I Dumped My Prince Charming Once Again

Chapter 97: Best commercial cp 96


Xie Yu looked at the WeChat message sent by Chen Wei, and slightly raised his eyebrows.

Oh shit.


He slowly raised the corners of his lips, took a screenshot, and then cut off Chen Wei's name and avatar, leaving only the chat content, and sent it to Chen Hai:

[I'm sorry, Brother Hai, what I just said is true, I really can't hold on for a second, if I quit the group, I will pay for breach of contract.]

After posting, he sent messages to his teammates one by one except Fu Zhiyao:

[Sorry, I plan to leave the group due to some reasons, thank you brother for taking care of me, goodbye. I will come back to see you later.]

The other teammates seemed to be busy and didn't reply to him.

Li Qi was the first to reply: [Xiao Xie, don't joke with your brother, April Fool's Day is over!]

Xie Yu quickly replied: [Brother Qi, I'm not joking, I'm really... planning to leave the group.]

Li Qi seemed to sense something was wrong, so he dialed the phone directly, but Xie Yu didn't answer, and he quickly sent a message: [What's wrong with you, what's going on, what's the matter with Fu Zhiyao? Isn't he very nice to you now?]

The last time Xie Yu had the idea of leaving the group, it was because of Fu Zhiyao.

Xie Yu: [[Picture][Picture]]

Xie Yu: [Brother Qi, I'm sorry, am I very hopeless, but I'm really sad, I can't hold on for even a second... I really want to be quiet.]

Xie Yufa's chat records are clear, and there is also the photo of Fu Zhiyao in the hospital that Chen Wei sent him.

After Li Qi saw it, he felt his blood surge, and he almost couldn't help smashing his phone. March 10th, he knew exactly what day March 10th was.

It was Xie Yu's birthday that day!

That bastard Fu Zhiyao was with someone else on Xie Yu's birthday, and this person's tone was so smug

He was so angry when he saw it, let alone that Xie Yu loved Fu Zhiyao so much.


good good good.

Li Qi smashed the other things in his hand, and sent a message to Xie Yu: [Who is this person who sent you the message, my brother will beat him and Fu Zhiyao together for you.]

The staff at the shooting site were taken aback. Li Qi's assistant quickly apologized and bent down to pick up the things on the ground, "Brother Qi, why are you so careless, didn't you get hurt?"

Xie Yu: [Don't, don't hit him.]

Xie Yu: [Brother Qi, I don’t want to do anything, I just want to find a place to be quiet by myself, I just don’t know when I’ll see you again, so I’ll say goodbye to you today]

Xie Yu: [The plane is about to board, Brother Qi, don't worry, I'm fine, just find a place to be quiet for a while, I'll come back to see you.]

Li Qi's expression changed, and he wanted to send a message to Xie Yu again. Just as he was doing it, a Weibo reminder came, and Xie Yu posted on Weibo.

@引星少年谢谢: I really want to find a place to sleep for a long time and never wake up...

Li Qi's expression changed, and he frantically sent him a message: [Xie Yu! Xie Yu, don't be overwhelmed, there are so many good men in the world, don't do stupid things for Fu Zhiyao!]

Xie Yu replied a voice message to him, his voice was soft and clear, with a trace of fatigue and weakness: "Brother Qi, I won't do stupid things, I will go back to see you, don't worry."

"I'm leaving. Goodbye Brother Qi. Take care and tell everyone for me. I have really caused a lot of trouble for you these few years. Thank you everyone... goodbye."

When he said goodbye for the last time, his voice was already a little choked.