I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 118: Depend on! Do you think of me as a human being? (Thank you for your advice


All the bandits in Langzhaigou panicked.

We are bandits.

Dignity, do you know what the dignity of a bandit is

It is too much to decide our life and death with just a few words.

Do not know why.

They found that their decision to come to Martial Arts Mountain was unwise, and that Chen Shengyao had deliberately come to trick them.

The surrounding civilians were still in panic.

The arrival of the Langzhaigou bandits brought a great shock to them, making them uneasy and terrified. They wished they could find a hole to bury themselves in so that the bandits would not be able to see them.

But now things have changed.

Take a look.

The bandits were beaten down, and suddenly they discovered that the bandits did not seem so ferocious and terrifying.

Listening to their screams again, I actually felt that they were a little pitiful.

Oh My God.

Many civilians were shocked by what they were thinking.

As a civilian, he would have such terrifying thoughts.

"Wudao Mountain is so powerful that all the bandits in Langzhai Valley were captured."

"Yes, yes, I can't believe it. Martial Arts Mountain is accepting disciples? I want to join Martial Arts Mountain."

They were moved.

It feels like Martial Arts Mountain has undergone a different change.

Lin Fan left. He didn't take this matter to heart. The bandits were not bad and brought him a lot of anger points.

Maybe this is their peak.

Zhang Daxian looked down at the bandits and said calmly: "Although I am no longer the leader of Martial Arts Mountain, I can still be regarded as the deputy leader. Don't disrespect me. In fact, at my age, I can be your father."

"But forget it, talking is useless, hurry up and get to work. You only have three days. Once the time is up, I don't need to tell you the consequences."

The bandits looked up at Zhang Tianshan.

I didn’t see it, I really didn’t see it.

The former head of Martial Arts Mountain was so petty.

Finally, they were put together.

Three days

Looking at the still somewhat dilapidated martial arts mountain, they panicked.

This is a life-and-death job that requires working overtime all night long.

Yuan Tianchu watched silently.

He saw it.

Zhang Tianshan is indeed very insidious, he can think of such methods, and he is obviously impatient to repair Martial Arts Mountain.

These bandits are ruthless characters, ruthless to others and even more ruthless to themselves.

Especially now that martial arts has been abolished and they are only given three days, they will definitely make crazy repairs to the martial arts mountain.

Thirty-two more free laborers can reduce the cost of civilian funds.

It's really a good plan.

Yuan Tianchu no longer underestimated Zhang Tianshan.

If one were bolder in guessing, the decline of Martial Arts Mountain might have been intentional by Zhang Tianshan.

But he didn't dare to think so.

If that's the case, that's really scary.

It's already terrifying to a certain extent.

Staying in Martial Arts Mountain is asking for death.

His whole body trembled, and most of his nutrients disappeared. He was invisibly scared away from his life for a few seconds by fear.

Get rid of all the speculations in your mind.

Can't think like this.

Otherwise, you will really scare yourself to death.

The people who stayed at the foot of the mountain, waiting for the situation, were a little impatient.

Oh My God.

what's the situation.

The efficiency of work in Langzhaigou is too slow.

If Martial Arts Mountain is destroyed, can you come down early so that we can collect the corpses

There is no movement at all now.

It’s too much of a trap.

Everyone is so anxious.

They were in a hurry to go up the mountain to collect the corpses. In addition to looking at the art of killing in Langzhaigou, they would also check to see if there were any silver taels. If there were enough silver taels, they would also collect the corpses from people on the Wudao Mountain.

Some people were already stamping their feet anxiously.

If not too scared.

He had already taken two or three steps to climb the Martial Arts Mountain.

At this time, there were others who were more anxious than them.

That is Young Master Chen.

It's been so long and there's no news.

what happened.

Could it be that there are still good things on Martial Arts Mountain

"Sir, don't worry. We all know how powerful Langzhai Valley is. They must be torturing the people of Wudao Mountain on the mountain." Li Cong said.

He was not very happy with the bandits in Langzhaigou, but he had to say that they were indeed powerful, at least much more powerful than him.

Chen Shengyao said: "How can we not be in a hurry? It has been so long and there is no news at all. Do you think something will happen?"

"No, there are no powerful people in Wudao Mountain, and the force is weak. The second and third masters of Langzhaigou are here, how could something happen? Don't worry, sir, nothing will happen. We are waiting, very soon There will be good news soon."

Li Cong explained that as the head coach of the Chen family, his status was pretty good, at least in the city it was really high.

As for being in the Chen family, the young master must be made comfortable.

Huang Boren was shocked when he learned that Langzhaigou was going to Wudao Mountain.

He knew that Chen Shengyao was petty, but he never thought that he would be so petty.

Others don't know the relationship between the Chen family and Langzhaigou, but the Huang family still knows it.

It's just useless even if they know, no one will believe that the Chen family is related to the bandits.

"Gather people and go to Martial Arts Mountain." Huang Boren said.

Chen Shengyao went to Wudao Mountain to look for trouble in person, and he wouldn't care too much, but now the situation is wrong.

How dare you call the bandits here.

This is damaging to the interests of his Huang family.

I only invested 5,000 taels and lost it to me without even seeing the return. I can't bear it.

"Yes, sir." The servant responded and immediately went to gather men.

Huang Boren's cultivation level is not high, but he is rich, and with money there are thugs. In broad daylight, bandits are rampant around Jiangcheng, how can he bear it


When Huang Boren was preparing to leave the city with his thugs, Chen Shengyao appeared.

"Brother Huang, where are you going?" Chen Shengyao came over and asked with a smile.

He really wanted to see Huang Boren's deflated expression.

Didn’t you invest five thousand taels

I will let you lose everything in less than three days.

Huang Boren said: "It's a good trick, but you're not afraid of getting into trouble, so get out of the way and I'm too lazy to tell you more."

Chen Shengyao looked innocent, "Hey, Brother Huang, I don't know what you are talking about. Why can't you understand me?"


You guy is going to cry one day.

Huang Boren didn't want to say more. As expected of a bandit family, their methods were so dark. He hoped that it would still be too late to rush over now.

He never thought that Martial Arts Mountain's current ability alone could stop those bandits.

Chen Shengyao smiled happily, and Li Cong on the side suggested that we go to Wudao Mountain to see the situation at the scene.

It must have been a sea of blood, with mutilated corpses and broken arms, it was too horrible to see.

Maybe you can still see Huang Boren's heartbroken expression.

No one’s money comes from strong winds.

Five thousand taels is indeed not much for Huang Boren, but it is not much. It is gone without seeing anything. How can he feel better

"You little clever guy, let's go." Chen Shengyao said.

Li Cong was elated. The young master's praise made him feel comfortable, as if every pore was open.

For Chen Shengyao, he really couldn't wait to see the scene.

Huang Boren led his thugs to the foot of Martial Arts Mountain. When he saw a group of people hiding there furtively, he shouted angrily.

"Who are you?"

The civilians who were hiding at the foot of the mountain and waiting for Langzhaigou to leave were startled by the sound. They thought it was bandits who had retreated, but when they saw the people behind them, they were relieved.

"Mr. Huang, don't get me wrong, we are civilians." Everyone stood up and lifted their clothes to prove that they had no weapons or anything.

Definitely not a bandit.

Common people really don't dare to mess with these wealthy families.

If you are unhappy, I will do it to you. Who can bear this

Mr. Huang is quite good, and his attitude towards civilians is not that bad.

"What are you doing here? Did you see the Langzhaigou bandits going to Wudao Mountain?" Huang Boren asked.

"I saw it. We went up very early and haven't come down yet. We are actually waiting for the bandits to be over so that we can collect the bodies for the heroes of Wudao Mountain. We have good intentions and have no other ideas." A civilian said.

I believed your evil deeds.

This is just a fool's errand.

How could he not know what these people were doing? It was not like he had never encountered them before. They were simply despicable, shameless and dirty.

When the bandits plundered the village, they waited behind them. When the bandits left, they went to harvest again.

Some even kill people during conflicts, and end up blaming everything on the bandits.

It’s just that Huang Boren is in no mood to talk to them anymore.

I had a bad feeling.

It's been a long time since I went up, but I haven't come down yet.

"Let's go up the mountain." Huang Boren said.

Brother Lin, you have to hold still.

We can't be wiped out by Langzhaigou. We must stabilize. We must stabilize. Five thousand taels is neither too much nor too much. We must not fail. Let me see some hope of return on investment.

The thugs who followed held their weapons tightly, inhaled deeply, and then exhaled.

They knew that they would soon face the most terrifying bandit within a hundred miles of Jiangcheng.

They killed countless people, raped, looted, and committed all kinds of evil.

Later, if you say you are not afraid, it would be a lie, but even if you are a little nervous, what can you do

There are many people in my generation, so we can use the human wave tactics directly.

I don't believe I can kill these bandits.

Huang Boren was protected by the thugs, and his steps gradually became heavier.


It just didn't take long.

He felt something was wrong.

The ferocity of the bandits in Langzhai Valley is obvious to all.

But what happens now

Why were there no screams at all

It doesn't make sense.


He didn't want Martial Arts Mountain to be destroyed.

But something is wrong with the way things are developing.



There was a banging sound.

Huang Boren frowned, what kind of sound was that? It wasn't a scream, it was more like hitting something.

Immediately overjoyed.

There is hope.

It seems that Wudaoshan is resisting Langzhaigou.

"Come on, hurry up." Huang Boren roared angrily, waved his hand, and rushed up with the people.

"Brother Lin, hold on, I'm coming."

Huang Boren rushed up to the Martial Arts Mountain, but the situation in front of him made him a little confused.

The workers were also startled by Huang Boren and thought the bandits were coming again.

The two sides looked at each other.

In the eyes of the common people, what is Mr. Huang doing

Huang Boren was speechless. What's going on? It's not that the Langzhaigou bandits came up the mountain, so where are the bandits now


Or was it blown away by a gust of wind on the way up the mountain

"Master Huang, why are you here?" When Zhang Daxian saw Huang Boren, it was as if he saw a pile of wealth waving to him.

Wealth has a special attraction.

For Zhang Daxian, there was no resistance at all.

Lin Fan came over and said, "Brother Huang, you brought so many people to help? Thank you very much, but it's too late. It's over. If you had come earlier, you could still see the scene."

Huang Boren ignored Zhang Daxian, came to Lin Fan, and said in surprise: "Is it over?"

Lin Fan said: "It's over, there's no problem, just a little fight, those people are too naughty."

Damn it.

This is too good at pretending.

Those were the bandits from Langzhaigou.

You actually said it was a small fight and that they were naughty. If anyone else said this, he would definitely slap him in the face. Don't brag. If you have the ability, go fight with Langzhaigou.

"Those people are bandits from Langzhaigou." Huang Boren asked, wanting to make sure we were talking about the same person.

"There is a second-in-command who looks rather strange and has compact facial features, right?" Lin Fan said.

When Huang Boren heard it, it turned out to be true.

"Awesome, Brother Lin, you are really awesome. For some reason, I suddenly feel that this investment is probably the wisest in my life."

Huang Boren gave high praise.

Those were the bandits from Langzhaigou.

I thought that Martial Arts Mountain would not be able to support it, but I never imagined that the ending would be like this. It was so festive, so festive.

The bandits in Langzhaigou are busy repairing Martial Arts Mountain.

Death beckoned to them.

If you don't work hard, you will die.

"Second brother, do you think anything will happen to us?" the third master asked.

Even if the task is completed within three days, the final result may not be much better.

But there is no way.

If you don't work hard now, you will die now.

If you work harder, you can live for three more days.

In just these three days, there might be hope.

The second master said: "No."

"Huh?" The third master was surprised, "Second brother, you are so sure, is there anything you can do?"

The second master said: "There is no other way. Let's finish the things here first. We can survive for three days. If we don't go back within three days, the elder brother must know that something is wrong with us and will find a way to rescue us."

"Do you think you can stop Big Brother in this place?"

Just don't know why.

The second master felt a little bitter.

If one's cultivation is abolished, he will be a useless person from now on.

Practice again

Don't be ridiculous.

He thinks he is a genius.

But it took fifteen years to cultivate to this level, life.

How many fifteen years can there be

Especially since I started working in this industry, my cultivation level has never increased, but my eldest brother's cultivation level has been rising. This is not unreasonable.

All the good things were given to me by my eldest brother.

What they divided were the common things, such as gold, silver notes, etc.

"Shh, get to work, that guy is here." The second boss said.

He saw Lin Fan walking towards here.


Just wait for me.

When my elder brother arrives, you will be finished.

Lin Fan pointed forward and said: "They are useless right there. They are too ugly and can only do hard work."

This is a bit hurtful to say.

When the second master heard this, he was about to cry in anger, but he had to hold it back. He was a bandit, and the second master of Langzhaigou was frightened by the news.

How can we shed tears

Huang Boren was stunned. It was really amazing. He had never thought that someone would use the bandits from Langzhaigou as coolies.

"Brother Lin, I admire you."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "No, you invested five thousand taels in Martial Arts Mountain, which shows that you are very optimistic about us. We also need to show a little bit of strength. How do you feel? Is the strength good?"

Huang Boren smiled, "Not only is it okay, it is beyond my expectation. Brother Lin, I am very optimistic about the future of Martial Arts Mountain.

Just take a good look.

It's just that Lin Fan himself is not very optimistic about it.

How long he will stay in Martial Arts Mountain is still uncertain. Maybe his father will wave his hand and say, son, go home. He will definitely go home immediately.

such a pity.

His father didn't let him go home, and he hasn't even received a letter yet.

Not missing myself too much.

Lin Fan said: "Brother Huang, since it's okay, why not continue to invest? The greater the investment, the greater the return."

Yuan Tianchu, who was knocking bricks, glanced at the beast.

He's fooling an innocent boy again.

Can't you have some moral sense and let others go

With his current understanding of Lin Fan, he could already avoid any crisis.

It is already impossible for someone named Lin to trick him.

He has long been invulnerable to all poisons and is not afraid of any conspiracy.

This is what he realized during his time with Lin Fan.

Huang Boren thought for a moment and said, "Brother Lin, it is indeed possible to invest, but it is not possible yet. We must see some results."

He's not an idiot.

How can you invest at will

I've only invested five thousand taels, but it's a bit bad to have to invest again. It's too urgent, so I have to do it slowly.

"Okay, there is no compulsion to invest." Lin Fan said.

It’s good if someone invests.

It was a very lively life.

Big fish and meat are provided every day, and I make do with it, and my life is pretty good.

Huang Boren asked: "Brother Lin, how are you going to arrange them?"

Lin Fan glanced at it and said, "It will be chopped off in three days."


The tools in the third master's hand fell to the ground, and the other bandits were very worried.

"Didn't they agree to let us go as long as we repair Martial Arts Mountain within three days?" the second master asked.

"Who said that?" Lin Fan asked, looking at Zhang Daxian, "Did you say that?"

Zhang Daxian immediately shook his head, "I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything."

That expression is that of being rebellious and ruthless, a true man.

"I'm quitting." The third master threw the tools on the ground with a determined look on his face, "I'm quitting this damn thing. If you want to kill me, I'll kill you. I'm a bandit, and I have to be strong."

"Cousin, kill." Lin Fan waved his hand.

The third master squatted down in confusion, picked up the tools, worked hard, and shouted, "No, no, I'm joking, I'll do it, can't I do it?"

Lin Fan said: "If you say you don't do it, you will die now. If you do it, you can live for three more days. It's your choice. I don't bully others."

In the distance, Liang Yongqi pursed his lips and didn't want to bully others.

You almost got on top of someone and bullied them, but you still said you wouldn't bully them. It's really insidious.

He just wants to go back to Youcheng.

If you are not popular in the family, then you are not welcome, which is better than staying here.

Still have to work.

He didn't take him seriously at all.

Huang Boren said: "Brother Lin, I don't suggest you kill them. Langzhaigou is the largest bandit den within a hundred miles. I heard that the boss is very powerful. If you kill them, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble." .”

That's what he thinks from his perspective.

Langzhaigou has formed a major force.

It's very difficult to eradicate.

Moreover, there are a large number of people in Langzhai Valley. If they take revenge, it is no joke to send them all out. Even if Martial Arts Mountain is several times stronger, it will definitely not be the opponent of Langzhai Valley.

The second master pricked up his ears and felt secretly happy.

This Mr. Huang is a sensible person.

I know that Langzhaigou is not easy to mess with.

Not bad.

Keep talking.

Let’s talk more about the majesty of Langzhai Valley.

Make this kid feel scared, and then let them go.

As long as he lets go, there will be a counter-attack when the time comes. Hehe, just thinking about it makes me very passionate.


Zhang Daxian angrily slapped the head of the second boss and scolded: "Why are you laughing? Work hard for me."


The anger in the second master's heart was about to burst out.

I really wanted to throw away my hands and push Zhang Daxian to the ground and beat him.

I am the second boss of Langzhai Valley. How dare you do this to me? Didn't you hear Huang Boren say how scary Langzhai Valley is

Don't you have any fear in your heart

But there is no way.

The cultivation base is gone.

He was threatened by others and was dependent on others, which made him miserable. He could only face these people with a tortured face.

But don't forget.

When things turn, you will regret it.

Lin Fan said with a smile: "Brother Huang, why did you let him go? He comes as soon as Langzhaigou comes. How can you still be afraid of him?"

He really wanted to ask, who am I, Lin Fan, afraid of


My father doesn’t count.

He is really afraid of being forced to get married and have children all the time.

It's okay to come out, avoid the limelight, and go back when the situation becomes clearer.

Huang Boren said: "Brother Lin, you must not think like this. Some things should be given up. I live in Jiangcheng and know Langzhaigou very well. They do all kinds of evil, and they will always pay for every penny. If they get entangled, they will never be able to do anything. So far, it’s very annoying.”

The second master was angry, but he felt particularly relieved after hearing these words.

This sounds like human language.

Unless you have seen it with your own eyes, you will never understand the majesty of Langzhai Valley.

The second master said: "Headmaster Lin, let us go. I can guarantee that we will never cause trouble."


Zhang Daxian angrily slapped the second boss on the head again and angrily said: "Do your job, or I will kill you if you talk nonsense."

Damn it!

"Thank you Brother Huang for your kindness, but it doesn't matter. If Langzhaigou comes to cause trouble, I will eliminate them. If it doesn't prove the value of Martial Arts Mountain, Brother Huang will be able to invest again." Lin Fan said.

Do not know why.

Huang Boren was a little panicked, feeling like someone was peeking into his wallet.

This feeling is mysterious.

I hope this is an illusion.

At the foot of the mountain.

Chen Shengyao was really impatient.

Damn, what's going on now? Can you give me some news

Has Martial Arts Mountain been destroyed

He just wanted to see the new leader and his stupid big head, and nothing else.

"Sir, don't worry, there will be results soon." Li Cong said.


Chen Shengyao slapped him away, "You must not be in a hurry anymore, it's not you who is being beaten."

Li Cong felt aggrieved.

Young master, why are you doing this to me? I was beaten too.

Could it be that I am really that unimportant in your mind

"You go up and check the situation." Chen Shengyao said.

Li Cong blinked, Master, are you serious

Shall I go up

Thinking about it, it seems like it’s nothing, so just go.

"Wait a minute." Chen Shengyao stopped him and found Huang Boren coming down from the mountain.

My heart suddenly felt happy.

"Brother Huang, what's going on on the mountain? Is it bloody and tragic? I just said that the people in Langzhaigou are ruthless people. Among those who encounter them, there are only a few who can guarantee the integrity of the corpse. "

"When I set up the Bandit Suppression Association and collected the fees, it was just to get rid of Langzhaigou. Unfortunately, no one understood it. You see, something happened now."

Chen Shengyao sighed deeply.

Who can blame this

You can only blame people who have no vision.

Huang Boren stared at Chen Shengyao as if he was mentally retarded.

It’s all nonsense.

This is nonsense if you don't know the situation. Who doesn't know that Langzhaigou will come here because of your order, but it's a pity that it failed.

Shoot yourself in the foot with a brick.

The pain is so painful that it makes people scream.

Chen Shengyao said: "Brother Huang, you invested five thousand taels in Martial Arts Mountain, and now you are giving those bandits a free advantage. Hey, if they had come earlier, Brother Huang wouldn't have to spend this unjust money."

Huang Boren was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and left directly.

On the other hand, Chen Shengyao was very happy about the misfortune and was a little unhappy, "Brother Huang, don't leave. Let's continue talking."

In his opinion, if Huang Boren didn't say a word, he would be distressed.

"Sir, let me say it, it's done." Li Cong smiled.

But it's weird.

Now that the matter is done, why don't they send the heads

And looking at Mr. Huang's situation, it is obvious that he did not meet with Langzhaigou, otherwise it would not be the case.

Where did they go

never mind.

It's better not to think about it, as long as the matter is done, maybe those bandits will have left long ago.

However, in Li Cong's view, these bandits are not doing things well and can't do what they promised. My son just wants to see the head. Why don't you just send the head over

"Sir, do you want to go up and take a look?" Li Cong asked.

Chen Shengyao shook his head, "Hey, I won't go. I am such a kind-hearted person, and I don't want to see such a bloody scene. Go and look for that stupid big man's head above. If you find it, bring it back to me."

Li Cong was stunned.

Let me look for heads among the broken corpses.

It's too cruel.

How disgusting.

Don't really want to go.

But, if he doesn't go, he won't be able to live this life, and the young master will definitely beat him.

"Okay, young master, I will go and get the head back immediately," Li Cong said.

"Go, I'm going back first." Chen Shengyao was in a happy mood and wanted to go to the city to find a little girl to tease him.

Li Cong looked at the young master's back and exhaled. He had no choice but to climb up the mountain.

Don't tell me, it's a bit eerie.

for a long time.

Li Cong frowned when he heard some movement on the mountain. What's going on? Is there anyone else

He watched furtively.


He saw the second boss who was moving bricks.

No mistake.

The second master's face is so distinctive that once you take one look at it, you will never forget it.

"What happened?" Li Cong trembled. Didn't he say that Wudao Mountain had been massacred

What the hell is the second boss

Why move bricks here


A gaze locked on him.

Li Cong found the stupid big guy.

With a "yeah" sound, he ran away.

Depend on!

Depend on!

Got cheated.

There is nothing wrong with Wudao Mountain, but the bandits in Langzhaigou are the ones who are.

Don't be happy, young master, we have been deceived.

When Li Cong returned to the city, Chen Shengyao was teasing the little girl. The little girl was very charming and ladylike. She did not shout or cry, but showed a shy expression.

After all, Chen Shengyao is the son of everyone.

There must be many young girls who would like to choose a mate.

Li Cong came in a hurry, stammering a bit as he spoke, "Master, no... it's not good, Wudao Mountain is fine, and all the bandits in Langzhai Valley have been arrested."

Chen Shengyao was just about to attack his chest, but when he heard these words, he hung his hands in the air and looked back at Li Cong, "What did you say?"

The young ladies were all ready to accept Mr. Chen's molestation. It was obvious that Mr. Chen was indifferent and felt a little anxious. He took the initiative to move forward and screamed in surprise.

"Mr. Chen, how could you do this?"


Unfortunately, what she received was not more excessive teasing, but a slap that made her spin and almost faint.

"How is that possible?" Chen Shengyao said with a gloomy face, Wudaoshan captured the bandits in Langzhai Valley.


Absolutely not.

"Sir, I saw it with my own eyes." Li Cong said.

He could not forget the face of the second master, the stooped back of the second master when he was moving bricks, and the melancholy eyes.

Chen Shengyao's eyes became extremely scary.

When he thought of Huang Boren's eyes, he felt that it was not sadness, but that he thought he was an idiot.


Now that you know it, you are still pretending to me.

"Go, go to Langzhai Valley immediately and tell them what happened here." Chen Shengyao ordered.

Li Cong was stunned.

Young Master, you really don’t treat me as a human being, do you

I just came back today, and you asked me to go to Langzhaigou again.

Too much.

"Yes, young master, I'll go now." Li Cong came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

In the alley, only Chen Shengyao and that little girl were there.

The little girls huddled aside and looked at Chen Shengyao in fear.

"Did you overhear it?" Chen Shengyao's face was extremely gloomy.

The little girl shook her head, "No, I didn't hear anything, really nothing."

Chen Shengyao sneered, slowly came to the little girl, picked up her head, and banged it against the wall.




His face was covered with blood and he hadn't stopped yet.

The little girls screamed in their hearts.

You promised to tease me, why do you do this to me

When he was no longer breathing, Chen Shengyao let go of his hand and lowered his eyebrows in deep thought. This was what he was thinking about. When he left the alley, a servant came in, picked up the sack and put the little girl in it.

The movements are very skillful.


Martial Arts Mountain.

Lin Fan felt that sometimes, one should not be too hasty.

You never know what day someone will come to deliver something.

Thirty-two free coolies and thirty-two horses, this is how the martial arts mountain is slowly growing.

Anger points: 20839.

Another very rich sum of anger.

The four styles of Thunder Sword have been cultivated to the peak level and need to be improved to return to nature.


Consumes 4,500 rage points.

The Hunyuan Broken Jade Hand has been cultivated to the realm of integration. If it continues to improve, it will also be upgraded to return to nature. Then the conversion between the three techniques will be perfect.


Consumes 3,500 rage points.

Spend four thousand rage points.

Consumes 4,500 rage points.

Hunyuan Shattered Jade Hand (reaching the pinnacle)

Physique: 240 (eighth level of martial arts)

Internal strength: 240 (eighth level of martial arts)

Mental Dharma: Ziyang Four Bibles (Ten Heavens)

Skills: Tiger Saber Technique (returning to nature) Insect Control Technique (beginner) Fudo Mingwang Body (not yet beginner) Thunder Sword Four Styles (returning to nature) Hunyuan Broken Jade Hand (returning to nature)

Anger points: 4339

Even though he has a lot of anger points, he consumes them very quickly.

However, his own strength has improved so much that he is absolutely unparalleled in the eighth level of martial arts and unrivaled.

PS: Thank you, I will cover your losses with one move. Thank you, leader of the big boss.

PS: V group verification group: 532355835. Friends who subscribe can come in and communicate harmoniously, hehe.

(End of chapter)