I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 3: Silence is gold


"Silence is the activation of the gold card, please remain silent."

Chen Chuan touched his mouth subconsciously, and this is the beginning, that is to say, it is ok to keep silent for the next three hours.

The effect of this critical strike was terrifying, it was actually ten times the effect of Du Hao's props.

[Silence is Gold Card] is in effect, get 1,000 yuan in money

[Silence is Gold Card] is in effect, get 1,000 yuan in money

[Silence is Gold Card] is in effect, get 1,000 yuan in money

Feeling that his balance was increasing every minute, Chen Chuan first went to a brand store to buy two sets of clothes that added up to more than 20,000 yuan.

At the current rate of money increase, it only takes one minute to buy a pair of decent sneakers.

Chen Chuan is unambiguous in spending money now, because there is a gold mountain in the storage space, which is at least dozens of tons by visual inspection.

When passing by an audio store, Chen Chuan stopped. He likes to listen to music, and he thought before that if he had money, he would buy a set of good playback equipment.

Now that I have money in hand, I just go in and have a look.

Before entering the audio store, he saw a tall bunny girl standing at the door, handing out leaflets and enthusiastically inviting customers to experience the store.

Chen Chuan glanced over, and found that wasn't "Chen Chuan" Ling Yuyao, who used to be "Chen Chuan" in junior high school

"Sir, this is Avery's new ak70, priced at 4,988 yuan. This is a high-level player with clear and transparent vocals and deep bass..." Ling Yuyao said to Chen Chuan.

Chen Chuan found that Ling Yuyao didn't seem to recognize him, and he didn't point it out immediately. He walked into the store, looked around, and took a fancy to ak380ss.

Ling Yuyao walked over and said, "Sir, you have a good eye. This is the flagship of Avery this year. The sound quality is definitely not bad. It is the top in the industry, but the price... there is no promotional discount at present, it is 38888 yuan."

Chen Chuan nodded, and chose the matching y aion carbon fiber moving iron unit earphones next to him.

This headset is also the flagship model, priced at 23,999 yuan, which adds up to more than 60,000 yuan.

At this time, Ling Yuyao seemed to have discovered something suddenly. She secretly looked at Chen Chuan and asked tentatively, "Sir, is your... surname Chen?"

In the backpack that Chen Chuan carried with him was cash for selling gold, and he counted out more than 60,000 yuan to pay for the player and earphones.

He smiled slightly at Ling Yuyao, then took out his phone and added Ling Yuyao's WeChat friend.

He is currently under the effect of [Silence is the Gold Card], and it is inconvenient to talk, so he added Ling Yuyao's friend first.

The main reason why he bought such an expensive player device was that [Silence is a Gold Card] gave him confidence.

In addition, he also wants to test whether unlocking the authority of the spirit ring has anything to do with the amount of consumption.

Chen Chuan left the store with the purchased goods.

After Chen Chuan left, Ling Yuyao looked at Chen Chuan's back and muttered: "This person looks familiar. Is it one of my classmates? Ask him and he doesn't speak, and he is mysterious... However, he paid very generously, 60,000 yuan It’s a luxury to buy a set of equipment for listening to music for a few dollars.”

She took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message: "Hi sir, I am the shopping guide of Avery and the specialty store just now, Xiaoling, Ling Yuyao, you can call me Yuyao, and you can contact me directly for after-sales of equipment."

After this sentence, a smiley face was added.

On the other side, Chen Chuan also smiled slightly when he received the message. In my memory, Ling Yuyao was a good student with excellent character and learning, and her family was rich, how did she end up working as a shopping guide in a shopping mall

Just do it, it’s nothing, the main thing is, she’s wearing a bunny girl, so white that she’s dizzy...

Chen Chuan walked around the mall for three hours and bought something.

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

"[Silence is Gold Card] expires, within three hours, you have received a total of 180,000 yuan, which has been transferred to the bank card."

"You get a random skill card god-level make-up."

"The skills have been delegated, and you have mastered god-level makeup."

Chen Chuan resented, why does he need makeup skills for a man

However, based on the idea of not overwhelming yourself with too many skills, it doesn't matter.

"You have a chance to convert the copied [Silence is Gold Card] into a permanent effect, but the random skill can only be obtained once. If you don't get it later, do you want to consume this opportunity?" A voice sounded in your head.

Chen Chuan was stunned for a moment. It turns out that the [Copy] ability also has a chance to make a certain item permanent

The [Silence is a Gold Card] is certainly good, but Chen Chuan didn't want to use the opportunity on it.

Since it is permanent, it should be used on better props.

Having figured this out, he was about to take a taxi home, when at the entrance of the shopping mall, he saw Ling Yuyao, the "acquaintance" he met in the afternoon.

Look at the time, it's 5:30 in the evening, it's time to get off work.

Ling Yuyao was jumping and running towards a boy, both of them looked very happy, they stood there chatting and laughing for a while, and went to the station to wait for the bus together.

outside the square.

Chen Chuan took Didi, and while waiting for the car to arrive, he took pictures of the shopping bags and sent them to Moments. I just lived the life of a rich man, and I can't help but want to show off.

Just a few seconds after he just posted Moments.

Received a message from Ling Yuyao.

Ling Yuyao: "Hey, I saw you again, you were waiting for the bus with your things. Speaking of which, you look like one of my former classmates?"

Chen Chuan typed back and said, "Your memory is really bad, I recognized you when we first met."

Ling Yuyao: "Ah! I just said it looks familiar! Is it really a classmate, what's your name?"

Chen Chuan put away his phone and didn't reply. If the other party still can't remember his name at this time, there is no need to continue the chat.

A black Volkswagen is approaching from a distance.

Didi arrived. Chen Chuan got in the car and sat in the back.

When he was idle and bored on the road, he checked the [Storage Spirit Ring], and found that the third grid that was originally foggy lit up.

"Another grid is lit up? Could it be that the condition for opening the third grid is to spend 100,000?"

Chen Chuan recalled that he made a big purchase today. He bought a mobile phone, a music player, earphones, and a few branded clothes. Adding up, he did spend more than 100,000 yuan.

This point needs further verification. Right now, Chen Chuan is curious about what items are in this grid.

Sitting in the back row, Chen Chuan took out the small box from the grid with a thought when the driver was blind.

A simple and atmospheric message came into my mind:

[Body Quenching Vermilion Fruit]: After taking it, you can reshape your physical body according to your own wishes.

Chen Chuan became happy, this thing is good.

He came to this world, had a lot of money, and lived a life that he could never imagine before. But the only thing is that the body is not the original body.

Now with this prop, it is just right to reshape.

So, he said to the driver: "Master, change the destination and stop at the nearest five-star hotel."