I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 66: Fame gradually grew


Harvey dodged into the void and passed directly through the armor of the warship.

As Harvey entered, Brighton's body instinctively took a few steps back.

"Transfer it, right? I'll pass it on to the high command."

"We will definitely give you every penny of your reward."

When Brighton faced this bounty hunter named Kassadin, he did not dare to show any contempt in his words.

Because Kassadin, who can kill the world-destroying insect, is also an out-and-out monster in his eyes.

Even if Kassadin said he wouldn't attack him, when faced with a monster he couldn't understand, even if he wanted not to be afraid in his heart, his body would do the honest thing, which is to retreat.

Harvey noticed the fear radiating from the other party's body and knew that it might not be effective to spread the void directly now.

So Harvey glanced at Brighton, said nothing more, and left with dozens of pieces of the big insect's meat.

The life energy of this big bug is very high, the highest among the creatures Harvey has ever seen, which means that as long as the big bug is eaten, it can provide a large number of evolutionary points.

Although there were some parts of this big bug that Harvey couldn't accept, even if he put aside those parts of the big bug that made him feel disgusted.

This giant insect, which is more than a thousand meters long, also has a lot of meat for him to eat.

So Harvey left the warship directly and found a larger store on Kilf Star and asked them to help process the food.

The appearance of this prey startled all the chefs in this big restaurant.

After knowing that they wanted to put aside the tentacles, the internal organs, and the head and only wanted the meat, they immediately started making them one by one.

After more than an hour, through the cooking and baking by the chef, it seems that the appetite is not that bad.

It took Harvey two hours to finish a large piece, and this large piece contained 530,000 evolution points.

He couldn't help but sigh that it was indeed a planet-level disaster creature.

After excluding the disgusting head, tentacles, belly and internal organs, there are still twenty-seven pieces, which can allow him to evolve at least nine times at a time.

This made Harvey very satisfied, but he was afraid that this meal would take a day or two, but he was not short of time, so he took his time.

Harvey was enjoying his meal.

Two hours later, there was a huge sensation on Kilf Star. The reason was that the World-Destroying Worm was dead.

As long as the insect mother is dead, it is only a matter of time to solve the remaining insect nests.

After watching the uploaded video projection, each and every big shot in the Jikeko Federation seriously asked about the whole story.

When they learned that this powerful man who was suspected to be a god was a bounty hunter named Kassadin, many of them had some thoughts and wanted to win over or make friends with him.

Because they don't lack money at all, what they lack is the absolute force that can make the final decision.

But before that, they gave priority to transferring the money to Kassadin.

Because when Lieutenant General Brighton reported, he explained that the other party hated breach of contract and needed to transfer 100 million as soon as possible.

For other things, you can deceive and fool around so that the money can be used for other purposes.

But none of them had the thought of delaying this matter for ten days and a half.

The other party can kill the world-destroying insect, or if it is enraged, it may bring real world-destroying disaster to Kilf Star.

Not only did the money transfer quickly, they also gave it the highest rating.

I hope that this can leave Kassadin with a good impression of Kilf Star, which will facilitate their next cooperation. After transferring the money, the United Community of Kilf Star announced the death of the World-Destroying Worm.

The chef who was cooking for Harvey saw the host on TV describing the appearance and size of the giant insect and looked at the meat in front of him.

"Are we dealing with a world-destroying insect?"

His expression suddenly changed, his mood was filled with joy and shock, and he said something strange.

"seems like it."

"I asked when did Planet Kirf have such a big creature?"

"So that means the bounty hunter who killed the World-Destroying Worm is in the box now?"

"Do it well for me. This is bragging rights that is hard to replicate."

The chefs who are busy in the kitchen all have at least twenty years of experience as chefs.

They had taken care of countless creatures, but they did not expect that they would actually be involved in taking care of the planet Kilf's long-hated world-ending disaster.

After knowing the identity of the prey, the chef worked even harder to prepare it, wishing he could use all his skills to cook it in more cooking methods.

Because there is only one such opportunity, this will inevitably become his bragging capital to other peers in the future.

Even if all parts of the giant insect are removed, it is still huge and terrifying, and special tools are needed to cut off the flesh.

Even if there were twenty highly qualified chefs, it would take a lot of effort to cook, but none of them complained of fatigue and were instead cooking with great interest.

In just a few hours, everyone on Kilf heard Kassadin's name.

The fact that the Kirf Star Federation issued a bounty mission is not a secret on Kirf Star.

Because over the years, they have seen too many bounty hunters from aliens.

Although it has not produced much results over the years, many people in Kilf Star feel that it is a waste of money.

But now when a bounty hunter who can kill the World-Destroying Worm really appears, they only have admiration and curiosity in their hearts, wanting to know who this Kassadin is.

Not only did the Kilf Star Alliance cause shock, but the bounty hunter world also set off a storm at this time.

In the world of bounty hunters, even if you don't have the strength to complete the third-level bounty mission, you will still look at the general information on what to do.

There are some third-level tasks that can be completed as long as enough second-level bounty hunters cooperate.

But there are some things that cannot be accomplished even if we join forces.

In the bounty world, many people who first entered the industry took over the task of supporting the Kirf Star, and they also knew the rules not to use some large weapons.

Therefore, most bounty hunters know how difficult this seemingly ordinary task of exterminating the insect mother is.

But now the bounty task list has been updated.

The mission of exterminating the insect mother was completed, and it was completed by a second-level bounty hunter named Kassadin alone.

Many people had never heard of who Kassadin was, but they were all shocked when they learned that Kassadin had only joined the bounty hunting world yesterday.

In just two days after joining the industry, I completed a second-level task and a third-level task, and the task types were all troublesome disaster relief.

Let them know that there is a real ruthless person in the bounty hunting world, and this ruthless person is named Kassadin.

(End of chapter)