I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 105: I have a request


"You should have some restrictions on intelligent AI, right?"

Harvey heard Tony's words and glanced at Tony.

Tony is a mad scientist and the man who created Ultron.

At this stage, the Avengers have not yet been completely formed, and he may not always be on Blue Star.

If Tony creates an existence similar to Ultron in advance, causing an omnic crisis, even if it is successfully prevented in the end, it will cause a large number of casualties.

Therefore, Harvey felt that it was still necessary to remind Tony.

"How can I still be unclear about what I made?"

"Jarvis' deep program has many limitations to ensure that it will absolutely obey my orders."

Tony said with great relief after hearing this.

"As long as you are confident, I don't need to tell you that you should have seen a lot of science fiction movies."

"If an omnic crisis breaks out, even if we prevent fatalities and injuries, it will still be inevitable."

Harvey looked at Tony's relieved look and just reminded him without saying anything further.

"I see."

When Tony heard Harvey mention the Omnic Crisis, his eyes flickered and he nodded.

Harvey saw that Tony seemed to have really thought about it and said nothing more. He only cared about reminding him a little, and he was not that worried.

Because the fundamental reason why Tony created Ultron is that the original Tony, limited by his fragile human body, has been participating in frontline dangers and is seriously lacking in combat power.

That's why Tony wants to create an army of steel and let artificial intelligence directly follow orders and fight on the front line.

But now Tony believes in the void. As long as he continues to evolve, Tony's body will be more powerful than the steel armor. It is just a matter of time.

When someone else dismantles Tony's steel armor, he may have to face real fear.

This makes Harvey look forward to the time when Tony and Captain America meet.

I wonder how Captain America will react when he discovers that Tony is very powerful under the iron shell.

Harvey noticed his thoughts, calculated the time, and found that Captain America should wake up in about a year.

If Captain America wakes up, Harvey doesn't need to win him over.

After Captain America has seen everything in modern times and the void, he will come to him if he is thirsty for power.

If Captain America didn't look for him, Harvey wouldn't take the initiative to look for him.

Because after Captain America saw the power of the void, he did not waver. If he longed to believe in the void to gain more powerful power, then even if he tried to persuade him, it would be useless.

Captain America is different from Tony. When he first attracted Tony, Tony was just an ordinary person who had just changed his mentality and made a cross-era technological crystallization like the steel armor, but had never seen the big world.

If there is any difference between Tony and ordinary people, it is that Tony has a better head and is rich.

But good brains and money are not the key factors. The key thing is that Tony was just a genius inventor and rich man who had not seen the big world.

And Tony had concerns in his heart. After knowing that he was willing to give Pepper the opportunity to believe in the void, Tony simply agreed.

Captain America, on the other hand, is a guy from the old era, whose thinking cannot keep up with modern times, and he does not have Tony's ideal of having a longer time to develop his talents.

What's more important is that Captain America is in modern times. The woman he loves is dead and he has no friends or partners he knows.

The only friend and partner is Bucky, the Winter Soldier, and there will be more entanglements later.

Captain America has experienced the loss of family and friends, plus not having too many worries and ideals that take time to realize.

Immortality may be a pain for Captain America.

So Harvey will not take the initiative to win over Captain America.

However, Captain America is eager to join the void, and he will give the other party a chance.

Tony saw that Harvey didn't continue to talk about this topic, and he was keeping in mind to prevent himself from crossing that line, but he didn't have enough ability to stop it.

"By the way, Harvey, can you tell me what you have been doing in the universe these past few months?" At the same time, Tony also asked the question he had been curious about.

"It's nothing but building the Void Religion and letting more people believe in the Void."

Harvey originally wanted to mention this to Tony, but he didn't expect Tony to take the initiative to ask. Naturally, he had nothing to hide, so he said casually.

"Established the Void Religion?"

"So that means I have a companion?"

When Tony heard Harvey's words, his heart was shocked, his brain turned rapidly, and then he asked excitedly.

"You should call them by members."

"Whether they are your companions or not, I can't say yet."

"You also know that if you believe in the void, I won't restrain them with too many rules."

When Harvey saw Tony's excitement, he knew that Tony wanted to unite other members of the Void Cult to help Blue Star at the critical moment, so he poured cold water on it.

"I just knew you had no limits, so I was tempted."

"This means that as long as I become an ally with them, I can ask them to help, right?"

"You can't stop the friends I made from helping Blue Star, right?"

Tony didn't mind smiling when he heard Harvey's demoralizing words.

He knew that if he wanted the Void God Cult to help Blue Star, the best way was to ask Harvey directly.

It's just that Harvey has a very bad impression of SHIELD, and the same goes for American politicians.

According to Tony's understanding of Harvey, Harvey would at best not take the initiative to destroy Blue Star when no one provoked him.

But it's not that easy to count on Harvey to protect Blue Star.

And Tony clearly remembers that Harvey said that during the crisis in 2017, humans would unite with many aliens to fight against the enemy.

In other words, the scope of the disaster will not be small, and there will be more opportunities for alliances.

"If you can convince them, of course I won't stop you."

"But don't say I didn't remind you that Blue Star is not their home. If you bring them here, you can't completely guarantee that you can check and balance their words.

"It's not necessarily a good thing for Blue Star."

Harvey's eyes flashed when he heard this. He originally wanted to induce Tony to go to the universe, but he didn't expect that Tony actually took the initiative to bring it up. There was an indifferent expression on his face and he said casually.

"Of course I know."

"But as long as they are not people without desires, then as long as you give enough benefits, you can impress them, right?"

Tony said with a smile when he heard that Harvey didn't intend to stop him and sat down on a chair next to Harvey with peace of mind.

Although he joined the Void and gained the ability to evolve, he became stronger and stronger.

However, he has never forgotten that while he is a genius scientist, he is also one of the most famous rich men in Blue Star. Making money is also one of his abilities.

"Although you are rich, Blue Star's money is not universal in the universe."

Harvey said meaningfully upon hearing this.

"Of course I know that, looking at all the powerful civilizations in the universe, the human civilization of Blue Star is only a low-level civilization."

"It is natural to follow the currency system of advanced civilizations."

"So Harvey, I have a request."

Tony already knew this, because he had this plan himself, but he just needed Harvey's permission.

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(End of chapter)