I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 5: I come from the void


Considering the nature of his strength and longevity, Harvey is undoubtedly more inclined towards the void race than humans.

Perhaps because he was a human in his previous life and at the beginning of this life, he has some sense of belonging to humans, and may sometimes favor humans.

But this sense of belonging, although it will not disappear as time goes by, will undoubtedly become weaker and weaker with the passage of time and my long life.

When Harvey thought of this, he had already made a decision in his heart.

"I come from the void."

Under the wary looks of Natasha, Nick Fury, and Coulson, Harvey spoke.

Nick Fury, Natasha, and Coulson's eyes shrank.

Natasha and Colson's bodies almost instinctively wanted to move, but remembering the warning just now, they stopped touching the gun.

And it was at the same time that Harvey said these words.

[It is detected that the host has not deceived itself and evaded itself, and has affirmed its own will and existence. The system officially recognizes the host and will open various functions.]

Harvey's eyes flashed when he heard the cold voice in his head.

He has been awakening the system for more than two years and has never known how other hero templates will be opened in the future, so he has been waiting patiently.

Now he knows that the problem lies with him.

Although he did not reject the void in the past, he did not completely accept the void either.

At least until Nick Fury asked himself what race he belonged to and formally thought about it, he had never considered himself a Void race, so the system did not officially recognize it as its master.


Nick Fury originally confirmed that the god of death was a person with super powers, but he thought he had transferred to Big Fish and wanted to win the god of death to join the Avengers.

As long as we are both human beings, we need to make each other realize that Blue Star is currently in a lonely boat in the universe and may be overturned by huge waves at any time.

Then it was possible for the other party to agree to his invitation and join the Avengers to contribute to mankind, but he never thought that the other party was not a human being, but an alien.

This made it difficult for Nick Fury to say many of the words he had prepared.

Blue Star is mankind's only home at present. If it is destroyed, it will really be gone.

But for aliens, Blue Star is just a temporary place to stay. Even if it is destroyed, they will probably have to go back to their hometown at most.

However, given that this god of death has been in Blue Star for more than two years, and is only doing mercenary work.

It did not cause too many devastating disasters to Blue Star, which proves that the other party has not thought about destroying Blue Star.

"So this friend from the void, what is the purpose of your coming to Blue Star?"

But Nick Fury asked anyway in order to know how to communicate with the god of death.

At the same time, Nick Fury also warned Natasha and Coulson with his eyes, asking them to suppress their thoughts.

Although humans have mushroom eggs, even if there are aliens, it should be possible to kill them.

But the price to pay is too high, so the first priority is to judge whether it is an enemy or a friend.

"See this beautiful planet, come here to travel and experience life."

When Harvey faced this question, he lied as naturally as breathing.

Nick Fury, Natasha, and Coulson all felt that this reason was ridiculous, but the other party was unwilling to express their true intention, and they could not force the other party to do so.

Because of the strength shown by the Death God just now, their chances of winning if they take action are not high, maybe even zero.

Therefore, they must not take action against the other party. At least with their current situation, they are not enough to force this god of death to say what they want to hear.

"My friend, since you have no intention of hiding your identity, it means that we should have the possibility of communicating, right?"

There was a forced smile on Nick Fury's face that everyone could see.

"Aren't we just communicating now?"

Harvey saw Nick Fury's probing and warning about him in his eyes and words, but he didn't care and replied casually.

"Look at how stupid I am."

When Nick Fury heard this, he knew that this was a relatively friendly signal, so he touched his round and glorious head and said pretending to be stupid.

"I received your deposit, tell me what you want me to do for you."

Harvey did not deliberately get involved in this matter, but acted as if it was business.

Although Nick Fury has things he asked the god of death to do, intelligence is more important than those things that can be solved by sending agents.

So Nick Fury also spoke: "Originally, I had something to ask you, but now I know that you are from the void and are an alien. Can I buy some information from you?"

"Although I am paid to do things, it also depends on what information you want to know."

Harvey knew what Nick Fury, an old fox, thought, but he didn't refuse.

"The information I asked for will definitely not be used to test you."

"I just want to ask, how many aliens are there in the universe that are relatively close to Blue Star, and what is their technological level?"

"Or do they have some special abilities?"

"And is Blue Star currently exposed to the eyes of other aliens?"

Nick Fury heard this and also expressed his problem.

"There are many intelligent beings in the universe, and their technological level far exceeds that of Blue Star."

"Space jumps, space battleships, interstellar energy cannons, etc. are all available."

"But those are too far away from Blue Star. You know too much about them now, which only adds to your troubles."

"It's hard to say about abilities. There are so many races and they have different abilities."

"Even putting aside those innate abilities, there is no doubt that the average physical fitness of aliens far exceeds that of humans."

"In terms of distance, including Blue Star, the other surrounding worlds are collectively called the Nine Realms."

"Asgard, the fairy palace among the nine realms, where the Asa clan lives, is what you humans call God, the God King Odin."

"Blue Star has always been exposed to the eyes of aliens, and many aliens have visited Blue Star in the past."

"Like the Kree, Skrulls."

"It's just that Odin is still alive, so other races don't dare to act too openly."

Harvey will naturally not deliberately leak the future to prevent the trajectory of the Marvel world from changing too much and making all the information he originally knew become elusive. However, Harvey can still explain some answers that do not affect the general trend.

As long as there is no big deviation, Thor will definitely be demoted to Blue Star in a few years. By then, the existence of the Asa Clan will also appear in the eyes of many people on Blue Star.

When Nick Fury heard Harvey mention the Kree and the Skrulls, he knew that the Death God in front of him knew much more than he expected, and he also made the Death God's words more destructive. reliability.

"You mean, our human myths and legends are true?"

"We humans have always been protected by that Asa clan?"

But at the same time, this also caused some questions in Nick Fury's heart.

"While legends vary, many are undoubtedly true."

"If there is a chance in the future, you may be able to meet the Asa Protoss."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this, confirming what he said.

"I have a question, Mr. Death, you said Odin is still alive, so aliens don't dare to mess around."

"So that means that in the future, Odin in our human mythology may die, right?"

When Natasha heard this, she couldn't help but speak.

Harvey glanced at Natasha after hearing this and did not answer.

However, Harvey's silence at this time was like a sure signal, making Coulson, Natasha, and Nick Fury feel tense.

This God of Death specifically mentioned that God King Odin is not dead yet, so aliens do not dare to mess around. This means that once God King Odin dies.

Humanity will also face the arrival of other aliens in the universe.

And this God of Death did not answer the question of whether Odin will die, which also indicates that even the God King Odin has a lifespan.

Nick Fury did not blame Natasha for asking questions without permission. He had already learned the information he wanted and was more determined to form the Avengers.

It’s just that Nick Fury knows that it is impossible to directly win over this god of death.

"Thank you for the information, Mr. Death."

"I wonder if there will be any chance for us to cooperate in the future?"

So Nick Fury showed a kind smile on his face and asked in a friendly manner.

"Depending on the mission, as long as you can afford the reward, I won't agree to your cooperation."

Harvey did not reject it completely, but gave an ambiguous answer.

Although he would be a fool not to make money when he has it, but if he has some money, Harvey still won't make it.

When Nick Fury heard these words, he knew that he could invite the God of Death without paying the minimum price. Whether the other party was willing to take action or not depended entirely on the other party's wishes.

It can be said that humans are completely passive, a feeling that Nick Fury dislikes very much.

"Thank you very much. Although it was our first meeting, we had a very pleasant chat."

"I hope we can have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

However, they currently do not have the ability to reverse the situation, so Nick Fury also said with a smile.

"hope so."

When Harvey heard this, he also knew that Nick Fury was just giving up and wanted to leave a good impression on him, so he also replied in a friendly manner.

Then, Harvey disappeared, along with the boxes of U.S. dollars.

Natasha and Coulson looked a little wary when they saw the god of death disappearing as if teleporting.

"Sir, he is too mysterious. There is no guarantee that what he says is true."

"Maybe he might be a human. After all, we can't tell his true identity."

Then, Coulson looked at Nick Fury and asked for his opinion.

Nick Fury's thoughts were constantly swirling in his mind. After hearing these words, he took a deep breath, the smile on his face disappeared and turned serious, and he said something else.

"Colson, what you said makes sense. It is difficult for us to ensure his identity."

"But the other party knows about the Kree and Skrulls. You must know that they are the aliens I encountered decades ago when I was young."

"Except within our bureau, the news never spread, but the other party mentioned it."

"And according to the way this god of death comes and goes without a trace, it is too easy to obtain a large amount of money."

"But the other party chose to be a mercenary to get money."

"This just proves that the legendary Odin may be real."

"Because of Odin's existence, this god of death doesn't dare to mess around too much on Blue Star."

They had no way of knowing the true face of the God of Death, so even if the God of Death killed them, the higher-ups would not be able to investigate.

What the country and the law can restrict are human superpowers or heroes, because as long as superpowers and heroes are human beings, they have things to worry about in Blue Star.

But for these aliens, their human laws have little effect.

The root cause of this problem is that the weapons currently in the hands of humans are too weak and they do not have the capital to negotiate terms with aliens.

Therefore, the formation of the Avengers is inevitable, and it can even be said to be somewhat imminent, because it is unknown when Odin will die.

"Natasha, I don't care what means you use. Hurry up and get in touch with Harvey Ambelaka and test it out to see if he is a superpower."

Nick Fury gave the order directly.

Natasha also knew the importance of the matter, nodded and left.

"Colson, go and collect more people with slightly weird deeds."

"I'm going to take care of some trouble."

Nick Fury looked at his confidants, gave instructions and left.

This information learned from the mouth of Death can be said to be priceless to Nick Fury.

However, obviously you cannot tell all these things to the higher-ups, so you have to do a good job of deceiving them.

The second update is here, please count the votes, please.

(End of chapter)