I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 8: I, Lin Fan, am a good person


"Cousin, are you worried about anything?" Zhou Zhongmao asked.

Lin Fan smiled, "It's okay, very good."

Physique: 18

Internal force: 0

Mind: None

Kung Fu: Tiger Saber Technique (Introduction)

Rage points: 655.

This is the situation now.

Physical fitness increased to 18.

If you don’t have any inner strength, you probably don’t have any mental training.

To put it bluntly, he is now a reckless man with no brute strength.

But now, the one who has something to worry about is Manager Chen.

He is panicking now.

What I was thinking about was still the woman from before.

If it is really the Su family, they will really cause big trouble.

at this time.

They were already on a farm track.

Heat scorches the earth.

There are cracks in the ground.


Many poor people saw Manager Chen.

But they didn't come over. Instead, they ran away into the distance.

"Why do I feel like we are like a plague? Others are afraid when they see us. What is going on?" Lin Fan asked.

The anger is accumulating, go back and slowly increase it.

Manager Chen looked fierce, feeling that these untouchables had made him lose face in front of the young master, and he had to deal with it properly.

"Don't worry, young master, I will be welcomed by these untouchables right away." Manager Chen said.

Lin Fan waved his hands and said with some dissatisfaction: "What do you think of a pariah or a pariah? Don't call him that. It's vulgar and vulgar."

Manager Chen looked at the young master in surprise.

I always feel that the young master speaks a bit strangely.

"Yes, what the young master taught me is to change the villain." Manager Chen said.

But I still think in my heart that these people are untouchables, unspeakably lowly. If it weren't for the Lin family's food, these people would be the same as the refugees outside Youcheng.

Gouzi's affection for Young Master once again exceeded the limit.

The young master is worthy of being a young master, but he is different from those charming and noble young masters.

As a servant of the Lin family, to put it bluntly, he can be considered a semi-untouchable.

Walk through farmland.

Ahead is a village with many houses, but they are too shabby. There are straw huts and houses made of mud.

The outer walls of those mud houses were cracked and had many holes.

He even suspected that if there was a heavy rain, these houses would probably be washed away.

In the village, the civilians stood and waited.

Some bowed their heads and remained silent, while others had expressions of despair.

"What should I do? What can I do? I can't hand it over."

"Manager Chen is here. If you can't hand it over, you will definitely be beaten and scolded."

When Lin Fan walked into the village, all sounds disappeared and the whole village seemed very quiet.

Even the naughty children were hiding in the corner in fear.

Manager Chen coughed lightly, then pulled out a soft whip from his waist, and hit the ground hard with a crack, leaving a deep mark.

"Are everyone here? This is Young Master Lin. Why don't you pay your respects to him quickly?" Steward Chen said sternly.

To deal with these untouchables, you have to make them afraid.

Only when you know how to be afraid can you work well.

"Master Lin."

"Master Lin."

The sound is intermittent, uneven, and generally low-pitched.


Manager Chen whipped his whip and fell to the ground again. His face was extremely ugly and he said sternly: "You haven't eaten yet? Please speak louder."

"What are you doing? What do you want to do? Put away the whip and speak out if you have anything to say. Who are you trying to scare?" Lin Fan frowned.

Evil landowner.

This little managerial performance is vivid and vivid.

Manager Chen, who had a fierce face towards the untouchables, was much more docile in front of Lin Fan. He hurriedly put away the whip and said, "This is what the young master taught me."

The villagers in the village all looked at Lin Fan.

This is Young Master Lin, whom they have never seen before.

I also don’t understand how such a big shot could end up in this place.

Zhou Zhongmao has no interest in what is going on here.

He was just accompanying his cousin.

Other things have nothing to do with him.

But Gouzi was a little helpless.

This time we are here to collect taxes.

But with this year's weather, I'm afraid the harvest will be very small, and I'm afraid it won't even be enough to pay taxes, let alone fill our stomachs.

But he is just a servant.

People speak lightly, or it can be said that they are useless.

Manager Chen thought that the young master didn't like how evil he was, so he restrained himself a little and said, "Are you ready for this year's taxes?"

No one spoke.

The villagers looked at each other with bitterness.

Land tax

Where is the excess

But if they don't pay, the consequences are beyond their ability to bear.

"Huh?" Manager Chen frowned. What's going on? These untouchables don't want to pay taxes

The young master came with him today. If he didn't handle this matter beautifully, what would the young master think of him

"Manager Chen." At this time, an old man came out of the crowd.

He is very old, and the wrinkles on his face are not far different from those of tree bark.

"We must pay the tax, but this year's harvest is not good. Can we pay less, or we can owe it," the old man said.

He is the village chief here.

There's really nothing we can do about this year's situation.

But he knew that the reason was not important to the Lin family. As long as the taxes could be paid, everything would be fine, but if the taxes were not paid in full, the consequences would be disastrous.

Manager Chen's expression gradually changed.

The look in the eyes towards these untouchables changed.

"Village Chief, when my young master comes today, are you going to tell me this?" Manager Chen said gloomily, and then looked at Lin Fan, "Sir, this matter will be resolved as minor as possible, and the Lin family will never suffer any loss."

Lin Fan looked up at the sky and fanned himself.

"It's really hot today."

"There are signs of drought."

He still doesn't know how his family's taxes are collected.

Also, this little assistant is very user-friendly.

Don't bully ordinary people.

There must be a lot of anger among the farmers present, but they are not angry at all.

"Gouzi, how is this tax collected?" Lin Fan asked.

Gouzi replied: "Sir, harvest by acre, 150 kilograms per acre."

"What?" Lin Fan was stunned when he heard this, as if he didn't understand, and asked again, "How to collect it?"

"Go back to me, sir, and harvest it per acre." Gouzi said.

Lin Fan was stunned.

This is even higher than the heavy taxes during the Qin Dynasty.

This clearly means denying people a way to survive.

"How much is one acre of real estate now?" Lin Fan asked again.

"Sir, one acre of land now costs about two hundred kilograms." Gouzi said. This is Youcheng's tax. Only a little is left for the farmers, and the rest is treated as tax.

"It's terrible. Some bastard set this tax. This is completely denying people a chance to survive." Lin Fan cursed.

Only when he said these words.

It wasn't just Manager Chen who was shocked.

Even the farmers were dumbfounded.

Gouzi hurriedly whispered in Lin Fan's ear: "Sir, this is the tax set by the master."

"Okay, it doesn't matter who set it. This agricultural tax is absolutely insane. It must be changed. As the son of the Lin family, I will set the new agricultural tax here."

"Starting from today, we will not harvest every acre, and only harvest 10% of the annual harvest."

Lin Fan said.

This kind of crazy behavior must be stopped.

As a rich son of a landlord, he must do something practical.

"Young Master, you must not do this." Manager Chen realized what he was doing and hurriedly stopped him.

This is a fatal thing.

If you let the master know, the sky will collapse.

The villagers stood there dumbly.

They all looked at Lin Fan with their eyes open.

What did Mr. Lin just say

Lin Fan ignored Manager Chen, but looked at the sky and the ground, and then spoke again, "It's so hot. It's a drought. This year's land tax will be waived."

"Sir..." Manager Chen wants to spurt blood, but he must not do it.

"Are you a young master or am I a young master, what I say will be useless? I'm responsible for this matter. It's just what I said. If my father doesn't agree, let him come to me." Lin Fan said.

Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

When it's time to get angry, don't be soft-hearted.

A tough fight is needed.

Can you still chop my only son to death


Right now.

The villagers knelt down.

The village chief even knelt in front of Lin Fan with tears streaming down his face, "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Never studied.

I don’t say too many words of gratitude.

But the true feelings are revealed.

Nothing false.

Lin Fan stepped forward, helped the village chief up, and said earnestly: "Village Chief, you have to farm the land well from now on. Whether I can enjoy life freely depends on you."

This sounds a bit strange.

But to the villagers, this is not the point.

"Don't worry, sir, we will farm the land well and pay the land tax next year."

Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's go home."

Manager Chen looked at his young master in despair.

Something big is going to happen.

(End of chapter)