I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 106


Although Qu Zhiwen knew who Qin Cheng was taken away, he really couldn't find Qin Cheng's location, but he couldn't find Qin Cheng, and it was not him that bothered him the most, but Tang Jiaming, who was almost at his end.

Knowing Tan Cheng's possible trace from Qu Zhiwen, Tang Jiaming was so angry that he bit his finger, it was the damn Tang Chenggui, if this guy hadn't been caught by Jiang Ping, Qu Zhiwen would not have immediately confronted Tan Cheng for fear Do it, it's cheaper over there!

Now he is so ruthless that he can't directly kill Tang Chenggui in the detention center!

Anyway, Tang Chenggui's idiot will expose them sooner or later, not to mention that there are still lives on his body, Jiang Ping's means must be dug up, and if they are buried with a group of people, it is better to kill Tang Chenggui first.

Recently, it has been like a withered shape, and the thought of killing people and stealing goods has made the green and yellow face a bit hideous. Qu Zhiwen watched but did not speak.

To be honest, Qu Zhiwen could guess what Tang Jiaming was thinking at the moment. There was no movement on his face, but Qu Zhiwen regretted working with this guy so much.

Seriously, if someone like him wants to take the immortal way, the karma cycle is very trustworthy. Originally, he was willing to cooperate with Tang Jiaming because Tang Jiaming was ruthless, but at least there was no blood on his hands.

Although Su Jingmo is not a living person, but a ghost who should have been thrown into reincarnation long ago, although according to this, I am afraid there is no chance to be reincarnated, but according to Tang Jiaming's approach, although it is purposeful, the result also ends Su Jingmo. The unreasonable death, in the final analysis, is only to promote the disappearance of Su Jingmo, which is not a mistake.

But if you want to take human life, it will be different. Now he cooperates with Tang Jiaming. If Tang Jiaming kills people, then Qu Zhiwen can be regarded as killing people on his back, which is not a good thing for him at all.

"I only tell you that if you want to kill people, then our cooperation will end here. You should know that my current situation is the worst for those things."

Both of them knew what they wanted from each other, but Qu Zhiwen didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "Ask me and I advise you to avoid these things. You are a Taoist family, and you should understand that the cycle of cause and effect ends. There is a reward, so you haven't directly killed Li Guoxian so far, right? Don't fall short until now."

Tang Jiaming is very clear about this. It is because he knows that he is afraid. Therefore, why did he let Li Guoxian go until now? If it wasn't for this, just manipulating ghosts would have killed Li Guoxian a thousand times! Why so twists and turns

Although, he did stay by Li Guoxian's side to inquire about the thorn bones, and he has been holding back from letting Li Guoxian be dragged into a dream by the ghost, and he never wakes up...

"Even if you can really have a tadpole, you are not the material to become an immortal." What Qu Zhiwen said was true. He didn't know where Tang Jiaming got so many magic tools, which made his strength soar. But there are some things Qu Zhiwen can see at a glance. Qu Zhiwen is different from him. Qu Zhiwen has no immortal fate. According to the book handed down from his family, there is no immortal fate.

"If you carry your life on your back, your fortune will worsen. Who knows what will happen when you push the yakuta bone?" Qu Zhiwen said and glanced at Tang Jiaming, "You dare to gamble with your life? What, I have only heard about it so far, and no one has actually used it. What if the booklet in our hands is not written correctly?"

"I'm not bad, I didn't kill the person myself. If you go in for a few years at most, you'll be finished. If you don't say that you killed someone, Jiang Ping will chase you for the rest of your life. If you say that you are going to swallow the bones, then Tang A group of outlaws will let you go?"

Not to mention Tang Jiaming's current appearance, if the true fortune is any worse, it is impossible to say that one day he will die if he doesn't get the tau bone.

"Then you tell me, what should I do?" Tang Jiaming sneered: "Can you take Qin Cheng out of that person's hands? Didn't Qin Cheng use anything to lead Su Jingmo out of the tomb? I spent most of my life, If you don't hurry up and come out and get the tau bones, if I die, you don't want to break the tomb formation."

"I'm still curious about how to break the formation of the tomb? Then lead Su Jingmo out?"

Tang Jiaming looked at Qu Zhiwen and laughed, "I know the general method, but some steps are not so clear."

"What steps? Maybe if you tell me, I will know?"

Tang Jiaming shook his head, "You can't know, this thing must be fully understood before you can start, otherwise, you and I will lose our lives."

Qu Zhiwen frowned when he heard this: "Very dangerous?"

"If it's not dangerous, why should I ask you to come and share with you."

"How to figure out the remaining steps that I don't know."

Tang Jiaming didn't answer, just said: "Go to Pingyao with me later, at Tangjiazhaizhai."

"What are you going to do there?" Qu Zhiwen wondered, "Isn't it time to find Qin Cheng, hold it in your hand, and run there for what?"

"You'll know when you go." Tang Jiaming looked at Qu Zhiwen, "You'd better help cover up the two of us. I didn't think much about it when Jiang Ping hid Tan Cheng before, but if Tan Cheng was there In the hands of people, the situation is different, you said that the person arrested Qin Cheng for so many days but did not take concrete actions, why is this?"

"Perhaps he hasn't made a move yet?"

"When will you wait if you don't do it now?" Tang Jiaming sneered: "Wait until Su Jingmo disappears, wait until the tomb changes its owner, and wait for another thousand years to be unable to move the tomb at all?"

"You mean he's waiting for us to act?"

"I'm afraid yes." Tang Jiaming thought for a while, "If according to what you said, he is Su Jingyan, then he should know that only I can solve that formation in this world. The reason why he doesn't move now is because he doesn't. There is a way to solve the formation. If you can't solve the formation, even if you strangle Qin Cheng at the entrance of the tomb, Su Jingmo will not be able to come out."

I have to say that there is an advantage of studying archaeology, which even Qu Zhiwen admires very much, that is, finding possible things from clues, and thinking very carefully.

"You asked me to cover up my breath, did that Su Jingyan have people following me?"

"I don't know if you have been followed, but recently I have been directly followed by many people, unscrupulous."

"Okay then, I'll go to Pingyao with you," Qu Zhiwen said meaningfully, thinking of the cannibalistic Tang family in Pingyao, "I just hope you don't sell me when the time comes, I can't bear the Tang family's madness. ."

"Oh, don't worry, they're only useful here."

However, when the two of them quietly concealed their breath and came to the Tang family stockade overnight, Qu Zhiwen knew why Tang Jiaming chose to come to the barren mountain in the middle of the night, and he also brought things like shovels and sledges.

"You can just dig a hole along the back. This tomb has been around for many years, and the coffin should have rotted long ago."

Qu Zhiwen was a little speechless for a while. Speaking of which, he has been in countless tombs and seen countless ghosts. This is the first time that he has done digging and robbing graves. With a shovel, I am afraid that only Tang Jiaming dares to do it, and he is not afraid of his ancestors jumping out

"Why are you commanding from the side, don't two people dig faster together?"

"If I had the strength now, I wouldn't let you come and help me find things." After all, he still wanted to swallow that kind of formation.

Speaking of which, Tang Jiaming looked at the stockade trail in the distance, and seeing that no one noticed anything strange, he urged: "You can hurry up, the Tang family is a tomb robber, if you knew that I and I were digging ancestral graves and robbing tombs under their noses, it would be a shame. ."

No, it was the two of them who stole things in front of the thief ancestors.

"It sounds like you're not from the Tang family."

"Hehe, when it comes to bloodline, I should be called the Tang family more than them."

"As far as I know, your mother is the Tang family. If you share your mother's surname, then you are considered a foreigner."

Tang Jiaming glanced at Qu Zhiwen, who had been gouged out in half, "You still know this."

"Know yourself and the enemy."

Tang Jiaming just smiled and didn't speak, he didn't care.

It was already cold in the early winter night, and it was even colder in the deep mountains. The two did not speak any more, and there were some strange cries in the deep mountains.

Tang Jiaming was distracted to observe whether there was anyone else, and then he paid attention to whether Qu Zhiwen was doing anything at will. When Qu Zhiwen was almost done digging, Tang Jiaming whispered, "It's alright, you step aside first."

Qu Zhiwen was not interested in the contents of this small tomb, and just stepped aside to see what Tang Jiaming was going to do.

I saw Tang Jiaming knelt on the ground and muttered words, and then bowed again, and then reached out to the tomb to grope.

Tang Jiaming was already so thin that only bones were left, but he was still beside the tomb of Senshan, reaching out to touch the dead bones in the tomb. Qu Zhiwen, who had seen the world, couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the scene in front of him.

Can only say: "I see you are very skilled? It seems that this is not the first time."

Tang Jiaming continued to explore, and said: "There are many things that only the ancestors know, and the records left by the Tang family are too few."

For this, Tang Jiaming also found it very strange. He read all the books left by the ancestors of the Tang family, and even carefully studied the records of his father's tomb in Pingyao, but the results were not satisfactory.

The Tang family tree is very one-sided in the records of things and things. It only mentions the origin of the Tang family coming to this stockade, and basically nothing about Daxu is written.

It was because of an accident that he would find the thing that disbanded the formation. He went to the burial site of the ancestors of the Tang family and found a piece of porcelain with something carved. He learned a lot of things. I am afraid that the ancestors brought it into the tomb.

The Tang family has lived in that ravine for thousands of years as a tomb keeper, but in the end, because of their life, they gradually turned into tomb robbers.

The Tang family had no record of Daxu at all. After Tang Jiaming discovered that thing, he quietly dug up the graves of many ancestors, and then found pieces of information in the tombs.

Otherwise, he would never have imagined that his Tang family was the key to solving the tomb formation.

He didn't tell anyone about this.

Tang Jiaming also studied archaeology and history. After thinking about many things, he figured it out. Take his ability to open the eyes of the sky as an example. In the entire inheritance of the Tang family, he is not the only one who can open the eyes to see ghosts and gods. I am afraid that his old ancestor of the Tang family is The masters of sorcery in this way are not only the one from the tomb of Pingyao, but also the forbidding spell from the tomb of Ninghua Village, which was also created by the ancestor.

And the old ancestor left a way to solve the formation, and that is to sacrifice it with blood.

But the ancestors seem to have disrupted the order of the formation method, engraved it in the grain yin jar after death, and then each person left with one to seal the dust. The family heirs have been discovered.

It's just the specific method, he hasn't figured it out yet. He has found six jars over the years, and he is still one step away from piecing together the remaining steps. Tang Jiaming estimates that he can dig it up today.

"Yes, you can hide this secret when you bring it into the tomb. Your Tang family ancestors are very smart. This not only saves the Tang family's younger generation, but also keeps this deadly ancient formation."

Tang Jiaming didn't speak. When he touched the pot, he was overjoyed and took it out. Hearing some sparse voices not far away, Tang Jiaming's eyes tightened and he put the pot in his backpack, "You Come fill up the tomb, let's go quickly, the Tang family will patrol the mountain every day, you are afraid that they will come here."

Qu Zhiwen did not delay after hearing it, and quickly filled in the tomb. Tang Jiaming hurriedly took Qu Zhiwen to another path and left.

After getting the jar, the two rushed to Xi'an overnight, and when they arrived at Qu Zhiwen's residence, they were relieved.

After all, they did hurry up until someone followed them after they left the tomb. They didn't know who the other party was, but even Qu Zhiwen's cover art was able to see through. It is also difficult to be sure of winning the opponent.

But when it came to this, Qu Zhiwen was relieved. After all, he had a lot of formations in his house, and he was still sitting in the town with a weapon, so he wasn't afraid that person could come in.

"Hurry up and take out that jar and take a look, it's not good if you take it wrong,"

"That's not true. The pattern and texture of this jar are exactly the same as the other six, and they belong to the same period." Tang Jiaming took out the jar from his bag and wiped it, "Yes, there are engravings on the inside. Fortunately, this jar is not because of It was lucky that the coffin collapsed and was crushed."

Speaking of which, Tang Jiaming carefully cleaned the inside of the jar, and took a flashlight to inspect the inside of the jar. While watching, he recorded it with pen and paper.

Qu Zhiwen walked to the side and looked at what this man had recorded. It was indeed a piecemeal solution to the formation. It must be matched with the rest to see clearly.

"What about the rest? Show me." Tang Jiaming cooperated with Qu Zhiwen, and knew that Qu Zhiwen could do this, so he didn't hide it any more and took out a piece of kraft paper from his bag.

Qu Zhiwen is also a wise man. He saw the things recorded on the kraft paper and understood the terrifying nature of this formation. It turned out that the mass grave next to Ninghua Village came from this way.

Fuck, the ancients really know how to play.

Tang Jiaming transcribed the text in the play jar, and then slowly translated it out. Qu Zhiwen used a pen to record the contents of the pot on the translated kraft paper.

When he wrote one of the sentences, Qu Zhiwen stopped writing suddenly, his face changed unpredictably, and Tang Jiaming couldn't help frowning.

After a long time, Qu Zhiwen licked his dry lips, shook his head, and said in a negative way:

"Damn, is this really God's will?"

Tang Jiaming looked at the word 'Tan' behind the blood sacrifice, goosebumps arose...

"maybe… "