I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 115: Keep it low-key, I think so too


"My dear nephew, don't look at the situation in Martial Arts Mountain. If it really develops, there will be many benefits."

Zhang Daxian told Lin Fan the goodness of Martial Arts Mountain.

He really has feelings for Martial Arts Mountain.

A lifetime of youth is spilled here.

Smelling the smell here makes me feel relaxed and happy.


There was a noise, and it sounded a bit arrogant.

"Hey, hey, hey, who is that, come here."

Lin Fan walked towards that side, who was it? His voice was so arrogant. Martial Arts Mountain hadn't even opened the gate yet, and he came to play in the gym. He really didn't take me, Lin Fan, seriously.

"This sound..."

Zhang Daxian frowned, the voice was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it before.


The civilians who came to work put down their work and looked at the arrogant guy standing at the gate of the mountain, recognizing each one of them.

That was Li Cong, the Chen family's martial arts instructor.

The Chen family is not easy to mess with.

As far as they knew, the Chen family's predecessors were bandits. Even if they were cleared now, they still had a lot of connections with Langgou Village around Jiangcheng.


That Langgouzhai was the bandit den supported by the Chen family behind the scenes.

"It's you." Zhang Daxian saw the person coming and recognized him at a glance. It was the martial arts instructor of the Chen family.

A bit strong.

He is also very domineering.

A big boss who generally doesn't give people face.

In the past, when Martial Arts Mountain was still there, they would come to Martial Arts Mountain from time to time to cause trouble for him, leaving him helpless.

All the disciples up and down the martial arts mountain know that he is the martial arts leader of the Chen family.

They are afraid of the Chen family.

So it was hard for him to be the leader. He always had to say nice things to others and coax them, and sometimes he would lose face. But thinking about Martial Arts Mountain, he could bear it.

After all, no matter who you are, you will encounter some resistance when trying to realize your dreams.

As long as resistance can be overcome, it is the most powerful.

Zhang Daxian said: "My dear nephew, this is the martial arts leader of the Chen family in Jiangcheng. You have to be careful and don't mess with him. The Chen family is as powerful as the Huang family, but their methods are very dark, so be careful."

Yuan Tianchu was far away when someone came to the door.

This has nothing to do with him.

He knew it wasn't that simple.

Leaving Youcheng is dangerous. A small martial arts instructor is so rampant. If he were in Youcheng, he would have to be taught how to behave.

Just forget it now.

He doesn't have that ability.

"Brother Liang, don't get too close, or you may be affected." Yuan Tianchu reminded.

Liang Yongqi said: "He still dares to hit me?"

Yuan Tianchu shook his head, with Liang Yongqi's mentality, he would always suffer.

Still don't dare to hit you

Outside, people would dare to kill you, but you wouldn't even dare to say nonsense.

Li Cong's face was full of flesh, his beard was thick, and his eyes were very ferocious. "What's your tone? Zhang Tianshan, have you become more powerful or something? Do you dare to talk to me like this?"

"I heard that your Martial Arts Mountain has reopened. Why don't you come to Chen's house and pay homage to my young master? It's because my young master can't stand your eyes, or you're starting to drift off."

The servants behind him held their heads high and stared at Zhang Tianshan menacingly.

There is a feeling that if you dare to be presumptuous, I will beat you.

"Instructor Li, where did you say this? When did I, Zhang Tianshan, drift by? I am wronged." Zhang Daxian said.

Lin Fan said nothing. He felt sad, not for himself, but for Zhang Tianshan.


Are you really my father's friend

My father is such a tough guy, even if you are close, you should be a little bit tougher.

After establishing the Martial Arts Mountain, as the head of a sect, he was bullied by the head coach of a family. Do you still want this face

Looking at this situation, you really tolerated it before.

Li Cong snorted coldly, "It's not gone yet. Why don't you come to the Chen family? And you are cooperating with the Huang family. You clearly don't take my Chen family seriously."

Just when Zhang Daxian was about to say something, Lin Fan stretched out his hand to stop him, "I'll come, I'll come."

He really couldn't stand it.


Since Zhang Tianshan is his father's friend, he cannot ignore this matter.

It’s not just Zhang Tianshan who is embarrassed.

Even his own father was embarrassed.

When others say, oh, that’s Zhang Tianshan’s friend, this must sound strange to a thoughtful person.

Lin Fan came to Li Cong and said, "I am the new head of Martial Arts Mountain. Who are you? Are you screaming so early in the morning that you are sick or have an itchy face?"

Rage points +66.

Li Cong was instantly furious.


This kid in front of me is really arrogant.

Don't even ask about Li Cong's status in Jiangcheng and how powerful he is.

Not much else to say.

His strength is one of the best in Jiangcheng.

Now a young boy who dares to act arrogantly in front of him is simply looking for death.

Do you understand the sixth level of martial arts

That was a terrifying strength. It took him twenty years to reach the sixth level of martial arts. Even so, he considered himself a genius.

There was no help from anyone, and no resources were pushed towards me.

Just rely on twenty years of hard work.

"How dare you talk to me like this? I am the head coach of the Chen family. I will give you a chance now to admit your mistake to me immediately. Otherwise, with so many people watching, I will embarrass you." Li Cong shouted angrily.

The civilians were trembling.

This is Li Cong.

Very scary person.

They were a little panicked.

If the new head of Martial Arts Mountain is killed, who will they ask for their wages

Don't die.

Don't die.

Civilians prayed.

You really can’t get money if you die.

Zhou Zhongmao couldn't bear it. If he dared to talk to his cousin like this, he would be killed.

It doesn’t matter what the Chen family is or not, or whether the instructor is the instructor.

If you are not polite to your cousin, his fist will make him eat dirt.

It's just that his speed is a bit slow after all.

Lin Fan raised his hand and dropped it instantly.


"Chen family?"








"Where are the people?"

The slap didn't make a sound, it was empty.

As for the voice, it was matched by my cousin.

Perhaps the purpose of watching his cousin was not achieved, so he dubbed his cousin on the side.

Li Cong collapsed on the ground, covering his face and looking at Lin Fan in disbelief.

Rage points +222.

"You dare to hit me?" Li Cong really couldn't believe that someone dared to touch him.

Depend on.

Does this mean that the name of the Chen family can no longer suppress these guys

Lin Fan kicked him away, knocking Li Cong unconscious.

He was really drunk.

He didn't even know who this thing was, so he came to Martial Arts Mountain and screamed and screamed, giving him a headache.

There have been a lot of things going on recently, and this happened again.

I'm irritable, really irritable.

Li Cong was extremely dizzy, his will was dissipating, and he was screaming in his heart.

Can't faint.

You really can’t faint.

I am a strong person at the sixth level of martial arts, but my strength has not yet exploded.


Li Cong's head hit the ground hard and he fainted completely.

"ah… "

The slaves who followed him had their mouths open and their faces dull.

Rage points +11.

Rage points +11.

A total of 110 rage was obtained.

Really useless.

According to the little assistant's calculations, the presence of slaves is actually much higher than that of civilians.

Because of family reasons

"Get out of here now, I'll break your limbs again." Lin Fan cursed.

The Chen family's servants picked up the instructor and ran away.

If you run too fast, you will eat dirt directly, but it doesn’t matter how much it is, just run quickly.

Martial Arts Mountain is going to defy the heavens.

They started beating people.

Isn’t the instructor very powerful

Why are you so weak today

Before he even made a move, he was knocked unconscious and died.

It's too useless.

He even brought them out to make trouble for someone like this, and he almost got beaten by them.

Zhang Daxian was in a very happy mood, he was so arrogant that he would be beaten by the new leader for letting you be so arrogant, but he was also a little worried.

"Master, you are impulsive. The Chen family is not to be trifled with, so you have to keep a low profile outside."

He knew Lin Fan's status in Youcheng.

But now that people are outside, they cannot do the same thing as they do on their own territory.

Lin Wanyi asked him to take good care of his nephew. He must take good care of him and nothing will happen to him.

"Low-key? I want to, but my strength doesn't allow it. What do you want me to do?" Lin Fan said.

Zhou Zhongmao hurriedly stepped forward, "Cousin, does your hand hurt? I think his skin is a bit rough, so it must be a little painful."

Lin Fan said: "It's okay, but his beard is a bit prickly. If he dares to come next time, I'll shave his beard."

"Well, next time something like this happens again, just leave it to me, cousin." Zhou Zhongmao said.

Lin Fan never thought of killing these people who came to make trouble.

It's no fun getting killed.

Although there is not much anger, the good news is that it lasts a long time.


After this incident, he discovered that Jiangcheng's power was obviously somewhat complicated.

Those families are definitely not harmonious.

Overt and covert fights often occur.

This feeling is good.

If there is a fight, you can get angry on weekdays.


The Chen family servants carried Li Cong and ran wildly on the street, "Get out of the way, everyone, get out of the way."

The surrounding civilians looked at the situation curiously.

It was discovered that Li Cong had fainted.

They were very shocked.

In the end what happened

Li Cong is the head coach of the Chen family. He is usually very powerful and no one dares to offend him. Even the hawkers were so frightened when they saw Li Cong that they wanted to find a crack to hide.

Therefore, when they saw Li Cong's appearance, their first thought was that he must have been taught a lesson.

Heaven, earth.

But finally my eyes opened.

A group of slaves carried Li Cong, who was like a fat pig, and rushed in, shouting at the top of their lungs: "The master is in trouble, something big has happened."

A knife flew out of nowhere and was inserted directly into the chest of the slave who shouted.


The slave who shouted lowered his head and looked at the knife stuck in his chest with horror in his eyes. I shouted, "Where did the knife come from?"

"The martial arts practitioner slipped."

Mr. Chen took a towel, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then pulled out the knife.

Blood was pouring from the slave's chest and it couldn't be stopped. The ground was dyed red.


The slave fell to the ground.

When I'm dying, I want to roar.

Young Master, you can't stab me to death with a knife even if you're practicing martial arts.

Chen Shengyao looked at the slave who died tragically as if it was nothing, and asked, "What happened to him?"

The slaves' faces turned pale with fear.

No one dared to reply.

The look of the young master holding the knife in his hand is really scary.

They were afraid that if they spoke, they would be hacked to death by the young master.


For a moment, no one spoke.

(End of chapter)