I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 77: It turns out it’s not a cake


Sonia didn't know what happened, but she heard Mr. Kassadin's words.

She always felt like she was on a pirate ship.

Because what Mr. Kassadin said sounded like he was engaging in pyramid schemes.

It gives people the power to gain everything they can. This cake is so delicious that Sonia can't even eat it.

However, no matter how speechless she was inside, Sonia didn't show it, or even rolled her eyes, but stood quietly aside.

"After I get it, can I join the Nova Corps if I want to?"

But Dam knew Kassadin's current reputation, so he didn't have any doubts, but asked with some emotion.

"As long as you want, of course."

Harvey nodded upon hearing this.

Dam was very happy that he wanted to do this, because according to the original plan, as long as Dam joined the void.

He will let Dam gradually rise, and then break into the Nova Corps to recruit more believers who believe in the void.

Damn already has this ambition without his instructions now, which is of course better.

"With that power, I can also get amazing wealth, just like you?"

Dam's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked excitedly.

"It's unlikely in a short time, but it won't take long for you to earn the wealth I have now with the power you have gained."

Harvey shook his head slightly when he heard this and said.

Part of the reason why he was able to earn more than three billion yuan by working as a bounty hunter in three months was because he was now strong enough.

What's more important is that he has the ability of Void Walker Kassadin, and the way and efficiency in completing tasks is almost impossible for others to copy.

"Can't it be done for a short time... I understand, Mr. Kassadin."

"I want the power to change my life, please give me this chance."

After hearing this, Dam was not discouraged, but strengthened his thoughts.


Harvey nodded upon hearing this, stretched out his hand, and purple energy shot out from his fingers and poured directly into Dam's body.

Suddenly, Dam's body soared into the air, his appearance began to become younger, and his body's muscle lines became more explosive, full of power.


Sonia saw all this from the side with a look of disbelief.

It turns out that Mr. Cassadine is not a pie maker or a pyramid scheme, but actually has some incredible abilities

Only more than ten seconds passed. When Dam opened his eyes, he felt that his five senses had been enhanced.

A carp jumped up, and the surge of power made Dam jump. With a "bang!", his head hit the ceiling directly.

Sonia was shocked when she saw Dam's strength in leaping six meters high.

"Sonia, wait a minute and you can calculate how much it will cost to repair these."

When Harvey saw that Dam had failed to control his power and caused some damage, he didn't mind and warned Sonia.

"Okay, Mr. Kassadin."

After hearing these words, Sonia quickly recovered from her stunned state and nodded.

But Sonia's heart has already stirred up a storm.

Kassadin can give others a physique beyond ordinary people. If he can give her this kind of power, will her life also change


Dam crashed through the ceiling, supported his head with both hands and broke away. Then he saw Ben Ben yelling below and quickly made a move to relieve himself.

The process was so smooth and easy that Dam didn't feel any tingling sensation in his feet.

This made Dam look at his hands in disbelief when he stood up, and patted his thigh.

Although he exercises regularly, his fighting ability and physical fitness are not even weaker than many people in the legion who do not wear Nova Armor.

But he is far from being able to jump from a height of six meters without feeling any pain, and he does not have the extraordinary physique to jump six meters high. "Is this the power you gave me, Mr. Kassadin?"

Immediately, Dam said incredulously.

"If I only have this little power, how dare I say that I will give you the power to gain everything."

"This is just your beginning, you can get more power in the future."

Harvey saw Damn's excitement and said slowly.

"So how do I get more power?"

Dam was a little embarrassed when he heard that the power he possessed was described as a tiny bit, but when he heard Kassadin's words, he spoke with some eagerness.

"If you want to get more power, you need to understand the void and believe in the Void Religion."

"That will bring you countless times more power than you have now."

Harvey saw Dam's heart moved and told him the conditions.

"Understand the Void? The Void Cult?"

Dam was filled with confusion after hearing this.

Suddenly, Dam's eyes became empty. In the past few seconds, purple energy came out of the air and poured into Dam's body again, transforming Dam's physique.

Sonia looked at all this, her eyes flickering, not knowing what she was thinking.

Harvey waited patiently for Dam to wake up.

He gave Dam a promise, so he gave Dam some extra life energy to enhance Dam's physical fitness, which was considered as fulfilling his original promise.

As long as others want to, he can give anyone a chance to join the void.

Not to mention the entire Shandam Star, as long as one-fifth joins the void, it can bring him countless void energy.

The 100 million void energy exchanged for the Tyrant Alien cannot be said to be close at hand, but it is already on the way.

When he gets the ability of the Overlord Alien, in this universe where technology is everywhere, his strength will reach a new level.

"Thank you, the great Lord Kassadin, for giving me the opportunity to join the Void."

Dam passed for two minutes and his eyes began to recover, but when he looked at Kassadin, his eyes were full of horror and awe, and he knelt down on one knee and said with great respect.

He saw a figure as big as the galaxy wearing golden armor, and that figure was exactly the same as Lord Kassadin in front of him.

Knowing the greatness of the void and how powerful Lord Kassadin is.

Lord Kassadin is most likely in the process of recovering his strength.

"Since you believe in the void, I want to tell you something."

"There are people and things everywhere in the universe who believe in the void."

"It won't be long before I establish the Void Cult on Xandar, and by then you will also become a member of the Void Cult."

"The Void Divine Religion only has three commandments, please remember them for me."

"1. After obtaining the gift of the void, you will be able to swallow anything with energy and evolve to gain more power, but you must not swallow living things."

"Two, I won't care about causing disputes and causing some deaths with my increasingly powerful power, but I must not cannibalize myself no matter what."

"3. Stay rational at all times. Don't be swayed by desire and become an irrational monster. If you become such a monster, I will personally come and execute you."

"There is also a teaching that the great void will give all creatures the opportunity to believe in the void. As long as they are pious enough, the void will respond."

Harvey saw Damn's awe in his face and explained the situation.

"Remember Lord Kassadin's teachings!"

Dam was ecstatic when he heard the last teaching, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

This means that his companions may also be able to join the void with him and gain life-changing power.

Please support me by voting and reading. It has nearly 200,000 words. It should be considered for publication in the near future. Please wait and see.

(End of chapter)