I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 32: Neighbor


"Hey, I just sent someone home to get the crystal core, why did you sell it out!"

"What do you get when you go home, I've been in line for a long time, and it's almost time for me, but the grandson in front of me was rounded up!"

"Little brother, you see that I have brought this crystal nucleus, so can't you sell me some more?"

Because Ye Xuan's initial plan was to pick Ling Jiaze back instead of coming to the trading area to sell things, so he just took a relatively large backpack from the space, packed some food, and came out. The capacity of the backpack is limited, and instant noodles take up a lot of space, but even if Ye Xuan stuffed the bag to the brim and put some compressed biscuits in the gap, he still couldn't bring much to eat.

There are too many monks and too little porridge, even if Ye Xuan only accepts crystal cores, there are still a lot of people rushing to him to buy things, and all the food he brought was sold out in the blink of an eye, and naturally this happened. A group of people surrounded him, wanting him to continue selling.

He collected three or four hundred crystal nuclei this time around, which can almost catch up with the harvest he had gone to a large supermarket to clean up zombies for a day. It's a pity that this kind of business can't be done frequently without a 100% trusted backer, otherwise it will be easy to make people doubt his purpose of collecting crystal nuclei and the stock of materials in his hand, which is really not worth the candle.

However, when he and Ling Jiaze came to the base, it was a fact that they brought a whole truck full of things, and the amount of one or two mountaineering bags sold was not too much, and it didn't matter whether they continued to sell. He gave the choice to Ling Jiaze, "Shall we come this afternoon?"

Ling Jiaze looked at the people staring at them with crystal cores in front of him, thought for a while and said, "Come here for another afternoon, there is nothing to do around, and it won't take too long to pack things up."

"Then let's come over," Ye Xuan said to the people around the booth: "We two will go to other places to find relatives tomorrow. When we came to the base, there were a lot of things in the car. Now we want to make room for the road to continue collecting supplies. Just make a deal with everyone. We will bring two more backpacks to eat in the afternoon, the trading principle is the same as in the morning, and we still only accept crystal cores. It’s only for one day, and we won’t wait until the expiration date.”

The man who was still complaining just now smiled immediately, and said excitedly: "Okay, okay, brother, we will wait for you here, you must come!"

"Yeah, we're waiting for you here, you have to remember, I'm at the front."

For a while, the people around the booth all echoed.

Those who can go to other places at this time are capable people. The two of them can be seen as the group of people with a good quality of life after the end of the world, so the onlookers can understand that they want to buy something to make room for them—they have the ability to collect more supplies, so of course they don’t care about these people No nutritious fast food.

As for only receiving crystal nuclei

People with supernatural powers must be more sensitive to these new things after the end of the world than ordinary people like them. Didn't you see that the forces that have recently collected crystal nuclei are also supernatural beings

"Thirty packs of instant noodles, twenty-four packs of compressed biscuits, a total of 390 crystal nuclei, it's not a waste of work this morning." Ye Xuan counted the harvest in the morning, took out fifty crystal nuclei and put them on the put the rest into the space, and asked contentedly, "What do you want for lunch? I'll cook."

"You can do it as you see it. I just drank a big cup of milk tea and I'm not hungry yet." Seeing Ye Xuan enter the kitchen, Ling Jiaze followed him to brush the thermos cup with milk tea in the morning, and asked casually: "What are we selling this afternoon?" ?”

"Continue to sell compressed biscuits. They don't take up much space. We can sell a lot of people with a big bag. Then we bring a bag of rice. I remember someone asked me in the morning if I wanted to buy rice. I remember that in the car There is rice, so don’t worry about not being able to tell where it came from.” Ye Xuan took out a box of compressed biscuits from the space and said, “Put these in the bag in the morning, and put the rice in the bag outside Just do it."

"Okay." Ling Jiaze moved the box of compressed biscuits to the door of the kitchen, and brought over the bag from the morning, as if Ye Xuan was there, and just sat directly at the door of the kitchen to start packing.

Ye Xuan shook his head helplessly, because he was outside, and there were neighbors on the left and right, he didn't plan to make too complicated food, so he thought for a while and took out a piece of pork belly, cucumber and carrots and other vegetables from the space, and prepared to start making fried noodles.

"Zi la—"

"Boom boom boom—"

Ye Xuan put the onion and ginger into the hot oil pan, and was about to fry it before adding the diced meat, when he vaguely heard a knock on the door.

Because the stove was too noisy, Ye Xuan asked Ling Jiaze loudly: "Did someone knock on the door?"

"Sounds like it, I'll go over and have a look." Ling Jiaze responded, got up from the ground, and went to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Ling Jiaze was taken aback. There were five middle-aged people and five children of different ages standing at the door, which directly filled the small corridor outside his house. Some of these ten people were wearing down jackets and some were wearing cotton jackets. The clothes were covered with dirty ash and oil stains, their bodies and faces were also covered with patches of black and ash, and their hair was greasy. I've taken care of myself.

Looking at their rather similar facial features and the trademarks on their clothes, Ling Jiaze came to the conclusion—this is a family with good living conditions before the end of the world, but after the end of the world, the current living conditions are not good, and they don’t pay much attention to appearance. people.

His guess was right.

It was the two brothers Mason and Marin, their wives and children who came to knock on the door. Mason and Marin started a small business. Later, the demolition of the village got a large amount of demolition funds. They took the opportunity to expand their business and bought several houses. During the old days, my elder brother also raised a concubine and an illegitimate child. It was a big family with a chaotic private life but a good life.

After the apocalypse came, among the ten of them, only the daughter of Ma Sen's original wife had awakened the power ability, and the other nine were all ordinary people, who still didn't dare to kill zombies. .

Before coming to the base, the ten of them lived on the food stored at home. When the ammunition and food were about to run out, they were taken to the base by the army, and because there was a supernatural person in the family, they were allocated a small house with better facilities and a little food. Like everyone else, they can only live in shantytowns outside.

What Naihe base distributes is not based on how many people there are in your family, but how many supernatural beings there are. One can imagine how uncomfortable it is to squeeze ten people into one's residence. How can one person's amount be enough for ten people to eat

They stayed up for a few days and ate up all the food in the house, and then they started looking for ways to survive. It happened that today they heard that the family next to them was selling food, so they came to find them.

This is how Ye Xuan was cooking at noon when someone knocked on the door.

After briefly introducing himself to his past glory and current situation, Ma Sen said with a flattering smile: "Little brother, look at our big family, old and young, all of us are starving to death. Can you show kindness and give us a stutter?"

Before Ling Jiaze could speak, the child led by the youngest beautiful woman yelled, "Father, I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat!" While talking, he pulled his mother forward, if it weren't for Ling Jiaze and Ma The three Sen Malin brothers happened to be standing at the door, and the child was about to squeeze in directly.

The beautiful woman gave him a tug, coaxing him and said, "Don't make trouble, baby, if you make trouble again, big brother won't give you meat!"

After finishing speaking, she brushed her hair, bent towards Ling Jiaze, and pretended to show off her curves that were still attractive even in a down jacket, then said softly and charmingly: "I'm sorry Ah, my child is young and has a bad stomach. I haven’t eaten properly for several days. I suddenly feel a little excited when I smell meat... "

She paused, waiting for Ling Jiaze to continue.

However, Ling Jiaze didn't follow what she said at all. Instead, he swept over their faces in disgust, finally stared at the noisy child for a while, and said coldly: "I don't want Maybe I will give you something to eat, please come back."

Seeing that he was about to close the door, Marin quickly stepped forward and grabbed the door frame, "Hey, little brother, don't worry! I, we will exchange things with you!"

"Yes, yes, we will exchange things with you!" Mason's eyes suddenly lit up, and he pulled the eldest daughter who was standing silently beside him, and said, "Don't you want that crystal nucleus? She will Kill zombies, I will let her go out to kill zombies, find crystal nuclei for you, and you will give me food! My son has not eaten for a whole day, and he will die if he does not eat anymore!"

Seeing that the girl was pushed to the front, the oldest woman seemed to be stunned for a moment, stepped forward and grabbed the girl's other arm, crying, "No way, you can't let Yueyue kill the zombies! How can you let Yueyue go if it can kill you!"

Ma Sen pointed at the woman and cursed: "Bah! She is the only one in the family, who else will she go to? I have worked hard to earn money to support you two for so many years, what's wrong with letting her go out to kill zombies and support her younger brother now? Tell me, do you support your brother?"

Marin persuaded: "Brother, why are you so angry? Yueyue is a good child of the Gu family. After awakening his ability, he will definitely take care of our family members. Isn't it, Yueyue?"

The beautiful woman coaxed softly: "Brother Sen, don't worry, Yueyue is a good boy. Although she doesn't like me, she still likes her younger brother. Tengfei used to tell me that his favorite in the whole family is sister Yueyue. I believe that Yueyue will not leave us alone."

"Yeah yeah… "

Ma Sen, his little wife, and Marin and his wife sang together in the corridor. The central idea was that Ma Sen's eldest daughter should go out of the city to kill zombies, and then take the crystal core to Ling Jiaze to feed her. Brother and such a group of people.

But 'Yueyue' at the center of this topic has never said a word, motionless like a wooden figure with no expression at all, as if everything has nothing to do with her.

Looking at the farce in front of him, Ling Jiaze suddenly felt a little ironic. A father who cheated, a mistress who broke into the house, and an illegitimate son who took possession of the magpie's nest...

so familiar...


Bear kids are really... indescribable at a glance

(Me: What if the brat is disobedient, just give him a good beating)