I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 88: decoration style


Apart from a large furniture market and building materials market in the north of Yanglan City, there are some factories, which are neither prosperous nor have any large stockpiles of materials, so few people have set foot in these months, and the snow on the road is also Not much was cleaned up, and the group of them stopped and went before arriving at their destination near noon.

After putting down Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze near the building materials market, Shen Minglang confessed: "Go along this road for ten kilometers to the north, and you will arrive at the printing factory. Old Wu knows the way. Let him take you to drive Just go there. The delay on the road today is a bit long. If you call back and forth in a day, I’m afraid you will have to travel at night. It’s too dangerous. So I’ll find a place to stay near the printing factory tonight, and I’ll return tomorrow. Go there early when you’re done with your work. Look for us, don’t be later than six o’clock at the latest, if you don’t find everything, it’s better to come back tomorrow than to take the risk of traveling at night.”

Ye Xuan could understand Shen Minglang's cautiousness when he was away from home, nodded, and agreed: "No problem, we will meet you before six o'clock."

After sending Shen Minglang away, Old Wu said to Ye Xuan: "Mr. Ye, the captain has already told me that you are going to decorate the villa, what do you think we are going to do today?"

Yanglan City is one of the more prosperous cities nearby, and the building materials and home furnishing market is also particularly large. Not only are there several complex buildings in front, but there are also several streets of door houses behind. Ye Xuan looked at the large billboards marked with various decoration materials, pressed his temples with a bit of a headache, and said, "I haven't visited this kind of place much, why don't we go to this building to take a look around first. Come out and look for something, do you think this will work?"

"Then why don't you go to this Jiamei Shopping Plaza first. I remember that there are quite a few counters here. You can choose the style you want to use from the counters first, and then we will go to their warehouse to pick up the goods together, which will save you a lot of money." After going to the warehouse, I can’t tell which ones I want.”

Shen Minglang had told Old Wu earlier that Ye Xuan and the others were going to decorate according to the pre-apocalyptic standards, and they would live there for several years. Although I feel that people with such high morals in this world are a bit tossed, but they have the ability to live comfortably, and outsiders are not qualified to say anything.

In addition, Ye Xuan only gave him a reward. For the sake of those crystal nuclei, not only would he not gossip, but he would also do his best to help them do this job well.

Ye Xuan asked Ling Jiaze, the co-pilot: "What do you think?"

"I don't have experience in decoration, so I'm all up to you."

At any rate, Ye Xuan visited the building materials market when he was renovating his villa before the end of the world. Ling Jiaze had never been to this place before. The house in city C was completely hired by a decoration company and used as a shopkeeper. The color and style of the furniture, nothing has been done by parents and children. It's really hard for him to talk about something like this in the building materials market.

"Okay, just follow what you said, go to this shopping mall first!"

Jiamei Shopping Plaza is not far from where they parked, and the speed of driving past the snow is not as fast as anyone. Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze simply got out of the car and put the car in the space, each holding a knife Just go there.

Seeing this, Old Wu's eyes flickered, he opened his mouth but didn't say anything, and silently followed behind them holding a weapon.

Tsk, Mr. Ye is not only a wood type that can purify crystal nuclei, but also has a space type ability. No wonder he can maintain a high standard of life in this world, he is really unconvinced!

The trio of two second-level power users and one first-level power power user was considered a very strong combination at this time. In addition, the three of them had rich battle experience, and it didn't take long for them to successfully solve the first-level team. zombies.

Old Wu went to look for the floor plan, and Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze walked into a wooden floor specialty store that looked pleasing to the eye. After confirming that Lao Wu was a certain distance away from him, Ling Jiaze asked Ye Xuan in a low voice: "Is your right arm uncomfortable today, or did you bump it?"

Noticing the tension in his voice, Ye Xuan raised his right arm and looked at it in confusion, and after making sure that the clothes on his arm were not damaged, he said, "No, why do you ask that?"

Ling Jiaze breathed a sigh of relief, "Just now, I saw that you used vines to attack most of the time, and rarely used a knife. I thought your right arm was uncomfortable today, so you couldn't use a knife?"

"Why? If it's really uncomfortable, I definitely won't venture out today." Ye Xuan put the knife back into the space, retracted the vines, and said in a low voice: "I just feel like I've touched the third-tier door I just want to take this opportunity to practice my abilities more."

As the day of the vernal equinox approached, Ye Xuan obviously felt that the distance between himself and the third-level power user was getting closer. In order to ensure that he can become the first group of people to step into the third level, he has increased a lot of practice in supernatural powers during this period, and he will naturally not let go of such an opportunity to practice in actual combat today.

"You're almost at the third level? That's amazing!" Ling Jiaze sighed and said, "I haven't touched the limit of the second level yet, I don't know how long it will take to catch up with you!"

Ye Xuan asked with a smile: "Haven't you already chased me?"

Ling Jiaze's ears turned red, and he said angrily, "Who told you this?"

Ye Xuan pinched his red earlobe, helped him tidy up his messy hair from the strenuous activity just now, and asked with a smile, "I can't even tell the truth?"

Ling Jiaze enjoyed this kind of intimacy very much. He waited for Ye Xuan to finish tidying up for him before he let out a non-threatening snort, and muttered, "Anyway, you're justified!"

Ye Xuan pinched his earlobe again, and let go of his hand after successfully raising the temperature of the earlobe by another notch, "Don't bother you, let's see if there is any floor style you like in this store .By the way, what style of decoration was your house before?"

"It's a relatively simple black and gray two-tone decoration. The designer gave me the blueprint. I think it looks okay, so I let them decorate it directly. If you want to say what style I like..." Ling Jiaze pursed his lips After thinking about it for a long time, I said uncertainly, "Simple and grand?"

Ye Xuan: Two people live in a house of 300 square meters. Without piling up debris, most of the decoration styles can meet the requirement of simplicity and atmosphere, right

He suggested: "Why don't you wear black and gray?"

Ling Jiaze subconsciously shook his head and refused: "It looks too deserted like that. I hope that the place we live in will be more warm and popular in the future."

Ye Xuan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he figured out the key point.

It is said that the decoration style can express a person's character and state of mind to a certain extent. It seems that this sentence should be applicable to Ling Jiaze.

When he was renovating his last house, the family had just undergone tremendous changes, and he would subconsciously choose black and gray, a relatively depressing, deep and cool color tone when renovating. Correspondingly, he will change this decoration style after a few years, and his mood will naturally change.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan couldn't help showing a very obvious smile.

Old Wu, who found a floor plan that could be taken down, saw Ye Xuan's extremely raised mouth corners as soon as he came over. He scratched his hair in confusion and said, "Mr. Ye, I just saw the floor plan. It seems that the end of the world The purpose of this comprehensive shopping mall before is to allow customers to place orders in one shopping mall without having to run around, and the idea is that one step is in place. The stores in this building basically have samples for the things needed for decoration, and the warehouse is also nearby. You need to choose from the store, and then go to the warehouse one by one.”

Ye Xuan nodded, it seems that the designers of this shopping mall really thought about everything, but they didn't expect that one day the end of the world would come, and this kind of preparation would be for nothing, and they would look like someone who would steal warehouses in their line of business.

Ye Xuan took out a few crystal nuclei from the space and handed them to him, "Okay, let's choose first, and you rest for a while. If you drop something, I will trouble you to remind me."

Old Wu hurriedly took these crystal nuclei, and said again and again: "It's easy to talk about, you can call me if you have anything to say, don't dare to say anything else, I still understand the decoration industry."

Ye Xuan looked at his watch after receiving the last bundle of boards into the space and said, "No, it's almost time, we can't continue today."

Although both Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze have no difficulty in choosing, the basics of what to choose for decoration are there. Even if the two of them can make decisions quickly, they can clear up zombies and clear the way. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when I went to the warehouse to pick up the things I needed, and I didn't have time to shop for furniture.

Ling Jiaze nodded, and echoed, "I can't walk around anymore today."

He never thought that walking around the streets for an afternoon would be more tiring than killing zombies all afternoon!

Now let alone asking him to choose another room of furniture, even if he is asked to choose only one lamp, he can go on strike!

Old Wu on the other side also sorted out the tools to be used, handed them to Ye Xuan to let him earn space, and then asked: "Then Mr. Ye, shall we prepare to meet the captain now?"

"Well, it's not convenient to drive here. Let's go to the main road first, and then I'll take the car out of the space."

When it came to space, Old Wu looked at Ye Xuan with even more admiration. Others don't know, but he has witnessed how many things this Mr. Ye put into the space in one afternoon. According to his estimation, this is already more than the total storage capacity of the two space system superpowers combined, not to mention He even put a car in it before!

Although the Yangtze River's back waves push forward the front waves, the back waves are too powerful!

Ye Xuan naturally didn't know what Old Wu was thinking in his heart, even if he knew, he couldn't explain anything, he couldn't say that his space was not the same as those of those supernatural beings, and the area of the space itself was not so large, all because It expanded by absorbing a zombie's space by mistake before, right

Because of Shen Minglang's opening in the morning, Ye Xuan pressed their ruts and walked much more smoothly, and it didn't take long for him to see the logo of the printing factory.


After hearing something vaguely, Ye Xuan opened the window, and heard a few sheep bleating from a distance, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said to the two people in the car: "I seem to hear the bleating of sheep." sound."

After rolling down the window and listening carefully for a few seconds, Ling Jiaze's expression was also a little dignified.

"It's the voice from the printing house!"

Ye Xuan stepped on the gas pedal fiercely, "Quick, let's go and have a look!"

Before the end of the world, sheep were a representative of weakness and bullying, and they were domestic animals raised by humans, but they are no longer!


I won’t write about the decoration in detail. The main purpose of the decoration is to have a home, and then time can pass by Dafa

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-20 14:59:50~2019-12-21 14:59:23~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Na;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!