I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 48: Come again


Lin Fan was a little panicked.

My cousin is leaving me.

Oh My God.

As a result, there will be no thugs in the future. Even in Youcheng, you will feel uncomfortable. If you encounter the Yuan and Liang families looking for a beating, you will have to do it yourself.

More price drops.

on the street.

"Cousin, what on earth does my father want you to do?" Lin Fan asked. If you can't go, it's best not to go. It's great to be with your cousin. Some are having fun, some are making trouble, and you don't want to take the blame.

Isn't it perfect to be happy every day and just eat, drink and have diarrhea like this

"I don't know, cousin, you must pay attention to safety during my absence." Zhou Zhongmao was reluctant to leave his cousin. We were so happy together during this period, but he had to obey his uncle's orders.

Dad wants to remove the strongest force around him.

Is it just to prevent yourself from being promiscuous

"Don't worry, cousin, I will complete the matter and come back as soon as possible." Zhou Zhongmao said, and then looked at Gouzi, "Gouzi, during my absence, you must take good care of my cousin. If you are in danger, You must step up unconditionally.”

"Yes." Gouzi replied. This is what he should do. No one needs to tell him. If the young master is really in danger, he will definitely go to him without hesitation.

Lin Fan's interest was greatly reduced, "Go home, go home."

Liang Mansion.

"Dad, it was that guy who did it. He admitted it in front of me." Liang Yongqi was really miserable. His face was beaten beyond recognition. It hurt, it really hurt, that kind of burning pain. If you don't feel it yourself, It's unimaginable.

He never thought that someone could be so lawless.

That simply means not taking his status into consideration.

To put it bluntly, I am also the third son of the Liang family, and I am on the same level as you, Lin Fan.

You hit me as fast as you want without hesitation. Are you so shameless

"Do you have evidence?" Mr. Liang asked.

Liang Yongqi was anxious, "Dad, what more evidence do you need? He personally admitted it in front of me. He was the one who did it."

"Stupid." Mr. Liang had never realized that his third son could be so stupid. "He admitted it, did anyone hear it? Or, you are capable enough that others will believe your words."

Liang Yongqi looked at his father sadly.


Dad actually called him stupid, which was something he had never done before.

In the past, I always praised people for being smart and thoughtful, but now I just call them stupid. This change must be too big.

"Dad, I..." Liang Yongqi didn't know what to say.

My father had spoken to this extent, what else could he say.

Mr. Liang waved his hands in disappointment, "You go down to recuperate first. You don't need to ask more about this matter."

Do not know why.

He thought of his eldest son, whom he once disliked.

Compare each other.

It actually feels like the eldest son is much more stable than the three sons.

Perhaps, this is just liking the new and hating the old.

Liang Yongqi stopped talking, sighed, lowered his head and left.

He felt something was wrong.

His father's attitude towards him was not as enthusiastic as before, which was a red flag.

Think of a possibility.

The eldest brother must be trying to please his father and take away his father's love from him. It's abominable.

Liang Yongqi didn't say much and retreated.

Talking too much to your father now will cause his displeasure.

When going out.

Seeing Liang Yichu approaching, his face suddenly turned pale and he said sarcastically: "Brother, you really have a solution, let's see."

Liang Yichu smiled and said, "Third brother, it is our duty to share our father's worries."


Liang Yongqi snorted and left directly.

Lin Mansion.

Lin Fan returned to the courtyard and lay down on a chair in the courtyard with his eyes closed to relax.

The data in the minor auxiliary column are pretty good.

Anger points: 5231.

Something gained.

This is how life goes, take your time, don't rush, it's a good choice to add a little more when experiencing life.

After Zhou Zhongmao came back, he went directly to the study, not knowing what his father wanted his cousin to do.

There are so many people in the Lin family who insist on letting his cousin go. This is obviously a deliberate attempt to separate the people around him.

In the study room.

"Uncle, my cousin is short of people. If I leave, what will happen if my cousin is in danger?" Zhou Zhongmao said.

To be honest, he really didn't want to go, he just wanted to stay with his cousin.

Lin Wanyi glanced sideways, "Danger? Your cousin is causing trouble everywhere, and the danger is all caused by himself. If you act as a thug next to him and help him bully others, you are making enemies for him."

Zhou Zhongmao was helpless.

It seems that this matter cannot be avoided.

Cousin, please keep a low profile during this period and don't cause trouble. If you provoke a powerful person, you may get beaten.

"There is a large pirate force in the Weihe River. You lead people to wipe out the pirates." Lin Wanyi said.

"Uncle, the Weihe River is not within the Yuan and Liang family's sphere of influence. Why should we, the Lin family, take care of it?" Zhou Zhongmao asked.

He still remembered what happened at that time.

The heads of the Yuan and Liang families came to the Lin family and said they wanted to divide the power in the Weihe River area.

I thought the two families were asking for trouble, so how could my uncle agree

But I didn't expect that my uncle would really agree to give up the Weihe River side to the two families.

When he was young, he didn't quite understand what it meant. Now that he's grown up, he still doesn't understand.

Lin Wanyi frowned, "Zhongmao, you have been with your cousin for a long time, why do you have to ask so many questions?"

"Yes, uncle, Zhongmao is wrong. Zhongmao will leave now."

Zhou Zhongmao said.

It seems that this is really the reason for staying with my cousin for a long time.

I never asked these questions before.

Lin Wanyi waved his hand, and Zhou Zhongmao left to organize his troops and immediately went to the Weihe River.

"Sir, those pirates are not good at cultivation, so the leader's cultivation is pretty good, but facing Zhongmao's eighth-level martial arts cultivation, I'm afraid he is not good enough." Mr. Wu said.

"Huh, with Zhongmao's cultivation, those pirates are indeed not enough to watch, but those pirates are very cunning. If they want to take over all of them, it won't be that easy. I just let him go out for a while to see how the traitor still goes out to bully. People." Lin Wanyi said.

This was intentional.


Lin Mansion is very quiet.

Lin Fan originally wanted to control the bug to walk around the Yuan family's granary.

But thinking about how tired I was yesterday, I immediately took a break and started hypnotizing myself. Forget it, forget it for today. I’d better play again tomorrow when I feel better.

Lying on the bed, I soon fell asleep.

I do not know how long it has been.


A harsh voice came.


Lin Fan turned sideways, his eyes widened. What did he see

A dagger was inserted directly beside the bed, only a few centimeters away from his face, and the dagger was still trembling.

If this were aimed at his head.

That's not even losing his life.

"Damn, it's never over."

Lin Fan stood up, supported the bed with one hand, and looked outside through the window. A black shadow appeared under the moonlight.


It's the assassin again.

"Is there something wrong with you? Why are you always looking for me?" Lin Fan cursed. There was definitely something wrong with him. What on earth did he do to him that made people and gods angry? Is it necessary to come here in the middle of the night every time

The assassin didn't speak, but moved instantly.

He stepped on the air with his foot and performed advanced light skills, leaving a row of figures in the air.

The dagger inserted beside the bed flew back with a buzzing sound, and was held by the assassin in his hand. Without saying anything, he just took the dagger and did it.

(End of chapter)