I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 34: Drive back to school


In the afternoon, Chen Chuan and Deng Yaoyao parted ways. He went to the Nike store on the third floor of Tianjie Shopping Center by himself, and met his cousin Chen Ziyue.

Chen Ziyue jumped over and said happily, "Brother, I'll tell you something magical, it's so magical!"


"I've been promoted to store manager! I'm the store manager here!" Chen Ziyue said happily.

"Oh, is that so? How much is the salary?" Chen Chuan looked at the shop, it was about 50 square meters, not big, but the shoes were arranged neatly and reasonably, and the decoration was just right.

Rows of new Nike shoes are placed on the shoe racks, and young men and women come in to choose.

Chen Ziyue said excitedly: "5200 yuan! There was no five social insurance and one housing fund before, but now I have it, and it is closed on weekends! My duck, this fairy welfare, how did the owner of this shop find out with conscience. Oh yes, it seems to be a new one. Boss?"

"That's good, work hard, but don't be too tired and don't delay your study. After all, study comes first." Chen Chuan said.

"Brother, are you leaving? Are you going home?"

"Well, the vacation is coming to an end, I'll come and see you and leave."

Afterwards, the two brothers and sisters said some more words, and they also played a video together to show Chen Ziyue's parents in Haiqin City. Several people videoed for a while.

Chen Ziyue said: "Brother, thank you for giving me my mobile phone. When I save money, I will give you a big gift when I go home during the Chinese New Year!"

After talking for a while, Chen Chuan bid farewell to the younger sister.

Strolling to the fifth floor, I saw someone selling electrical appliances, so I bought a set and put it in Jinyu Yipin's own house.

"Sir, do you watch laser TV? This is Hisense's latest 4K laser, 99,998 yuan. Although it is a bit expensive, it has a 100-inch large screen and ultra-high-definition, which is much better than other TVs on the market. You can experience it... Hey, yes You?" A woman in work attire with a "supervisor" badge on her chest came over and introduced gently, and she looked up at Chen Chuan in surprise.

Chen Chuan also looked at her, vaguely familiar.

"Chen Chuan, what a coincidence, you want to buy a TV? You... have a house in Yushi?" The other party asked, "Did you take off your makeup and you don't recognize me anymore? I'm Shen Fangfei."

"Bride?" Chen Chuan recognized it, "It's you, so you look so good after removing makeup?"

Indeed, the bride's makeup that day was too heavy, and Shen Fangfei's fresh and refined temperament could not be seen at all. Now that I have removed my makeup and put on a little makeup, the beauty and elegance of the whole person are suddenly highlighted.

She is somewhat similar to her cousin He Jinglan, but her appearance is more approachable and friendly.

"Do you want to buy appliances? For your own use or for relatives?" Shen Fangfei asked.

"Oh, I'll buy it for a relative. I want this new laser TV." Chen Chuan said.

"Okay, your relative is very rich. This 100,000 yuan laser TV is the first one sold. Thanks to you, I can get a lot of commission this time. Where will it be delivered?" Shen Fangfei asked.

"Jinyu Yipin..."

Chen Chuan said the room number and paid the money.

"You spend 99,998 yuan, and get a double rebate of 199,996 yuan, which has been transferred to your bank card."

Then I bought an 80-inch oled TV and sent it to Ziyu Jiangshan. The oled is much cheaper, only 43,999 yuan.

After buying, Chen Chuan exchanged a few words with Shen Fangfei after getting the rebate information, and said goodbye.

Before leaving, Shen Fangfei smiled and said, "After a while, I might go to Haiqin for a business trip, because Hisense's headquarters is there, so I might bother you."

"Welcome anytime, I'll treat you to seafood."

Shen Fangfei watched Chen Chuan leave, took out her mobile phone, and sent a message to "Lan Lan Xiaoxia Girl": "I met your classmate in the mall. It's really handsome to see it up close. The quality is also good."

Lanlan Xiaoxia Girl: "The bride hastened to spend her honeymoon and is still at work. Is he shopping in Paradise Street?"

Shen Fangfei: "Well, he bought two TVs for his relatives. He has relatives here."

Lan Lan's little chivalrous girl: "Do you have any relatives? He hasn't told me about it."

Early morning on the 5th.

Chen Chuan got up early, took a shower, changed into a new set of clothes, took the erhu box, went downstairs to have breakfast, then went to the garage, selected lc500h, opened the door to get in the car, started the car, drove out of the garage, set Set the navigation and drive in the direction of Haiqin City.

Chen Chuan sat in the compartment and was comfortably wrapped by the seat. There were a lot of leather and suede interiors, which made people feel no coldness.

After the car is started, there is no sound of the engine working, only the "noise" of the seat ventilation ringing in the ears.

On the congested roads of Chongqing City, everything outside the car seems to have nothing to do with the inside of the car, and the hybrid system is working quietly.

Quiet, very quiet.

Stopping at the intersection of traffic lights, Chen Chuan turned on the makeup mirror and adjusted his appearance, because the people in the car all around were "watching".

There are people taking pictures.

No matter which small fork the car drives to, whether it is a private car or a taxi, they will choose to "give way".

The audio brand in the car is Mark Levinson, with a total of 13 speakers at the front and rear, turn up the sound, and move towards the direction of the sun amidst the dynamic music.

"Good morning, listeners. This is radio station No. 77188 in Yushi. I'm Xiaojia, the host of the show... The first song I bring here is the divine comedy "Fresh Little Girl" from abroad. This story is about a boy. He and the girl were childhood sweethearts since they were young, but they were not allowed to be together because of family circumstances. The boy fulfilled the wishes of the girl’s parents and left. Later, the boy wrote lyrics and composed music with his talent and became a singer. He came back to find his childhood sweetheart, but the girl was already a mother. At this time The boy realized he had truly lost the girl he loved, so he wrote this song to remember his relationship. I hope everyone can find true love."

The hostess of the radio station uses her warm voice to gently caress everyone who wakes up early and starts life.

The long 1,800-kilometer self-driving journey is fortunately accompanied by this million-dollar luxury car. Even though the body uses a lot of carbon fiber, the weight of the whole car is still as high as two tons, which makes it still able to drive at a speed of 170 at high speed. Steady as an old dog.

At every congested intersection, Naples Yellow's LC500 sports car will always be that landscape, and no matter when, there are mobile phone cameras aiming at it to take pictures.

In this regard, Chen Chuan can only wear sunglasses to act cool.

There are also uncle drivers in the next car who strike up a conversation. Of course, there are also beautiful drivers. For example, just now, a young lady driving a Q5 asked for WeChat.

After passing through many scenic spots on the way, we arrived at Maocheng City in the evening.

This is one of the four largest jade distribution markets in China. According to the timeline in the book, Du Hao came here on the 6th. Unique rough stones made a lot of money.

So, on the night of the 5th, Chen Chuan arrived in Maocheng City, found a hotel to stay, and planned to steal and cut off the Hu in the morning, bought it and left.