I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 81: Meet


"call out-"

Ling Jiaze was so startled by Shen Minghui's words that he shook his hand violently, the steering wheel shifted and the whole car swayed to the side, and the tires made a harsh friction sound against the ground.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, reacted quickly, grabbed the window armrest with one hand to stabilize his body, and grabbed the steering wheel with the other, thus avoiding the tragedy of the car crashing into the houses on the side of the road.

Shen Minghui, who was sitting in the back seat, also reacted very quickly. He happened to get in the middle of the front seat to chat with them before the car skidded. The moment the car skidded, he immediately instinctively grabbed the seats on both sides, and firmly held himself It was fixed, and successfully avoided the fate of being thrown to one side of the car door.

After the vehicle stabilized, he patted his beating heart with lingering fear, and asked with concern: "Cousin, are you alright?"

It took Ling Jiaze a long time to find his voice, and he asked incredulously, "Grandpa... Grandpa, how did he know?"

Shen Minghui didn't understand, so he said: "It's cousin, didn't you ask Boss Wang from Jinshizhai to find you a black diamond tail ring? At that time, he happened to collect a batch of ancient paintings from the Song Dynasty. Let’s talk about this matter. Boss Wang didn’t know that there is a special meaning in our family’s sending tail rings. In order to claim credit for this matter, he explained in detail how you asked him and how much he wasted on finding it for you. The matter of a ring that suits one's wishes was all discussed. Then Grandpa knew that you ordered a men's tail ring from Boss Wang."

Ye Xuan asked abruptly: "What special meaning does the tail ring have?"

"Ah?" I didn't expect Ye Xuan to change the subject suddenly. Shen Minghui didn't turn his head around for a while, and said quickly: "Is it to express love? It seems that I don't know whether great-grandfather or great-great-grandfather used this trick to express love. And then it has been passed down like this?"

"Wait a minute..." Shen Minghui, who was not yet in love, looked at the bewildered face of his cousin's current boyfriend, Ye Xuan, and suddenly realized a not-so-good possibility—the tail ring customized by his cousin would not be a gift. Give it to someone else

So this is me, in front of my cousin's ex-boyfriend, fearlessly raising doubts about the existence of his ex-boyfriend

Shen Minghui: Be cold!

Although he is not old enough to fall in love and has never tried puppy love, Shen Minghui, who has heard many bloody love stories, immediately added: "However, this statement is not a serious family tradition. If grandpa hadn't mentioned this matter, I wouldn't have known there was such a saying in the family, wouldn't my cousin know about it?"

Shen Minghui desperately passed the ladder, but Ling Jiaze not only refused to go down the ladder, but also kicked the ladder away.

"I heard this from my mother before, so I wrote it down." Ling Jiaze turned his head to look at Ye Xuan who was thinking, pursed his lips, and said with some anxiety: "I will deal with this matter when we go back." Let me tell you again, okay?"

Ye Xuan really thought of a lot of things following the two keywords of black diamond ring and Boss Wang, but he didn't mean to break up the past with Ling Jiaze in front of Shen Minghui, an outsider. Coupled with Ling Jiaze's slightly begging, he was even more unwilling to lose face, so he followed his words without much hesitation: "I know what you mean, don't be nervous, let's go back and make it clear .”


Ling Jiaze lowered his eyes, and responded heavily, which ended the topic.

Shen Minghui, who was solo, looked at Ling Jiaze on the left who only drove without talking, and then at Ye Xuan who was deep in thought on the right, completely unable to understand what kind of riddle these two people were playing. But fortunately, they didn't intend to quarrel, which made the uneasy Shen Minghui feel a little more at ease.

He reorganized the ins and outs of the matter, shook Ling Jiaze's next door when the convoy stopped to pass the checkpoint, and begged with a wink and cuteness because of his young age: "Cousin, can you not tell grandpa that it's me?" Tell you that he already knows that you like men?"

"Huh?" Ling Jiaze raised his eyes to look at this little cousin who sold out his grandfather at first, and then sold himself by the way, feeling rather complicated.

Shen Minghui was a little flustered by his look, but thinking of the grandpa he was about to meet, he still braced himself and continued to act cheekily and coquettishly: "Cousin, you are the best! You must be reluctant to look at your favorite cousin I was punished by grandpa for tipping you off, right?"

"Pfft—" His words took countless turns, and the tone was so rich that Ling Jiaze couldn't help laughing.

He pretended to be vicious and pinched the face of his legendary favorite cousin (and only one cousin), and said helplessly: "Understood, I won't tell grandpa about this, don't worry!"

Although he wanted to change his little cousin's lack of words, he couldn't tell his grandfather, I know you old man already knows that I like men, so don't hold on.

That's not being honest, it's just trying to make Mr. Shen angry, don't you want to beat him up

After passing the checkpoint, the convoy drove to the parking lot of the military area in the north of the base. Shen Qing, who had already heard the news, was already waiting there with his adjutant and several senior officials of the base.

Shen Ping, who was sitting in the front car, was the first to get out of the car after seeing someone, rushed up to hug Shen Qing in three steps at a time, and said in a voice full of joy and excitement: "Brother, I came back!"

After Shen Qing saw his younger brother who had lost track of him after the end of the world, his usually majestic face was also full of a rare smile. He patted Shen Ping's back vigorously, and said excitedly: "It's good to be back!"

Shen Ping briefly reported the number of people he brought back this time, as well as the number of supplies. After Shen Qing, the high-level officials behind Shen Qing said a few words, and followed Shen Qing's previous arrangement, and went with Shen Ancheng's adjutant to deal with these hundreds of people. Registered and placed. Anyway, it was his own family who was in charge of the base, and several adjutants who were more familiar with the team affairs also passed away, and Shen Ping was not worried that his subordinates would suffer.

After the outsiders left, Shen Ping wasn't as straight as he was when he was reporting just now, and he was a lieutenant general. He put Shen Qing on the shoulder with a smile, and said to him with a bit of flaunting: "Brother, let me tell you, I Not only did he come back this time, but he also brought Jia Ze back with him!"

"Okay, I already know that you were trapped in Xiangping Town for half a month, and you finally left with the help of Jia Ze, who passed by unexpectedly! You are such a big man, it's not as good as a kid like Jia Ze, why don't you How nice!"

The team sent by the base to look for people in the direction of City B met Shen Ping on the first day, after finding out what happened to him before, they returned to report the situation separately. Now listening to his younger brother talking about finding his nephew, Shen Qing is not only happy that they met, but also worried because of the twists and turns.

After speaking to his younger brother without anger, Shen Qing finally walked in front of the car in the distance, and saw three big boys standing in front of the car. The uncle and nephew looked at each other, and they were so excited that they didn't know what to say. What.

Seeing that his father's eyes were red and his lips were trembling, Shen Minghui was afraid that he would be agitated, so he hurried out to ease the atmosphere, gave him a military salute, and said loudly, "Report sir, the task is completed!"

"You boy!" After the excitement of reuniting after a long absence was broken, Shen Qing finally found his voice. He stepped forward to hug Ling Jiaze, patted him on the shoulder, and said with complicated emotions: "Better than me!" When I saw you for the first time, I was much thinner... It's okay, it's fine now that I'm back."

Ling Jiaze's eye sockets were also a little wet, he choked up and said, "It's my fault, I made you guys worry, Uncle."

"What are the whole family talking about?" Shen Qing tried to show a milder smile on his perennially cold face after adjusting his mood, and said to Ye Xuan who was standing aside: "This is Ye Xuan, right? The nephew relied on you to take care of him along the way, which caused you trouble."

Ye Xuan shook his head, "This is what I should do."

Shen Ping was afraid that his brother would say something about the relationship between the two children, so he hurriedly interrupted: "Brother, let's stop chatting here, let's go home first, I miss Dad!"

How could Shen Qing not know what he meant, he tapped his shoulder, and said following his words: "Look at how excited I am, I have forgotten my business! Let's go, Dad is already waiting at home!"

After speaking, he took the lead to get into the car, and soon the two cars drove towards the Shen family's mansion to the east.

It has to be said that even though they haven't seen each other for a while, Ling Jiaze's understanding of his grandfather still hasn't diminished.

It's just that he didn't expect that not only did he decline his grandfather's suggestion of letting him go back to the northwest for a few days because of his uneasiness before the end of the world, but his little uncle also made the same move, and the reason was the same—I think The end of the world won't come, so don't worry about it.

One can imagine how Mr. Shen will feel when the end of the world really comes.

The end of the world has come, the younger one stayed in city c alone, the older one stayed in city b where the current situation was chaotic, and the two children who were outside lost all news!

He was worried and angry these days, fearing that after losing his wife and a daughter, he would send a white-haired man to a black-haired man again.

When he knew that his youngest son and nephew had survived the previous chaotic period safely and would soon arrive at the base, the heart that Mr. Shen had been carrying was finally let go.

It's just that as the news came from time to time, and the day when they arrived at the base was approaching, the excitement of the old man when he first heard the news has slowly slowed down, and he has become stubborn towards these two people who know that there may be danger. The anger of a child who refuses to go home.

So when Shen Qing brought a group of people into the house, he saw that Old Man Shen was seriously sitting on the chair by the window reading the newly delivered report, without even giving them a big group of people a look. It was not at all obvious that he was extremely excited before he set off half an hour ago, chattering and ordering a lot of things.

It's a perfect score.


After hearing Shen Qing say that Ling Jiaze lost weight, Shen Ping:? ? ? Brother, are you serious

After arriving in the northwest, if there is no accident, there should be one or two copies, and it will be over... Thanks for voting for me during 2019-12-13 14:14:47~2019-12-14 11:56:35 Overlord ticket or little angel of irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ada C 2;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!