I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 46: Xiangping Town (7)


Considering that Shen Ping and his group have been trapped in Xiangping Town for a period of time, the consumption of clothes and medicine may not be much, but the daily consumption of water and food must not be much less, Ye Xuan took advantage of the time to get things in the car and sorted out the things in the two big bags again. He put all the medicines that were not in use and the clothes that took up a lot of space into the space, and replaced all the vacated space with In the last days, you can find more nutritious food, fill up all the gaps, and then go upstairs with your bag.

When he went upstairs, Ling Jiaze and Shen Ping had finished their brief chat, and they were waiting for him at the stairs on the third floor. Seeing him carrying a big bag in one hand, Ling Jiaze took a few steps down the stairs to help him carry it, but was stunned the moment he took it.

The bag was almost twice as heavy as when they got it in the car!

He raised his head to look at Ye Xuan, and found that he was smiling at him, what didn't he understand for a while

According to Ye Xuan's habit, even the packages he sorted out temporarily can contain the supplies for the two of them for three to four days, so that they will not be short of food or water in case of accidents. Now that there are so many extra things in this bag, it is self-evident who it is for.

Seeing that Ling Jiaze took the bag, Shen Ping stood still. In his mind, he automatically ignored the fact that Ling Jiaze is a supernatural being who has fully evolved his physical stamina. It is impossible for him to carry a bag. Falling into the false plot of letting go of the dilemma of losing face and holding on, he quickly walked down the steps and took the big bag from him, and said with a natural expression: "I'll take you to where you live."

After the end of the world, Ling Jiaze, who can easily lift a hundred catties of things: ...

After getting it, although Shen Ping felt that the bag was a bit heavy, he didn't think too much about it. After all, after the end of the world, many people travel with big bags and small bags. normal. He walked in front and introduced: "This building was originally a new office building built by a small business in the town two years ago. The company had few people. In the morning when the end of the world came, there was no one in the building. It wasn’t very dirty, much better than those houses on the street that were covered in human blood and zombies, so we chose to live here.”

"No wonder the building is so clean." After the apocalypse, once someone turns into a zombie somewhere, that place will inevitably be stained with blood. When Ye Xuan came, he noticed that the five-story building was exceptionally clean. Think of it like this.

"This is it." Shen Ping pushed open a door and said, "Although this room is a bit small, there is an old coal stove. I will find someone to burn it for you later. It will be warmer when you sleep at night. It’s more convenient if you want to drink hot water or cook a meal.”

"Please trouble little uncle."

"What's the trouble?" Shen Ping pointed to the door opposite, and said, "This is a big conference room, and a dozen of us live in it. If you have anything to do, just come and find me."

For the sake of safety after the end of the world, when they are outside, they all live in a large group of people. However, Shen Ping knew that his nephew didn't like to socialize very much, and he might not be able to adapt to living with so many people, so he arranged this one who was relatively close to the opposite door.

As for Ye Xuan, Ling Jiaze has already said that the two of them have shared the same bed more than once along the way, and there is no problem for the two of them to share a room...

"Thank you, Second Uncle Shen."

"You're welcome. However, since this building has not been occupied by many people before, there are no beds in the building except for a folding bed. We are using the sleeping bags we brought over during this time. If you are not prepared, come and get two , if you are not used to sleeping, I will take someone to move a bed for you and come back."

"The two of us also slept in sleeping bags on the way here, and we didn't feel uncomfortable. But because we came here in the car of Squad Leader Song, we only took the bag for food, and the sleeping bags and other tools were left with us. My car is already in, so I still need to ask Second Uncle Shen to lend us a sleeping bag and some tools."

"no problem."

After Shen Ping gave them a few simple instructions, he went to the fourth floor to tell the teams about the new conjecture put forward by Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan took off the jacket stained with zombie blood, lit the coal stove in the house and said : "It's inconvenient for me to take things out of the space these two days. I'll use this to warm my life first. If it doesn't work, I'll take the electric heater out at night."

He believed that Ling Jiaze didn't tell Shen Ping about his own space and other secrets, so everything he said and did was based on the premise that they didn't know.

"I'm not so precious." It was okay when there were only the two of them or when there were strangers around, but now seeing Shen Ping, a familiar little uncle, and being taken care of by Ye Xuan, Ling Jiaze always felt a little bit I'm sorry, I feel like I'm being treated as some delicate and fragile object by him.

Ye Xuan was stunned for a moment before he realized what he meant, touched his hair amusedly and said, "What are you thinking about? I never wrong myself when conditions permit, you only see that I take care of you , Forgot that I can use these things I took out?"

Ye Xuan admitted that his care for Ling Jiaze was beyond the scope of ordinary friends, but he was sure that he didn't treat him as something fragile. On the contrary, he was very aware of Ling Jiaze's powerful lethality under his exquisite appearance. If you really want to say, he just treats him well out of habit, and treats him better within his ability.

He has sufficient material reserves around him, why make the people around him suffer

Ling Jiaze's little emotions came and went quickly, he quickly adjusted, and asked, "What can I do for you?"

Ye Xuan opened the bag he brought up, and took out the things he changed into from the space, and said: "I thought we were going to live with other people, so I changed the things in the bag, and nothing happened. I thought it was unnecessary. You help me pack the things in the bag, I will go to see the situation on the other side, and I will talk about the rest when I come back. "

In fact, according to his plan, after confirming that the Shen family is trustworthy, he will find an opportunity to hint to them that they have space, and also reveal some things he has experienced in his previous life. But for those who came with Shen Ping, Ye Xuan didn't have much trust for the time being, so he made such an extra move specially, but it didn't work out.

But defense is defense, Ye Xuan is still happy to provide them with some help.

As soon as Ye Xuan entered the opposite room, a young man in a black jacket came over and said, "Did Mr. Ye come here to get the sleeping bag? The boss told me just now that these two are unopened military sleeping bags. Try it, if it doesn't work, I'll replace it for you."

The quality of the military sleeping bags would not be worse than the ones the two of them used along the way, not to mention the ones given to them were unused, Ye Xuan naturally had no objection. He took the sleeping bag and put it at the door, and asked: "I came here to ask where we should go if we want to cook? By the way, don't call me Mr. Ye, just call me Ye Xuan. I don't know why call you?"

"My name is Wang Xin. We dismantled a family's gas stove and placed it in a cubicle. If you want to cook, you can use it directly." Wang Xin yelled in the direction of the cubicle: "Lao Li, you Have you started cooking?"

"Are you stupid?" The middle-aged man he called Lao Li came out of the cubicle and said, "The things you took out last time were all eaten at noon, and you haven't brought out the ones tonight, what should I cook? "

"It's my fault. You boil the water first, and I'll get you compressed biscuits later."

Ye Xuan took the opportunity to ask: "Are you guys going to make dinner? What are you going to do?"

Wang Xin complained: "What can we do? We have been trapped here for more than half a month, and we have almost eaten up the food we brought. The grandsons on the fifth floor searched the street again. We This has been eating boiled compressed biscuits for several days."

In Ye Xuan's previous life, he went on many missions with people from the army, and he knows a thing or two about their cooking habits. Generally speaking, in this kind of environment where they can cook, they cook porridge or noodles with simple dishes. They only eat compressed biscuits when they can’t cook on the road or when they really have nothing else.

After cooking compressed biscuits for several days in a row, I also know that they have consumed other things.

"The two of us brought some food when we came over. We will cook with these things tonight. Let's all have a good meal."

Wang Xin was a little moved, but he still said, "Isn't this bad?"

"What's the matter? When the two of us came here, we put a lot of things in our car, so we asked you to borrow them. We sell food, and you lend us some useful things. Isn't that fair?"

"This..." Before Shen Ping went upstairs, he only told Wang Xin that if Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze needed anything, let him look for it from the space, but he didn't say that they could take their things to improve the food.

"That's the deal!" Ye Xuan picked up the two sleeping bags at the door and said loudly, "I'll get the ingredients, I'll be back right away, everyone will have a good meal tonight."

Wang Xin saw that he had made a decision on his own, and saw that the eyes of other people in the room were obviously brighter, so he could only shake his head helplessly, and accepted Ye Xuan's decision.

Soon, Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze walked in with dozens of various canned and dehydrated vegetables, as well as a large bag of rice.

Wang Xin was caught off guard by his chest full of cans. He felt the weight in his bosom before reacting, and refused: "This is too much..."

Ye Xuan lowered his voice and said, "I heard Second Uncle Shen say that we will prepare to break out and leave the town in a few days. Everyone can get more supplies if we succeed in breaking through. At worst, Second Uncle Shen will return us. If it fails... I will keep it." These are useless."

What Ye Xuan said was a bit like eating a good meal and going on the road, but Wang Xin didn't feel offended. It was a fact that they were going to fight to the death, and there was nothing wrong with what Ye Xuan said. Thinking about it carefully, if he could get out, it wouldn't be a problem to return him ten times the supplies based on their brother's ability. If he couldn't get out, then he would be buried here with these supplies, and everything would be empty.

"Okay, then we'll cook with these things tonight!"

In any case, they accepted this love!


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

1 bottle of small animals of discipline;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!