I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 42: Don't be afraid, just take it


"The internal strength has reached the second level of martial arts, the range has expanded, and more insects can be controlled, and I can move."

Just like Feng Bo Liu, the special inner power of the insect control technique slowly spread out from his feet.

The inner power of the insect control technique is gray, but when it is emitted, it is colorless. If the grass underfoot is not trembling, it would be difficult to detect it.

"It's much more spectacular now than before." There were many ants in the courtyard, pouring out from every corner, their dark shells glowing under the light.

The movement of ants coming out of their nests is very small to humans, but the trembling vibrations have a lot of impact on the creatures in the land.

The soil is stirred.

Earthworms emerged from the soil one after another, twisting their bodies. The hot temperature made these earthworms very uncomfortable.

"If it's not a bug, then don't come out."

Insect control can only control insects. What do earthworms want to do when they come out

However, he kind of wanted to try it.

Let’s see if the special internal power of the insect control technique is useful to earthworms.

A trace of internal force covered it and instantly wrapped the earthworm.


He formed a connection with the earthworms.

"Is this okay?"

Lin Fan was a little surprised.


I was deceived by the name of this technique. Wherever I could only control insects, now even earthworms are controlled.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then I'm sorry."

Lin Fan controlled the earthworms, swallowing the soil and digging holes.

The location of the Liang family's granary is not very far away, but it's not very close either.

He thought that the earthworms would be very slow, but then he discovered that the earthworms could penetrate the tunnel very quickly.

"It seems a little different."

Ordinary earthworms can burrow in slightly moist soil at a speed of about thirty centimeters per minute.

But the speed of the controlled earthworms increased significantly.


At least four or five times that of before.

"Could it be that his own internal power has a blessing effect on these insects?" Lin Fan pondered.

Even though he is a rich man, he is actually as smart as anyone else.

Feng Boliu regards insect control as a treasure.

If only to control bugs.

What a treasure that is.

It's untenable even if it doesn't have some amazing uses.

Then, he pulled a few earthworms and started working directly, drilling out a avenue to the sky.

After a long time.

Lin Fan discovered something strange.

The internal energy required to control insects is continuous and will consume one's own internal energy, but he found that there was no such feeling of consumption at all.

Although his internal strength is not very strong.

But you can't look down on people so much.


The earthworm encountered a stone hidden in the ground and blocked its way.

If you are an ordinary person, you can only take a detour.

But for Lin Fan, there was nothing to be afraid of.

An earthworm died, its mouth was bloody and bloody, and viscous liquid leaked out. The earthworm behind it pushed on top of it, swallowed the body, and then slowly moved out from the rear and tail.

The earthworms behind them eat it again, and the cycle continues until the dead body is sent to the road.

The civilians in Youcheng were working, but they didn't know that there was already a group of hardworking earthworms opening up the life channel underground.

during this time.

Gou Zi came to the courtyard and found the young master lying there, seemingly asleep.

He didn't bother him, left the courtyard, and went to do other things.

It's getting dark.

Those earthworms finally broke through the ground somewhere, leaving a hole. It was so small that you couldn't find it unless you looked carefully.

"The art of controlling insects is indeed powerful. The inner force turns into a thread and pulls earthworms. It can spread to such a distance. This may be due to my unique talent."

Lin Fan felt a little proud.

Based on the feedback passed back by the earthworms.

That's the Liang family's granary.

The Liang family has strict control over the granary. There are three shifts of guards patrolling the granary, and not even a fly can fly in.

But the earthworms have opened up a small channel, and no one can find it.

Lin Fan walked around the courtyard.

There were countless ants pouring out from every corner. It was very dark at night. The ants gathered together, and their pitch-black armor reflected the luster in the moonlight.

Returning to the house, he sat cross-legged and controlled the ants to swarm towards the small hole.

The ants crawled very quickly, one after the other, starting to move in an orderly and non-chaotic manner.

Inside the Liang family granary.

In the corner, there was a small hole, and an ant popped its head out. It moved its head stupidly, observed the surrounding situation, made sure there was no movement, and quickly crawled out of the hole.

Immediately afterwards, ants crawled out one after another.

There are many bulging grain bags piled on the ground, filled with grain.

The sharp teeth in the ant's upper jaw bite.


A hole was opened, and grains of rice rolled down.

The ants moved into action, biting into a grain of rice, and then returned in an orderly and orderly manner in a long line.

outside the door.

A group of eight guards stood guard at the entrance of the granary. As soon as there was any sign of trouble, they would immediately sound the alarm. However, they did not know that the granary had been invaded by thieves.

Lin's backyard.

Two voices fell quietly on the eaves of a distant house.

"Sir, the young master seems to be practicing." Mr. Wu saw the scene inside through the open window.

The young master sat cross-legged and closed his eyes tightly. This was clearly a sign of cultivation.

"Huh?" Lin Wanyi still didn't believe that his treacherous son actually knew how to practice. If it wasn't night, he would have thought the sun came out from the west.

Mr. Wu smiled and said, "Master, it seems that the young master says he doesn't want to practice, but actually he still wants to practice in his heart, he just doesn't want us to know."

"Hmph, this traitor is still a bit unwilling to fall. Let's forget it tonight. As long as he doesn't practice any night, he will suffer."

Lin Wanyi stepped on his heels and floated into the distance.

A happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that something has really changed.

It's not in vain.

Mr. Wu smiled and said nothing. He knew that the old man was smiling in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

But what is the young master practicing

It is not the "Purple Sun Four Bibles".

It doesn't matter, as long as you practice, that's a good start.

It is invisible to the naked eye. If you could see it, you would find that Lin Fan's own internal power turned into thin threads and spread in the air.

It is impossible for ordinary people to control it for such a long time.

Especially controlling so many ants.

Internal strength will eventually dissipate.

Ants crawled out of the small hole one after another, piled the rice grains in the corner, then poured into the hole and continued to crawl quickly towards the Liang family's granary.

One grain after another.

Soon, the rice grains piled up into a hill in the corner of the courtyard.

Although ants are weak, they cannot withstand large numbers. Although compared to the grain in the Liang family's granary, they are still too small, but if the time is long enough and the speed is fast enough, if you grind slowly, you can smuggle away all the grain in the granary. .

The sky gradually becomes brighter.

The cockcrow sounded.

In the granary.

The last ant disappeared with a grain of rice in its mouth.

Earthworms turn over the soil and re-block the tiny holes.

Quiet and quiet, no one would believe how all this was done unless they saw it with their own eyes.

(End of chapter)