I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 34: psychological problems


But it was also because after those words just now, the atmosphere among several people improved a lot.

After a few people chatted for a while, Pepper curiously inquired about what advantages a woman needs to have to meet Harvey's goals.

"Just tell me, I'm also curious about how you chose."

Tony Stark also became a little gossipy when he heard this.

"If I want to talk about what advantages it has, it suits my heart."

"You need these three advantages: beauty, intelligence, and strength..."

After Harvey heard this, he thought about it and said.

Occasionally he would find some young and beautiful women to spend the night with, but that was just an act done on a whim.

It’s not about choosing a woman who exactly matches your desires.

"You have beautiful appearance, smart mind, and strong heart."

"There are many that meet the first two points, but it is not so easy to meet the last point."

"After all, women are not men. Even if they are strong on the surface, they are still relatively weak secretly."

Pepper said thoughtfully after hearing Harvey's words.

Tony Stark had a different feeling when he heard Harvey Ambelaka's standard of merit.

The first point of beauty mentioned by Harvey Ambelaka is easy to understand, physical beauty.

And intelligence should not only be as simple as being smart, but also being able to understand Harvey's thoughts through just a few words.

Knowing what to say and what not to say, what to do and what not to do, this alone can exclude countless women.

Because women are emotional, they may cry because of some things, and they may also be unable to stay calm because of some things.

And what Harvey Ambelaka said about being strong should not only be a strong mind, but also a strong enough strength.

Otherwise, let alone supporting each other with Harvey Ambelaka, the other party may not be able to understand Harvey Ambelaka's thoughts and actions.

Tony Stark thought about women who met such standards, but couldn't find one who met them.

"Your standards are a bit ideal. I'm afraid it would be difficult to find a woman who truly suits your needs even if you look around the world."

So Tony Stark spoke up.

"I know, but I have a lot of time to look for it. It doesn't matter if I can't find it in the end."

Harvey said with a smile when he heard Tony's words.

"Your words are too absolute."

"Although the requirements are very high, there are many strong women in the world who are beautiful in appearance, smart in mind, and strong in heart."

When Pepper heard this, she felt that what Tony and Harvey said was too certain, so she retorted.

"Pepper, you didn't understand him."

Tony said quickly after hearing this. After speaking, he glanced at Harvey, wanting to see Harvey's reaction.

If someone who cannot understand the topic interrupts forcefully, it can easily arouse a person's resentment.

"Yes, but you would understand too, Miss Pepper, if given the chance."

Harvey felt the look Tony was looking at him and said with a smile.

Harvey Ambelaka's unintentional words made Tony Stark's eyes flicker.

Is this hinting to himself that Pepper might also gain power, or is he simply thinking too much

"Is it possible for her?"

To confirm, Tony Stark looked at Harvey and asked.

"It depends on whether you can convince me."

Harvey said meaningfully upon hearing this.

"Give me some time, I want to think about it, and I want to talk to her."

When Tony Stark heard this, he knew that Pepper also had some opportunities. Even if this opportunity needed to be fought for, this was undoubtedly good news for him. "what ever."

Harvey had a look of indifference on his face when he heard this, and continued to quickly eliminate the food in front of him.

"what are you guys saying?"

"who is she?"

"Is it Mr. Harvey Ambelaka's ideal woman?"

Pepper heard the conversation between Tony and Harvey in a fog, and asked a little strangely.

"No, I will explain it to you if I think it's okay."

"If I didn't take the initiative to tell you, then don't pry too much."

Tony Stark shook his head when he heard this and said.

Now he doesn't even know if he wants to accept it.

And even if he accepts it, whether Harvey Ambelaka is willing to agree or not is one thing.

After all, he was not the leading party in asking Harvey Ambelaka to make himself a transcendent being.

Not to mention Harvey Ambelaka agreeing to let Pepper become a being similar to himself, so it's not time to explain it yet.

When Pepper heard these words, she became more curious and wanted to understand what was going on.

She was about to ask, but when she saw Harvey Ambelaka next to her, she resisted the rude behavior and planned to ask Tony in private.

"It's too slow to eat like this. I'll leave some for you and I'll go over there and eat."

Harvey raised his eyes and glanced at Tony, stood up, and spoke.

He knew that the seed of desire had been planted and now he just had to wait for it to bear fruit.

Humans are a race that longs for evolution, a longer lifespan, and more powerful strength.

And when you know that this evolution is not life-threatening, except for people who are willing to be mediocre, anyone who has a desire will basically not refuse.

Is Tony Stark someone willing to settle for mediocrity

The answer is obviously not. No matter how his character changes, the madness of the scientist in Tony Stark's bones will not disappear.

Otherwise, Tony Stark would not have created Ultron, a terrifying humanoid weapon, despite the opposition of others.

And according to Tony Stark's mind, it is not difficult for Harvey to foresee that Tony Stark will use the abilities gained after joining the Void to create even more terrifying technology.

"It's okay, you can just eat it. We don't have a big appetite."

Tony saw Harvey wanting to eat quickly and didn't mind.

Harvey nodded when he heard this and walked towards the tables filled with food.

Although he said he wanted to eat quickly, Harvey did not gobble it up hungrily, and his movements remained graceful.

Tony Stark looked thoughtfully at Harvey's amazing appetite.

If he gains power similar to Harvey Ambelaka, gains a lifespan of hundreds or even thousands of years, and controls extraordinary power, the cost is only that his appetite becomes very big.

He accepted this price, and he also had enough money to eat and drink as much as he wanted every day, as long as he didn't have to eat people.

But now he still has difficulty making a decision, and he knows it very well.

Because of his fame, he is a public figure.

The moment he gains power, if he becomes too young, he will be noticed by others immediately, and then those people will regard him as an alien.

This is a psychological problem and the most difficult problem to solve.

Harvey Ambelaka saw through his current entanglement, so he didn't think of urging him.

It just gave him a chance to see if he could figure it out and accept it completely.

(End of chapter)