I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 49: Wait until my glory returns


A kilometer-large purple void black hole appeared on the moon.

Harvey's figure turned into purple light and disappeared.

At the same time, Xandar was a light-year away.

At the same time, a kilometer-large purple void black hole appeared.

When Harvey's figure stepped out of it.

The terrifying void energy exploded, and a purple-black shock wave exploded in the universe, causing space to distort all around.

Seeing this scene, Harvey was a little lucky that he did not come directly to Xandar.

Because this is his first time to perform a light-year-level void descent, even he cannot guarantee the explosion of power when he descends.

So Harvey chose the safest approach, which was to get near the planet first, and then go to the destination he really wanted to reach.

Just now, when Harvey was looking over the galaxy to find his target, he saw Asgard and noticed what Odin seemed to have discovered.

But he slipped away so fast that Odin probably didn't notice him.

Immediately, a black hole in the void appeared again under Harvey's feet.

The next second, Harvey arrived directly among the beautiful mountains, rivers and woods.

Perhaps because it is a habitable planet, the environment of Xandar Star is not very different from that of Blue Star.

Harvey vaguely remembered that Xandar was one of the interstellar empires in the Marvel Universe, so it shouldn't be difficult to get some money and a cosmic translator here first.

Harvey directly absorbed the energy of the void, and soon his clothes changed.

Harvey wore a purple and gold-embellished battle armor, a golden mask on his head, a white battle robe on his body, and his eyes turned into golden pupils at this moment.

The whole atmosphere has changed tremendously, becoming mysterious and solemn.

Harvey knew that if he wanted to spread the will of the void, he would definitely have to use a new alias.

That way, even if some commotion is caused, the people he needs to be careful about will not be able to lock onto his body so easily.

And wearing this costume, Harvey's pseudonym is naturally the pseudonym Kassadin.

Harvey rose into the sky and flew slowly towards the city more than two hundred kilometers away.

In just half an hour, Harvey saw a tall city wall with a strong sense of technology in the distance.

The light of the metal looks even more magnificent under the sunlight.

It should not be said that Xandar is one of the well-known empires in the universe, and the facade is really something that they have to figure out.

Above the city wall, there are spaceships flying slowly in the air, obviously the guards of Xandar are patrolling.

Because he was about to arrive, Harvey also landed on the ground and walked towards the city gate step by step.

As long as Xandar didn't make things difficult for him, Harvey had no intention of making a fuss here for the time being.

His main purpose of coming here is to find a cosmic translator and find out where he can take on the bounty hunter's mission.

Harvey saw many humanoid creatures, and their appearance was not very different from Blue Star.

If Harvey hadn't known that he had arrived on Xandar, he might have mistakenly thought that he was still on Blue Star.

Harvey's arrival attracted the attention of many people on Xandar.

After all, the mysterious and solemn aura of this man whose face was unclear, as if he had been in a high position for a long time, was hard to ignore.

The guards at the city gate looked at each other for a moment, and then each one wanted to ask the other to interrogate and register their identity.

Finally, a male guard who was about 1.9 meters tall in military uniform and looked extremely strong looked at his companions and said with some disdain.

"Look at how cowardly you are, aren't you just registering? There's nothing to be nervous about."

After saying this, the male guard took the initiative to speak when Harvey walked to the corridor under the city wall.

"Name, origin, purpose of coming here."

The guard communicated directly with Harvey in Common Alien Language, while preparing to register the boxy and thin instrument in his hand.

But the guard found that after he finished speaking, the mysterious visitor stopped, but did not answer him immediately.

This made the guard feel nervous and looked at Harvey cautiously.

Harvey originally thought that since he didn't have a cosmic translator, he wouldn't be able to understand what these people were saying, but as soon as the other party spoke, he understood them immediately.

This stunned Harvey. "Kassadin comes from the void. The purpose of coming here is to get some information."

But it was much easier to communicate directly. Harvey responded and answered the other party's questions.

The guard heard the language of the mysterious visitor and looked at the language of the cosmic translator on his wrist. It showed that the language was from C53.

There are countless planets in the universe, so for a while, he couldn't recognize whether C53 was called Void.

However, the other party seemed to be very cooperative, which made the guard feel relieved.

"My name is Dam. Although I have never heard of the planet you mentioned, I have registered it for you."

"This is Xandar. Since this is your first time to come and register, you can only stay here for seven days."

"Everything in the city is under the sight of our guards. Pay attention to your behavior in the city during these seven days."

"Otherwise our guards will find out and will arrest you at any time and send you to a trial court."

"The trial court will punish you according to the seriousness of your crime. In serious cases, you may even be executed directly."

"So be careful with me when you act."

The guard who called himself Dam released a beam of light that scanned Harvey, made a record, and gave a reminder.


Faced with these reminders, Harvey nodded cooperatively.

Harvey is not afraid of the other party scanning and recording information, because all the information he has now is false information made of void robes, and he is not afraid of being scanned at all.

"Okay, you can go in."

After Dam registered, seeing the honest look of the man named Kassadin, he let him go.

"Can I ask, where on Xandar can bounty hunters receive some tasks?"

Harvey did not leave immediately after hearing this, but asked directly.

He was unfamiliar with the planet Xandar, so the quickest way to get information was to get it from the guards.

"Are you a bounty hunter?"

"I don't think you are a bounty hunter, but more like a big shot."

When Dam heard this, he looked at him in confusion. This man who looked solemn and extraordinary in his clothes spoke.

"There was a period of glory in the past, but today is different. I want to make some money by doing some bounty tasks."

When Harvey heard the other party's impression of him, he seemed to be touched by the pain, and said with a somewhat ashamed tone.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to poke your pain."

"If you want to become a bounty hunter and take on some missions, after entering the city, walk 20 kilometers east to the Link neighborhood."

"The Bounty Bar, where bounty hunters often hang out, is right there. It's easy to spot."

"I hope you can survive this difficult time without losing your life and earn some money."

When Dam heard these words, his eyes showed some sympathy, and he first apologized and explained the route.

"Dam, thank you for your blessings, when my glory returns."

"If you hear about my reputation and need my help, you can come to me. Maybe I can help you once."

When Harvey heard the detailed location, he glanced at the man, with some joy in his words.

In the universe, because of the destruction of the homeland, the glory is no longer at the end, and then because of the past squandering money, you can't get used to living a poor life.

There are many people who finally choose to join bounty hunting and seek to make a fortune again.

The man named Kassadin was not the first, nor would he be the last.

So when Dam heard these words, he didn't take them seriously, but he still expressed sincere encouragement on the surface.

"Hopefully one day, and hopefully you'll be able to survive the bounty mission."

Harvey found out the destination, and without stopping, nodded slightly and walked towards the city.

Please read it, don't buy the book first, I will definitely update it after it is put on the shelves, and I also ask for votes.

(End of chapter)