I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 44: Xiangping Town (5)


"The news you mentioned before was automatically sent by the system at the moment of the end of the world. I don't know the specific reason. I only know that this is a pre-set program. If such a major disaster occurs across the country, the system will A message will be sent automatically, and a meeting place will be sent by region. But as far as I know, the area in City C should not belong to the coverage of Xiangping Town. However, when the end of the world comes, the entire magnetic field is messed up, and it is possible to send it to the wrong place. "

Ye Xuan asked curiously: "Why Xiangping Town?"

"Because this is a place that was chosen before." Shen Ping did not play charades with his nephew and his companions, and said frankly: "Long before the end of the world, the country has made some preparations for such a major disaster." , For example, build large warehouses across the country to store necessities such as food, medicine and clothes. In peacetime, this is only a relatively large-scale transit station, but if something really happens, such a warehouse can provide necessary supplies to surrounding cities. There is a pharmaceutical factory in Xiangping Town, and the agriculture is relatively developed. In addition, the geographical location is suitable, so a large warehouse was built here. On the surface, this is just a warehouse, but in fact the underground area is very large. But knowing this There are very few people involved in the matter, for example, I only heard about such an incident from my father, and I don’t know where the specific warehouse is, so the people from your base didn’t send anyone over.”

"Of course, you also know that this kind of place is not only for providing supplies to the surrounding cities in an emergency, but also because there is a need for a place for all places to meet to unite this scattered sand."

If the connection between various regions is disconnected for a long time, there may be a situation of silos, and it is easy to cause accidents in the long run. They all understand this.

"Because City B is relatively close to here, I have already arrived in Xiangping Town half a month ago. The situation in City B is complicated, and there are people from any force mixed with good and bad people. The more than one hundred of us belong to different forces. Although I After entering the town, I felt something was wrong, but they urged me so hard that I could only keep driving in, and it didn't take long for us to be surrounded by zombies."

"First, thousands of non-advanced zombies surrounded us and forced us to shoot, and then the zombies piled up like they couldn't be killed. Although we had a lot of ammunition, there were too many zombies. It is also easy to affect our hits, and the bullets are exhausted after a long time. We can only drive towards the direction where there are no zombies to escape. After entering this area, that is, the depths of the town, those zombies finally stop coming. It gave us a chance to breathe."

"At this time, we had disputes about the direction of progress. Some felt that we should continue to explore inwardly, and some thought that we should retreat first. We were forced to this street, as if they did it on purpose, they only left us a way to escape, forcing us to escape here... When we entered this street, there were no more zombies around us, but We can't get out either."

Ling Jiaze asked puzzledly: "Wait a minute, what do you mean you can't get out?"

"It literally means that we can't get out of this street, let alone this town. As soon as we leave this street, a large group of zombies will surround us. After trying several times, we can't get out. In the end, we can only stay here .”

"Is there anything special about this street?"

Shen Ping led them to the window, pointed to a house on the street and said, "Did you see that gray one-story private house on the corner of the street? That's the entrance to the warehouse, and it's also the destination of our trip."

Ye Xuan glanced at the private house from a distance through the window. It looked like an ordinary house from the outside, but it gave him an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Look away.

Seeing that both of them turned their heads away, Shen Ping said: "Is there something wrong? We tried it. We can go to any place on this street. Only this house we can't get close to. It feels disgusting when we get close to it." .Yesterday there was a daring person who insisted on breaking in, and died without opening the door."

Ye Xuan slowed down a bit, and asked about another thing that he had just noticed, "The building we are in is not big, and we haven't seen many people. Uncle Shen, where are your more than one hundred people now?"

Shen Ping didn't mention his sudden change of address, and said with a sneer: "The things we can find on this street are limited, and the things we carry are also limited. Everyone is not a powerful person, and they are suspicious of each other when they are forced together. After making sure that there are no zombies on this street, I took my own people and found a building to stay in."

Ye Xuan: It turns out that the power struggle in City B is still so fierce in the whole life, and they never forget that everyone is not on the same side, which is really amazing.

Ling Jiaze, who didn't know how to evaluate those people, asked, "What about them? When we arrived on this street just now, we didn't notice any people in other houses."

"They're all huddled on the fifth floor," Shen Ping said coldly, "I didn't bring much, and when I arrived at this street, I didn't look for supplies immediately, so they sorted me out first."

What Shen Ping did not explain was that although these groups of people fought fiercely with each other, they were all local forces in city b. Only he had been operating in city b for several years, but in the last days there was a great possibility that he would I went back to the northwest to reunite with my father and brother. In other words, he was an outsider among outsiders in this group.

In fact, if it wasn't for Shen Ping who wanted to try to see if he could get news about Ling Jiaze from people in other places, he really wouldn't have strongly asked to participate in such a task involving a large amount of supplies and contacts.

Ye Xuan didn't know much about the twists and turns inside, but Ling Jiaze could guess a little bit, and his expression was a little ugly right now.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet. Why do you show such an expression? Wait until you've finished listening to your uncle." After comforting him, Shen Ping continued, "I'll bring people to this building after I'm separated. They live in the house, and they live in the three buildings diagonally opposite. At first, everyone thought that we were just trapped here, and our lives were not in danger for the time being. Who would have thought that the people who would surround us before noon the next day Those hundreds of zombies appeared again."

"At that time, the zombies broke into the courtyard at the far east. When I saw the courtyard door was knocked open, I was ready to bring people to support, and I was ready to fight to the death. But soon I found that the zombies did not take the people inside. They killed all the people, they only dragged away all the ordinary people and five supernatural beings in the yard, drove them to the house with the warehouse entrance, and left the street."

"After this incident, the rest of the people panicked. They came to me. We tried together for a day but couldn't get out of this street. In the end, we could only resign ourselves to fate and pray that the group of zombies would not appear again." Shen Ping paused for a while, half-closed his eyes and said: "At noon on the third day, the group of zombies followed the same pattern and took away most of the people in the other room."

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "They have kept you in captivity..."

Ling Jiaze just found it ridiculous, and said in disbelief, "Having humans in captivity? Can zombies already do this?"

"It's in captivity." Shen Ping nodded heavily, and continued to talk about the situation later, "This kind of thing happened for two days in a row, and the rest of the people panicked. Take all the ordinary people away, then separate the ordinary people from them, and use their lives to save the rest."

"Is this person crazy? Can't he see those supernatural beings who died two days ago?"

"Yeah, I was scared crazy," Shen Ping said sarcastically, and his face was still not good-looking afterward, "On the fourth day, the ordinary people in the whole house were driven into that house, and the courtyard where the supernatural beings lived was also destroyed. After breaking in, more than a dozen people with supernatural powers died; on the fifth day, people from another area came, and all of them became victims of that day... Until today, the more than one hundred people we came, There are only thirty or so left."

In other words, at least seventy people were driven into that house by the zombies, and this did not count the number of people who came from other places.

After realizing this, even though they didn't have a good impression of those seventy people, they still felt heavy in their hearts, and the room fell into oppressive silence for a while.

Ye Xuan was the first to break the silence, "When I came in just now, I noticed that there seemed to be a few ordinary people here on the third floor. Are they newcomers today?"

"There are two people I brought, and a few people who came last week." Shen Ping explained: "I disagreed when they wanted to separate ordinary people, anyway, I don't live with them , so I forced the people here to stay. After the ordinary people in the house died on the fourth day, the zombies originally came towards us. The dozen or so of us fought with them, but just as I was about to die. At that time, the zombies suddenly retreated, and they never came again. We were only restricted from going out of this street. The group of people who came with me in the next few days also moved in, plus people who came into the town one after another, this The building becomes a temporary safe zone."

Ling Jiaze murmured: "I don't understand..."

There were too many things he couldn't understand: Why did the zombies do this? What's so weird about that house? Since resistance is effective, why do those people still push innocent people to die...

"I don't even want to understand what's going on." Shen Ping pursed his lips and said firmly, "Although these zombies haven't come back for almost a week, the food we brought is almost finished. If you are exhausted and let others slaughter you, it is better to take the opportunity to fight. The new people upstairs are not prepared to sit still after hearing what I have said. We have already decided to break out in the morning after three days. Anyway, the left and right are dead, and they will die in the breakout. It's better than being eaten by zombies as food in captivity."

Ling Jiaze said decisively, "I'm with you!"

"Me too, Second Uncle Shen, can you tell me about those supernatural beings who survived... No, to be precise, what are the characteristics of the supernatural beings who have been kept in captivity?"

Ye Xuan remembered that in his previous life, Shen Ping was injured and died in the process of advancing. Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that he injured his foundation here, and it also shows that the predicament of this town is not impossible. untie. Since this incident has happened to him in this life, he should find a way to make a better ending.


The warehouse is made up by me, it is probably similar to a large state-owned transfer station, but it is a little more private

Probably the mode of operation is to put in a part and ship out a part to ensure that there will always be a large amount of supplies in this place