I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 3: pawn


Thanks to Ye Xuan's memory, he probably remembered the addresses of the famous private pawnshops in city S where he was, and with the help of navigation, he arrived at the destination relatively smoothly.

Seeing Ye Xuan coming in with a big bag, the waiter at the door thought that this strange-looking guest would be a big customer, so he came up to him with a smile and asked, "Sir, are you here to buy or sell? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Sell", Ye Xuan put the travel bag in his hand on the table and said, "I will exchange everything in this bag for money."

In the bag are things that are not very important to Ye Xuan, such as necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, watches, backpacks...

These things that can be bought with money are the first things he threw away after the end of the world. Compared with the treatment that was treated as waste at that time, it is already a very good thing to be able to exchange for money now

As for the few valuables left to him by his mother, as well as the antiques and curios that his father often played with during his lifetime, he locked them in a cabinet in his basement when he left in his previous life, and they are still lying in his space in this life. Inside, if there is no accident, Ye Xuan will never sell them in this life.

There are not a few people who sell one or two things, but this is the first time I saw the waiter who brought a whole bag. He opened the travel bag and took a look, knowing that this is really a big business, so he said quickly: "You Sit down, I'm going to call the boss."

Ye Xuan nodded indifferently. To him, it doesn't make much difference whether the big boss or the small manager is here to entertain him.

Soon, the owner of the pawn shop heard that the pile of things that Ye Xuan had brought was dead pawns, and hurriedly asked the waiter to greet him, and at the same time led a few of his subordinates to count the prices of these things.

Most of what Ye Xuan brought were things with clearly marked prices in the mall, and the few old items were not too difficult to estimate. After a rough inspection of everything, the boss handed over the evaluation to his subordinates, and came to find Ye Xuan himself. .

He was really a little curious about why this young man suddenly wanted to sell so many things, and he didn't look like he was sick or getting into trouble. Looking at those things, some of them were purchased, some were old jewelry worn for a long time, and they didn't look like stolen goods. The boss was really a little confused.

He sat across from Ye Xuan with a teacup, and tentatively asked: "I see that you brought a lot of things this time, why did you suddenly die with so many things? Tell me, maybe I can help you What are you up to?"

"Lack of money."

Boss: Your old man can just sell the thing. You don’t even look at our valuation. Is it short of money? Is it better for people who are really short of money to account for every dollar

He looked at Ye Xuan, and was about to inquire about some more information, when he met Ye Xuan's dark and scary eyes, and shut his mouth involuntarily.

From the outside, although Ye Xuan is not as good as some famous stars, he is still good enough to be called a handsome guy. His appearance is gentle and non-aggressive, and he will make people feel close when he is expressionless. If he smiles a little, it will be written on my face that I am a gentle and good person.

But as far as Ye Xuan himself is concerned, he is not a gentle person, not even a good person. Before the apocalypse came, he was a person who was relatively indifferent and alienated from the crowd. When the apocalypse came, he encountered things, especially after there were more major events such as life and death betrayal, the indifference in his bones was fully displayed. Although he can't do the kind of thing that deliberately harms others for his own life, he can't put himself in danger for others.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. After his rebirth, although his appearance is ten years ago, his soul is still ten years later, so the eyes look a bit weird. Even he himself felt a little strange looking at these eyes that didn't match his immature appearance when he washed himself every morning. It was quite normal for the boss to feel that something was wrong when he looked at him.

Seeing his reaction, Ye Xuan lowered his eyes, put on the plain glasses that had just been cleaned, and did not speak again.

Now there is less than a month before the end of the world. In order not to make others feel weird, Ye Xuan wore a pair of gold-rimmed flat-frame glasses for decoration. As for more concealment, he really didn't bother to do it. It is too much for one tenth of the people who have seen him in a month to meet again in the last days, and he doesn't really want to waste his mind on other people's eyes.

Soon the people at the pawn shop counted the value of these things that Ye Xuan brought, and the odds and ends add up to about three or four million. Although it is much lower than the original price, it is basically worth it to Ye Xuan. enough.

There was only one thing, the boss was a little uncertain, and asked Ye Xuan: "Is this black diamond ring also in the dead ring?"

Ye Xuan glanced at the ring. He probably remembered that it was an anonymous gift he received at Christmas one year. He never found out who gave the gift. He only saw a letter in the box that was written to himself. greeting card. This time he collected a lot of his own things to sell, and for some reason he put in this tail ring that he put away after not wearing it a few times.

Ye Xuan had an intuition that something was wrong, and asked with a slight frown, "Is there something wrong with this ring?"

"No, I just look at this beautiful ring, and feel that it's a pity to die. If you do, I'll give you an estimate?"

It's a bit weird for a pawnshop owner who is used to storms and people's hearts to say these words, but Ye Xuan's thinking mode has not yet switched to the peaceful age, and he has no intention of delving into it at all. He has seen many strange businessmen in the last days. , this pawnshop owner is not the strange one.

Ye Xuan took the ring that was quite in line with his aesthetics and put it on his little finger, saying: "Forget it, this is inappropriate, you can transfer the other things to me."

"Wait a minute, it will be ready soon."

Soon the pawn shop completed all the formalities, and Ye Xuan also received a text message on his mobile phone, so the transaction ended happily.

The boss, who was also happy with the transaction process, sent Ye Xuan out the door very attentively, he saw Ye Xuan's co-pilot put a suitcase on it with sharp eyes, and asked deliberately: "Guest, do you still have something to sell? Although I say that I collect a lot of jewelry here, I can still eat some curios.”

Ye Xuan followed his gaze and explained, "No, I'm going to the Australian market. This is the suitcase."

"Oh, good luck to you."

After watching Ye Xuan leave, the boss returned to his office, found a phone number from his phone and dialed it. Soon, a rather young male voice came from the opposite side: "Boss Wang, is there anything wrong?"

"I just want to ask, is the tail ring you bought from me before still there? I just had a guest here, and he came here with a ring that looked like seven or eight cents and said he was going to die. I'm a little worried. Don’t let it be taken away by someone, don’t you think so?”

"Damn?" The voice on the other side of the phone was a little puzzled, and asked, "How old is he, and what does he look like?"

"I'm in my twenties, tall, maybe 1.85 meters! I drive an off-road vehicle, wear flat glasses, and look like a good-tempered person with a kind face."

The other side of the phone was silent for a while and said, "It should be me. You don't have to worry about this matter. Where's the ring?"

"He took it back and said it was inappropriate."

"How much has he pawned."

"There are a lot of bits and pieces, I think I took all the things that I don't need at home."

"I see, is there anything else?"

"Since I'm your friend, I'm relieved. Let me just say, that little brother looks extraordinary, so he can't be a bad person no matter what. Just... There is one more thing I don't know if I should say it. It stands to reason that he is in our line of business. The guests should be kept secret, but your family and our big boss have known each other for so many years... "

The man on the phone interrupted him impatiently, "Say."

Boss Wang said with a smile: "Then I'll tell you, don't let him blame me. You also know that there are many people in our business, so you can see something. I saw that customer He took a lot of things, so he asked a lot. He said that he is short of money now, and he has to go to the Australian market. You know what the Australian market is for. I thought that if he was your friend, I would let you know this. It’s good to have someone to take care of this matter, right? If he asks you, don’t say that I said it. You also know that everyone in our business must keep it secret, if it weren’t for... "

The person on the other side of the phone interrupted his tirade again, saying: "Australian market... I won't talk about it, thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me, so let's do it first?"


A few hours later, Ye Xuan had arrived in Australia by plane, and found a hotel to stay in. The casino was on the first floor, and the hotel was upstairs, which was quite convenient and fast.

At the front desk, he exchanged most of the money in his card for colorful chips, and entered the field holding a transparent box full of chips.

Gambling is still quite new to Ye Xuan. He has never been to a casino before the end of the world. After the end of the world, everyone's mental strength has improved to a certain extent because of the existence of supernatural powers. It became a very easy task, and he only glanced at it occasionally when passing by, and had no interest in the end.

Ye Xuan walked around the casino, once again realizing the huge gap between human spiritual power before and after the end of the world. Although his spiritual power has been relatively enhanced because of his high level of supernatural powers, he can't be so much stronger than ordinary people now, right

To put it bluntly, apart from projects that rely purely on luck, it seems that he really doesn't have any projects that can't make money

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and walked to a Sic Bo table that was being settled, ready to bet on the next game.

"Senior Ye, long time no see."

Ye Xuan heard someone talking next to him, and turned his head to take a look... Who is this person? ?


Ye Xuan: I remember this Boss Wang! ! !