I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 121: Langzhaigou was destroyed


When my cousin comes back, we'll break up.

Lin Fan was a little hungry and asked Gouzi to prepare something delicious.

He misses Youcheng and his father.

Yuan Tianchu caught up with Zhang Daxian, "Does what you said earlier count?"

"What? What did I say?" Zhang Daxian asked doubtfully, saying, "Child, I don't quite understand what you are talking about. Can you make it clearer?"

Yuan Tianchu said: "You said that if Langzhaigou will send you a banknote, you will hand over the position of deputy head to me. You said this, right?"

Good boy.

My heart is not right.

He actually wants to compete with me as the deputy leader.

Zhang Daxian said in confusion: "Really? I have never said this. Why do young people today like to bully middle-aged and elderly people? Is it because I am old and have a bad memory, or do you really think I am so casual? ?Can anyone be bullied?"

Then he patted Yuan Tianchu on the shoulder.

"Young people, don't aim too high, work hard, and everything you should have in the future will be there."


Yuan Tianchu wanted to beat Zhang Daxian angrily.

It's really shameless.

He obviously said these words, but he turned his back and refused to acknowledge them.

"Very good." Yuan Tianchu didn't want to say more and left directly.

He had already seen that Zhang Daxian, like Lin, was very scheming, and they would not admit it even if they said it face to face.

Anyone who believes it is a fool.

Zhang Daxian looked at Yuan Tianchu's back and smiled. Young people today just think too much and should be down to earth.

Did I say this

Definitely not.

Now, Wudaoshan has an investment of 30,000 taels of silver notes, and its future is unlimited.

They all ran away in Langzhai Valley and did not dare to invade.

This future...

Hehe, it’s amazing when you think about it.

Huang family.

"No way, so strong, so fierce?" Huang Boren was stunned when he learned that Langzhaigou had retreated.

Can you believe it

Anyway, he couldn't believe it.

This is like thousands of troops coming to attack Jiangcheng. Jiangcheng is obviously very weak and there is basically no hope, but at this moment, thousands of troops run away.

If there wasn't some story in it, he wouldn't believe it.

How small-minded is Chen Shengyao

That was really small. It was absolutely impossible for him to let Langzhaigou leave.

Therefore, there is a news revealed here.

Martial Arts Mountain is extraordinary.


Huang Boren regretted that Lin Fan asked him to invest a second time, but he didn't invest. Now that he thinks about it, he regrets it so much that he just ran away with an opportunity.

If given another chance, he would invest without hesitation.

He now wanted to see Chen Shengyao's face.

Maybe worse than eating shit.

Ha ha.

Feeling comfortable, my hands are a little itchy and I want to write with ink. His masterpieces are all hanging in the study.

Given his status, many people snapped up these masterpieces.

Without the status of the Huang family, these masterpieces should be used to wipe their butts.


Loyalty Hall.

When the leader came back, all the brothers breathed a sigh of relief, but thinking about the tragic death of some brothers made them heartbroken and more frightened.

too scary.

That man is like a devil.

The boss is a face-saving person. He didn't say that he couldn't beat him, nor did he talk too much nonsense.

To put it bluntly, we were tricked by the Chen family.

"Brother, I can't swallow this breath." The second master is sad, his cultivation has been ruined, and he will be a useless person from now on. He has no shame to stay in this position anymore.

The third master said: "Yes, we want to fight back."

"Kill back."

"Kill back."

Many brothers were shouting, and they were all holding back a breath of bad breath.

The headmaster looked at his brothers with a solemn expression. He had heard everyone's thoughts.

But just wanted to say.

Can you guys just stop for a while

But this cannot be said.

The fourth master said: "Everyone, be quiet and let the eldest master speak."

Everyone looked at the leader with fiery eyes. Everyone was ready. As long as he gave the order, they would sharpen their swords and fight back.

The boss arrived: "Brothers, we failed in this operation, but the failure was not because Martial Arts Mountain was powerful, but because the Chen family wanted us to perish."


Everyone looked at the headmaster in horror.

What's the meaning

Why did the Chen family want them to perish

They know that Langzhaigou has a great relationship with the Chen family. In other words, the people behind Langzhaigou used to be the Chen family. But gradually, after the emergence of figures such as the big boss, the relationship between Langzhaigou and the Chen family has begun to change. The relationship has undergone subtle changes.

The fourth master said: "Brother, you are saying that the Chen family wants to harm us."

The headmaster said: "That's right, we don't know much about the situation in Martial Arts Mountain. It's all the Chen family that urges us to act. If we knew that there were such powerful people in Martial Arts Mountain, would we still be so careless?"

"Second brother, third brother, and so many brothers, nothing will happen."

"I can't wait to kill that bastard of the Chen family."

The boss was really angry.

The source of everything is because of the Chen family.

If they hadn't given accurate information, this wouldn't have happened.

The fourth master said: "Brother, if this is the case, what should we do in the future? If the Chen family wants to deal with us in Langzhaigou, the place we are now will definitely be very dangerous."

The fifth master said: "What are you afraid of? He will come if you dare. Over the years, we have not even distributed the things we have robbed to the Chen family. Now he is crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. At worst, we will have to fight with him."

"Fifth brother, drink your wine." The fourth master said.

Then he looked at his eldest brother and said: "Brother, I think we should leave here with our brothers. The Chen family is deeply rooted in Jiangcheng and has great power. If the Chen family aims to suppress bandits and gathers an army, just us people will not be able to see it at all. .”

The fifth master said: "Then let's just forget about the second brother, the third brother and those brothers?"

Anyway, he refused to accept it. The cultivation of his second brother and third brother was abolished. He would feel uncomfortable if he did not avenge this revenge.

The second head of the family said: "Fifth brother, listen to your fourth brother. He has read books and understands the truth. You can't push Langzhaigou into the abyss just because of a few of us. Brother, I agree with what the fourth brother said. Let's move away. If our brothers are still here, we still have a chance to take revenge."

The headmaster said: "Brothers, what do you say?"

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and then said: "It all depends on big brother."

"Okay, then we will move away and strengthen our power. When we have the opportunity in the future, we will take revenge. If Martial Arts Mountain is to be destroyed, so will the Chen family." said the headmaster.

What he was thinking in his mind was also to suggest moving, as it was not a good place to stay for a long time.

But leaving like this would probably break the hearts of the second and third brothers.

But now the Chen family wants to destroy Langzhaigou. With their strength, they cannot fight against the Chen family and can only make all the brothers lose their lives in vain.


Langzhai Valley was very quiet, and a figure emerged from the dog hole in Langzhai Valley.

Then it instantly disappeared into the darkness.

July 21st.

early morning.

Early in the morning, Martial Arts Mountain welcomed the first group of people.

The civilians working in Wudao Mountain are back again.


Yesterday's events have been spread.

Martial Arts Mountain showed amazing strength.

They are back repairing Budo Mountain again.

Zhang Daxian looked very good and happy, and immediately asked the civilians to repair Martial Arts Mountain quickly. He couldn't wait to see the prosperity of Martial Arts Mountain after it opened.


He saw the rich man.

"Master Huang, what brought you here?" Zhang Daxian immediately stepped forward and greeted.

This is a rich man.

Although Wudaoshan is not short of funds for the time being, there is no harm in making the local tycoons comfortable.

Huang Boren said: "Deputy Head Zhang, I'm here to see Head Lin."

He just wants to make money.

Now that the future of Budoshan is clear, he wants to increase investment.

Nowadays, some powerful sects have wealthy families.

It’s not that those sects were founded by wealthy families.

But when those sects were first established, those wealthy families gave them financial support.

Then it gradually grew and formed a large sect.

The gains for those wealthy and aristocratic families have also come.

Martial Arts Mountain allowed him to see this possibility.

So, he wants to continue to invest in it and lay the foundation for future generations.

"Please, please come in." Zhang Daxian was very enthusiastic, but the word 'vice' didn't sound very nice.

If only the word 'vice' could be removed.

That would be perfect.

But it's okay, keep working hard, maybe one day, this word 'vice' will be completely removed.

Zhang Daxian took Huang Boren and walked inside.

Today's Martial Arts Mountain is in perfect repair in some places.

Push the door open and go in.

Lin Fan and others were sitting there eating breakfast, but upon closer inspection, the status of everyone present was clear at a glance.

Among them, Lin Fan is the highest.

Look at what is being eaten.

Bird's nest stewed in milk, there are red dates and a few ginseng roots in it.

Zhou Zhongmao also ate these, in big bowls. In Lin Fan's words, his cousin was still growing and needed to be replenished.

Originally, dogs could also eat these.

But the dog doesn't want to eat it, and he doesn't want to eat it, so he can just be the master's servant.

Outside now.

Three meals a day are cooked by dogs.

Don't underestimate Gouzi. Although he has never cooked in the Lin family, he really has cooking skills, which is very good.

As for Liang Yongqi and Yuan Tianchu, they were miserable, eating fried dough sticks, pancakes, soy milk and porridge.

The two men bit into their fried dough sticks and stared straight at Lin Fan.


Not fair at all.

Why do the two of us have to eat these? Can you please consider our status? We are also rich sons in Youcheng.

"You bunch of beasts, you should have gotten better early, and you didn't tell me. I was supervising the work outside, and you were eating and drinking too much." Zhang Daxian yelled.

Too realistic.

These people couldn't even think of him.

"Wow, bird's nest, so good, I'll have some."

Just when Zhang Daxian was about to make a bowl, Zhou Zhongmao slapped Zhang Daxian's hand away and said, "You can eat what my cousin is eating."

"Hey, you kid, you..." Zhang Daxian wanted to teach him a few words, but when he saw Zhou Zhongmao showing a fierce look, he gave up. Even if he was good, he ate porridge.

Zhou Zhongmao glared at Zhang Daxian, and then said: "Cousin, eat more, you can't lose weight."

Lin Fan said calmly: "Yeah."

Then he saw Huang Boren and said with a smile: "Brother Huang, why did you remember to come to Martial Arts Mountain so early in the morning? Come, do it, and have something to eat together."

Huang Boren said: "You're welcome, Master Lin. I'm here to have a chat with Master Lin. You eat first, and we'll chat when you're done."

Liang Yongqi leaned into Yuan Tianchu's ear and said, "I've had enough. This is not fair at all."

Yuan Tianchu drank the porridge and sneered: "The injustice is still to come. With your ability to bear, you shouldn't stay with us."

Liang Yongqi found these words a bit harsh.

What's the meaning

Say I can't do it


Lin Fan put down the bowl, "Cousin, I'm full, you drink the rest."

"Yeah, I got it." Zhou Zhongmao picked up the half-full bucket of bird's nests and poured it into his mouth. He had consumed too much and needed a lot of supplements to keep his strength at its peak.

Liang Yongqi and others were heartbroken when they saw this scene.


So edible.

I don’t know how to give us points.


Lin Fan and Huang Boren were walking around.

After a while.

"Brother Huang, just tell me if you have anything to do," Lin Fan said.

He knew Huang Boren's purpose.

It's nothing more than bragging for a while and then saying to continue investing in Martial Arts Mountain.


This is very casual, just invest, he doesn't mind having little money.

Huang Boren said; "Brother Lin, I want to continue investing in Martial Arts Mountain."

Martial Arts Mountain allowed him to see the future.

In the future, when Martial Arts Mountain becomes truly powerful, the entire Huang family will leap upward.

Let’s just say now.

He brought the Huang family's wealth to those powerful sects and said that he wanted to invest, but he was afraid that he would be kicked out without even having a chance to have tea.

You can even get scolded.

Silly hater.

Those big sects should not be underestimated. They will become really powerful when they grow bigger.

The Huang family is not worth mentioning at all in front of those big sects.

Lin Fan said: "Okay, no problem."

Huang Boren said: "Brother Lin, is it true?"

"It's absolutely true, but it can also be faked." Lin Fan said with a smile.

He just wants to live the life of a rich family, which is pretty good now. He eats and drinks every day, looks at the scenery and the sky, and his life is considered leisurely.

Huang Boren laughed and said, "Okay, that's great. This time, my Huang family will give Martial Arts Mountain 20,000 taels."

This is already a big deal.

This is why Huang Boren is really optimistic about the development of Martial Arts Mountain.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, the Huang family will continue to invest in the future." Huang Boren said.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Okay, but please remember, Brother Huang, that investment is risky, and it may be all in vain in the end."

Huang Boren said: "Understood."

Then Huang Boren was curious about what happened yesterday and wanted to know what happened.

Why did the bandits in Langzhaigou leave

These things are no secret either.

When Huang Boren learned that Lin Fan had extorted thirty thousand taels from Langzhaigou, his expression was so shocked that he became numb.


It's really awesome.

Chen family.

Chen Shengyao was in a bad mood and his face was always gloomy.

Martial Arts Mountain still exists, which is extremely unpleasant for him.

But there is no way.

Langzhaigou disobeyed his orders, which made him very unhappy. What could he do

At this time, the old man of the Chen family learned about the situation in Langzhai Valley.

Mr. Chen didn't look for Chen Shengyao either.

Anyway, it was enough for him to know that Langzhaigou was going to betray the Chen family.

Deserve to kill.

Can't stay.

Langzhaigou was established by the previous generation of the Chen family. It was used to rob wealth and expand the Chen family's wealth. After all, the Chen family was born as a bandit, so they naturally knew what the fastest way to gather wealth was.

It was relatively easy to control back then.

No one dared to disobey the Chen family's orders and were as obedient as a dog.

Or it can be said that it is the dog raised by the Chen family.

But now the current boss is somewhat disobedient.

If you want to start your own business, you have to see if you have the ability.

If it weren't for the spies placed in Langzhaigou, I'm afraid we still wouldn't know so clearly.

July 22nd!


Mr. Chen personally led a large number of people out of the city and finally disappeared into the night.


Tonight is very lively, but there is a sense of sadness in it.

Loyalty Hall.

The leader raised his glass and looked at everyone and said: "Brothers, after tonight, we will leave here. We will leave this place where we have lived for a long time and have long been accustomed to it. Let us cheer. From tonight, we, Langzhaigou, will be free." , no longer anyone’s tool.”


Very heroic.

All the bandits raised their glasses. After drinking, they raised their heads and looked at the leader, waiting for the next words.

The eldest master said: "We all know the rules in Langzhaigou. When we are together, we are brothers and help each other. But if anyone is tired of such a life, just say it. As the eldest master, I have always greeted every brother who comes in. I promised you that if you want to quit, I will give you a sum of money to live your own life, and I will never stop you, and no one will dare to stop you, because that is what you deserve."

"Does anyone want to quit now?"

There was a brief silence.

everyone chanted.

"No, we have to follow the boss to the end."

"Yes, if anyone quits, I will look down on him."

The headmaster looked around and said, "Okay, brothers, let's drink this bowl of wine."

The room was filled with the aroma of wine, and everyone drank it in one gulp.

"One more thing, we have snatched a lot of girls, but tonight is the night of Langzhaigou's disbandment, and also the night of the establishment of the new Langzhaigou. We have said before that we will not force them to stay after the team is broken up. If any girl wants to leave, , give me enough money, and you can leave. Here, I would also like to thank those little ladies for making my brothers not lonely at night."

At this time, someone shouted.

"Master, my little kid is already three years old. That little girl has long been devoted to me. How can she leave me? If she leaves, where can she find someone like me who is suitable for her?"

"Hahaha… "

"Ha ha."

The bandits laughed.

"You're such a shameless guy. I've wanted to leave you for a long time, okay?"

"Fart, how is that possible?"

The boss raised his hand and said, "Okay, if that's the case, let's take them away together. We won't abandon our brothers, and we won't abandon our brothers' little girls. As long as they are from our Langzhaigou, we have to take them away."


There is a noise outside.

"There is an enemy attack." After the bandit guarding outside yelled these words, he fell to the ground, dead.

"What a bastard, brothers, copy these guys to meet the enemy." The fifth master roared angrily.

Outside Langzhai Valley, many torches were lit.

Mr. Chen looked at Langzhaigou indifferently.

I really don’t want to ruin this place with my own hands.

But there is no way, if someone betrays you, you will die.

Despite his age, Mr. Chen is very ruthless.

"Kill." Mr. Chen waved his hand.

A large number of people rushed in with knives.

It didn't take long.

Screams came.

Even the children were not spared.

"how so."

"Why can't I even pick up the knife?"

"No strength at all."

The Langzhaigou bandits discovered a very scary thing, that is, they had no strength at all.


The fighting in the village calmed down.

The head master and others were surrounded, and everyone was injured.

"Qin Zhong, I see that you are loyal and make you the head master. Is this how you repay me?" Mr. Chen came slowly on horseback and looked at the head master coldly.

The headmaster's eyes were red and he said angrily: "Chen Daoyun, you poisoned us."

He has discovered it.

And so does himself.

They were all poisoned and had no strength.

Mr. Chen said coldly: "You keep talking about your brother. How about it? It feels good to be poisoned by your own brother."

Then, a young bandit came out and stood next to Mr. Chen.

The fifth master said angrily, "You bastard."

It's just that for the little bandit, he can be scolded. Anyway, he was arranged by Master Chen to monitor Langzhai Valley.

Mr. Chen said: "Remember, if I can praise you, I can kill you. Everything you have is given to you by me. Betraying the Chen family will only lead to death."


at this time.

Several young bandits rushed out, holding the goods they had robbed last time, which were explosives. They tied them to their bodies and screamed.

"Master, run quickly, we will clear the way for you."

"Remember to take revenge on us."

The little bandits roared, rushed towards the guards surrounding them, and set fire to them.



Blood and flesh were scattered all over the floor, and many guards died. The scene was very tragic.

Mr. Chen was protected behind him.

"Huh, run?" Mr. Chen looked at the unsteady steps of the people and waved his hand, "Chase."

The boss didn't expect it to turn out like this.

He is not afraid to fight with the Chen family with real swords and guns, because he is fearless.

But he didn't expect that he would be killed by his own brother.


What a despicable means.

Even if they were bandits, they wouldn't bother poisoning.

In their current situation, they simply couldn't escape.

"Qin Zhong, why are you running away? Don't run away. Your fate has been decided from the moment you had the idea of betraying me."

"Hey, I can't bear to leave."

"After raising a dog for so many years, I still have some feelings for it."

Mr. Chen sighed, but even though he said that, the meaning was still very clear, which was to kill.

They were stuck on the edge of a cliff.

Below are huge waves.

Invisible at night.

But you can tell by the sound how ferocious the waves are.

The fourth master was injured and shouted: "Brother, we won't hold you back. If you jump down, you still have a chance to survive. If you are alive in the future, you will avenge us. We will stop you."

The fifth leader said: "Brother, this is the end of our lives as brothers. In the next life, we will still be bandits and brothers with you. Do you still want us?"

"Hahaha." The fourth master said: "Fifth brother, over the years, you have said it best now. We brothers will still be bandits with my eldest brother in the next life."

"I want it, I want it, I want it forever." The leader shouted.

The second master and the third master also smiled.

Then the four of them looked at each other, nodded silently, picked up the knife in their hands and rushed towards Mr. Chen.

"Brother, jump."

The boss's eyes are red, brothers, wait for me, after you have taken revenge, I will go down below and continue to lead you to be bandits.

Then he jumped and was swallowed by darkness.



The four of them drank poisonous wine, and there was no room for resistance in front of these guards.

All were hacked to death with random knives.

But even if they died, they still hugged the guards tightly, blocking the way and buying time for their elder brother.

Then a guard came to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

The sound of the waves was very loud and terrifying.

"Master, if you jump from here, you will definitely not survive." The guard turned around and said.

Mr. Chen dismounted and came to the edge of the cliff. He looked down. After looking for a while, he waved his hand after confirming that there was no problem.

"Integrate all the bandit corpses in Langzhai Valley."

You must create benefits for the Chen family during your lifetime, even after death.

Aren’t the common people in Jiangcheng afraid of Langzhaigou

Then show them what the Chen family has done.

The cliff is diagonal and the slope is very large.

The boss is not dead, he is hanging on the vines, which they made before, in order to give themselves a chance to escape if they encounter a disaster.

But I didn't expect it.

He is the only one who has used it so far.

His strength gradually dwindled, and the boss stared, biting his tongue with his teeth. He had already bitten his tongue, and he must not let go.

There was only one voice in his heart.


Must live.

I want revenge.

July 23rd!


All the civilians in Jiangcheng were horrified.

The steward of the Chen family stood there and shouted.

"Come and take a look. These are the corpses of the Langzhaigou bandits. My master knows that you are suffering from bandits, so he took people overnight to uproot them. It is for no other reason than to save everyone in Jiangcheng. , all live in a happy and safe place.”

"Tell me, did you do this well?"

The civilians rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

Oh my god.

You read that right.

Langzhaigou, which has been deeply rooted for a long time, was destroyed like this

This is huge news.

Every civilian in Jiangcheng was very excited.

The steward of the Chen family shouted: "Can you please agree?"


This group of mentally retarded civilians are all dumbfounded. I asked you if you are okay and if you can say something back.

"Okay, great."

"Long live the Chen family. The Chen family is so powerful. They eliminate harm for the people."

The steward of the Chen family was very satisfied.

This is so ridiculous.

at this time.

Mr. Chen walked over with the help of his servants. He was coughing, his face was a little pale, and he was a little awkward when speaking.

"Everyone, these things are what the Chen family should do. As long as the Chen family is in Jiangcheng, they will not let anyone harm us, the people of Jiangcheng."

The steward of the Chen family said: "Why are you still standing there and not applauding? My master personally led the team to suppress the bandits last night and suffered from the cold. Look, our master is so old that he could have left these things to others." To do it.”

"But my master is determined to do it. He said that for the safety of the people of Jiangcheng, he must take action personally."

"I'm moved, I'm really moved, I..."


Steward Chen's eyes turned red instantly, and tears streamed down his face.

not far away.

Li Cong was stunned.

Damn it.

He has seen the gap.

That guy is really good at talking. No wonder he can become the manager and I can only become the coach.

The difference is here.

But don't say it yet.

The master is cruel enough.

He knew the relationship between Langzhaigou and the Chen family.

Because he is not very obedient.

They killed people overnight.

Very powerful.

It also taught him a lesson.

I can't help but listen to the young master, no matter how hard and tired I am, I have to do it.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the family will be wiped out like Langzhaigou.

It’s a little scary to think about.

The common people were affected by the emotional remarks of the Chen family steward.

Some people actually cried.

"Wow, he is the same age as my grandfather. My grandfather collapsed on the bed. Mr. Chen can still destroy Langzhaigou for us. I am really touched."

"Yeah yeah."

"Although Mr. Chen is very annoying, there are still good people in the Chen family. Let's be considerate in the future. Mr. Chen is still young and has not grown up. There is no problem in being bad."


This incident caused an uproar in Jiangcheng.

When Huang Boren learned about this, he was also horrified.


The Chen family actually destroyed Langzhaigou.

Why is this

At least a small half of the Chen family's wealth was obtained from Langzhaigou. Wouldn't it be self-destructive to destroy it


Just because Langzhaigou didn't destroy Wudao Mountain, Master Chen was angry.

But it's also impossible.

The Chen family is not that stupid.

Can't figure it out.

I really can’t figure it out.

When Chen Shengyao learned that his father had destroyed Langzhaigou, he was overjoyed.

Laughing wildly in the house.

I was thinking in my heart, if Langzhaigou asked you not to obey my orders, then the end would be so tragic.

Even if you regret it, it's already too late.

As for facing Huang Boren, he would not be embarrassed. He could even say that he could easily kill any disobedient dog if he saw it.

What domineering words.

outside the city.

Lin Fan came down from Martial Arts Mountain and planned to visit Jiangcheng.

When I saw so many corpses outside the city.

He was also a little confused.


Langzhaigou was destroyed.

This is too damn fast.

He also saw Mr. Chen's family, and his first impression was that this old man was not a good person.

You can tell from his face.

He should be a sinister and cunning person.

At this time, Master Chen saw Lin Fan walking towards Lin Fan with the support of his servant.

"Headmaster Lin, we met for the first time and have admired him for a long time." Mr. Chen said.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, I have long admired you."

Mr. Chen said: "It is really gratifying that Wudaoshan can reopen. It will also provide more jobs for the people of Jiangcheng in the future."

Damn it.

This sounds a bit strange.

Or does the other party regard him as Zhang Daxian, giving monthly money to his disciples



The two of them just talked nonsense.

What we talked about was not the point.

He just felt that this old man was a bit sinister and he looked like a bad guy.

When Mr. Chen left, he patted Lin Fan on the shoulder three times.

What does it mean

Come to my room in the middle of the night and let's have a sleeve-cutting fetish

Get lost.

Scumbag old man.

He would also extend his hand to such an outstanding man as me.

Don’t even look at what you look like.

"Cousin, this person is not a good person." Lin Fan said.

Zhou Zhongmao nodded, "Cousin, I can see it."

Lin Fan nodded silently, his cousin was smart and quite good.

"Let's go into town for shopping."

However, when entering the city gate, he still looked at the bandits.

has a problem.

There is definitely something wrong.

Huang Boren told him that Langzhaigou had a sworn relationship with the Chen family. It was the support of the Chen family and the money-making tool behind the Chen family.

But now, the Chen family has destroyed Langzhai Valley.

What kind of conspiracy is going on here

a little complicated.

My brain was buzzing thinking about it.

never mind.

who cares.

No matter what the conspiracy is, it has nothing to do with him. Either come with force or don't come.

PS: I recommend a book called "Future Entertainment". If you are interested, you can read it.

PS: Thank you, Ken629, Tan Feng, Xiang Shou, The Boy in the Setting Sun, and several big guys for their generous rewards.

Please vote for me every month. Please vote for me, sincerely.

Thank you: The egg tarts are so good, there is no trace of a smile, book friend 160627105643385, it is strange that the years are quiet, the rain is gentle, the writer galloping horse, why the wind blows a Yin flower, Liudao Banye, the boss is also There is a shortage of books, Dream days, all kinds of flavors follow your heart, it’s strange that the years are quiet, 624165366, Sword Lingxiao Hero, the time is fleeting, waiting for the rewards from book friends, thank you, thank you very much.

(End of chapter)