I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 278: New mastery comprehension


After receiving the courier in the morning and building the building blocks, I was about to go downstairs to find a restaurant for a meal.

The phone rang, it was Intercontinental Hotel GM Xu Jingrong's call.

"Mr. Chen, there is a dinner at noon. Mr. Yin from the Haiqin City Collectors Association invited you to thank you for exhibiting [Lidong·Snow Landscape Landscape]," Xu Jingrong said.

Chen Chuan thought about it, and it's good to go to see him, firstly, to have a meal, secondly, this old Yin has dealt with here, and he has a very beautiful personal secretary.

Chen Chuan hung up the phone and drove to the address given by Xu Jingrong.

The banquet was held at Yin Shikai's wine estate located in the suburbs of Haiqin City. These elderly bigwigs were very quiet and no longer liked the hustle and bustle of the city.

Parked Cullinan in the parking lot of the manor, and the little secretary greeted him.

In a corner of the manor, a large black dog was tied up.

The secretary introduced: "This is a Rottweiler. Don't look at it as fierce, but it is actually very good."

Chen Chuan knew this dog, and it was super powerful in dog fights. I heard that one dog could fight three dogs.

On the way into the manor, the little secretary briefly introduced every plant and tree to Chen Chuan.

Chen Chuan recognized this little secretary before, but he didn't know her very well, and he didn't know her name.

After several pavilions.

Chen Chuan was introduced to a villa.

After entering the door, I saw many old people were there.

Everyone gathered around the wall, admiring the [Lidong·Snow Landscape Landscape Picture] hanging on the wall, and tsk-tsk endlessly.

"Everyone, why is this painting so expensive? Firstly, it is the authentic work of Shi Tao, and secondly, it is because of these seals! Look at these eleven seals, there is a seal of Tianbao, which means that this seat is in the Qing Dynasty. For collection, there is also the square seal of Zhu Wenyin, the descendant of Yuan's family, which is the seal of Emperor Kangxi's son-in-law Guangwen Marquis Yuan Rong... These seals are not inferior to the main body of the painting!"

One of them, an old man in a black Tang suit, was eloquent, explaining famous paintings.

The secretary brought Chen Chuan in and said, "Old Yin, Mr. Chen, the owner of the original painting, has arrived."

Several old people turned their heads together and greeted them.

"Yeah? Is that you?" The old man in the black Tang suit slapped his thigh and walked in front of everyone, "Oh, Chen Xiaoyou, is that snow landscape picture really yours?"

Chen Chuan smiled, isn't this President Teng's grandfather Teng Haishan

"Mr. Teng, long time no see." Chen Chuan said with a smile.

Teng Haishan slapped his thigh straight, pointed at Chen Chuan, and pointed at the snow scene picture, saying "Why is it you, why is it you, I asked Qingqing to contact you, have you received it..."

Chen Chuan said: "Didn't you receive any message or call from Qingqing?"

"Didn't receive it? That girl, hey! The success is more than failure, that stinky girl!" Teng Haishan stomped.

Yin Lao and others warmly received Chen Chuan.

At this time, Chen Chuan heard the system prompt again:

"In view of the completion of the host's [Daily Deeds and One Kindness] item, which has received 100% praise from the beneficiaries, a second reward will be triggered and a [Tonghui Fruit] will be obtained."

"[Tonghui Fruit]: A miraculous fruit, you can gain short-term wisdom (lasting 10 minutes) after taking it, which can be used to comprehend some kind of supernatural power. ps: The shelf life of this fruit is 5 minutes, please take it as soon as possible."

Chen Chuan was overjoyed and used the excuse to go to the bathroom to wash his hands.

The little secretary led him to the guest bathroom on the first floor.

Chen Chuan saw that there was no one around, and there was no surveillance around, took out [Tonghui Fruit], a fruit the size of a purple grape, put it in his mouth and chewed it, the juice splashed everywhere, it was so delicious that it made your lips and teeth salivate.

Close your eyes and feel as if a "tree of wisdom" is blooming in your body.

When I opened my eyes, I felt that my eyes were clear, and my head was more energetic than when I came in.

After leaving the bathroom, Chen Chuan asked the little secretary: "Look at my eyes, aren't they very intelligent?"

"Yes, I have never seen such intelligent eyes." The little secretary said with a smile.

When Chen Chuan returned to the living room, all the old people were still admiring the paintings.

Standing in the crowd, Chen Chuan only glanced at Shi Tao's "Lidong·Snow Scene Landscape Picture", and the life of Shi Tao, one of the "Four Monks in the Early Qing Dynasty", flashed in his mind. At the same time, the essence of landscape painting was gradually absorbed by him while observing this famous painting.

Composition, tension, visual effects, brush and ink mountain peaks, rushing brushwork, rock texture, sense of space in the picture, horizontal and oblique twists and turns, shades of distance and near, vague artistic conception, depth of scene, side-front horizontal brush, rough and simple lines, dripping ink, ink, green, Jinbi, boneless, light crimson, light color...

"I come to the lotus to come out of the water, and the leaves will wither gradually after staying for a long time. The dragonfly will stand up in the day, and the firefly will float in the night."

Following Shi Tao's inscription, word by word appeared in his mind, Chen Chuan seemed to have forgotten time and space, only the picture of snowy landscapes and mountains and waters in his eyes, and countless profound meanings of paintings entered his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Grandmaster Inheritance of Brush and Ink Painting Master Shi Tao]!"

Chen Chuan blinked and looked at his watch. There were still 3 minutes until the 10 minutes of [Tong Hui Guo] ended.

"What more do you understand?"

Chen Chuan glanced over [Lidong·Snow Landscape Landscape], and there were several other paintings beside him. It is enough to comprehend this kind of painting technique once, and there is no need to look at it again.

There was a book on the table not far away, and Chen Chuan stepped over it.

Since this is the first floor, generally the study is on the second floor.

Apart from this one, there are no other books here, presumably someone brought it down from the study on the second floor and put it here casually.

All the old people were admiring the paintings, but no one noticed that Chen Chuan was flipping through the books himself, very quickly.

Swish Swish Swish Swish!

Chen Chuan finished flipping through a 100-page book in three minutes.

The title of the book is "Riding and Riding and How to Teach a Dog to Be Obedient".

With the increase in wisdom brought by [Tonghui Fruit], Chen Chuan quickly comprehended how to ride a horse, how to be an excellent knight, and how to train a dog.

Many mysteries came to mind in the dark, and the tree of wisdom blossomed, bore fruit, and withered.

When 10 minutes are up, the active brain returns to calm.

Chen Chuan closed his eyes, then opened them again, and there were already three kinds of wisdom in his eyes.

Brush and ink painting, riding, and dog training are three kinds of proficiency.

When it was time for lunch, Mr. Yin invited everyone to sit down, ready to chat while eating.

Seeing Chen Chuan writing on the painting table on the first floor, Mr. Yin shouted, "Hey, Boss Chen? Come and sit down."

Old Yin walked to the painting table, his eyes fell on the drawing paper under Chen Chuan's brush, and he made a "hissing" sound.

"Have you two chatted over here?" Elder Zhu walked to the painting platform, took a look, and made a "tsk" sound.

The two old men stood aside and stared intently, not daring to take a breath, watching the formation of a pair of ink paintings with thick and light strokes.

"Mr. Yin, Mr. Zhu, what are you looking at?" Teng Haishan also walked over, glanced at the painting on the painting platform and stood on the spot.

Chen Chuan wrote:

mountain, water, stone, tree, house, house,

Buildings, boats, bridges, rain and snow,

Half of the landscape is blurred on the rice paper.

This is Chen Chuan's first time painting, he didn't put much effort into it, he was not proficient in some places, and his brushwork was rather sloppy. In addition, he didn't want to do his best to avoid shocking the world, so he hid his clumsiness, but even so when he put down the pen At that time, there was already a circle of old men standing around.

"Hey, Brother Yin, this half landscape is buy one get one free, and I give it to you." Chen Chuan put down his pen and said in a good mood.

"This composition, this level, this line and depth, can't be done without decades of brushwork skills. You, Boss Chen, you are really a genius."

"This painting has the charm of Master Shi Tao!"

"This piece of fluffy grass is really vivid!"

"Brilliant pens make flowers, young people are awesome!"

All the elders were amazed.

"It's just a little talent." Chen Chuan said with a smile.

Yin Shikai leaned forward in front of the painting platform, hesitantly said: "Chen, Chen Xiaoyou, you seem to have only painted half of it? It's not finished yet!"

"Yeah, let's eat first. Only after eating can we have the energy to paint."

"Okay, eat first, eat first. Keyi, serve." Yin Shikai said immediately.

At the banquet, the topic centered around Shi Tao's "Lidong·Snow Scene Landscape Picture", but after seeing Chen Chuan's work, especially the true charm of Shi Tao in his ink paintings, the topic revolved around Chen Chuan.

These people usually like to be arty, not only buy paintings for collection, but also paint with their own hands. Now that they see the real god, they can't hide their admiration, and they invite Chen Chuan to paint at home.

Especially Yin Shikai.

On his painting table, there is half a landscape painted by Chen Chuan, and he is itchy in his heart, just wanting to see the complete landscape.

The banquet lasts from twelve o'clock at noon to two o'clock.

All are drunk.

Although Chen Chuan drank a lot of wine with the old men, they were all broken down under the action of [True Sobering Pill].

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when Chen Chuan left the table, he didn't fill in the remaining half of the landscape for Yin Shikai. Let's talk about it when he comes back to play.

In fact, if you don’t have obsessive-compulsive disorder, you can also see half landscapes.

When he was leaving the manor, he passed the Rottweiler again, and wanted to communicate with it by using the method of dog training he learned in the book.

"Wow, woof, woof, woof!" The Rottweiler pounced and bit, without any desire to communicate at all.

"Hush, climb down, climb down, wag your tail!" Chen Chuan ordered.

"Wow, woof, woof!" The Rottweiler bit fiercely, as if it wasn't listening at all.

Chen Chuan gave up on dog training, feeling that he was being tricked, and the method in the book didn't seem to work at all. Originally, he thought that if he mastered a "dog whisperer" and could make the dogs tame and obedient, he could buy some famous competition-level dogs to keep and play with, such as Fadou, Border Collie, and Three Idiots in the Snow.

But it obviously didn't work. It seemed that one day he had to go to the racecourse and ride a peerless horse to see whether it would work or not. If it didn't work, he would have to give that poor book a bad review.

The little secretary who sent it out smiled and said, "The Rottweiler only listens to its master, you can't tame it."

Chen Chuan walked to the parking lot and got into the car.

"Goodbye, Chairman Chen." The little secretary shouted from below.

Chen Chuan started the car and drove out of the manor.

On the way back, the car stopped on the side of the road, turned up the volume of the stereo, and he sat in the car to rest for a while.

Not long after, a black car approached from the mirror and stopped beside his car.

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