I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 29: information


There were a lot of people in the hall of the Survivor Center. Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze took advantage of their good eyesight and didn't squeeze forward. They just stood at the door and watched the electronic screen that continuously released tasks.

There are three screens in the whole hall, the one in the middle shows the official missions, mainly to follow the army to perform escort missions to pick up more survivors to the base, and the other part is to find some supplies, mainly clothes and food , only a few here and there are instruments, and the more sophisticated instruments are supposed to be obtained by the officials themselves.

The tasks on the left and right screens are more complicated. Those who need to find people, invite people to rescue, find medicines, and exchange supplies... In addition to the official water and food, the tasks released by survivors give money, gold and silver. For jewelry, for water and food, for medicine, and Ye Xuan even saw one for sleeping with... That's when I really thought of what I could take out and listed them all.

Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze didn't have much interest in those various private tasks. The two of them looked at the officially released tasks attentively, and were a little disappointed to find that these tasks were all about small things, and none of them seemed to be able to bring Let them go to city b or the northwest.

Thinking about it, at this time, both the people in the base and ordinary survivors are concerned about whether they can survive tomorrow. Even if the management of the base is far-sighted, at this juncture, they don't have much thought to pay attention to the country's dynamics and future plans, so they can take care of themselves One-third of an acre of land is not bad, how can I have the time to think about exploring

It's just that they can sit still or have no time to pay attention, but Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze can't just wait like this. There are many crises in the end times. Although Ye Xuan knows that Ling Jiaze's grandfather's family will become the people in charge of the Northwest Base in the future, he can't guarantee whether they will encounter danger during this period, and whether there will be any unpredictable butterflies due to his rebirth. effect. What's more, in his impression, Ling Jiaze's little uncle had an accident in the early days of the end of the world and then failed to advance to the next level. If the two of them were wasting time here just in time to run into each other's accident, then even if Ling Jiaze didn't know it, he would Also feel uncomfortable.

He is not the Virgin who wants to save the world, but he also does not want people around him to have accidents due to his negligence.

Seeing Ye Xuan staring at the screen in a daze, Ling Jiaze whispered to him, "I want to ask the base management personnel to see if they are willing to go north recently."

He didn't know the future direction, so he was naturally more anxious than Ye Xuan to go north to meet his family.

"Okay, if they don't have a mission to go north, the two of us will drive there by ourselves. The possibility of encountering a wave of zombies is low if there are few people. With the strength of the two of us, as long as we don't encounter large-scale zombies, we will be fine. "As for high-level zombies, Ye Xuan can kill B-level zombies before he advances, and there is nothing to be afraid of after he advances.

And the higher C-level zombies appeared almost at the same time as the mutated plants. It was calculated that this change would occur when the weather became hotter in the spring equinox next year, and there were still several months before now. Thinking along this line of thought, the earliest second-order supernatural beings and mutated animals among humans in the previous life all appeared after a heavy snowfall in January. I have been in a coma for so long this time, perhaps because the heavy snowfall has not yet arrived. The reason why collective evolution has not come yet

Ye Xuan thought wildly about the timeline of his previous life, and was taken to the base office by Ling Jiaze before he knew it.

Perhaps it was because they had put in a lot of effort when encountering a wave of zombies before, and the two of them met the soldiers in the base who were in charge of issuing missions.

"A mission to the north? Let me find it for you."

"sorry to bother you."

It has been a while since Ye Xuan went to the north in his last life. At that time, the road before the apocalypse was destroyed by many zombies and mutant animals and plants. It took a lot of time to explore new roads along the way. Arrived in city b.

Although there are no mutated plants now, there will be many scrapped vehicles on the roads with many people and vehicles. The two of them will easily encounter traffic jams when they go on the road rashly. Although Ye Xuan can use the space to clear the vehicles blocking the road, it is too time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is better to have someone who can scout the road to avoid them making detours again and again. So the ideal situation is to go north with the army, if it is not possible, the two of them will act alone.

"Sorry, the base has not released a mission to go north so far, and there are no missions to be released in the next few days. May I ask what you two want?"

Ling Jiaze explained: "My family members are all in the north, so I can't worry about them."

The soldier could understand this kind of risk-taking behavior for the sake of his family, and suggested: "Well, why don't you ask other survivors? There should be some of them living in the north, and it would be a help to go there together. The opposite office can issue tasks , the price list is posted on the wall, you can think about it.”

"Okay, let's go back and discuss it." Ye Xuan agreed, but instead of going to the opposite room, he and Ling Jiaze walked out, saying as they walked, "It seems that we can only act by ourselves."

Unlike an army with stable combat capability and reliable quality and morality, the squad formed by the survivors has everyone. Not to mention the uneven strength, there is also the possibility of encountering someone who stabs a knife in the back. As long as the strength allows, Ye Xuan does not want to form a team with them even if it is a little troublesome.

Originally, in the last days, one should be careful of zombies when walking outside, and be careful of companions when he is with people who don't know the details. Ye Xuan doesn't want to live so tiringly.

"Song Feng, what do you mean by this? It's hard to get a chance to contact other places. What's the matter if you refuse?"

When they turned the corner, Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze happened to pass by an office with an open door, and suddenly a middle-aged man shouted and asked, which made them stop at the same time.

External communication... Ye Xuan gestured to Ling Jiaze, stepped into an empty room next to him, and concentrated on listening to the conversation next door.

"Hey, Lao Li, look what you're talking about. If this opportunity for external contact is reliable, how could I not try it. But can I believe such vague news you said? Who knows that it was sent before the end of the world. What’s more, even I believe that those cities and bases will send people there, but our base is still searching for survivors, and our army is so small that we are too busy. How could I give up the survivors I could save just because of such illusory news?"

"The survivors in several surrounding cities are almost picked up. Why do we need so many people?"

"The management of the base also needs people. If you look at the troubles in the base and those who come to go through the formalities, don't they all need people?"

"Keep talking, I don't believe you can't even send out a team!"

"You don't know those supernatural beings in the base, all of them are arrogant and domineering, and their eyes can only see the sky. You said that if there are no powerful people to control the place, the base will not be completely chaotic? You don't participate I don’t worry about management matters, but I worry about it!”

After listening for a while, Ye Xuan made sure that the two people in the room were still circling whether to send someone to do Tai Chi, and after confirming that there was no one outside, he quietly left the room and walked out as if he had just passed by.

After leaving the lobby, Ye Xuan recounted the conversation he had just heard to Ling Jiaze. After all, the room where the two of them hid was far away from the office. You can only hear a few louder words.

It was really useful for the two of them to accidentally learn that the base had received foreign news.

Although it is still a long time before ordinary people recover their ability to communicate in different places, in Ye Xuan's memory, the official bases resumed communication with each other relatively early. In the beginning, it was all based on human communication. Later, someone developed a new communication device, but because it was expensive, it was only circulated in the upper layer of the base, and it took a long time to improve before it flowed into the hands of ordinary people.

Anyway, in case of a sudden disaster, the first time is rescue and self-protection, and the second time is to restore communication and deliver news. Now that the end of the world has come for some time, under such circumstances, it is not impossible for the base to receive some communications from other cities. It's just that it's really hard to judge when the news was sent out. The news sent before the end of the world is useless, so it's no wonder Song Feng doesn't want to take risks.

As for whether the other party has any other secret thoughts, such as occupying this place as the emperor and not wanting his own people to go out to take risks, this is not something the two of them have considered.

After listening to the conversation he recounted, Ling Jiaze didn't pay attention to the inexplicable news first, but asked an unrelated question: "I heard that there are two people with a relatively large voice in the base, one surnamed Song and the other surnamed Li. , it should be the two people in the room just now. I know that Song Feng is a leader of the city before the end of the world, not a member of the army. As for the person surnamed Li, if he is from the military region, it may be my grandfather. A subordinate. However, Li is a common surname, I only heard a word from my grandfather before I came here, so I can’t be sure.”

Ye Xuan went through some information about this base in his mind, but it was so long that he couldn't remember clearly, so he was silent for a while and said: "The base was established in the military area, and there must be some people in charge There are people in the army, as for whether they are old people, we need to ask again. If it is someone we know, even if we don’t act with the people in the base, it is a good thing to know one more piece of news. If it is not someone we know, according to the original There's nothing to lose by planning."



Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Mine]: Chang Song 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Yifuru is 20 bottles; peace, suixii 5 bottles; peace of mind, sound card 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!