I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 296: Bet on WeChat


"I will definitely not disappoint you." The store manager said calmly.

Behind the counter is exquisite pour-over coffee equipment: blue bottle basket-shaped second-generation ceramic filter cup, cake filter paper, Breista temperature-controlled pour-over pot.

Chen Chuan paid 520 yuan, copied his hand, stood in front of the counter, and watched the girl's shop manager rush.

Under such unfriendly gazes, the girl's hands trembled a little, but she still took a deep breath, and eased the tense atmosphere by speaking: "This is the most classic Geisha variety in 1931. The top note is fragrant, with Intense jasmine tea and citrus fruit flavors, with clear acidity at the entrance, a bit like champagne, after the acidity, there is a clear aftertaste, the smell gradually weakens as the temperature decreases, the sweetness of the aftertaste increases slightly, and the floral and fruity aroma becomes lighter. There is a hint of creaminess. The overall feeling is like a young and lively girl."

"Is it a young and lively girl like you?" Chen Chuan asked.

"Ah? Uh, yes." The girl store manager made a playful expression, but when she saw a girl coming in at the door, she immediately became serious.

Chen Chuan looked back, it was Xun Xue who came in.

"Chen...cough." Xun Xue was about to say hello, remembering what Chen Chuan said, don't call him the boss, don't reveal your identity, so she stopped and said, "Chen Yihan, how is your brewing practice?"

"Yes, I am practicing, but I am not yet proficient."

"Not proficient yet? How long have you been practicing?" Xun Xue asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry Manager Xun, I have been practicing very seriously, but I am a bit stupid."

Not far away, a girl with a ball head was standing in front of a table under the sun, operating a set of pour-over coffee equipment.

Xun Xue passed behind Chen Chuan and walked into the office on the side of the counter.

Chen Chuan snorted, "Who is this woman who just came in? She's very fierce and looks like a stinky fart."

"She's the manager of our group. She doesn't just manage the coffee shop, she's from the headquarters of the group. She's actually a very nice person," said the young store manager.

"Wow, you have a group in this little cafe? Are you so bluffing?" Chen Chuan looked at her.

She showed a proud smile: "Of course there is. Have you heard of Tianlong Group? It is huge in scale and the boss is an all-round handsome guy who is rich, talented and handsome."

"Is it that powerful?" Chen Chuan asked disdainfully.

"Excellent!" The other party replied.

Chen Chuan took a closer look at the hand pouring technique of the young store manager. It looked really different from Italian extraction, as cumbersome as an experiment. Is it true that such hand-washed stuff is more delicious than Italian coffee such as latte, cappuccino, and macchiato

She carefully took out the ground beans, put the coffee powder into the filter paper or mesh, poured in hot water, and extracted the coffee liquid through the natural drip filter of gravity.

The air is filled with a faint scent of tea and fruit.

"Okay, please take it easy, sir."

Chen Chuan picked up the coffee and sniffed it. It was a rich sweet and sour fruity aroma, with a light mellow aroma, and he felt a cup of coffee in his hand, which made his mind calm.

"Hey, I think the taste is mediocre, where should I pour it? It's better to pour it on the counter." Chen Chuan said suddenly.

"Please don't do this, sir." The girl manager looked nervous.

"I said, if it doesn't taste good, I'll pour it out."

"Please don't do this." The girl shop manager said again.

"What do I want?"

The young store manager bit her lip, as if she had made a decision, and said, "Personally, I am willing to refund your money, but please don't do this kind of thing. Our new store has just opened, please."

The young store manager took a step back and bowed to Chen Chuan.

The other two girls were dumbfounded.

The girl store manager said again: "Sir, I will transfer the money to you personally. I paid for this cup of coffee."

Chen Chuan looked at her and smiled: "I'm just kidding, why are you so serious."

Holding the coffee, Chen Chuan walked to a seat and sat down, drinking the coffee slowly, playing with his mobile phone, and enjoying the quiet and leisurely afternoon.

Behind the counter, the three female employees could only communicate with each other with their eyes, and glanced at Chen Chuan, a strange customer, from time to time.

Chen Chuan felt that the young store manager looked like an underage girl, but in fact, she seemed to have a good character and a good appearance, at least 96 points, and her smile was contagious.

While drinking coffee, there was a stylishly dressed woman who looked like a white-collar worker working in the nearby CBD. She ordered a cup of premium Geisha hand poured at 130 yuan. After taking a sip, she went to apply for a membership card and recharged it. 10,000 yuan.

Afterwards, she picked a yellow iPhone 11 among the pile of finished glyphs.

All in all, this guest is not at a loss.

The top with fruit memory, the official price is 6799 yuan.

Recharge 10,000, get one free. This is equivalent to a 3.3% discount on coffee. The original price of a medium cup of premium Emerald Manor Green Label hand-brewed coffee is 130 yuan, which is about 40 yuan after the discount, which is about the same price as a medium cup of Starbucks caramel macchiato.

But this is premium Geisha, the market price is at least 170 yuan a cup.

The price of this store is not expensive at this level, plus the discount of 10,000 yuan, 6799 yuan fruit 11 mobile phone, it is no wonder that after a while, several people came in to become members and recharged the money.

Without too much fancy, the 2.3 million operating funds earned by [Legion of Beauty] can be properly cashed out in this way.

In leisurely coffee time.

The employees in the store came and went, and Chen Chuan saw 8 employees. It can be said that each has its own personality, body and appearance. Walking on the street, they are all beautiful girls at the level of passers-by.

After a few guys entered the store, they ordered three cups of coffee and sat there, whispering and commenting.

One of them, wearing a flowered shirt, smiled and said to his companions: "I found the Treasure Store, is it true that all the beauties in the CBD have come to work here? To be honest, I like that ball head. Guys, believe it or not, I can have it." To the WeChat account of the female employee with the ball head?"


"Do not believe."

"Tch, if you can get it, I'll buy you the newly released ultimate skin, if you don't want it, you can buy it for me." A companion said.

The floral shirt straightened her hair, showed a warm and jade-like smile, and said, "Okay, do you want to bet something too? Do you think I can get it? I, Chu Shuai, still have the WeChat account of a woman I can't get? "

Chen Chuan listened at the table next to him, and leaned over with a coffee, and said, "Hey, the girl with the ball head is really beautiful, and I will also participate. If you can get it, I will charge you a 10,000 membership card and give you some fruit." 11 The mobile phone is also yours. If you don’t want it, just give me your new pair of gucci skate shoes.”

"Do I know you? Why are you joining in the fun?" Hua Shirt looked at Chen Chuan.

But his friend said: "Brother Chu, just bet with him. What are you so afraid of when you are so handsome? When did you ever fail to ask for a girl on WeChat? They put out 10,000 to bet with you, and your pair of gucci shoes are only 3,500. You What are you afraid of, I've recorded it for you, and then don't play tricks on anyone."

The flowered shirt thought for a while, and said to Chen Chuan: "Dude, have you taken a fancy to my pair of skateboard shoes? I have a good eye, I just bought them the day before yesterday. You are sure to bet, you will charge me 10,000 to become a member and give me an iPhone 11 mine too?"

"Yes." Chen Chuan nodded seriously while drinking his coffee.

"Brothers, have you heard it clearly? Have you recorded the video? This verbal agreement is also legally binding." Flower Shirt stood up, straightened his hair, and smiled at Chen Chuan, "Brother, prepare 10,000 yuan, don't try to cheat , otherwise, it’s hard to tell what to do.”

After speaking, the floral shirt walked towards the female employee with the round hair.

Chen Chuan remembered that when Xun Xue showed him the labor contract last night, there was a clause in it that employees were prohibited from exchanging WeChat with customers during working hours. It is not a traditional coffee shop, but a storefront of Internet celebrity nature.

Chen Chuan took a sip of coffee, lowered his head and played with his phone.

Looking up, the flowered shirt was standing in front of the ball head employee, talking there.

The ball head employee waved his hand and shook his head, obviously a polite refusal.

But the flowered shirt was stalking, still standing there and talking non-stop.

In order to prevent the flowery shirt from talking about py transactions to Wanzitou, Chen Chuan simply found Xun Xue's WeChat and sent her three words: "Meatball head"

A few seconds later, Xun Xue was seen coming out of the office and standing next to the employee of the ball head.

When Wanzitou saw Xun Xue coming out, he immediately stopped any conversation with Hua Shirt, and concentrated on standing at the table and practicing the brewing method of pour-over coffee.

It's been a long time.

The flowered shirt still stood there and did not come back, and wiped the sweat with his hands, looking at his appearance, he seemed to be begging for something.

A friend of Hua Shirt sighed and said: "It's over, it seems that it won't be possible... Brother Chu is playing off."

"Brother, it's just a joke. You don't really intend to ask for Brother Chu's shoes, do you? That would be boring." Another friend glanced at Chen Chuan and said.

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