I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 85: past


"The quilts are all new, and they were already dried in the sun yesterday while the weather was good, the toiletries are also put in the bathroom, and there are new clothes in the closet..."

After confirming with Shen Qing about handing over the materials, Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze were taken by Ruan Congshan to the two rooms arranged for them.

Yes, although the couple's relationship has passed Minglu, when arranging the rooms, the Shen family still arranged two rooms for them by default.

Ye Xuan thought about some of his future arrangements, and didn't raise any objections. He only listened to Ruan Congshan's introduction of the various arrangements in the house, and thanked her for her thoughtfulness and meticulousness.

After seeing her off, Ye Xuan was not in a hurry to go back to his room, but first helped Ling Jiaze change some things he was used to in daily life, and took a look at his room by the way.

After the end of the world came, when the whole family moved into the new house in the base, the Shen family also reserved a bedroom for Ling Jiaze, and also moved the things he left at home with them. It's just because he used to come to live for a while only during the holidays, and he didn't have many things left here, so the whole room looked quite deserted. Compared with the guest room where Ye Xuan lived, it was only If there are more, only some photos on the table can reveal the identity of the owner of the room.

Ye Xuan picked up a photo on the table, and said with some surprise: "The difference between you when you were in junior high school and what you look like now is quite big!"

This photo was taken on Ling Jiaze's birthday in the second year of junior high school. The little boy in the photo is not tall, round, with some baby fat on his face. He looks a bit like a soft little dumpling, smiling Cutting the cake with squinting eyes, no one would have imagined that he would be such a cold and handsome guy when he grows up.

It's no wonder that Ye Xuan couldn't remember the fate when he saw him.

"Hey, don't look at this!"

When he found out that the person he liked had seen his "black history", Ling Jiaze was so frightened that he quickly snatched the photo from Ye Xuan, put it on the table, and refused to let him see it.

Ye Xuan let him take the photo away, and said amusedly, "You have more than just this one photo here."

He glanced around the other photos in the room and came to a conclusion, "I found that although your body shape and temperament were different when you were young, your eyebrows and eyes have not changed much, and you are pretty. It can still be seen that it is the same person.”

It's just that because of the big difference in temperament, it's hard to associate this little dumpling who is very popular with the elders with the handsome guy who is very attractive to girls without anyone reminding him.

Ling Jiaze said non-threateningly: "Senior, stop talking..."

He was told that he really wanted to hide all the photos in the house.

Noticing Ling Jiaze's embarrassed face had turned a thin layer of red, Ye Xuan stopped teasing him. He pulled Ling Jiaze to sit on the bed, pulled the chair in front of the desk and sat down, took out the black diamond ring that was almost pawned from the space, played with it and said: "Okay, let's get down to business, tell me now Tell me about the ring?"

Ye Xuan's skin is naturally fairer, because he didn't like outdoor sports very much before the end of the world, and he didn't get tanned like many male gods. At this moment, his fair and slender hands kept playing with the black ring, which was shimmering Ling Jiaze was fascinated by the black diamond twirling between his bony fingers.

Ye Xuan saw that he was staring at his hand without speaking, thinking that this question involved something that cannot be said, so he said thoughtfully: "What's wrong? I won't ask if I can't say anything."

"Ring..." Ling Jiaze said hesitantly, "One Christmas, when I was hesitating whether to give you a gift, I remembered that my mother said that my great-grandfather didn't know how to express his heart back then, so she gave me a tail ring as a test. So when she was sure that she was interested in her father, she also gave him such a one... I don't know what I was thinking at the time, so I just bought one by mistake and sent it to you... "

When it came to the end, Ling Jiaze avoided Ye Xuan's gaze with some guilt—his Christmas gift was sent directly to Ye Xuan's home, and Ye Xuan didn't know him at that time, so it was impossible to tell him his home address, he Where the address comes from is a little bit food for thought.

Ye Xuan didn't bother about the address, but found another way and asked another question: "You bought this ring from Boss Wang of Jinshizhai. He is the owner of the pawnshop where I pawned things?"

Ling Jiaze nodded, "It's him, those two stores belong to him."

"Tsk", Ye Xuan leaned on the back of the chair, pretending to be unintentional, and said lightly: "If I remember correctly, I didn't tell you about my pawning things, and you still know which store I am from. A pawn? Tell me, baby, what are you hiding from me. "

Even though the two had been in a relationship for a while, Ling Jiaze would rarely hear Ye Xuan call him "Baby", which sounded very intimate. In normal times, he would use a deliberately low voice and softly call out "Baby" with a bit of a Beijing accent, which would definitely make Ling Jiaze blush. But now this lingering title not only didn't make him blush, but also made him turn pale instantly.

It's over, he thought, Ye Xuan knows...

The chill from the bottom of his heart gradually spread to his body, and was released through his supernatural ability. The warm bedroom became an ice cellar, just like his heart that had fallen into the bottomless ice hole.

Ye Xuan noticed something was wrong, held his chin and raised his face, and saw that Ling Jiaze's face that was originally a little red had turned pale to bloodless at some point, and his rosy lips were bitten out by him. A small gash that kept bleeding, with empty eyes, and the whole person looked full of despair and despair...

He was startled, and the hand holding his chin gently cupped his face, calling him in a low voice.

"Ling Jiaze, look at me!"

"If you don't want to say it, I won't ask, don't do that!"

"Baby, don't scare me!"

Ye Xuan coaxed Ling Jiaze for a long time before he came back to his senses. He shivered as if he had just noticed the low temperature in the room. He shrank into Ye Xuan's arms and buried his face on his shoulder. , calling him in a muffled voice: "Ye Xuan..."

Ye Xuan hugged him, patted his back comfortingly, and said, "I'm here."

"You didn't spy on you on purpose." After feeling the warmth from his side, Ling Jiaze calmed down a little, and explained: "The day you went pawning things, Boss Wang recognized the ring you were holding. So he called me and told me about this matter. I heard he said that you pawned a lot of things and you were going to the Australian market. I was really worried, so I bought a plane ticket and followed. I met you in a casino. When you were there, I couldn't hold back, so I went up to say hello to you, and only then did I have the next thing."

He raised his head, stared nervously into Ye Xuan's eyes and said, "I promise, after I mistakenly thought that you cannot accept homosexuality, apart from finding someone to find out your home address and following you to the Australian city, I never secretly Follow you, find out your whereabouts!"

First, he inquired about his home address to secretly send gifts, and then inquired about his whereabouts and went out with him. Putting these two things together, anyone would feel that he was being targeted by a voyeur.

Even if he really only did these two things, there is no evidence to prove that he didn't do more things, that he didn't keep hiding in the dark and staring at Ye Xuan's life. So... now it's up to Ye Xuan to believe it or not.

Ye Xuan didn't directly say whether he believed it or not, but said in an inexplicable tone: "I thought the two of us met in Australia at that time, but it was really just a chance encounter!"

Ling Jiaze clenched his hands tightly, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, we didn't meet by chance, I lied to you."

"What's there to be sorry about?" Ye Xuan rubbed Ling Jiaze's hair, placed a light kiss on his forehead, and said with emotion: "I just think this incident is amazing, and you said it wasn't just a coincidence, so why not?" Do you know that this meeting is actually the result of countless coincidences?"

In his reincarnation, he pawned his family's things in order to hoard supplies. While pawning, he casually revealed that he was going to the Australian market, which aroused Ling Jiaze's concern. Because of this worry, he came to the city of Australia to meet him, so the two of them had an intersection in the short few days before the end of the world.

And because of this intersection, I left vine branches on his body. After the end of the world, I discovered something wrong with his body in time. I went to C University to find him who was awakening his abilities, and then I had the next few months. accompanied by.

Isn't the accumulation of these things more ingenious than a chance encounter among the crowd

Ling Jiaze didn't understand the meaning of his words, looked up at him, and confirmed nervously: "So, are you still angry now?"

"I'm angry that you gave me a gift to express your heart, or did you go to find me because you were worried about me?" Ye Xuan looked into his eyes, his eyes were soft and full of love, and said in a gentle voice: "You like me so much, I love you so much." Really happy."

His behavior of pawning a lot of things in exchange for money to go to Australia, a city famous for its gambling industry, is not difficult to think that he is addicted to gambling or has encountered some kind of trouble. In this case, Ling Jiaze He also chose to come to him without hesitation, not least because he persuaded him when the two of them had a shallow relationship, and lent him a large sum of money. If it wasn't true love, Ye Xuan couldn't think of any reason to explain Ling Jiaze's behavior.

He looked down at the ring in his hand, tried it on and took it off again.

After Ling Jiaze noticed that he had taken off the ring, he asked, "Is it the wrong size?"

"No", Ye Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "The size is very suitable, but I think I should wear it with you after I give you a ring, what do you think?"

Ling Jiaze emphasized incredulously: "You want to give me a ring?"

Ye Xuan looked into his shining eyes, and suddenly understood why some people said that they could see the stars, the sea, and the infinite universe through one's eyes. With a thought in his mind, he followed the voice in his heart and said, "Well, first, I will give you a tail ring to express my love for you, then an engagement ring, and then we will choose a wedding ring together, what do you think?"

He had been walking alone in the apocalypse for ten years, and he never thought of finding someone to settle down with, but now, he suddenly had the urge to start a family with someone.

No one else is needed, only Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze are enough to form a family,


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-17 14:59:58~2019-12-18 15:00:13~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Jun Lingyue 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!