I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 224: Dormitory guitar teaching


Therefore, if Qin Xiang goes abroad, even for half a year, the red line will disappear.

At that time, whether Qin Xiang loves himself or not will not be controlled by the red line.

"If I follow you, I will definitely have good luck. Anyway, I listen to you. If you don't want to part with me and don't want to be separated from me for half a year, then I will tear up the offer and stay by your side to eat your food and drink your food. Anyway, you Don't get tired of me one day." Qin Xiang said.

"If... you are willing, I will leave for half a year and come back to give you a complete Qin Xiang. At that time, I will be more independent and confident, and will be more beautiful. You may like it more. This is my trick. You Choose."

After Qin Xiang finished speaking, he also looked at Chen Chuan.

Chen Chuan said: "Let me ask seriously, you really didn't make up your mind to go out when you saw me and my classmates in the villa town that day?"

"Really not."

"Okay then, I wish you success in your studies."

"Okay, I'll leave the day after tomorrow. Tonight and tomorrow, it's raining anyway, so we won't go out."

When Chen Chuan was about to take Qin Xiang upstairs.

She added, "Wait a minute, do you have any cigarettes?"

Chen Chuan touched his pocket and took out a pack of 1916.

Qin Xiang touched Chen Chuan's pocket again, and took out the Zippo black ice lighter she gave her, with the four words "Xiang Qin Xiang love" that she ordered on it.

She took out one, put it in her mouth, turned on the lighter and lit it.

"You have to suck it up before you light it." Chen Chuan reminded.

"Ahem." Qin Xiang took a breath and choked.

Chen Chuan knew that she didn't know how to smoke, and this should be her first time. It was a little strange why she did this, but she seemed to understand.

Looking at her smoke, Chen Chuan also took one.

The two smoked in silence, watching the rain. Then they danced together under the eaves.

Qin Xiang said: "Then I am also the one who smoked with you now. Cherish the girl who smoked with you."

Chen Chuan nodded, and watched Qin Xiang reach into the rain curtain, put out the cigarette, and throw the cigarette butt into the trash can beside him.

Then Qin Xiang took a step forward, hugged Chen Chuan and kissed him.

Two days later, Qin Xiang left.

Chen Chuan received a call from the hotel's GM, and went there to attend the last executive-level meeting this month, and listened to reports from the directors of "Seven Departments and One Office".

Finish the meeting in the morning.

Chen Chuan was looking at the documents in the office, and chatting with Wang Xiaoqing on WeChat.

Wang Xiaoqing: The band has a show the day after tomorrow, they want to take me with them! It's an assessment, if I perform well, I can enter, master come and guide me! I'll be waiting for you at the school gate!

Chen Chuan: If it's okay, I'll be there before noon.

At this time.

Someone knocked on the office door.

Chen Chuan saw Xu Jingrong standing at the door with a person.

"Xiao Chen, uh no, good morning, Mr. Chen." The visitor was a little restrained.

The person who came was Qin Qifa, Qin Xiang's father.

"Mr. Chen, I used to be in charge of sanitation work in a washing factory. That factory belongs to Qin Xiang's uncle. It is the one whose cigarette butt fell off his pants when we ate at my house last time." Qin Qifa stood at the desk, "Because our sanitation is not good enough. It met the standard, and the hotel took back the laundry business. Now our factory has all updated equipment, expanded the factory building, recruited manpower, and the hygiene standards are on par with those in Europe, you see? Can someone go to inspect it again?"

Chen Chuan looked at Xu Jingrong.

Xu Jingrong observed the situation, she had heard that Qin Qifa said that his girl had a good relationship with Mr. Chen, and Mr. Chen had also been to Mr. Qin's house, so she tentatively said, "Mr. Chen, I should take someone to the washing factory in the afternoon. ? If the conditions are up to standard, can we give them another probationary period? During this period, I will send people to the factory every three days to conduct spot checks and unannounced visits to strictly control the hygiene standards."

Qin Qifa nodded at the side, and continued: "Yes, yes, hygiene is no problem, an absolute first-class standard."

Seeing that Chen Chuan didn't speak, Qin Qifa said again: "Chen Dong, Qin Xiang is not at home during this time, but if you want to eat home food, come anytime, Qin Xiang's mother and I will cook the most authentic home-cooked food for you."

Chen Chuan smiled, seeing the uncle playing the emotional card, he said: "Then leave this matter to Mr. Xu."

Xu Jingrong nodded quickly: "Understood!"

Qin Qifa also understood, and said happily, "Then I won't bother Mr. Chen. We'll make dumplings another day, so you can come. Well, you're busy, so I'll go first."

Qin Qifa walked out of the office happily.

Chen Chuan looked at Xu Jingrong who was standing in front of the table, and asked, "How much weight do you have now? Did you not play tricks on losing weight? The time is up, and you haven't reduced to 55 kilograms. I'm really being rude to you."

"Mr. Chen, I definitely know it. I've been trying my best to lose weight these days, and I've seen some success. But you can't tell if you're wearing clothes. Why don't I take it off and check it?" Xu Jingrong panicked, "It's 63 kilograms now. , lost 2 kg, look at my thighs, look at them, do they look thinner?"

Chen Chuan took a look. She was wearing a suit and trousers, and she didn't look thin.

Xu Jingrong said: "You can see if I wear a skirt tomorrow. Or, if you invite Mr. Chen to dinner today, I'll show you another skirt."

"Eat?" Chen Chuan asked.

"Well, at my house, I'll cook for you, do you appreciate it?" Xu Jingrong said.

"What's your specialty?"

"Beat the cake." Xu Jingrong said, "glutinous rice, red beans, cooked bean noodles, sugar, salt, steam the glutinous rice, beat evenly with force, and control the rhythm well, so that the cake will be soft, glutinous and sweet, refreshing and vigorous. Cut into slices, cut into strips, and eat now. This kind of cake needs meatier people and a little strength to beat it well. Those thin people look good in clothes, but they have no strength, so they can’t beat it. It has a taste and strength, Mr. Chen can try it."

"Definitely next time, definitely next time." Chen Chuan turned off the computer, tidied up the table, and left the office first when he saw that there was nothing left.

When he came out of the hotel, he wrote back to Wang Xiaoqing on WeChat, saying that it would be over in a while.

Wang Xiaoqing has been urging him all morning and let him go.

He drove to Qin's gate, where Wang Xiaoqing had been waiting for a while.

The two first ate at the restaurant in front of the school.

Wang Xiaoqing said: "A restaurant opened in Taicheng Road Pedestrian Street the day after tomorrow, and our school's band is going to perform. As a candidate guitarist, I will perform. You have to give me special training these two days. No matter how hard or tired I am, I will not be afraid."

The price of the teppanyaki shop at the main entrance of Qin University is relatively high. When Chen Chuan was in school, he was not willing to eat there.

Come back now and serve the most expensive dish again, and it only cost less than 1,000 yuan.

After eating, it was 1:30 in the afternoon, and it was past lunch break.

Chen Chuan and Wang Xiaoqing went to her dormitory.

There are only two girls in the dormitory, one is listening to music with earphones, and the other is basking in the sun in a daze.

Wang Xiaoqing said: "Huang Yiting, Li Jiarui, don't you two also want to learn how to play the guitar from my master? I invited him here, and he is here to teach me this afternoon. You two should study hard and watch."

"Why don't we go out, and you two will teach and learn here?" Li Jiarui, who was basking in the sun, said.

Chen Chuan had just entered the dormitory, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but look over.

Li Jiarui blushed, bowed her head and said, "Your master is really here."

Chen Chuan greeted the two girls, and also said to Wang Xiaoqing: "Don't call me Master, I'm a spirited guy, you call me so old, what's your intention?"

"What else can I do to satisfy her little taste of master-student love." Li Jiarui said again.

Huang Yiting kept smiling lowly and didn't speak.

This is in line with Chen Chuan's understanding of her. In the [World], this girl is also so quiet. If she hadn't heard her speak, she would have thought she couldn't speak.

"Wang Xiaoqing, how can you bring a man into the dormitory? Last time, Zhao Zhitian couldn't get in? Did you get through the dormitory auntie?" Li Jiarui asked.

"Auntie the housekeeper likes me, no problem. Come on, Master, I will give you the guitar and start teaching." Wang Xiaoqing handed over the guitar.

Chen Chuan picked it up and said, "Then start with "Gone with the Wind", which is a must for fingerstyle. The 12th-fret overtone is quite simple, and this piece is created for teaching."

Chen Chuan sat in front of the table, basking in the sun, carelessly strumming the strings.

Huang Yiting was lying on the bed. She was wearing an ultra-short skirt. At this time, she pulled the towel to cover her imaginative thighs, and looked up at the person playing the guitar from time to time.

Wang Xiaoqing and Li Jiarui looked at the guitar player's fingers seriously.

The fingers are slender, powerful, and rhythmically pluck the strings, pressing, pressing, kneading, and plucking. The overtones are like water, rippling naturally in the afternoon sun.

Wang Xiaoqing is really a serious person, it can be seen that she really likes to play the guitar, and she looks carefully with her eyes wide open.

Her roommate, Li Jiarui, didn't know if the sun was too strong. She stared at the fingers playing the strings for a while, and her face turned red, and it became more and more red.

"Hey, have you learned it yet?" Wang Xiaoqing touched her roommate.

"Huh?" Li Jiarui trembled.

"What are you doing? Why is your skin so hot? Do you have a fever? Look, you have goose bumps on your arms." Wang Xiaoqing said in surprise.

"It's all right, it's hot in the sun." Li Jiarui fanned her hands and walked to the bathroom.

Chen Chuan played the song "Gone with the Wind" attentively, and then asked Wang Xiaoqing, what else do you want to listen to

""Unheard Flower Name", that is also simple, although I know it, but I want to hear you play it once." Wang Xiaoqing said.

Chen Chuan checked the score with his mobile phone, closed his eyes and thought for a while, the master had also given him the knowledge of music theory that could be changed. He opened his eyes, planning to play a different unheard song.

Press the fret with the left hand, and operate the overtone with one hand with the right hand.

Li Jiarui came out of the bathroom.

Wang Xiaoqing glanced at her and said in surprise: "Li Jiarui! My master is here, and you have just changed into a skirt after a while? Interesting?"

"I want you to worry about it!" Li Jiarui stared.

After Chen Chuan played for a while, the mobile phone on the table rang. It was a call from his cousin, and it was probably the official business of Beimingshan Manor.

Chen Chuan picked up the phone on speakerphone.

The voice of my cousin came out: "Mr. Chen, the road construction company is Shuntong. The quotation is 90 million yuan. It has complete qualifications and a short construction period. We discussed it in a meeting and found it reasonable. Can I ask you for instructions? And what about your approval last time?" Yes, the eight F150 Raptors used on the construction site have also arrived. Also, the parking lot has been built, and your McLaren can drive over. Besides, the Octagon, the main building you like, is currently open for bidding, and the price we set is below Within 200 million, someone has already bid... "