I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 26: Zombie group


"Ah! Zombies, zombies are coming—"

As the army's motorcycle passing by conveying the news, there was one after another of screams and cries from the convoy, which made people feel desperate. There are even car accidents caused by the driver stepping on the wrong brake pedal in a panic, which is even worse.

Ye Xuan consciously kept a distance from the cars in front and behind, skillfully avoided a series of car accidents, and slowly stopped the car on the side of the road.

A few minutes later, black zombies appeared in the front and back of the road, and sporadic zombies appeared in the left and right fields. The way the convoy left was completely blocked, and the survivors had no other way but to face the zombies.

"Please get out of the car and help the army remove the zombies - I repeat, please get out of the car and help the army!"

Because of the sudden end of the world, the army is short of manpower and equipment, and the convoy is too long. It is simply impossible to disperse to protect everyone. That's why the army will ask survivors to participate in the battle, otherwise many people will die at the hands of zombies.

Several military motorcycles once again conveyed with loudspeakers that the survivors should participate in the action to eliminate the group of zombies. However, at a glance, there were very few people who chose to get off the car to face the zombies.

Although the total number of survivors is more than the zombies who smelled the smell and rushed over long distances, the vast majority of survivors do not have the experience and courage to face zombies. The first reaction to seeing a zombie is either to lock the car door or He ran directly to the soldiers and prayed for protection, not to mention fighting, it was a blessing not to be delayed.

That is to say, the supernatural beings are bold, and some ordinary people who understand the situation choose to get out of the car, otherwise the army is really helpless.

This is not the first time for Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze to face a large number of zombies. The two experienced ones stand on the left and one on the right. At the same time, Ye Xuan also released vines to defend against the zombies coming around from behind. Sneak attack.

This is the first time for the two of them to fight in front of others. Even if they dare to get out of the car now, they have killed zombies, and many of them are supernatural beings. The two of them are also the most outstanding pair.

It has been a while since Ye Xuan reached the late stage of the first order. He was afraid that he would break through if he used too much of his abilities today and would not have time to find a safe place. Apart from calling out the vines for defense, he did not use his abilities to fight at all. It was directly holding a knife to meet the zombies.

Ling Jiaze followed his habit, holding a knife in his right hand, and throwing a few ice blades with his left from time to time to relieve the pressure on his sides. He even took advantage of the current weather to directly attack zombies with ice edges on the side of the road. Alleviated the problem of his lack of energy due to low power level.

The two of them would reap the life of a zombie every time they took a shot. The zombies that fell under their hands were either cut off from the head and body with a knife, or their heads were directly pierced by ice. The vine pierced through the head for the second time, stealing the crystal nucleus from the head quietly. The whole process was extremely simple and rude, only seeking efficiency and nothing else.

It didn't take long for all the zombies that attacked in their direction to die in the hands of the two of them, and none of them successfully broke through and attacked ordinary people.

Just when the survivors hiding behind them relaxed, a sharp cry suddenly sounded, no matter how far or near they were, it reached the ears of all the humans present.

The moment he heard that voice, five words immediately appeared in Ye Xuan's mind - spiritual zombie.

He resisted instinctively with his mental strength, and after a moment of needle-prick pain in his mind, he successfully got rid of the impact of this attack, but his face turned a little pale.

Looking to the side, Ling Jiaze's face was very pale, and the ordinary people behind him were only pale when they were better, and retched when they were worse, and some even passed out directly.

Ye Xuan took out a glass of water from the car and handed it to Ling Jiaze, who was leaning on the car, and said, "It should have been an attack from a zombie of the spiritual department just now, drink some water and take a rest, don't use your abilities for now."

Ling Jiaze took a sip of cold water, his dizziness became much weaker, and he asked in a low voice, "Zombies also have abilities?"

"It should be, and this zombie may be the leader of this attack."

Some mutated zombies with abilities have appeared in the B-level zombies, but these are mostly zombie abilities such as strength and speed. It is difficult for inexperienced people to find something wrong, and they will only attribute the problem to the evolution of zombies. It is an elemental zombie, and a spiritual zombie is arguably the rarest kind.

After all, psychic powers depend on the brain, and the brains of zombies have mutated, so it would be nice to have psychic powers, not to mention having psychic powers.

Fortunately, this zombie launched a large-scale attack. Otherwise, if he was smarter and attacked these people who were fighting outside, many people might fall down. At that time, even if the low-affected supernatural beings can clear the zombies, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Ling Jiaze frowned and said, "It caused so much damage in one attack, if it does it again, will these ordinary people still have a way out?"

Ye Xuan shook his head and said: "This is already the limit of what it can do. Humans have an upper limit for using abilities, and zombies naturally do the same. But don't procrastinate, and its abilities will recover after a long time."

"Then we're going to kill it?"

"I deal with it alone. Its inability to launch a large-scale attack does not mean that it can't use any powers. When it is a leapfrog battle, it will cause trouble if it is in a trance for a moment. I use vines to attack, and it is not affected by mental power."

Ling Jiaze said worriedly: "But aren't you on the verge of breaking through?"

Before the people around him recovered, Ye Xuan took out a bunch of supplies from the space and stuffed them into the car, then gave Ling Jiaze a pack of crystal cores and said, "So maybe I have to ask you to take me into the safe base. Not sure if I'll be able to wake up before I get to the base."

Ling Jiaze asked in disbelief: "You want to break through on the road?"

"This is just the worst case scenario." Ye Xuan handed Tang Dao to Ling Jiaze, then called the vine into his hand and said, "It's hidden among the zombies. No one can beat it except me, and no one can directly touch it Kill it, this thing can only be done by me."

Ling Jiaze bit his lower lip tightly, but still didn't stop Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan urged the vines with his left hand to look for the spiritual zombie hidden in the vast crowd of zombies. He held the crystal nucleus in his right hand and was ready to absorb it at any time. Soon, a green vine spread out from his left hand, forming a vine over the crowd of zombies. With countless branches, it can be said to cover the sky and block the sun.

The people who recovered from the mental attack saw a large piece of green that appeared out of thin air, which was strange and full of vitality.

Ye Xuan didn't have time to take care of this beauty. The vines were indeed not afraid of mental attacks, but it took a lot of power to find that zombie and kill it with the help of the vines. He could obviously feel the loss of the powers in his body, and the rising that was getting closer. stage level.

With the continuous shrinking of the crystal nucleus in Ye Xuan's right hand, the investigation of the vines has also come to an end, and it has already sensed the approximate location of the zombie.

The boy student in school uniform? Office workers in suits? A renovation worker in a hard hat

Ye Xuan patiently directed the vines to sift through them one by one, trying to find that distinctive spiritual zombie among a group of zombies with ragged clothes and rotting faces.

Ling Jiaze, who was standing on the sidelines, could only see that Ye Xuan had his eyes closed, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his face, which was abnormally rosy.

Just when he was guessing the progress, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I found it!"

At the same time, he flipped his hands, and the overwhelming vines rushed to a point, tightly entangled the zombie directly below, leaving no room for it to break free, and even its mouth was sealed to prevent it from having a chance. Attack again.

After confirming that he had found the right target, Ye Xuan mobilized the remaining abilities in his body and strangled the zombie's head with vines. And at the moment when the zombie's head fell, vines penetrated its head, and received the rare spiritual crystal nucleus into the space.

When throwing away the zombie's body, Ye Xuan took another look. It should be a young man in his early twenties, dressed in fashion, with a game-specific headset hanging around his neck.

Ye Xuan couldn't help but think, he didn't become a zombie while playing games, so he retained this instinct for arranging tactics

It's just that in the game, humans kill mobs, but in reality it's brainless zombies killing humans...

Not to mention irony.

A burst of dizziness stopped Ye Xuan from thinking wildly. He touched his forehead, closed his eyes and carefully perceived the supernatural powers in his body, and said to the worried Ling Jiaze next to him, "I may be about to break through."

Ye Xuan couldn't see it himself, but Ling Jiaze could clearly see his current abnormal state—outdoors at minus ten degrees, Ye Xuan's face was covered with sweat, his naturally hanging hands trembled slightly, his face was so ruddy that it was abnormal, almost like him. I've seen the same people who are going to become zombies.

After hearing Ye Xuan say that he was going to break through, Ling Jiaze breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What can I do for you?"

This is not the first time Ye Xuan has broken through. He knows his own situation well. He looked at the group of zombies that were about to be wiped out, and said softly, "Don't worry, I will wake up in a day at most. You just need to provide me with a safer place." place will do.”

Ling Jiaze said as if taking an oath: "Okay, I will definitely guard you!"

Ye Xuan looked into Ling Jiaze's eyes, his vision became more and more blurred, and he finally lost consciousness.

Ling Jiaze caught Ye Xuan's falling body, carried him to the passenger seat, adjusted the seat for him, fastened his seat belt, and then slowly let go of his holding hand. He stared at Ye Xuan with his eyes closed for a few seconds, and slowly crouched down as if bewitched.

He thought, Ye Xuan is asleep now, he wouldn't notice it just by touching it, wouldn't he

"Hello, what's the matter with this gentleman?"

The voice behind him woke up Ling Jiaze like a thunderbolt. He took a step back and distanced himself from Ye Xuan. He turned around with a displeased expression, squinted his eyes and looked displeased at the soldier who disturbed him, and said coldly : "It's okay, he is a supernatural power user, and the supernatural power has been used too much."

"Okay, sorry to bother you." He saw the scene where Ye Xuan controlled the vine just now, and he didn't have any doubts about his identity as a supernatural being. He is not a supernatural being, and the base doesn't know much about supernatural beings. Since his companion said he was out of strength, then it must be.

It's just that his companion, why is his face so red


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

6 bottles of Chinchilla and Tumi; 2 bottles of issing; 1 bottle of none;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!