I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 97: The front is arrogant and the back is respectful


At this time, Leng Wei came out of the boxing gym.

The third cousin threw all the personal belongings in the carriage to Leng Wei.

Leng Wei lost his previous arrogance, and said kindly: "Chen Chuan, there was a little misunderstanding between us. Whenever I think of the scene of God Han dancing for you, my blood surges, I can't control it for a while, and I smashed you I hit your roommate with the computer, I’m sorry, I apologize to you. I’ll prepare the computer and send it to you some other day, and you can drive the car away, just treat it as my own impulse to pay, and I’ll transfer the ownership to you another day.”

Chen Chuan and the third cousin looked at each other, their cold attitude really changed drastically.

Leng Wei continued: "God Han has never been in love. You are so rich, I hope you are not just playing with her. She is very simple and a very nice person. I chased her for two years and gave her many things. No. I hope, I hope you treat her well and wish you happiness."

After Leng Wei finished speaking, he turned around and left with his own fragments in his arms.

Chen Chuan stopped him and asked, "Wait a minute, why is your attitude so condescending?"

"I won't hide it from you. My brother told me just now that he seems to have seen you at the Nanpenglai construction site. Although I don't know your specific identity, you must have a deep relationship with Director Chen Shan. So my brother reprimanded me. If you If you are still angry, you can get out of the car and hit me. But please don’t get involved in business matters, our misunderstanding is misunderstanding, and business is business.” Leng Wei explained.

Hearing about the South Penglai construction site, Chen Chuan got an idea and asked, "Which company are you?"

"Leng's construction project, Chen Chuan, I'm a straightforward person, and I'll tell you everything. After this incident, I hope we don't know each other and can be good friends. My family has some influence in this area, and we can help each other to make money. I'll start with Let's go, if you appreciate it, I'll treat you to dinner another day, let's chat." After Leng Wei finished speaking, he turned and left.

The third cousin looked at Chen Chuan, then at Leng Wei, and said, "This boy surnamed Leng is fine. He is a man who can bend and stretch. It seems that it is not unreasonable for his family to grow bigger. However, the South Penglai construction site What is it, cousin, is it your property?"

Chen Chuan nodded.

The third cousin murmured again: "Leng Wei is handsome and rich. The girl he has been chasing for two years must also be a fairy, right? Listen to what you said, you got her? Is the trick okay? How do you do it?" ?”

Chen Chuan thought about it, how did he flirt, as if he didn't want to flirt, so he ran into her at the service area of the expressway that day and gave her a Panamera.

But this, Chen Chuan didn't tell his third cousin, but took out his phone and called his cousin Chen Shan.

"Director Chen, is there a company called Leng's Construction Engineering involved in the construction site?" Chen Chuan asked.

"Good afternoon Mr. Chen, Mr. Leng, yes, a company with a third-level qualification. The main road of our manor is repaired by their company. There is a north-south road and an east-west road. Each road is 1.4 kilometers long. The cost estimate per kilometer is 10 million, the total project cost is 28 million, and 10% has been prepaid in advance. What's the matter, Mr. Chen, is there a problem with the company's qualifications or quality?" Chen Shan's report.

When Chen Chuan heard it, he knew what was going on.

It turned out to be like this, it seems that the man in the suit should have seen himself in Nan Penglai? It was only then that he suddenly came out to show his favor.

Chen Chuan said: "It's nothing, just ask, and the quality is strictly controlled."

"Don't worry, I'm here to watch 24 hours a day." Chen Shan said.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chuan smiled, and it really had something to do with Nanpenglai. This Lengwei almost broke his family's big project, and he must have a lesson for his family when he returned home. However, Chen Chuan also planned not to let Leng's family do this project, and wanted to take time to visit the construction site.

I made an appointment with a substitute driver on the app, and the substitute driver drove Lengwei's Mercedes-Benz c300 back to my third cousin's community.

Then, the driver got out of the car, took the Porsche 911gt3 key from Chen Chuan, opened the door, and asked Chen Chuan to get in the car.

After Chen Chuan bid farewell to his third cousin, he was driven away by the substitute driver.

The third cousin stood where he was, looking at the silver 911, and watched his cousin's car drive away.

Then he clenched the keys of the Mercedes Benz in his hand, looked at the white c300 parked next to his old Corolla, recalled the day today, and felt a little emotional.

At noon, I drank the famous wine brought by my cousin. In the afternoon, I helped my cousin to fight. After putting some guys in, I met a baseball cap in the boxing gym and almost knelt down to admit defeat.

Chen Chuanzi opened his mouth wide, asked for the other party's car, and then gave it to himself.

Although I acted as a thug, I got a Mercedes-Benz c300 in this way. Although it was a second-hand car two years ago, the condition of the car was quite new, and it was a Mercedes-Benz after all. In the second-hand market, the condition of the car is less than 300,000, so it can't be bought, right

It's like dreaming.

Look at the old Corolla next to him, this 100,000-class car that has been with him for four years, it's time to say goodbye.

On the other side, Chen Chuan asked the driver to drive the car to the Porsche Center in the Motor City. Today he made an appointment with Manager Wang here to do the lacquer crystal plating.

It was only four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was too late.

The car parked in the parking space in front of the store, and a male salesman in a suit ran out.

"Brother Chen, you are here, Brother Chen. I just wanted to call you to ask what time you will arrive." The salesman said enthusiastically.

"Manager Wang." Chen Chuan greeted.

Manager Wang was naturally enthusiastic, because Chen Chuan bought three cars before and after this Porsche Center.

The first one was a carmine red Porsche Cayenne, which Chen Chuan bought for his mother.

The second one is this silver Porsche 911gt3, priced at 3 million.

The third one is an amethyst-colored Panamera that I bought some time ago, and it cost more than 1.5 million.

If Manager Wang doesn't take good care of such customers, it will be in vain that he has been doing sales for so many years.

Manager Wang took out a box of Taishan Buddha Light, unpacked it, and offered it with both hands: "Brother Chen, smoke."

Chen Chuan took one, and the two of them didn't enter the hall, but stood at the door smoking and chatting.

At this time, Chen Chuan noticed that tall girls in miniskirts walked into the hall from time to time. Although the weather is December winter, these girls don't seem to be afraid of the cold, or at most they wear short skirts with coats or down jackets.

Smoking a cigarette, watching the beauties come in and out, the setting sun at four o'clock in the afternoon shone warmly on my face.

Chen Chuan asked curiously: "Manager Wang, the beauties on your side are coming in and out, what are they doing?"

Manager Wang immediately said: "There will be a big winter auto show in a while, and our Porsche is interviewing car models."

"Oh? The car model still has an interview?" Chen Chuan felt that he had encountered a knowledge blind spot.

Manager Wang took the opportunity to popularize science and said: "Well, before each exhibition, we will contact the leader of the car model and tell her our requirements for this auto show, such as six etiquette, a height of 170+, a cooler temperament, and a leg shape. It needs to be straight and slender. There are requirements for waistline, bust, etc. Of course, the most important thing is appearance. Then, the team leader will send our request in the car model group, and some car models will chat with the team leader privately and send Mocha.”