I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 242: Chen Yanyan's Weibo account


Chen Chuan bid farewell to the Lin family's father and daughter, and walked out of the Spring Breeze Hall, also proud of the spring breeze.

8 million in the account is quite pleasant.

He got into the car and was about to leave when he saw Lin Yingya coming out.

"Chen Chuan, we haven't eaten yet, why don't we go eat together?" Lin Yingya asked after chasing the car.

"Aren't you going to meet the one introduced by your family?"

"Well, will you come with me? I don't really want to go myself."

Lin Yingya stood outside the car.

Chen Chuan let her get into the car, and first transferred her 2 points, which is 160,000.

"Your account has received 160,000 yuan, and the current balance is 312,101 yuan, [China Merchants Bank]"

Lin Yingya received the account information, and she was pleasantly surprised: "You really gave me a favor? Shelduck, it's the first time I got so much money! You can buy the long-awaited s3."

The money was transferred, but as for what Lin Yingya said, let him go with him, Chen Chuan was not interested.

After letting Lin Yingya get off the car, Chen Chuan left Chunfengtang.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and this time was rather embarrassing. When it came to eating, no serious restaurant was open yet.

Chen Chuan received a call from Jia Qiang, saying that it was his birthday in the evening, and he wanted to invite his old classmates to have dinner together. He didn't call anyone else, but only his closest friends.

Chen Chuan agreed, passed by a cake shop, and paid 400 yuan for a brownie cake.

As for the place to eat, they decided on a roasted whole lamb restaurant next to the ancient film and television city. Although it was far away, it was closer to Jia Qiang's house.

Chen Chuan went first with the cake.

At six o'clock in the evening, everyone arrived one after another, Jia Qiang, Lu Youfang, and two other high school female classmates. Chen Chuan didn't know these two girls very well, so they just said hello.

In the last ray of sunset in the western sky, a pink Porsche 911 drove up.

The car stopped, Wang Lixin got out of the car, the passenger door opened, and an elegant woman got out of the car.

"Chen Chuan." The woman greeted with a smile.

"Teacher Chen?"

Chen Chuan recognized that this was Chen Yanyan.

Wang Lixin said: "Ms. Chen has no place to eat at night, so I brought her along. Don't you mind having an extra pair of chopsticks? Jia Qiang?"

"Teacher Chen!"

"Hello teacher!"

Jia Qiang, Lu Youfang and others said hello together, after all, Chen Yanyan taught them in high school.

A total of seven people entered an antique small courtyard next to the film and television city.

Because the roasted whole lamb in this yard is famous, there are many customers, but the small yard is not open to the public, and all the regular customers come here, or the crew who are filming here, some directors and second- and third-rate actors. one line.

The courtyard is a large courtyard with three entrances and three exits in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

In the late autumn of November, seven people sat on the heated kang and shared a whole lamb that was roasting sizzling oil. With hot old wine, listening to the sea breeze outside the window, they drank a sip of wine and ate a large piece of it. Mutton, laughing and laughing.

At night, when Chen Chuan was out to go to the toilet, Wang Lixin also came out.

She said, "Do you see that Teacher Chen is in a sad mood?"

Chen Chuan thought for a while, but he didn't realize that from the outside, he didn't look like a newly divorced person at all.

Wang Lixin took out her mobile phone, clicked on Weibo, found an id named "Counterclockwise Wind", and brought it in front of Chen Chuan.

Chen Chuan saw that the latest Weibo was posted at 10 o'clock last night.

Counterclockwise wind: "Not long after you left, I went to see a movie by myself. I bought two tickets. At the far corner of the movie theater, there were a lot of people talking and laughing. I tried to lean my head against the I sat on an empty chair until everyone left, and I said I love you to the empty seat next to me. Get up and leave, it’s raining outside, it’s a bit cold in late autumn.”

After reading this passage, Chen Chuan carefully tasted it, and felt an indescribable emotion, powerless love and sadness.

"Is this... Chen Yanyan's Weibo account?" Chen Chuan asked.

Wang Lixin nodded: "It's her trumpet, and I didn't see it by accident. I didn't want to look at it, but I couldn't hold back my curiosity so I went to look it up. After reading it, I was so depressed. Look at this - the torrent of life We want to suffocate people, but we grow wantonly in an oxygen-deficient environment. And this one - my dad came to my room last night and saw me looking at the stars, he stood for a while and said "is life tiring", I was perfunctory Saying "It's okay", he turned his head to look at Xing Xing and said, "You are not as lively as you were when you were young."

Seeing these emotional words on Weibo, especially the last sentence, Chen Chuan didn't know why, and his eyes were a little moist.

This is the sad and lonely side of a superficially elegant woman, but in fact it is not just Chen Yanyan, maybe everyone is the same.

Standing in this antique small courtyard, listening to the sound of drinking, boxing games, chatting and laughing from various rooms, time and space seem to travel through hundreds of years and return to ancient times.

Everything is a little unreal.

Until he felt being hugged by Wang Lixin from behind.

After lighting a cigarette and taking two puffs, the night by the sea became clear enough to see the stars in the sky. The sea breeze blows away the smoke and blows the long hair of the woman behind her.

"As you grow up, the people who accompany you are always changing. Friends who were once such good friends are no longer in touch. Those vows that we will always be good friends cannot come true. Life is a train. , everyone except myself is a passer-by. All I can do is hold on to the present, don't want to lose it, don't want to miss it." Wang Lixin said behind her.

Chen Chuan smiled: "Is this Teacher Chen Yanyan's Weibo, or is it your own emotion?"

"Myself, do you remember we were diving in the hotel's diving pool that day?" Wang Lixin said.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"That night, I dreamed that I fell into the sea. The darkness slowly shrouded, my eyes were blurred and erratic, my mind began to be in a trance, and I shouted "help me" over and over again in my heart. It was like being abandoned by the world, and ghosts and gods dragged you into hell. Helpless... I woke up from a dream, but fortunately you were by my side, seeing the moonlight shining on your profile on the bedside, I feel at ease." Wang Lixin said slowly.

"Oh, I remembered, so you climbed on me again? No wonder, I looked at the time and it was 3:30 in the middle of the night, thinking why you were so energetic. If you were like this, you would never dare to talk to me again. You are together." Chen Chuan said.

Wang Lixin smiled and said: "I said I was serious, but you interrupted me again. Hey, listen, who is playing the flute?"

I don't know where, the faint sound of the flute came, in the sea breeze and moonlight, looking around, there are rows of ancient buildings, restaurants, inns, library pavilions, shops, palaces, watchtowers, city walls...

This is a sobbing flute piece, ethereal and transparent, with melodious tunes. In this melodious rhythm, it seems to see the ancient sages standing with their hands behind their backs, letting the strong wind blow, standing in the moonlight, and looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance by leaning on the railing.

But put it in the modern city full of feasting and feasting, but let people hear the sentence in One Hundred Years of Solitude, all the splendor in life, after all, need to be repaid by loneliness.

Wang Lixin turned to the front and asked, "Chen Chuan, do you love me?"

After waiting for a long time, Chen Chuan did not answer.

Wang Lixin asked again: "The girl you took with you at the class reunion was called Qin Xiang, right? I want to know, is she... your real girlfriend or something? By the way, do you think that I know you Now that I have money, I like you? Actually, it’s not, when you were with Zhou Qi in high school, I liked you a lot, if you don’t believe me, I have a diary at home, and I also have some records in my space.”

Chen Chuan was surprised, and he didn't know what he liked at the time. Could it be that being handsome would be missed by these goblins.

The two stood in the courtyard for a while, and Wang Lixin didn't ask the question "Do you love me or not" because she was interested.

In fact, Chen Chuan couldn't tell himself now.

As a saying goes - whether two people can walk together, the timing is very important. If you show up when he wants to settle down, then you stand a good chance of winning. You appear when he is full of curiosity about the world, then no matter how beautiful and excellent you are, it will be useless. To love deeply, to love early, is not as good as loving at the right time.

Now is the time for him to be curious about the world.

A few minutes later, Chen Yanyan came out to go to the toilet in the courtyard.

"Are you blowing the cool breeze here?" Chen Yanyan asked with a smile.

Chen Chuan looked at her and said with a smile: "Do you want to sing tonight? Want to hear you sing?"

Chen Yanyan shook her head and smiled: "No, I have to go to work tomorrow, I dare not play too late tonight. Wait until next time?"


At this time, a girl wearing a light pink fluffy hooded jacket, a sweater inside, and a pair of camel boots came out to the courtyard, walked up to Chen Chuan and Chen Yanyan, stopped suddenly, and said in surprise, "Chen Yanyan?"