I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 122: Anyway, I am your uncle


The last time I entered Jiangcheng, I came to see Zhang Daxian. I didn’t look much at him and left after finding him.

The friends my dad knows are really weird.

It stands to reason that powerful people should know powerful friends. How come my dad knows Zhang Daxian

Yes, that's right.

I didn't see how much ability he had.

Even if Martial Arts Mountain is established.

In the end, it was shut down, so what else can be said.

Jiangcheng is indeed good, and the environment is much better than that of Youcheng.

"Have you written down all the things you want to buy?" Lin Fan asked.

Gouzi followed behind him, "Sir, I've written it all down. I'm going to ask where to buy these things now."

Langzhaigou ransoms 30,000 taels, and Huang Boren invested 20,000 taels. The total amount is 50,000 taels, which is already a huge amount of money.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he will make a fortune.

Even at Youcheng's house, I have never seen so many silver coins.

Gouzi asked the passers-by, then came back and said, "Sir, I asked. Just a few hundred meters ahead, you will find the largest market in Jiangcheng. You can find everything."

Lin Fan wanted to buy some things and change his living environment.

He is now the leader, so he must be treated as a leader should.


The three of them came to Jiangcheng Market, and what they saw at first glance was spectacular. It was not that it was beautiful, but that there were a lot of goods inside. It was just as the man said, you could buy everything in Jiangcheng Market.

The shouts were continuous.

People are coming and going, many people are choosing things in the market.

Found a shop selling beds.

There are many beds placed inside and outside the store, with various styles.

Lin Fan walked into the store and felt these beds. He was really not used to them. He was most used to the ones with Simmons in the past.

"Does this young master need anything?" The store owner was middle-aged, a little fat, and looked very shrewd. He warmly welcomed Lin Fan in.

Lin Fan said: "When buying a bed, I recommend a few models."

The boss smiled and led Lin Fan and others inside, "Sir, look at this. They are made from the finest huanghuali. The material is absolutely fine. It's grand and beautiful. It's absolutely comfortable to sleep on. And if it breaks, it’s guaranteed to be repaired, so it’s definitely worth the money, only twenty taels.”

Lin Fan didn't say anything. He touched it and it felt very good. Then he looked at Gouzi. He didn't know the price of the thing, so he had to ask Gouzi how it was.

Gouzi said: "Boss, fifteen taels, fixed price, my young master bought it."

The boss was embarrassed, "Oh, this is too low. It will be reduced by five taels at a time. I... Okay, okay, okay. I just want to see that this young man likes it, so I will sell it."

He relented mainly because he saw that Lin Fan was leaving.

Earning a few taels of silver is enough.

One look at Gouzi's behavior and it's clear that people who know the price will definitely not be killed if they kill them, so they can just make less money.

Gouzi paid and then said: "Send the bed to Martial Arts Mountain, but don't try to change it secretly. I will check it carefully."

"Don't worry, old merchant, it's all about credibility." The boss said quickly, my God, this person is really difficult to deal with.

Martial Arts Mountain

These people are from the Martial Arts Mountain.

Seeing Lin Fan and the others leaving, the boss shook his head and didn't think much about it. Then he smiled and said, "It's a good day. I got my first business and the business is open."

Gouzi whispered: "Sir, these businesses are very slippery. I'll just come and take a look at what you like."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Okay, I'm very relieved about you."

The young master's praise made the dog feel a little elated. Isn't the biggest hope of being a young boy just to satisfy his master

He feels like he's done that.

But there is still work to be done.

Lin Fan said: "You can take a look for yourselves later and buy whatever you need. We are now considered to have a lot of money."

"Oh." Zhou Zhongmao responded. He didn't have anything to buy and wasn't interested. It was the same anyway. He would watch his cousin during the day and practice at night.

The dog won't have any needs, and the current one is fine.

Then Gouzi bought everything the young master needed according to the list.

He understood that the young master's idea was to improve his living conditions to those in the Lin Mansion.

There is no difficulty in this.

Even if it is difficult, we have to find a way to help the young master solve it.

It was not until noon that I finally bought everything, but it still cost more than one hundred taels, which is already a huge sum of money for ordinary people.

Afterwards, we had a hearty meal at Weifulou and had nothing to do, so we headed back to Martial Arts Mountain.

What Lin Fan was thinking was that under normal circumstances, at least something would happen, such as some minor troubles.

But unfortunately, everything went too smoothly.

When the sun was about to go down, merchants were already delivering goods one after another.

"Good guy, this is to dress up Martial Arts Mountain. Not bad, not bad." Zhang Daxian came over immediately upon hearing the news and gathered around a bed. He looked at it very carefully. The smile on his face was like a blooming flower. .

It seems that these things are all for him.

Yuan Tianchu was very calm. Seeing Zhang Daxian's happy expression, he didn't want to say anything more.


Can these things be yours

I never thought that someone named Lin could be so kind and buy you things and make you dream.

He just couldn't figure it out.

We have been together for a while and have experienced some things, but we still can't understand what kind of person Lin Fan is.

Is this because my brain can't turn around, or something.

"This may not be our fault." Liang Yongqi muttered.


Even he knows that we are not responsible, why don't you understand

Just when Zhang Daxian was about to touch it, Gouzi came out and said, "Don't touch it, this belongs to my young master."


Zhang Daxian looked at Gouzi in surprise, "What about ours?"

Gouzi shook his head, "Not for you."

"What?" Zhang Daxian exclaimed, "I can understand without the two of them. After all, they are just disciples, but as the deputy head, how can I not be without them."

None of our business.

If you feel embarrassed, can you please stop taking us with you

Yuan Tianchu chuckled, "Can't you see the reality clearly? Without you, your position as leader is similar to ours. Don't keep talking about it. It's so boring and humiliating yourself."

Liang Yongqi never thought that they would have a share.

I don’t know what is going on with this great immortal.

You don't have to bring shame on yourself.

have no choice.

Can't figure it out.

"Come with me as you carry your things. Slow down and don't break them. If they get broken, you won't recognize them." Gouzi led the merchants from all walks of life towards the Gongzi courtyard.

The young master is a particular person and does not like bumpy things. He reminded the delivery merchants just to hope that they would bring snacks.

Businessmen naturally know about Martial Arts Mountain.

However, their impression of Martial Arts Mountain was naturally that of Martial Arts Mountain that had closed down a long time ago. As for the current Martial Arts Mountain, they were a little shocked.

They all seem pretty good.

Zhang Daxian looked at these things with envy. Thinking about the gadgets in his house, they were like heaven and earth.

"No, I have to go and talk to him about how I can live without these things." Zhang Daxian left angrily.

Yuan Tianchu followed closely behind.

He is going too.

But never say anything. If you can take advantage, that would be great. If you don't, there is no loss.

Liang Yongqi curled his lips, saying that Zhang Daxian was just wasting his time by going to find Lin Fan, but when he saw Yuan Tianchu following him, he immediately felt that there was something wrong.


I have to go too.

Even if you don’t know the specific situation, you must not let them take advantage of it in vain.

For some reason, Liang Yongqi felt very tired.

Not feeling at ease in Youcheng at all.

This day.

Lonely, dangerous, and boring.

In the courtyard where Lin Fan lives.

"Master, that's too much, why didn't I?" Zhang Daxian asked straight to the point, with a somewhat resentful expression. After all, I am also the deputy master. To shorten the relationship, I am also your uncle.

His status in Martial Arts Mountain is one person below him and four above him.

Logically speaking, he should have a share.

Lin Fan and his cousin stood in the courtyard. In a moment, earth-shaking changes would take place here.

Lin Fan saw Zhang Daxian approaching and said calmly: "Excessive luxury can make people corrupt. As the deputy head of the Martial Arts Mountain, you should set an example and set a good example for the disciples."

Zhang Daxian said: "I'm not depraved. I've never been extravagant. It's okay. Just dress up my house."

"We will wait for the future. Martial Arts Mountain is currently short of funds. We must be frugal and not spend too much." Lin Fan said.


Did someone say this

It was said that there was a shortage of funds.

That fifty thousand taels is not money.

Zhang Daxian pulled Lin Fan aside, lowered his head and whispered: "My dear nephew, your father and I are friends. After all, I am also your uncle. I understand that you don't want those two people to get good things, uncle." You can act out a play with me, and you can renovate the room for me afterward, how about that?"

Yuan Tianchu was very disdainful and sneaky. Even if he didn't hear it, he knew what he was talking about.

Lin Fan said: "I really have no money."


Zhang Daxian stared at Lin Fan, as if to say, my dear nephew, my uncle has told you so, but you still haven't given him a chance, are you really that stingy

Lin Fan saw Zhang Daxian looking at him and nodded silently, "You really have no money, you know."

I know shit.

I don't know if you have money.

That bright silver note could be fake.


The new head of Martial Arts Mountain is so stingy, it will be really hard to live in the future.

"Brother Yuan, are we going to have a hard time in the future? Why don't we two secretly go back to Youcheng?" Liang Yongqi whispered.

Yuan Tianchu said: "I don't want to go back. I already understand why I came out. You are a coward and are indeed not suitable to stay here. You can go back by yourself."

Damn it!

What a beast.

This is so damn insulting.

I'll just make a suggestion, and you'll call me cowardly.

Very good, I won't go back, but I want to see how long you can hold on.

Liang Yongqi didn't think as much as Yuan Tianchu, but he also knew that Lin Fan was a bit sinister. If you stayed with him, you would not enjoy the blessings, but you would have to bear the hardships together.

He just wanted to see how long Yuan Tianchu could last.

He really knows how to brag, as if he is very powerful.

Gouzi led the merchants in and directed the merchants to place the goods in fixed locations.

He knows how the young master likes to play.

As a personal servant, you should know this.

Zhang Daxian has completely despaired of this wise nephew and can hardly pry his mouth open.

He is obviously Lin Wanyi's son, but why isn't he as easy to talk to as his father

In the past, his father got good things, and if he wanted some, he could get it by saying good things and licking it.

Said there was no money.

Can I believe it

You'd be a real fool if you believed it.

It didn't take long.

The entire courtyard has a brand new look, and the environment is much better than that in Youcheng.

Lin Fan looked very satisfied.

This is the day he wants.


Lin Fan was enjoying the shade in the courtyard.

The cousin stayed aside. Suddenly, he looked into the darkness and said angrily: "Who is it?"

A figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

"It's you."

PS: Published in chapters, there are a lot less things to do. Those who ask for monthly tickets, please subscribe, don’t support it, it will kill people.

(End of chapter)