I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 64: How easily this mentality can explode



The villagers didn't dare to go in, it was too scary, as if there was a demon inside, and they were afraid that they would be targeted by the demon if they went in.

"Village chief, what should we do?" asked a villager.

Wang Laosan was very worried. How could there be a murder in Wangjiacun, which had been peaceful for a long time

As for what to do now, he doesn't know.

Some villagers whispered to each other.

Think this is the revenge of the Yuan family or the Liang family.

If it weren't for these two families, who else would have a grudge against Wangjiacun.

But when he had this idea, he was glared at by the village chief.

Just think about it in your mind. If someone with a heart hears it, you may get into trouble.

"Master Lin is here."

Suddenly, some villagers shouted.

Now for the three major villages, the reputation of Young Master Lin is very resounding.

They are able to overcome the difficulties now because Mr. Lin helped them and gave them hope of survival. Otherwise, I really don’t know what to do.

"Master Lin."

"Master Lin."

The villagers voluntarily moved out of the way and greeted them respectfully.

All wealthy families are very bad.

But in their opinion, they don't take it seriously. There will always be someone special, and this special existence is Mr. Lin.

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded frequently, very calmly. He was well-known and respected. This was expected. He enjoyed this feeling very much.

Zhou Zhongmao stayed by his cousin's side and was wary of his surroundings.

Even if these civilians have no strength, he will not be careless. As long as his cousin is around, he must be vigilant even if there is no one around.

The dog followed behind.

With a smile on his face.

Seeing that his son was so popular among the villagers, he was also proud.

"Master Lin." The village chief came over.

"Village chief, who is the dead person?" Lin Fan asked.

For a peaceful village, the death of someone is a big deal, especially if the death is mysterious and weird.

"Back to the young master, the deceased are Wang Dahe and his wife from our village. The people who found them are villagers from our village. They came to ask Wang Dahe to go to the fields together in the morning. No one answered the door for a long time. Then the door opened automatically and they were found. He died in his bed."

The village chief told what he knew.

He also didn't expect that Mr. Lin would come to Wangjiacun to care about this matter.

A great feeling enveloped my heart.

That's the feeling of being valued.

"Cousin, there's something wrong with the smell." Zhou Zhongmao said.

"What do you mean?" Lin Fan asked. My cousin's ability was so great that I didn't even smell anything, but he could actually feel it.

Zhou Zhongmao thought for a moment, "It's hard to say."

"Forget it, let's go take a look at the body first," Lin Fan said.

The village chief was in a dilemma, "Mr. Lin, your status is precious. The place is so dirty and messy, how can you get in?"

Lin Fan raised his hand and said calmly: "What do you mean by this? You are all members of the Lin family. If something happens to you, the Lin family will naturally be responsible. It doesn't matter whether it is dirty or not, it doesn't matter."

These words caused great shock among the villagers.

They were moved.

No family member has ever said such a thing to them.

He actually admitted that they were from the Lin family.

Everyone secretly encouraged themselves to work hard in farming and repay Mr. Lin.

When Lin Fan came to the house, Zhou Zhongmao stopped him and then went in to see if there was any danger. If there was any danger, he would nip the danger in the cradle as soon as possible.

I will never let the danger affect my cousin.

"Cousin, come in." Zhou Zhongmao said.

The smell inside is a bit unpleasant.

Those who died last night could not have decomposed so quickly.

"This..." Lin Fan's expression froze when he saw the two corpses on the bed. This was the first time he saw such a horrific scene.

The two corpses had their mouths open, their eyes were gone, and the fingers of their hands were bent like claws, as if they had experienced some extremely horrific scene before they died.

And it has become a mummy, as if all the blood has been drained from the whole body.

"Who did this?" Lin Fan muttered, and then he seemed to find something. He saw a hole in the chest of the two corpses, and the hearts inside were hollowed out.

Look carefully.

The dried meat around it was very flat, as if it had been taken out at once with a sharp instrument.

A little cruel.

"Cousin, look at this wound, can you tell anything?" Lin Fan asked.

Zhou Zhongmao touched the wound with his fingers, "Cousin, this wound doesn't look like it was made with a sharp weapon, it's more like it was grabbed with one hand and pulled out directly."

Are you kidding me

And he grabbed it with one hand.

Whose hands are round

The light in the room gradually dimmed.

Originally it was still very bright inside the house, but the ground inside the house seemed to be split in half, and the darkness continued to expand and engulf the light.

Neither of them noticed.

But suddenly.

Something red seemed to flash past in the darkness.

"Cousin, be careful." Zhou Zhongmao reacted very quickly, slapping away with a palm containing terrifying internal power, and then grabbed his cousin and fled out of the house.


When the two went outside, there seemed to be a dull sound coming from inside the house.

"What's going on?" Lin Fan was a little confused and didn't even react.

Zhou Zhongmao looked at the house warily, "Cousin, be careful, there is something hidden in that house."

It was also the first time he encountered this situation.

The demon clan knows that it lives far away from the crowd, has its own power, and will not conflict with humans.

"Sir, are you okay?" Gouzi asked in a panic.

Lin Fan waved his hand. He didn't even know what it was, so his cousin just led him out.

There was an uproar.

When the villagers saw the situation inside Wang Dahe's house, they all backed away in fear.

The originally bright room was now shrouded in black mist, so dark that you couldn't even see your fingers.

This black mist showed signs of movement. It did not overflow or dissipate, and filled the small house.

"What the hell are you doing? You dare to come to the Lin family's territory and act recklessly. Come out and surrender quickly, or I'll make you look good." Lin Fan shouted angrily.

It's so scary.

Even the world of high martial arts is not so wonderful.

What kind of practice is this

How could this happen

Rage points +111.

Lin Fan was surprised that his anger actually increased. Damn it, could there be someone inside who was deliberately hiding in the black mist and not daring to show his true face

Using the insect control technique, he controlled an ant and rushed into the house quickly, wanting to find out what was playing tricks on him.


He had lost contact with the ant, as if the ant had died.

Nothing, not even a tiny ant is spared.

Lin Fan was amazed. The other party's eyes were so good. A small ant might be found and killed just by passing by.


"Cousin, you retreat first, I'll keep an eye on you." Zhou Zhongmao said solemnly.

Lin Fan refused to leave, so he found a stone, picked it up, and threw it into the house. "Get out of here, you pretending to be a ghost."

The stone seeps into the darkness.


A stone popped up quickly in the black fog.

Zhou Zhongmao slapped it away with his palm, and his strong internal force shattered the stone.

Rage points +222.

Oh My God.

Lin Fan felt like he had discovered a new continent.

When did it become so easy to get angry

Or maybe I was just a frog in the well in the past. I didn't go out of Youcheng to take a look. In fact, as long as I walked out, I would find that there were angry points all over the floor. I picked them up and took them at will.

"How dare you fight back? I am the son of the Lin family. You are running rampant in my Lin family's territory. You can't leave today. As long as I catch you, I have to skin you off."

Lin Fan shouted angrily, his momentum was strong and not weak at all. He will brush you off first and then talk about it.

Rage points +333.


It exploded very much.

I didn't know what this guy was and I wasn't very familiar with him, so I just cursed a few times and got so angry.

How easy it is for this mentality to explode.

PS: Please vote for recommendations.

Thank you: Xunzhen, Jiaoba Zhenjun, Clouds Turn to Dawn, Liuliu Liu, Heavenly Sword Saint, Big Brother Ye Shuhuang, Book Friends 20190126213129797, Supporting Bookworm, Qinghao, Chen Xiaobing710, Ye Yeran,, zi3, cheap two is two, book friend 20190126213129797, climb the water pipe, brick festival, waiting for the book friend’s reward, thank you, thank you very much.

(End of chapter)