I Dumped the Male Lead Before the Apocalypse

Chapter 101


He lifted the two corners of the bed board with both hands, and pushed the board hard at an angle. The zombie hit the board, and his movements were so stiff that he was sent flying to the opposite wall.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he beckoned Tang Tang to follow him quickly.

Of course, Tang Tang didn't waste time, imitating his movements, rubbing the door frame with a little effort and pushing the wooden board out.

Fortunately, there are no supernatural beings outside the door.

It was obviously inappropriate to drag two large wooden planks downstairs. According to the previous discussion, the two of them ran one behind the other to the depths of the corridor on the tenth floor.

For Tang Tang, zombies have become accustomed to seeing them these days, but their various hideous expressions still make her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Jie Jie—"

Seeing that a zombie was about to grab Zhang Dacheng's clawed hand on her body, it was too late to intercept it with an iron rod. Tang Tang suddenly bent over and hid. Then, before the zombies could react, they lowered their heads and noticed the dragging plank.

Such a good big tool, no need to regret it!

With a thought in her heart, she took off the strips of cloth that were used to drag the wooden bed around her, and held them in her hand. With the other hand, she lifted one side of the wooden board, stepped on the edge of the wooden board with her feet, and then pushed forward. A kick.

The kicked foot hurts.

The wooden plank rushed forward with the strength of her feet, tripping the zombies chasing after her to the ground, but this method also has a disadvantage, that is, Jiang Zhu's head, which is not tied too tightly, will follow Her movement slammed into the wooden board, making a slightly loud "bang-bang-" sound.



Listening to this crisp voice, Tang Tang felt apologetic in his heart.

She was about to squat down to check whether Jiang Zhu's head was okay, but as her movements stopped, the zombie who had tripped to the ground before got up again, and it seemed that she was going to scratch her with its claws again.

She didn't dare to delay, seeing that Yan Chen had already driven a long way ahead, she quickly grabbed the long cloth strip and ran forward, she could only ignore Jiang Zhu's head for the time being.

It's okay, it's okay, Jiang Zhu is the hero, and his fate must be great!

And with the head down and a thick quilt, it will definitely be fine! !

Tang Tang can only comfort himself in this way.

The width of the corridor is not large. When the bed board is placed in the middle, the length of the two sides is only enough to accommodate one foot. If Tang Tang ran slowly, there would be one or two zombies who squeezed hard from both sides to attack her, just like the one who scratched her with his claws just now.

But as long as she dragged the board and ran forward quickly, if the zombies wanted to attack her from both sides, they had to run on tiptoe quickly, but the zombies would definitely not be able to complete this level of fine manipulation.

There is Yan Chen opening the way ahead, and there are almost no worries about zombies. Tang Tang only needs to ensure that the zombies behind him don't come to her and Yan Chen.

But in the pile of zombies behind him, there were also those who ran fast and were eager to chase people, and even learned to step on the wooden board to catch people nearby.

Tang Tang looked back and saw this scene, almost tripped and tripped himself.

He quickly squatted down and repeated the same trick, constantly making small movements on the wooden board, dangling around so that those zombies who had already stepped on one foot were completely unsteady, and they all fell backwards.

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling extremely proud.

Look, look, she's doing a great job.

Yan Chen in the front passed by a bedroom with a wide open door, and observed that the inside was clean, and there were no zombies in it, and the windows of the balcony were intact, and there were no zombies climbing on the windows, so he stopped quickly to greet Tang Tang.

"Here, here, there is a good bedroom here, let's choose this one!"

Tang Tang heard the voice and believed in his judgment, and quickly raised his hand to indicate that it was okay.

Yan Chen then pushed the wooden board forward a few steps, then quickly entered the new dormitory by himself, and then used the method of leaving the dormitory before, to move the wooden board with the two big boys back in.

Tang Tang also ran here at this time.

Yan Chen moved the wooden board to the innermost side, and then went out to pick up Tang Tang.

But at this time, an accident happened.

I don't know where it came from, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the corridor, even stronger than the wind outside.

Tang Tang was taken aback by the gust of wind, and the zombies who were chasing her before the next second flew out.


Is it that great?

You must know that these zombies are not light. She felt a pain in her hand when she swung the iron rod before, but she didn't expect the wind to be so strong that it would blow them away

She was also in a daze for a moment, and the next second she was not calm.

Several zombies were blown out, so she is so light, isn't it very dangerous? !

Tang Tang was sober-minded, and was about to drag the board into the dormitory.

But unfortunately, she was still worried about her safety just now, and the next second the gust of wind blasted towards her.


The wind is too strong to stand up! !

Tang Tang hurriedly grabbed the bedroom door beside him, trying to keep himself.

Yan Chen was blown forward a few steps by the gust of wind, raised his arms to block his eyes, and followed Tang Tang to grab the door frame.


The wind was so strong that the sound could hardly be heard clearly.

Tang Tang heard the voice, and asked Yan Chen loudly on the opposite door frame, "You-say-what-?"

"I said - where the wind came from!"

"have no idea!"

The two of them clung to the door frame tightly, but they still could not be blown away. But the piece of wood on which Jiang Zhu was lying was helpless, and there was only a long piece of cloth on Tang Tang's body, which was dangerous.

Tang Tang vaguely heard the sound of the cloth being torn apart.


She lowered her head and squinted her eyes, what the hell! The strip of cloth was already broken in half!

Now there are only two options left, one, she and Yan Chen each use a hand to stabilize Jiang Zhu's plank, or two, ignore Jiang Zhu and let him fly.

Tang Tang doesn't know what the ending will be if he chooses the first one, but if he chooses the second one, when the male lead returns, he will definitely push her into the pile of zombies, and settle the old and new grievances together!

With that thought in mind, she leaned on the door frame and slowly squatted down.

At the same time, he called Yan Chen, "Jiang-zhu-mu! Ban!"

Yan Chen also quickly understood what she meant, and quickly knelt down to help her.

The two of them held each other for two minutes before the strange wind gradually subsided.


The two of them slumped on the ground and let out a long sigh of relief.

Their palms were already sweating, and if the wind continued, the door frame might not be able to lift it.

The two worked hard to move the planks in. Fortunately, the gust of wind just now had blown away the nearby zombies. They just had to concentrate on moving the planks without worrying about being attacked by zombies.

Tang Tang wiped off his sweat, and was about to enter the bedroom and close the door before the zombies came over.

However, at this moment, the strange wind just now suddenly blew again inexplicably.

Tang Tang grabbed the door frame subconsciously, but this time her hands were all stretched out, and she could only watch her hands and the door frame gradually move away.

! !

Didn't catch up

My hand speed didn't catch up

I do not believe!

put me down! !

Tang Tang was blown off the ground by the gust of wind, screaming silently.

Yan Chen noticed the situation at this moment, turned around and rushed over to grab one of her hands, while the other hand was firmly on the door frame.

Tang Tang felt that her body that was constantly flying backwards suddenly stabilized. She glanced at Yan Chen who was holding her. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she noticed that there was a zombie on the side of the corridor, which resisted the strong wind. Walking stiffly in your direction

And the hand that was held by Yan Chen was being pulled by Yan Chen while being pulled by the strong wind at the same time, it was a heart-piercing feeling that the arm was about to break.

So, here comes the multiple choice question again.

One, Yan Chen didn't let go and weathered the gust of wind. Then she broke her arm, and then enjoyed the zombie bite meal with Yan Chen, and both of them turned into zombies or died...

Second, Yan Chen lets go and closes the door quickly, then, her arms are not broken, and the two of them don't have to be bitten by zombies on the spot, but her ending is over...

To let go or not, is that a question

In such a situation where all materials are in short supply, human nature is often very fragile. So places with a lot of people may not be safe in the last days.

Their school was built on the edge of the city. Except for this school, other places nearby are some abandoned factories or residential buildings that have not yet been built. There are very few places with street lights at night.

Because of these conditions, a lot of "idle people" gathered near the school, and this is not the first time that a small number of residents in and around the school were robbed.

Although the house Tang Tang rented was a bit far from the school, it was actually still a long way from the city center. Moreover, the original owner's parents died young, and the relatives in the family are a bit complicated. The original owner stopped interacting with those people a long time ago. If she went to the city center, once the end of the world came, she would really be fighting alone.

Relatively speaking, it is safer to go back to school by car from here.

Needless to say, the firmness of the school's building facilities, more importantly, there are supermarkets, cafeterias and other places where you can eat in a short time. And there are relatively few people outside the school. Once the school is surrounded by zombies, you can go to the empty building outside to hide.

Tang Tang quickly analyzed the current situation, took advantage of the evening sky before it was dark, stopped a taxi and rushed to the school.

What still worries her is that she doesn't know what the signs of the end of the world are, and where the zombies will appear first.

When I first read the novel, I used the heroine's perspective, but the heroine is not in this city, so I can't make a judgment.

According to the novels Tang Tang has read, he only knows that there will be omens such as the environment, electricity, and water, but the source of the zombies in this city is not very clear.

This is very important, what if the first place where the zombies appear is inside their school

Wouldn't it have fallen from the very beginning.

And if it happened in the city first, then she would have a chance to go to school for a while.

When she was thinking about these things, the car had already stopped at the school gate.

After she paid, she opened the car door, and as soon as she stepped out with one foot, she saw a few familiar people head on.

At the same time, several boys on the opposite side also saw her, and they stopped walking towards the outside of the school.

It's the boys who have a good relationship with Jiang Zhu. They have met several times before, but those boys, like everyone else, look down on her who is "greedy and vain", so Tang Tang is not familiar with them.

Tang Tang stabilized his mind, got out of the car, and closed the door.

At this time, Yan Chen and the others had already walked over.

They went out to play in the morning, and only found out about Jiang Zhu being dumped when they came back. They were still thinking about where to catch this vain woman and teach them a lesson, but they didn't expect this to happen instead.

What luck.

Several tall boys came towards Tang Tang in an oppressive manner.

Tang Tang knew what these people wanted to do when he saw their posture, and was a little nervous for a while.

If this is really a fight, ten knives in your hand may not be able to beat them!

And the end of the world hasn't come yet, so it's definitely not okay to use a knife, and it's still against alumni.

Tang Tang's brain turned rapidly, turning and turning, turning and turning, but before she could figure out a solution, Yan Chen had already reached out and grabbed her collar.

Her thin body was naturally dragged across the ground.

Tang Tang…

"Look down on Jiang Zhu? And call Jiang Zhu a waste?" Yan Chen stared at her fiercely, "Who gave you the courage?!"

It's a system, it's all a system!

Tang Tang was about to cry.

Why is this person so fierce? Jiang Zhu, who was set as a sinister character in the original book, has never been so fierce to her...

"I, I know I'm wrong. It's all my fault. I've been in a trance for a while. Please let me go. I can go and apologize to him right now!"

Tang Tang quickly squeezed a few tears and said crying.

"Why are you crying! Young Master Jiang doesn't care about your apology, get out! Don't let me see you again."

Several boys hate crying girls, Yan Chen gave her an annoyed look, then let go of his hand and pushed her aside.

Tang Tang quickly responded, "Okay, okay."


After running for a certain distance, seeing that there were no more people behind him, Tang Tang stopped and took a few breaths.

She thought to herself, this school doesn't seem as safe as she thought. If others know about her hidden space after the end of the world, then...

That would be too dangerous.

Tang Tang was planning to go back to the dormitory, but the appearance of those Yan Chen just now reminded her.

Her reputation in school is not good, and her relationship with the three girls in the dormitory is not good. Although they all belong to the same dormitory, no one knows who will point the knife at whom after the end of the world.

And now there is the hidden danger of hiding space.

Yes, this is a great danger. Even scarier than zombies.

Tang Tang found out that she thought too easily before. She thought that there would be less people on the school side would be relatively safe, but in fact, as long as there are people, the degree of danger will not be reduced at all.

After the end of the world, food must be a big problem. If there are zombies around outside, what will the hungry and crazy people do

Grab food.

Tang Tang seemed to have been turned on the switch of wisdom suddenly, and many details began to be continuously enriched.

She only thought that if she had a hidden space, she would have a higher chance of surviving, but now it seems that she was too naive before. This hidden space must not be used lightly.

As long as she is not starving to death, it should never be used.

Unless she has enough strength to shock everyone.

But Tang Tang still doesn't know if she will awaken her abilities after the end of the world. If she doesn't awaken any abilities, then she is an ordinary person.

This is really a troublesome thing.

Tang Tang went to sit on the lawn in front of the dormitory building, thought for a long time, and finally decided to go to the cafeteria first. After the cafeteria closed, she sneaked to the supermarket.

It's eight o'clock in the evening, and the cafeteria closes at twelve o'clock. It takes more than ten minutes to go from the cafeteria to the supermarket, and it takes about six or seven minutes to run. The supermarket is open 24 hours. Because it is a big supermarket, it has a relatively large warehouse. She had seen the warehouse by chance last time. There were several doors with very strong locks.

There are still 11 hours before the end of the world. If the signs of the end of the world appear within these 11 hours, assuming that the supermarket employee happens to be a person with rich imagination and can just think of the end of the world, the closer she is to the employee, the more likely she will be. Opportunity and luck to hide in the warehouse.

And there is a lot of stock in the warehouse, so she shouldn't have to worry about being wiped out in a short time.

After making up his mind, Tang Tang slapped the grass and stood up.

When she was patting the grass on her body with her hands, a person suddenly appeared in front of her.

The next second, her collar was grabbed again.

She always felt that the air in this room was a bit poorly circulated and suffocating.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and hand over the things you bought in the supermarket?"

Yan Chen saw that Tang Tang didn't move, and urged him impatiently.

Tang Tang…

Didn't she agree before that she doesn't have to do anything, just listen to what they say

I thought so, but I obediently moved towards Jiang who was exuding air-conditioning step by step.

To be honest, she is a little afraid of him now.

Before thoroughly offending Jiang Zhu today, she always thought that she was a passer-by in this world. As long as she finishes the plot according to the script without emotion, she can return to her original place.

But what I never thought of was—

That dog system!

How dare you...

Mad at her! !

Tang Tang yelled crazily in his heart, but on the surface he kept calm.

She walked up to Jiang Zhu, and there was a small table between them. She coughed lightly and put two large bags on the table.

Embarrassed, he said awkwardly, "I heard that you haven't eaten for a day, that is, we bought something to eat, you, try it?"

Tang Tang pulled out a stiff smile, and he couldn't speak well.

She remembered the plot that the dog system had told her. If she hadn't asked about going back in advance, it would have been the script that she would finish later.

After the end of the world, the male protagonist, namely Jiang Zhu, awakened super powers. Then she needs to hide in embarrassment, and finally meets Jiang Zhu by chance and sends him a signal for help.

At this time, Jiang Zhu, who had been deeply betrayed by her, would show a sinister smile, and in the next second, push her into the pile of zombies without hesitation.

So, how can that dog system be so irresponsible!

If she didn't ask about going back in advance, wouldn't she be dead? !

Thinking of this in his heart, Tang Tang looked at Jiang Zhu's cold face now, and felt a little embarrassed.

She apologizes now, I don't know if it's too late...

Jiang Zhu didn't answer her words, and didn't even look down at the two big bags in front of him. His eyes were still tightly locked on Tang Tang, and the sweat behind Tang Tang came out.

This is the tenth floor.

No zombies didn't come.

But let him push him down first...

Ha, ha, probably not, he is such a sensible person...

Yes, definitely not! Besides, if you really want to do something, you should hit her in the morning. How could you wait until now? He didn't know he would come.

But what if the more you think about it, the more angry you become, and she just comes to your door...

Tang Tang felt that she could no longer think about it.

"Yeah, Jiang Zhu, you can eat something first, you haven't eaten all day."

At this time, one of the other two roommates in the dormitory spoke up and persuaded.

That boy is naive, Tang Tang has never seen it before.

Noticing the way she looked over, the boy even gave her a friendly smile.

Seeing Tang Tang was surprised for a while, her reputation in school is so bad, and someone still laughs at her like this

At this time, there was a sudden movement in the ear, and then he heard the sound of the chair moving. Tang Tang turned his eyes and saw Jiang Zhu, who was sitting in the original position, stood up, as if his expression was worse than before.