I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 290: be punished together


Chen Yanyan came out and said, "Forget about Wei Xiao, don't go too far."

Tang Wei turned around and saw Chen Yanyan, as if he knew what was going on.

Wei Xiao looked at Tang Wei calmly, and said, "I'm not an unreasonable shrew, you can argue, let's talk about it, I'll listen to you patiently, and then decide whether to expose the photos of you and Fan Yiyun."

Tang Yan's face turned pale, his knees softened, and he knelt in front of Wei Xiao, lowered his head, tears flowed instantly, and fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry." Tang Yan sobbed.

Chen Yanyan looked at her thin back, her shoulders were shaking from crying, and remembered the time when they skipped classes together to go to concerts, Internet cafes, travel, and buffets when they were in college, and her nose was sore. Tang Wei said, "Get up."

Tang Wei cried for a while, took a deep breath, stopped crying, and looked at Wei Xiao: "What do you want to ask?"

"Do you know that Fan Yiyun is Chen Yanyan's husband?" Wei Xiao asked.


"Did you have sex with Fan Yiyun?" Wei Xiao asked again.



"No?" Wei Xiao slapped her across the face.


Another slap!

The sound is crisp.

She raised her hand to hit again, but was stopped by Chen Yanyan.

"Okay, stop beating. That's enough. Tang Wei, get up and go." Chen Yanyan pulled Tang Wei up.

Wei Xiao opened the refrigerator in the room, took out a bottle of Sprite, and picked up the pineapple and the knife on the coffee table.

She peeled the pineapple out with a knife, cut a few pieces into the food processor on the table and smashed them.

Then I found a large cup, poured the crushed pineapple and Sprite into it, mixed them together, and put them in the refrigerator.

Tang Yan was pulled up by Chen Yanyan, looked at Wei Xiao with lingering fear, and said, "I was wrong about this matter, and I deserved these three slaps. But, Yanyan, nothing happened between me and Fan Yiyun."

"Forget it, it's all over. Are you still quibbling? The photos are all taken." Chen Yanyan said.

"Those photos... can we not expose them?" Tang Wei asked.

Wei Xiao took out the Sprite mixed with crushed pineapple from the refrigerator, and brought it to Tang Yan: "Drink it."

"I don't drink."

"Drink it." Wei Xiao said again.

Chen Chuan is painting in Lu Youfang's company, and by the way, talk about technology investment.

Tourist Technology is valued at 25 million. In the last investment exchange meeting, the financing target was 10 million, releasing 40% of the equity.

Chen Chuan paid 5 million, accounting for 20%.

Now, since Lu Youfang and the others sincerely want his paintings, he will offer another 50% technical share requirement for Youfang Technology to consider.

If the other party agrees, he can make a guest appearance as the main beauty and help make this "The Way of the Great God".

If the other party refuses, he doesn't force it. Anyway, he has money and someone else, so he can set up his own family, and he can paint whatever he wants when the time comes.

You know, art is very, very important for a mobile game to be popular.

He has mastered Shi Tao's painting skills, and he only asks for an additional 50% of the shares, which is already very low.

While Lu Youfang and others were thinking about it, Chen Chuan received a call from Duan Bin.

"Brother Chen, I received a call from Chen Yanyan 2 hours ago, and she asked me what to do with Tang Yan. I blurted out, listening to Brother Chen... and hung up the phone. After thinking about it, I decided to tell you. I feel I was caught." Duan Bin's voice came from the phone.

Chen Chuan thought for a while, said "Yes", and hung up the phone.

Reminiscing about Chen Yanyan's text message before, she suddenly said that she didn't want to look at the house anymore, and wanted to go shopping with Wei Xiao, so it was not difficult to think about where these two women were going and what they were going to do.

Do you want to go

Chen Yanyan is a gentle and kind person, she can't do anything to hurt others.

But Wei Xiao is hard to say.

Chen Chuan called the GM Yang Meiyun of Tianying Hotel: "Check which room Chen Yanyan and Wei Xiao are in, go in and have a look."

"I understand Mr. Chen." Yang Meiyun hung up the phone and acted quickly.

She called the front desk on the intercom, and the front desk immediately gave room number "1707", and Yang Meiyun took the elevator to go there.

As soon as the elevator reached the 17th floor, we heard crying in the room.

She thumped in her heart, "Oops!"

"The security room is here, come to 1707!" She yelled on the intercom, speeding up, and ran to knock on the door, "Hello, waiter."

After knocking twice, the door opened.

Yang Meiyun was startled when she saw this scene.

Tang Wei sat on the ground crying with disheveled hair. Her face was bleeding, and the ground was covered with toilet paper to stop the bleeding.

"Every floor, anyone who hears it should send disinfectant alcohol and hemostatic gauze to 1707! The receptionist prepares the car to go to the hospital." Yang Meiyun decisively ordered through the walkie-talkie.

Tang Wei used the small mirror in his bag to look at his face, and the left cheek was bleeding profusely.

She was asked by Wei Xiao to drink the Bing Kuo Le with pineapple just now, but she didn't drink it and wanted to leave, but was pushed by Wei Xiao and bumped into the corner of the entrance cabinet.

The cheekbone on the left cheek was broken and bleeding. It looked scary, but it was not serious.

Whether there will be scars is what she is worried about.

Chen Yanyan panicked and kept using toilet paper to stop Tang Yan's bleeding.

Wei Xiao sat on the sofa, looking at him coldly like an emotionless person.

The attendant came running in from outside with a first aid kit.

Yang Meiyun took a deep breath and said, "Leave it to me."

She washed her hands first, took out a sterilized towel, unscrewed it with warm water and wet it, first cleaned Tang Yi's wound, wiped it carefully, and wiped away the dirt and dander. Then I soaked a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide, carefully disinfected the wound, squeezed out a little antibacterial ointment, and wrapped it with a hemostatic bandage. In fact, the wound was not that big, and two band-aids would do.

She is calm and meticulous in times of crisis.

Chen Yanyan watched from the side, and suddenly asked herself, the difference between people can often be seen in these details, this Yang Meiyun has a calm mind, calm, shaking people, calling a car, treating wounds, step by step. That's why, at about the same age, she is the gm of a five-star hotel with an annual salary of one million, while she is just a music teacher, earning less than 80,000 yuan a year, and working for more than ten years is as good as her a year.

"Miss Tang, the car is downstairs, why don't you go to the hospital and let the doctor see it?" Yang Meiyun asked.

Tang Wei stood up, took out his mobile phone, and took photos of the scene, the blood on the ground, the bloody toilet paper, and selfies, as well as Wei Xiao and Chen Yanyan. In fact, she had just taken some selfies or something like that.

She took a deep breath and said to Wei Xiao: "You slapped me twice, because I felt guilty, I didn't care about it with you. You asked me to kneel down, and I listened. Anyway, I shoot a lot of movies, kneeling Too much, very skillful, and I don’t care. But you pushed me down and bruised my face, how about this? I am an artist and I am filming a movie. This movie is not a small production. I reserve the right to call the police and sue. You How do you want to deal with it?"

"Hehe, you fell down by yourself. Chen Yanyan and I both saw it, and the phone was on the video, trying to trick me?" Wei Xiao smiled, "I accidentally fell, and my face was scratched, and you said so Tall? Did you distort the prosthesis on the bridge of the nose? You have plastic surgery, mistress, why are you pretending to be noble?"

Tang Wei touched his nose, turned off the phone video, and said: "You think about how to deal with it, contact me. Law, monetary compensation, and kneeling on the ground for me to slap, and by the way, push you, let you hit your face. Choose one of three."

After Tang Wei finished speaking, he was accompanied downstairs by Yang Meiyun and others.

"Tang Yu, I'm sorry... are you okay?" Chen Yanyan chased him out.

Tang Wei didn't even look back.

After everyone left, Chen Yanyan looked at Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao said: "It was because I didn't pay attention that I pushed her, but she was really unlucky, and she hit her face. I'm not sure if she did it on purpose. If she did it on purpose, she's really a cruel person. No wonder she looks average, But he can also make his mark in the entertainment industry. Don't worry, I will take care of this matter, and it has nothing to do with you."

Chen Yanyan said: "How can I let you bear it, you are not enthusiastic to stand up for me. Speaking of it, it is my own shit. I will bear it, as long as the compensation is not too outrageous, I will pay. Wei Xiao, you are still like this I am honored to be your sister, Zhengyi. But this society is also dangerous, you go straight and hate evil like hatred, I am afraid that you will suffer elsewhere, it is good to be a lady in the future, don't raise your hand and beat people."

Wei Xiao smiled and scratched Chen Yanyan's nose with his hand.

"By the way, why did you let her sprite and pineapple be added?" Chen Yanyan asked.

"At most, my stomach will hurt for one night. I didn't expect her to be so timid. If you drink it obediently, nothing will happen. Let's drink it. It's delicious. Drink less, and your stomach won't hurt." Wei Xiao said .

Chen Yanyan stuck out her tongue: "You are still in the mood to drink, we have caused trouble. The woman just now is Yang Meiyun, the general manager of this hotel. She can come, which means that someone asked her to come. Then who can instruct her to move her?" In other words, Chen Chuan knows that we are here to trouble Tang Yan. Tang Yan knocked his face again... You don’t know yet, Chen Chuan’s company voted 1000 for Tang Wei’s drama In case, I will go and be scolded by him now."

"What's the big deal, at most you'll get a spanking on your ass, if you scream a little bit worse, he will naturally feel sorry for you, and won't blame you." Wei Xiao said.

"By the way, Tang Wei denied that he slept with Fan Yiyun, do you believe it?" Chen Yanyan asked again.

Wei Xiao thought for a while: "Then Tang Yan's acting skills are top-notch, and she can cry and endure. First, she is lying. Second, if she is a smart person, she won't mess with Fan Yiyun casually. Fan Yiyun is at most a lawyer. The family contracted a project, after all, to do things for others. He relied on your relationship to get Tang Yan, but I don't believe that he can sleep. Do you think Tang Yan is a fool, did you let him sleep? "

"Is there anyone else? Fan Yiyun is just picking up people for the boss behind him?" Chen Yanyan asked.

"Then who knows, anyway, it's a matter in other people's circles and has nothing to do with us. Neither of us should contact Tang Yan, she wants to blackmail me, and I will play with her." Wei Xiao smiled confidently, "First, She didn't dare to sue me, and they didn't necessarily file a case. The bruises didn't even count as civil disputes. Second, she didn't dare to hit me. Even if I gave her a hundred guts, she wouldn't dare to do anything to me. Then there is the third one, she wants money, let's ignore her, let's see how much she asks for."


In front of a cafe.

Chen Chuan saw the Land Rover Range Rover and Mercedes-Benz Big G from far and near.

After the car stopped, the two women got out of the car.

The two men lowered their heads, and they looked less airy than during the day.

Chen Yanyan smiled and said, "Hi, Chen Chuan, you are waiting for us."

Chen Chuan looked at Wei Xiao and asked, "You took her to fight?"

"No, we went shopping." Wei Xiao said.

Chen Chuan shook the phone: "Yang Meiyun told me that you pushed Tang Wei and scratched her face."

Wei Xiao rubbed her nose and snorted, "Yeah, what's the matter? I pushed it lightly, and she ran four or five meters to hit the corner of the table, blame me? Did she think she was filming "The Legend of Zhen Huan"? Haven't come out of the play yet?"

Chen Chuan looked at the two of them, they lowered their heads and remained silent.

In fact, before the two came back, he answered several calls. Yang Meiyun reported it, the property manager reported it, and the person in charge of the crew of "Looking for Qin Ji" looked for it and asked how to deal with it.

This matter is not a big deal.

Judging from the photos of the wound sent back by Yang Meiyun, it is roughly equivalent to falling down while running in physical education class and scratching the skin.

But after all, he is a small star, has a few fans, and is also filming, so the delay in work is real, it's just a matter of how many days of delay.

Seeing that Chen Chuan was silent, Wei Xiao winked at Chen Yanyan.

Chen Yanyan said knowingly: "That...it's all my fault, why don't we go home and I'll let you handle it."

"It's not something you committed alone. If you want to deal with it, you have to deal with it together. You also come to the one who took the lead in beating someone." Chen Chuan rushed to Wei Xiao.

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