Xiren hanging around his neck, Chen Chuan felt very calm.

After thinking about it, he still dialed the phone with a smiling face.

"Hello… "

On the phone, a familiar soft voice came out, it was [World] smiling like a flower.

When Chen Chuan heard this voice, he didn't speak.

There was no opening on the other side.

The two suddenly fell silent together, letting Xiaoxue flutter.

After a long time, I heard a smile like a flower, and asked gently: "Is it under the four seas?"

"Well, call me husband." Chen Chuan said.

There was a low, pleasant laugh from the microphone. Lenovo's smile is like a flower with a face value of 97 points, and the laughter feels even more gentle and moving. After all, the two had talked a lot in [World], and they had chatted late into the night, and they had heard her most sincere voice, which was as melodious as an oriole singing.

After a long time, Chen Chuan also smiled when he heard her voice again.

"Have you arrived at Ice City?" asked with a flowery smile.

"Well, why don't you come to see me?" Chen Chuan asked.

The other side was silent for a while before saying: "Do you want to see me?"