I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 78: Combine


Although Ye Xuan lost his mind because of the white light, the light was not coming towards him after all.

With a sound of "Boom—", the white flame containing the hot temperature hit the thick earth wall fiercely, and a yellow-black lump appeared in the center of the earth wall instantly.

The hard lump spread out inch by inch, and quickly spread to the entire earth wall at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning the slightly sticky but thick earth wall into hard but brittle.

When Ye Xuan regained his vision, he saw the red wolf king slamming towards this new wall, and the several supernatural beings behind the wall were still outputting supernatural powers unknowingly. The image continues to save this most important line of defense as before.

"Get out of the way!"

The mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements will only appear under the premise of similar strength. If one party is too strong, it is not impossible for the mutual generation and restraint to be reversed.

The flames emitted by the wolf king just now have exceeded the tolerance of the earth wall created by these supernatural beings. Under the calcination of high temperature, this earth wall has completely lost its role in resisting the wolves, and has become a wall that will bite back at any time. Fragile goods!

Seeing that they couldn't dodge the wolf king's attack range, Ye Xuan activated his ability violently, and a vine thicker than a human thigh instantly appeared in his hand, and then ruthlessly slammed into the wolf king in mid-air. The wolf king of the earth wall.

With a "bang", the wolf king who was bumped in mid-air was forced to change his landing position. After breaking through the earth wall, he landed heavily on an open space, leaving the fragile body that should have been trampled under his feet Humanity has recovered a life.

Seeing that the wolf king was about to open his mouth again, Ye Xuan shouted decisively: "The earth wall can't stop it anymore, change the water!"

The earth wall just now was the result of the hard work of these supernatural beings for a long time. Now it is difficult for them to create a wall with a thickness of three minutes. It is simply impossible to stop the wolf king.

So far, the only way to put out the fire is to force it with water.

Several water-type superpowers condensed a stream of water together, and together with an ice cone condensed by Ling Jiaze, they attacked the Wolf King, and collided with the fireball ejected from its mouth.

I didn't even see the moment when the ice melted or the water boiled. The water column and icicle turned into water mist the moment they hit the fireball, and then quickly dissipated in midair without leaving any trace.


Although the fireball was much less powerful after this collision, it landed on the snow after a few soldiers dodged nimbly, and was quickly extinguished. But from Ye Xuan's point of view, the powerful water column just now can only condense less than three times.

This is not enough.

The wolf king hasn't shown signs of fatigue yet. It has only spit out a very hot white flame once so far. I don't know how many more times it can use the orange flame just now. Ye Xuan dare not put all his hopes on its lack of strength. superior.

Shen Ping, who had just dealt with a mutant wolf on the other side, suddenly asked after noticing the situation here: "Ye Xuan, how long can you control it?"

"I can shoot after one of its attacks is over, and there should be about ten seconds before its next attack."

Although he can spawn a large number of vines to bind the wolf king, as long as it spits out extremely high-temperature flames, those vines that bind it will lose Ye Xuan's control and be used by the wolf king as new burning objects.

Wood makes fire, he really can't change this.

"That's enough. I'm on the left, Jiaze is on the right. When you get close, you attack the eyes and I attack the throat. Make sure to hit every shot, understand?"

Someone with supernatural abilities tried to attack the wolf king before, but although it was huge in size, it was extremely flexible in its actions, and it couldn't hit its weak point at all. Even if a few abilities fell on it, they all fell on the back with higher endurance, and could not cause too much damage to it.

That's why Shen Ping chose to let Ye Xuan, a double-edged sword, try this time, to see if he and Ling Jiaze, two people with higher levels of abilities, could take the shot within a few breaths of controlling the wolf king, and fight for a fight. Strike to get rid of the wolf king.


Ling Jiaze responded and walked to the right side of the wolf king.

"Three, two, one!" Ye Xuan counted the attack time of the wolf king, and after it spit out a fireball, it instantly catalyzed an overwhelming vine net, which would be about the same height as him, like a mountain of meat The wolf king was firmly trapped in the vines.

"Tsk, the temperature on this man's body is really high." After feeling the temperature coming back from the vines, Ye Xuan gritted his teeth, resisted the heat on his hands, and increased his supernatural power again, turning the wolf king's limbs layer by layer. It was wrapped up layer by layer, and slowly covered its waist.

A few seconds later, the wolf's body, which was originally glowing red, was completely covered by green vines except for one exposed head. Looking at it from a distance, people couldn't tell the difference. It's a vine woven into a wolf decoration, or a real wolf.

At the same time, Ling Jiaze and Shen Ping, who were ready to go, also moved.

After Ling Jiaze entered the second level, he had already accepted Ye Xuan's ability teaching for half a month, from the basic lesson of how to absorb the crystal nucleus recovery ability while fighting, to the N types of application methods of the ice ability, It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the best user of ice abilities in the world.

Different from the ice blades and ice picks that made little fuss when dealing with other mutant wolves, Ling Jiaze put all his strength into confronting the wolf king this time.

At the moment when Ye Xuan counted to one, his hands that were hanging by his side suddenly lifted upwards, and the ice ability with white mist poured out continuously, forming two high-speed rotating ice swirls in his palm, And the temperature around him also gradually dropped with the appearance of these two ice swirls.

Three seconds later, when the surrounding people were so cold that they were shivering, the ice spinners that had grown to a height of 50 centimeters suddenly converged in the middle, and slammed into each other with a few teeth-piercing collision sounds. It condensed into two ice swords that were as long as human arms.


Ling Jiaze flicked his wrist, and the two ice swords in his hand flew towards the wolf king who was trapped by Ye Xuan. The clear and audible sound of breaking through the air during the scuffle attracted everyone's attention, making them endure Can't help but look forward to what kind of results such a sharp ice sword will bring to mankind.

"Poof, poof—"


The sound of two swords piercing into the flesh and the thunder and lightning sounded together. Ling Jiaze's and Shen Ping's attacks hit the wolf king at the same time.

The ice sword pierced its creepy green eyes in the night into two huge blood holes, and the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky directly flew into its open bloody mouth again, directly blasting its red mouth. Burnt black.

"Woo..." The wolf king, who had been fatally attacked twice in succession, wanted to howl instinctively, but because of lack of strength, he could only let out a few out of tune whimpers. Coupled with the damaged throat, it sounded a little strange in the night. The feeling of Devil May Cry made everyone who finally breathed a sigh of relief couldn't help but feel hairy.

Ye Xuan, who is more sensitive to life perception, stared at the motionless wolf king for a while, then slowly said: "It's dead."

After speaking, he retracted the vine that had been tied to it.

There was a loud "boom", and the hill-like wolf king slammed to the ground after Ye Xuan withdrew the vines. His head, still carrying two ice swords, lost its support and fell down, together with clods all over the ground. , ice chips, and dead branches face each other from a distance, as if they are still looking at the enemy who killed it after death.

Shen Ping took the lead to withdraw his gaze from the wolf king, and ordered: "Don't be dazed, go to the side to help quickly, and quickly get rid of the remaining mutant wolves!"

Although the wolf king is dead, the mutated wolf pack is still there.

Since the wolf king attacked the earth wall just now, the battlefield has been divided into two parts by humans and wolves by coincidence—the earth-water two-line supernatural powers plus Ye Xuanling Jiaze Shen Ping, three second-level supernatural powers to deal with the wolf king together, The rest of the people dealt with the dozens of mutant wolves.

The wolf king is powerful. Although those mutated wolves are far inferior to it, they can compete with the supernatural beings who have lost the protection of the earth-type superhumans and Ye Xuan, the logistical support, because of their large numbers. up and down.

Now that the battle on the wolf king's side was settled, Shen Ping would naturally not leave the remaining dozen or so mutant wolves on the other side alone.

Although Ling Jiaze and Shen Ping consumed a lot of stamina, they hadn't exhausted their powers. In addition, Ye Xuan, who was restrained by the fire enemy, the Wolf King, joined the three second-level powers very quickly. It caused a lot of damage to those rough-skinned and thick-skinned mutant wolves that were quite durable, and it didn't take long to deal with all the mutant wolves.

Ye Xuan frowned as he looked at the wolf king's corpse and Xue Di, who was stained red by its blood, he was even more nervous than when he faced the mutant wolf just now.

Seeing that his face was a bit ugly, Ling Jiaze held his hand and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Xuan's face became more and more ugly, and he said quickly: "We have delayed it for too long, it is bleeding too much."

What happens when an animal bleeds too much

This question reminded Ling Jiaze of the time when they were in Xiangping Town, Ye Xuan used a piece of bloody animal internal organs to attract a whole street of zombies.

His face turned pale in an instant, and he said to Shen Ping who was letting people clean up the mess: "Little uncle, the smell of blood is too strong here, it is easy to attract zombies here."

"Although zombies and mutant beasts are the enemies of human beings, the relationship between them is not good. Generally speaking, the king does not see the king. So we have been fighting for so long just now. As long as we don't fire shots, there will be no massive blood loss for humans, and there will be no loss of blood." Let the zombies discover our existence, even if the wolves make a big noise, they will not come over."

According to Ye Xuan's experience, zombies will not actively attack living mutant beasts, and mutant beasts will not join zombies. That's why they carefully concealed the traces of humans going out just now, and they didn't guard against all kinds of movements made by the wolves.


Ye Xuan said in a heavy tone: "Now that the wolf king is dead, there is no longer any existence that can deter the zombies. The zombies will come to eat these mutant beasts soon."

If they had dealt with all the mutant wolves and cleaned up the battlefield when the wolf king died, the zombies might not have come over, but now that the wolf king died at least ten minutes later, the zombies couldn't possibly feel nothing.

No one knows how many zombies the mutated wolves in one place can attract, but they all know that once the zombies come, their team, which has just been consumed by the wolves, will definitely end badly!

No time to worry about how Ye Xuan knew so many things, Shen Ping ordered decisively: "Space abilities put away everything, the rest of the people start to get in the car, and leave in two minutes!"


Seeing this, Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they are now leading soldiers who obey orders. Otherwise, if you ask a few questions, I will evade them. Who knows when they will be able to leave

"You drive, I use vines to get things back."

The room of the two of them is upstairs, and it must be too late to run up now. Fortunately, the room was next to the window, Ye Xuan stood downstairs and urged the vines to break the window, and after turning around in the room, he put away all the things that were taken out, faster than a serious space ability user.

After collecting the supplies, he manipulated the vines to pass through the heads of the mutant beasts on the ground one by one, collecting the crystal nuclei in their brains, and then got into the car just as the large troops were assembled.

After a series of ignition sounds, the vehicles sped out one after another, driving into the vast night.

When the last car drove out of the parking lot, Shen Ping looked back as if feeling something, and through the firelight left by the mutant beast outside the hotel, he clearly saw the zombies rushing towards the hotel.

It is densely packed, and there is no end in sight at a glance.


When playing Xuanyuan Sword and Ancient Sword, every time you have to save a five-element birth control map on your phone, and watch it while playing...