I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 7: It's him, it's him


Zhou Zhongmao is extremely fast.

My cousin said that if he wanted to kick him in the face, he would definitely not change the angle.

Lidya Su was very angry.

I just want to kick this little bitch to death.

With her status, even if all the untouchables here were killed, nothing would happen.


Su Lan, who was quite accomplished, felt something was wrong, and a strong force came from the side.

When looking back.

The pupils contracted, and the feet imprinted in the eyes gradually enlarged.


Su Lan's beautiful face was squeezed, her facial features were deformed, burning pain swept through her body, and tears and runny nose couldn't help spurting out.

Zhou Zhongmao's kick contains very strong power.

A kick in the face would probably cause great damage to the face.

"Don't stop, kick me a few more times," Lin Fan said.

Zhou Zhongmao, who wanted to finish with a kick, heard his cousin's words and his body stopped in the air. Using his face as a medium, he turned his body sideways and kicked out with both feet, hitting the opponent's face directly.

"Awesome, this move is a bit like Foshan Shadowless Kick, or it's called a chain kick."

Lin Fan was amazed.

The moves my cousin performed would probably be impossible without more than ten years of hard training.



After kicking several times, Zhou Zhongmao turned over in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

And at this time.

All the power seemed to burst out.

Su Lan flew backwards, drawing an arc-shaped bridge of blood in the air, and then hit the ground heavily, sending up a cloud of dust.

Lying there, motionless.

Life or death is uncertain.

"Cousin, is it okay?" Zhou Zhongmao asked.

To him, it was a simple operation.

But he's not stupid.

Judging from her clothes and temperament, this woman is obviously not an ordinary person. If she is kicked to death, she will bring trouble to her cousin.

So hold back from the beginning.

If he really wanted to kill her, even a hundred of them wouldn't be enough to kill this woman.

"Cousin, I really can't tell. You are very proficient in this move." Lin Fan found that it was really good to feel like a cousin.

"No way." Zhou Zhongmao scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, a little shy.

It was completely different from the fierce look when he just took action.


at this time.

Su Lan, who was lying on the ground, groaned and stood up unsteadily.

My head is confused.

It's like a bird is flying around my forehead.

Tick tock!

Blood streamed from his nostrils.

"Those who deceive others will always be deceived by others. This is God's will and fate, which cannot be avoided."

Lin Fan showed no pity at all.

"Who... who is it?"

Lidya Su was in a daze and couldn't speak clearly.

Who is so bold

"I have never met such a person before." Lin Fan frowned, "I can't just sit idly by."

Just had this idea.

He took one step forward.

QWER moves forward with combo moves.

He raised his hand and slapped his face.

He clenched his five fingers into a fist and punched his face.

Bend your arms and hit your abdomen with your elbow.

Activate your ultimate move, raise your foot and kick your crotch.

Then jump back, hand over the flash, and leave the battlefield.

A set of movements is completed in one go, smoothly and without any unnecessary movements.


The moment Su Lan fell into unconsciousness, she looked at the person standing in front of her out of the corner of her eye and tried her best to open her eyes, wanting to know who it was.


There was a roar, and he lay there, facing the earth, motionless.


Lin Fan smiled. As a man, he would never hit a woman.

A real man will not be the same as a woman.

But when you really want to see it, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman.

Manager Chen was stunned.

what happened

What are the young master and Coach Zhou doing

"Cousin, you are so amazing." Zhou Zhongmao exclaimed.

The series of movements that my cousin just performed were ordinary, but they were very powerful and already had the power of a first-level martial artist.

Lin Fan said calmly, "It's not worth mentioning."

Just now.

He actually has the guts and strength to feel so good.

No, you can't feel this way.

I am a young man from a rich family, I have to enjoy life, and I cannot be fooled by a coquettish bitch with such strength.

"What are you still doing around here? Leave now. If these old ladies wake up, none of you will be able to escape." Lin Fan said.

The refugee who was kicked fiercely by Su Lan felt extremely grateful and knelt down to kowtow.

"Sir, let's leave quickly." Manager Chen said.

He felt that something bad would happen if he continued to stay.


Lin Fan and the others ignored the woman lying on the ground and walked forward.

Walked for a while.

There are people galloping ahead.

The leading men were wearing pitch black armor, with a pattern branded on the chest of the armor.

A pattern of three leaves.

Shaped like a clover or a windmill.

The vast force quickly passed by Lin Fan and the others, as if they were in a hurry.

"This seems to be the emblem of the Su family." Manager Chen muttered.

He'd seen it before, but wasn't sure.


He thought of something.

That woman before, no matter in appearance, dress, or temperament, was not something that an ordinary family could cultivate.

And in Youcheng, there has never been such a woman.

If you take a bold guess.


That woman is from the Su family.

After thinking of this, he hurriedly came to Lin Fan and said, "Sir, we may be in trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Lin Fan asked.

As a son of a wealthy family.

He even said it was troublesome.

That's something that doesn't exist.

"The woman just now is most likely from the Su family." Manager Chen said.

"Su family?" Lin Fan was confused.

What are you talking about

I haven't even figured out Youcheng yet, and another Su family came to me. Why don't you go to heaven

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter if she is beaten or not. She can go back in time and start over." Lin Fan didn't care.

No matter who she is.

Don't be afraid.

A true rich man will not be afraid of anyone he offends.


Su Lan was still lying there, and the refugees around him had long since dispersed, not even a ghost.

A large group of people arrived, and when they saw the figure lying on the road.

Everyone was horrified.

"Miss." An old man who looked like an old housekeeper, his face changed with shock, and he hurried forward.

The old man panicked when he discovered that the young lady's face had become extremely miserable.

"Who? Who is it? You dare to be so cruel to Miss Su's family."

There was a cruel look in the old man's eyes.

Then he looked around and found no movement.

But this matter must not be left alone.

I must give an explanation to the lady.

He took out the jade bottle from his arms, carefully poured out a pill from it, and gave it to the young lady to take.

Then he slapped the lady on the back with his palm to help digest the elixir and let the power of the medicine spread out.

It didn't take long.

The scars on Lidya Su's face began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the swelling cannot be eliminated for the time being.


Lidya Su opened her eyes and screamed.

"Miss, it's an old slave. What happened?" the old man asked.

"I was beaten, I was beaten." Su Lan's mood fluctuated greatly.

"It's him."

"I remember who it was."

"it's him."

Lidya Su touched her face, and as soon as her fingers touched it, she felt an unbearable pain.

"Rage +50."

"Rage +100."

"Rage +200."

"Rage +300."

Lin Fan was a little surprised.

Woke up so soon

And this anger point is still increasing at an increasing rate.


PS: Please vote for recommendations, please give me strength.

(End of chapter)