I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 101: nail


After the sun wheel flower corroded the head of the mutated python, Ye Xuan didn't let it swallow the whole body of the snake. Instead, after the mutated python completely stopped struggling, he instilled it with a supernatural power, which directly spawned it to the end. planted, gathered its seeds.

Min Shanshan came out from behind the crowd, walked straight in front of Ye Xuan and said, "This time, I really want to thank you, senior, for your help. Otherwise, we would have fallen under the fangs of this mutated python today."

She is not tall, and she is less than 1.65 meters tall. When talking to Ye Xuan, she raised her head high to meet his eyes.

The sun fell through the leaves, and the petite young girl in the mottled light and shadow looked up at the handsome young man who had just rescued her group. Her beautiful eyes were full of admiration and admiration, as beautiful as the one in an idol drama. Scenes.

However, the hero of the idol drama himself did not have the desire to continue acting, he took a step back slightly, opened the distance between himself and Min Shanshan, and then said rather alienated: "You're welcome, it's just a small effort. "

Then he took a few steps to the side, and then said to the crowd: "The crystal nucleus of this mutated python was swallowed up by my sun flower. I don't want the body. Should I deal with it on the spot or take it to the base for replacement?" Contribution points, I don't care."

"Base?" Fan Jiangcai grasped the point keenly and asked, "Senior, did you come from a base near here?"

"Why, didn't you come from the northwest base?"

The northwest side is vast and sparsely populated, and the base closest to this mountain is the Northwest Base, and it takes four to seven days to drive to other places to settle down. Ye Xuan really can't think of these people other than the Northwest Base. Where else can I live.

Fan Jiangcai shook his head and explained, "We came from the base in City C."

"Then how did you come so far away?"

Although going directly to the northwest from city c is shorter than going to city b first and then going to the northwest, the distance to cover is not a small amount. In today's world, if there is no major event, no one will drive such a long way.

It can't be said that City C sent these half-children to the Northwest for friendly exchanges, right

"A month ago, the base in City C encountered a violent wave of zombies. Not only were there a large number of zombies, but many of them had supernatural powers. Although we resisted it in the end, we paid a heavy price. With this After the incident last time, we realized that the base in City C was not safe, so we decided to leave there before the next wave of zombies came, and live in a larger base."

Min Shanshan interjected: "My uncle was working in the Northwest Military Region before the end of the world. A while ago, I heard a person from the Northwest Base say that he is now in charge of the base. We just decided to change our base to live in another base." Get up and join him here."

When mentioning that her uncle was in charge, the pretty little girl couldn't help but reveal a bit of pride and showing off in her tone. Obviously, her uncle was in the base to explain something.

Ye Xuan, who dealt with the top person in charge of the Northwest Base every day, said "Oh", and then asked: "Then why did you come to this mountain?"

Fan Jiangcai explained helplessly: "According to our original plan, we should be able to reach the northwest base before the snow fell. But two nights ago, we accidentally broke into the territory of a mutant cat while we were resting. , was chased by it for most of the night, and finally ran into the mountain in a panic before getting rid of it. After entering the mountain, we thought about staying in the mountain for one night and then going down the mountain the next day. Unfortunately, it was snowing again We are afraid that we will meet that mutant cat again if we go the original way, and the other roads going down the mountain are also blocked. Mountain, or find another exit, only to encounter this mutated boa constrictor."

Ye Xuan: That's really a bit unlucky.

Seeing that Ye Xuan was silent, Min Shanshan asked, "Senior, what about you? Are you going into the mountain alone, or with your companions? There are many dangers in this mountain. Although our strength is not as strong as yours, fortunately there are more people. If everyone can If we go together, we can have a support to some extent."

"I came alone," he pointed to the direction he came, and said to them, "I still have some things to do, and I won't go out of the mountain for the time being. If you want to go down the mountain, you can go along this road. At most It takes two hours to walk to a place where you can drive. If you don’t have a car, you can walk another half an hour from there to the main road with more traffic.”

After hitting a soft nail again, the smile on Min Shanshan's face froze, and she looked at Ye Xuan with a bit of unkindness.

Before the apocalypse came, her family background, grades, and appearance were outstanding. She was loved by her parents at home and sought after by many male classmates at school. After the end of the world, although the great advantage of family background disappeared, her father awakened the speed ability, and she also awakened the fire ability, and soon gained a foothold in the base by virtue of the ability. It was even vaguely more refreshing than before the end of the world.

Two years have passed in the blink of an eye. Although her father lost his life in the zombie wave not long ago, she hugged her uncle's thigh again and got a group of people to escort her to the Northwest base.

It can be said that from childhood to adulthood, whether it was before or after the apocalypse, Min Shanshan has never suffered a bit, and has not encountered any unpleasant things. Therefore, even though she had some admiration and admiration for Ye Xuan's appearance and strength at the beginning, after bumping into nails several times in a row, this slight favor was not enough to dilute her displeasure by Ye Xuan up.

Fan Jiangcai happened to see Min Shanshan's eyes looking at Ye Xuan, fearing that she would not be able to control the eldest lady's temper and start a quarrel with Ye Xuan, so he hurriedly interrupted: "Senior, are you looking for something in the mountains? Although it is our first time Entering this mountain, but I have been here for a while, maybe I have seen what you want?"

"Have you seen any places with a lot of plants along the way?"

"A place with a lot of plants..." Fan Jiangcai frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head and said, "This whole mountain seems to have more plants than outside, I really can't tell that there are more plants there."

A boy bandaging the wound on the other side shouted: "Senior, I haven't seen a place with a lot of plants, but we have encountered a place with a lot of plants!"

"Where is the place you mentioned?"

"Before, we were chased by mutant cats for a long time. After we escaped into the mountains, we were all exhausted, and we had no strength to fight. We tried to go to places with few plants and wanted to rest for a while. We didn't have much hope. , In the end, we really found a cave with no plants around it." The boy who spoke thought for a while, and said with some hesitation: "It should be in the south, probably in the southeast direction, and I don't know the exact location. It was too dark at that time, and we left the cave and walked for a long time, and I can't tell its general direction now."


The area of this mountain is not small, and besides Ye Xuan came here to hunt once last year with Shen Minglang and the others to improve the food for the people in the base, he really hasn't been here much, now I heard this boy say something With such a general scope, he really couldn't think of anything in the southeast of the mountain.

"There's a very tall pine tree over there. It's not a mutant plant, but it's tall and lush!"

"Near the cave is a black stone that is taller than a person, it looks very conspicuous from a distance!"

"We went outside the cave to collect firewood, so there should be a lot of footprints around there."

"To be precise, it should be east by southeast?"

Seeing that he was silent, a few young boys in the crowd started to describe to him the appearance of the cave they lived in before, as well as more detailed directions. It didn't take long for Ye Xuan to outline the general outline of the cave. look like.

He kept these details in his heart one by one, and after confirming that this was all they knew, he thanked and said goodbye: "Thank you for telling me about that cave. Let's go down the mountain as soon as possible. I will look for you when I return to the base, and I will thank you all when the time comes!"

"It's okay, senior Ye don't have to be so polite!"

"Yes Senior Ye, you just saved our life, we should help you!"

"Yes, yes, we haven't reported the grace of saving our lives yet, how can you thank us?"

Ye Xuan saw that they were about to start talking about "group crosstalk" again, so he quickly waved at them with a knife, turned and left.

Seeing Ye Xuan turn around and leave, Min Shanshan had an impulse to chase after him and said, "I'll take you to find that cave", but until his back disappeared into the dense forest, she didn't have the courage to chase after him, so she stomped her feet hard. He turned around to appease Song Changchuan who had just stopped talking after losing face, and discussed with his companions about leaving here by the way.

After all, although Ye Xuan looked very powerful, his refusal was too obvious. Even though Min Shanshan wanted him to be her new backer, she was unwilling to take the risk of offending those suitors in the team and lose face.

Ye Xuan didn't know that Min Shanshan, a little girl who had just been humiliated by him and was a little annoyed with him, actually had the urge to follow her again within a few minutes, but even if he knew, he would only sigh that now Children's minds are changeable, and they will not have any deeper feelings.

In his opinion, whether it is Min Shanshan, a girl who is quite careful, or Song Changchuan, a boy who is still playing with the crown and becomes a beauty, they are still children who have not grown up, even though they are actually the same age as Ling Jiaze, Neither was he a few years younger than himself, nor was he treated as an adult.