I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 19: Let me chat with you for a few words (thank you, leader 1416


The entrance to Youcheng.

There are guards with swords on guard.

Seeing a large number of homeless people coming together, they became solemn.

What do you want to do

Breaking into the city, he wanted to enter the city and rob the family, but he couldn't give it up.

The sound of assembly sounded.

There is an enemy attack.

The homeless people revealed their true purpose, they wanted to attack Youcheng.

The guards stood in a row, holding cold weapons and with a cold aura. As long as the situation was not right, they would immediately kill these homeless people.

"Gouzi, look at these guards, they even came out to welcome us."

In the distance, Lin Fan smiled.

In his opinion, the guards guarding the city gate are just decorations. Now that they are gathered together, it is possible that they know that this young master has done something important, and they are welcoming them all the way.

"Sir, the guards of Youcheng may see these homeless people gathered together and think they are going to riot. It is better to ask the younger one to go and explain clearly to prevent unnecessary conflicts." Manager Chen poured cold water on them.

Young Master still likes to daydream.

Lin Fan was a little disappointed, it turned out not to be the case, and motioned to Manager Chen to go ahead.

Manager Chen went from fainting and frothing at the mouth to now accepting it calmly.

How much inner struggle this process involves is unknown to outsiders.

Even Lin Fan could not imagine it.

Manager Chen explained the situation to the city guards.

When Lin Fan passed by with the homeless people, the guards looked at Young Master Lin with complicated expressions.

They all felt that Mr. Lin's brain was sick.

With his status as Young Master of the Lin family, the people he was fooling around with should be wealthy nobles, so how could they be mixed up with the refugees.

But what I see now.

Young Master Lin hangs out with these refugees.

Gouzi glanced at the guards for a few times and whispered: "Master, the looks in these guards' eyes are really unpleasant. How can they understand Master's intentions?"

"It doesn't matter. Not everyone understands the righteousness as well as the young master. Being able to be a young master does not mean that it is good to be reincarnated."

"It depends more on the size. If you are big, other brothers and sisters can't squeeze you. That's the reason."

Lin Fan said.

Gouzi was confused and couldn't understand. Who were the brothers and sisters that the young master was talking about

The Lin family only has young masters.

Chunxiang Pavilion.

A large number of refugees arrived, and civilians passing by watched.

How can refugees enter the city

Moreover, it was Chunxiang Pavilion that came, and it was impossible for the city guards to let the refugees in.

As for the refugees in the city, most of them sneaked in without being discovered.

However, the common people were surprised when they saw that the leader of the refugees was the Lin family's son.

Last rumor.

Young Master Lin invited the refugees in the city to have a feast at Chunxiang Pavilion. Could it be that this is about to happen again

"Master Lin." When the shopkeeper of Chunxiang Pavilion saw Lin Fan, he trotted over, groveling and doing his best to please him.

"Let's make arrangements." Lin Fan said casually, it was just a meal, nothing complicated.

The shopkeeper looked at the large number of refugees behind Mr. Lin, his heart trembled slightly, but his expression remained the same, and he hurriedly greeted them.

"Master Lin, please."

"Everyone please."

The shopkeeper also couldn't understand Mr. Lin's intention.

Even if the Lin family has a great business, there is no need to waste it like this.

"Shopkeeper, it's the same as usual."

"These are my young master's people, please give me some snacks."

Lin Fan was still sitting at the edge of the attic, so it was easier to see what was going on outside.

If dad really comes to kill him.

He can also retreat immediately.

When the refugees came to such a luxurious place, they were restless and timid.

When I heard Young Master Lin say that they were from Young Master Lin.

With tears in their eyes, they looked at Mr. Lin with gratitude.

Who said a wealthy family is as fierce as a tiger

Mr. Lin is very kind to them.

Gouzi stood behind the young master, counting with his fingers how much money he would have to spend this time.

If I don't have a few hundred taels, I'm afraid I won't be able to accomplish anything.

Outside the Chunxiang Pavilion.

The civilians did not disperse, they all gathered downstairs and discussed in low voices.

"What do you think Mr. Lin is thinking, and how come he invites the refugees to dinner twice in a row?"

"Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. I want to die. If someone hears you, your tongue will be gone."

"It won't be like this. I've heard that Young Master Lin has done great things. Wangjia Village knows about it. The weather is bad this year. It's a year of severe drought. There isn't much harvest, and the land tax can't be paid. You know What are the consequences of not paying the land tax?"

"I must know that the wealthy family will definitely not let him go."

"Yes, that's for sure, but the Wangjia Village is the responsibility of the Lin family. Mr. Lin went there and sympathized with them. Not only did he waive the field tax this year, but he will only charge 10% of the tax in the future."

"It's just that Qinjia Village is a bit miserable. Because they couldn't pay taxes, the Yuan family's thugs killed two people in a row."

"If the taxes are not paid within seven days, the village will be destroyed."


There was air conditioning in the crowd.

That's so scary.

in the crowd.

A man raised his head and looked at Lin Fan on the attic.

Liang Yichu pondered for a moment, then walked toward Chunxiang Pavilion.

He wanted to get to know Mr. Lin.

He envied Mr. Lin because he dared to think and do.

But he only dared to think but did not dare to do it.

Inside the Chunxiang Pavilion.

Lin Fan had nothing to do and looked at the assistant's anger.

Rage: 2061.

Unexpectedly, after wandering around, so much anger accumulated in one day.

Who is it

Why are you so angry at yourself.

If possible, he is willing to have a good talk with the other party.

The little help is good.

But for him, it was just something he did when he was bored.

At the same time, it is also a manifestation of one's own abilities.

Always reminded.

Your own abilities are not good enough, so you can’t waste your time.

Physique: 24

Internal force: 0

Mentality: 0

Kung Fu: Tiger Saber Technique (reaching the pinnacle)

Anger points: 2061.

"It's boring, add some fun."

Physical fitness 24 is directly increased to 30.

600 rage points were consumed.


Lin Fan felt something was wrong with his body, as if there was a qi circulating in his body.


A harsh sound shook out.

"Cousin, you..." Zhou Zhongmao was in a daze, but when he heard the voice, he felt very familiar and stared at his cousin in disbelief.

But the sound is a signal of physical mutation.

"It's okay, I just farted." Lin Fan blushed a little.


It was good to add some, but there was a sound coming from the body, and it was exactly the same as fart.

Will I have to be sneaky when adding more points in the future

Can’t we be aboveboard

However, there is a change in the small words about body.

Physique: 30 (first level of martial arts).

There was no such division of martial arts realms before.

I didn't expect that by raising the physique to 30, I would reach the first level of martial arts, which is a bit interesting.

But I didn't feel any surprising changes.

It seems that I have muscles, and the muscles have become tighter.

"No, cousin, what are you..." Zhou Zhongmao was about to say something, but a voice came from the side.

"Master Lin." When Liang Yichu arrived, the smell in the house was a bit strange, but he didn't care.

I don’t have any objections to these refugees.

Lin Fan looked at the visitor.

I muttered in my heart.

Why are you so tall

He's so handsome, what do you want to do

"Master, this is the eldest son of the Liang family, Liang Yichu." Manager Chen whispered in his ear.

When Lin Fan heard that it was the Liang family, he became excited and asked, "What? I just beat up your brother, and you, the eldest brother, can't wait to come back and get back the situation?"

Liang Yichu asked in confusion: "What?"

"Still pretending?" Lin Fan looked at him, maybe he would chat with you for a few words and see what he wanted to do.

PS: Kneel down at 360 degrees and ask everyone to vote for recommendation. Please, the new book update is as weak as a dog, but there is no way. I will work hard to pay back when it is on the shelves. The alliance leader owes updates, so I have to pay back. .

(End of chapter)