I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 41: Xiangping Town (2)


After the two groups met, the burly man whom Ye Xuan saw earlier introduced himself first: "My name is Zhao Cheng, this is our Squad Leader Song, thank you two little brothers for your help today, otherwise we would be stuck here .”

"I'm Ye Xuan, this is Ling Jiaze." Ye Xuan simply said his name and asked a little puzzled: "What happened here, why are there so many zombies gathered?"

He has been to empty villages and towns, and he has also been to cities where the survivors have been evacuated and only zombies are left. He has never seen such a situation where five or six survivors can attract thousands of zombies. The smell of a few people can It is too much to attract hundreds of zombies nearby.

Don't tell him that this town is already full of zombies, that would be too scary.

With the grace of saving lives first, Squad Leader Song didn't hide anything from the two of them, "Little brother should have noticed that we are all members of the army, and we came to Xiangping Town to do a mission. After arriving, the boss Leave us here to guard, and take other people into the town. When we chose a place to station and started to clean up the surrounding zombies, we encountered a few supernatural beings who were chased by the zombies."

"After we helped them kill the zombies behind them, they wanted to form a team with us, but because they smelled of blood and had a bit of a temper...so I gave them some gasoline and asked them to leave Xiangping Town as soon as possible."

Squad leader Song didn't say anything specifically, but Ye Xuan could tell from his expression and the small pause that those supernatural beings might have done something to anger them, so they were driven away by him. Otherwise, no matter from the nature of soldiers or the help that supernatural beings can bring, he would not just let them leave like this.


"Who would have thought that a man in their group would be so angry that he would throw a corpse of a dead man who hadn't been eaten by the zombies at our door, and deliberately bled it! Wait for us... When we find out , has been surrounded by zombies!"

At the end, his eyes were a little red, obviously hating that group of people.

"How could they do this?" Ling Jiaze was also pissed off by what this group of people did. It's fine if he doesn't repay after being rescued, but it's too much to actually harm his savior like this.

Ye Xuan looked down at the zombies all over the street, lingered on their heads for a while and asked, "Did you use guns directly from the beginning?"

"No," Squad Leader Song sighed, "At first we wanted not to make a big noise, so we killed a group of zombies with sabers and abilities, but more and more zombies came over, almost hurting people. We had no choice but to go upstairs and shoot. We thought that there were not many zombies here, and we would just finish cleaning them up quickly. Who would have thought that more and more zombies would come as soon as the gunshots rang, and it would end in such a deadlock. "

It was human blood first, and finally the rotten smell of zombies covered up the bloody smell, and they were forced to shoot because they couldn't hold on, making the sound of gunfire a new tool to attract zombies, thus stepping into a place where zombies were attracted to kill. The vicious cycle of zombies...

It stands to reason that as long as they are fast, they can kill these zombies before attracting new zombies, but who would have thought that there would be so many zombies in this small town, and they would just step into a deadlock.

All because there are too many zombies here!

After realizing this, Ye Xuan asked Squad Leader Song another question, "How long have you been stuck here?"

"At least an hour..." Squad Leader Song reacted abruptly after answering, and said with his eyes widened, "We fired for at least half an hour. Both the sound of gunfire and the movement of zombies should have attracted the attention of the boss, but they But they didn’t come to support!”

Ye Xuan said with a serious face: "Although there are many zombies here, the individual strength is generally weak. I suspect that they have encountered stronger zombies." According to his experience, there should be one or two among the thousands of zombies. A B-rank zombie is right, but he didn't even collect the crystal nucleus of a B-rank zombie along the way, obviously something is wrong.

Xiangping Town is a big town, and now there are thousands of weak A-level zombies appearing outside the town. No one knows what will happen inside the town where no one comes to help.

Squad Leader Song gritted his teeth and ordered: "Zhao Cheng and I will go, the others stay here!"

Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze said in unison: "We will go in with you."

After finishing speaking, both of them were stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds of silence, Ye Xuan said first: "We are both supernatural beings, it's best if we can help, if we can't help, we have the ability to protect ourselves, don't worry. You worry. Even if you don't agree, we can drive in by ourselves."

Ling Jiaze said briefly, "We won't hold back."

Squad Leader Song: …

Although what the two of them said was not very pleasant, the zombies with their heads separated from their bodies can fully prove that what the two of them said is true.

These two young men are stronger than their own team.

After coming to this conclusion, Squad Leader Song said helplessly: "Let's go, but the ugly words are ahead, and I don't know what happened in the town. If you don't obey the command then, I won't take care of it."

"no problem."

Ye Xuan didn't think of needing his care at first, but now what Squad Leader Song said was in line with his wishes. If something uncontrollable happens, he will still choose his own way of doing things.

After getting in the car, Squad Leader Song sat in the driver's seat and drove, while Zhao Cheng sat in the co-pilot, turned around and asked, "Our squad leader is a person with speed abilities, and I am a person with strength abilities. I don't know what the abilities of the two of you are. ? I think you all use knives?"

Ye Xuan explained: "My wood-type special ability has no offensive ability, so I use Tang Dao most of the time."

"I have an ice ability, and I use the knife and the ice blade backwards."

"That's right." Zhao Cheng couldn't help feeling a little disappointed after hearing the supernatural attributes of the two of them. He had seen a few such elemental supernatural beings at the base, and they were really weak. For example, it takes a long time for a fire-type supernatural person to condense a fireball, and after burning a few zombies, he will be exhausted, which is not as good as an ordinary person with agility.

But since both of them know how to use knives, Zhao Cheng didn't question their fighting ability, and at most he just felt a bit of a pity.

How good would it be if this kind of movement technique had a strength or speed ability

Ye Xuan could hear the pity in his words, didn't make any more excuses, changed the subject and said: "The situation in Xiangping Town is unknown now, I don't know what mission you are here for, let's listen Listen to it and deduce the situation."

Lieutenant Colonel Li, a member of the army, received news from Xiangping Town that the superiors of their army sent them here to do missions. Ye Xuan felt that there might be some connection between the two.

Squad leader Song, who was driving, said, "To be honest, I came here with our boss, and I don't know what to do. But we didn't bring many weapons when we came, so it's probably not a high-risk mission."

If it weren't for that, they wouldn't be so easily trapped without bullets.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Xuan realized that Squad Leader Song didn't need to hide it from them. After all, they can be said to be grasshoppers on the same rope now. It is not a wise move to conceal important information from these two powerful fighters.

"It may be that there are some problems in this town that you don't know about, or something has changed to become like this. I don't know much about Xiangping Town. Can you tell me what was going on here before the end of the world?"

He learned about the mysterious news from Lieutenant Colonel Li, assuming that the news was really useful, then there must be something special about Xiang Pingzhen. You can't really choose this place because it's relatively close to everyone, right

Zhao Cheng introduced: "Xiangping Town covers a large area, and this area is a relatively densely populated area in China. Before the end of the world, the permanent population of this town was about 300,000 to 400,000. As far as I know, this town has developed agriculture. The food, fruits and vegetables eaten in several nearby cities are all provided here, and there is also a large pharmaceutical factory, which can be regarded as the leading industry in the town."

"Pharmaceutical factory?" Ye Xuan thought for a moment of those research laboratories that 'manufactured' all kinds of monsters in his previous life.

"The production is some ordinary medicines, but the scale here is relatively large, so it is more famous."

"Then is it possible that you are here for this pharmaceutical factory? After all, there are zombies in the hospital now, and there is a serious shortage of medical resources. Such a large pharmaceutical factory is probably enough to support the base for a long time."

"Maybe, but there is also a small pharmaceutical factory near our base. Although the scale is not comparable to this, it will not be a problem for a period of time. Our base is far from here, and we all drive off-road vehicles. The whole There are only two spatial abilities in the team, and even if they pretend, they can't install too many things, so the possibility is not too great."

That's really unlikely.

Ye Xuan asked a few more news about Xiangping Town. I don't know if it's because this town is nothing to begin with, or because Zhao Cheng, an outsider, only learned about it from the base temporarily, and Ye Xuan didn't deduce it. What.

He was thinking about the special situation of this town, when he suddenly saw a basketball-sized fireball flying towards the side road, and quickly shouted: "Quickly dodge the fireball on the left!"

Squad leader Song subconsciously looked in the direction he said, and saw a big fireball flying straight towards them. He quickly turned the steering wheel to the right, and at the same time stepped on the accelerator hard to avoid the fireball. , let it fly past from behind the car.

"Damn it, which supernatural being is blind?!" After stepping on the brakes, Squad Leader Song saw the wooden door in the rearview mirror that fell into the flames and became a scapegoat for them, and thought of the tragedy of his car being hit , couldn't help swearing a dirty word.

Ye Xuan carefully looked at the direction the fireball came from, and said with certainty: "It's not a supernatural being."


Squad leader Song asked back: "What would it be if it wasn't a supernatural being?"

Ling Jiaze explained in place of Ye Xuan: "It's a zombie, a zombie with fire powers."

"There are no less than ten evolved zombies in that direction. I don't know how many have special abilities. They have already discovered us and came over." Ye Xuan handed Tang Dao to Ling Jiaze's hand and said: "Get off the car, Don't be too far away from me for a while."

Ling Jiaze clenched the Tang Dao in his hand, and said bluntly, "Okay!"

Seeing that the two of them completely ignored themselves, they got out of the car and walked towards the zombies. They were about to face the dozen or so zombies head-on. Squad leader Song and Zhao Chengyi gritted their teeth and went up to them with sabers.

For a while, four people with four knives fought with a dozen zombies.