I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 116


Lin Zuo is the name of this immortal, the ancestor of the Lin family.

Su Jingmo stared at the man in front of him, and couldn't help sneering: "You are doing things for the gods, could it be that the gods gave up on you in the end? If I'm not mistaken, your body is indeed my fifth brother Su Jingyan's, right? ?"

It's not that he has never seen this "Su Weiran", but the last time he saw him, he was really confused by the face of this person. The person in front of him not only looked like Su Jingyan, but to the naked eye he looked like his fifth brother. People not only understand Daxu's affairs very well, but also know what he doesn't understand behind him...

As a result, he had doubts about Qu Zhiwen's identity not long ago. Originally, no, when he first saw Qu Zhiwen, he noticed that this person was very similar to Su Jingyan, although he looked completely different, but That long-sick, ruthless look really resembled Su Jingyan.

So he tried Qu Zhiwen more than once, but in the end he was sure that Qu Zhiwen had no memory of his past life...

Qu Zhiwen is the reincarnation of Su Jingyan, and Su Jingmo is just relying on an inexplicable feeling. To say that he really looks like Su Jingyan, he should be the person in front of him...

Honestly, he can't be sure...

"Lin Zuo? Why did you say that I am that immortal? Brother Sanhuang, did you forget that back then..."

However, before Su Weiran finished speaking, Qiongshan behind him suddenly made a loud noise, and a spiritual energy broke through the ghost energy that spread over Qiongshan and escaped.

This is the bone of the divine beast in the tomb.

Su looked back at Qiongshan, brows furrowed, as if he was thinking about something, but his appearance all fell into Su Jingmo's eyes.

"What? You didn't take that animal bone. You waited so hard for so many years, isn't it for this thing? That Tang Jiaming is the descendant of Xuyun's family..."

Sure enough, no matter how well it was concealed, when the person in front of him heard the name Xuyun, there would still be a trace of jealousy in his eyes. If it was said that he was not Lin Zuo, Su Jingmo would no longer believe it.

"You don't have to worry about it," Su Weiran didn't notice Su Jingmo's gaze, he just turned his head and smiled, "Of course some people didn't allow him to get the scorpion alone."

Of course Su Jingmo knew who he was talking about, Qu Zhiwen had been hiding not far away, and when the taugu appeared, he rushed out to Qiongshan.

"Are you going to take advantage of the fisherman?"

"You don't think it's possible?" Su Weiran smiled, "It takes two hundred years for one person to hold the Sky Eye, but in this life, two people have appeared for no reason."

"I heard Xuyun say this."

Because Xuyun is the holder of the eye of that day.

"The Tianyan inherited by the Qu family was originally Xuyun's. Before Xuyun's death, he gave his eyes to a little Taoist priest in an attempt to break the chaotic blood of the Tang family."

"Heaven's Eye was inherited in the Qu family, but he never thought of the Tang family's dedication to this day's eye until he died. Generations of generations will choose men and women in the family who can see ghosts and gods, and give birth to children..."

"For more than a thousand years, this terrifying bloodline has really created another pair of eyes in the world."

"… "

"Tang Jiaming's father is Qi Shengkang, originally from the Tang family. He pretended to be lost when he was born, and let the Qi family and his wife pick it up..." Su Weiran burst out laughing when he said this, as if mocking the bloodline, "Qi Shengkang will die even if he dies. Unexpectedly, his wife... is his relative... "

In fact, these Su Jingmo have guessed that Xu Yun became a monk back then because of the Tang family's crazy pursuit of Taoism, and went down a crooked road, creating a pair of heavenly eyes that both ghosts and gods would fear. When the family unites again, they can inherit these eyes from generation to generation.

But in the end Xuyun chose to become a monk...

"Even if he is more open-minded, he still can't let go of those eyes and leave those sinful eyes in this world."

What Su Weiran said, Luosu Jingmo's ears changed the taste. Although this Lin Zuo is a high immortal, he does not have Xuyun's wisdom roots. Although Xuyun is a human and converts to Buddhism, he is better than this Lin in Taoism. Zuo is powerful, how many immortals are helpless just by talking about this Ninghua Village great formation

Lin Zuo is not jealous of Xuyun, that is false.

"However, you lost to him after all, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be what you are now. It's just that I don't know why Su Jingyan's body is pretending to be an immortal like you."

"I'm really sure I'm not Su Jingyan anymore?"

"Heh," Su Jingmo didn't answer, only chuckled, "Don't you want to take advantage of the fisherman?"


"Then see if Qu Zhiwen is what you want."

Su Jingmo said that he rose into the sky, and the golden light overflowed from Qiongshan. Obviously, the descendants of the Tang family took out the tassel!

Qu Zhiwen never sits and waits. Although Tang Jiaming's restrictions are strong, he is not an ordinary Taoist after all. When hiding in the dark, he uses his eyes to backlash, and before Tang Jiaming takes out the scorpion, he devours the technique completely. .

Although it can only recover 50% temporarily, it is possible to deal with the current Tang Jiaming!

The golden light on the top of Qiongshan is prosperous, and the unbound tadpoles purify the surrounding grievances and souls in a moment.

Seeing this, Qu Zhiwen hurriedly withdrew the paper crane that led the way to hell, squeezed a barrier, and covered himself before he dared to take a step into the golden light.

This golden light does not belong to the scorpion itself. The ancient beasts in the scorpion, although they are divine bones, do not harm ghosts, but this golden light can purify the soul. Only those bald donkeys like to do this kind of thing. The Buddha's light is too holy, not to mention ghosts, and people can't step into the Buddha's light at will. I'm afraid that with a trace of evil thoughts, the Buddha's light will purify the whole person.

Qu Zhiwen expected that the person who set up this great formation at that time had already considered the scene of the destruction of the great formation, so he deliberately got this Buddha light, and wanted to use this to purify the desires of those who won the tau bone.

Thinking like this, Qu Zhiwen had to look up to the designer of this grand formation. Not only was he proficient in the passage method, but he was also skilled in the use of Buddhism, and his thoughts were meticulous.

I don't know what happened to Tang Jiaming, who was in the center of the Buddha's light.

It's just that before he saw Tang Jiaming, a machete suddenly flew across the sky, Qu Zhiwen subconsciously turned sideways to dodge, and before he could regain his senses, one suddenly came up from his back!

Qu Zhiwen is very good at Taoism, but his body is not good at urinating, and he doesn't run much on weekdays, let alone fight. Even if he could sense the breath behind him, he couldn't dodge immediately, he could only clench his teeth quickly and invite the kid to block the blow for him.

When Qu Zhiwen turned around, Tang Jiaming was standing behind him, holding a tau bone in his hand, and using a barrier to block the Buddha's light from the outside.

"Give me the Nirvana Ring!"

The nirvana ring that Tang Jiaming said was naturally an artifact that could bring out the effect of the tassel. Qu Zhiwen had been hiding this thing, and he didn't trust Tang Jiaming at first, so he naturally couldn't take it out.

"It's not that you can't give it, you are holding the tadpole, but you don't have the Nirvana Crane ring that urges it, and although I have the Nirvana Crane ring, I don't have the tadpole..." Qu Zhiwen carefully looked around, for fear that Tang Jiaming would make a The trap, according to Tang Jiaming's words, "Of course it's okay to give it to you, as long as you give me half of the tau bone."

Although it was divided into half, Qu Zhiwen looked at the palm-sized piece in Tang Jiaming's hand and understood that it was impossible for the two of them to use it.

People are born with bones in them, so there is a saying of fortune-telling by weighing the bones. People born at different times and years have different bone weights, and the number of lives is determined accordingly.

His Qu Zhiwen bone was worth 328 coins, and if he changed his life, he would only need to make up for it with a corresponding weight of taurus bone. However, if you want to change your bones...

As for the piece in Tang Jiaming's hand... it can't be more than seven taels.

Su Jingmo used too much for Qin Cheng...

"Oh, half?" Tang Jiaming sneered: "I don't know how much you need? This bone is only six or two or seven dollars. You Qu Zhiwen don't want to change your life, you must change your bones when you become an immortal. Your life is too light, naturally you need more tassel bones to change your bones, in my opinion no less than six taels."

"But you just changed your life! You are still alive. If you want to live a long life, you only need one or two tadpoles!"

"Qu Zhiwen, did I ever tell you something?"


"My father, Qi Shengkang, has been dead for many years, but his bones are still there..."

Tang Jiaming said this, what else did Qu Zhiwen not understand? If Tang Jiaming wanted to save his father, he would definitely need something other than that one or two...

"Furthermore," Tang Jiaming said here, but his brows could not be stretched, but he frowned, "In the end, it is only a legend that the taugu can bring people back to life and help people soar, and no one has confirmed whether it is true or not. …”

"So what? You don't want to say, you want to use your father as an experiment, right? That little thing can't stand your toss, and I don't agree."

After saying this, Qu Zhiwen saw Tang Jiaming in front of him smiling strangely, the alarm bell rang in his heart, Qu Zhiwen hurriedly backed away, and a lot of withered hands suddenly got out of the place where he was standing, struggling to get out of the ground.


Dry bones? How can there be so many dead bones!

Could it be…

Qu Zhiwen suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Jiaming who was laughing in disbelief in front of him, "When did you wake up the bones of that burial pit with thousands of people!"

"You are very cunning, and that Su Jingmo is even more difficult to deal with. If I don't prepare in advance, how can I get these things?"

As soon as the words fell, Qu Zhiwen clapped his hands, but in an instant, under the Buddha's light, thousands of corpses approached Qu Zhiwen little by little.

Buddha Light can purify ghosts, but it cannot purify the dead bones without consciousness. Tang Jiaming, who controls the dead bones, hides under the barrier, and naturally allows an army of death to move freely!

They are not ghosts, so naturally they cannot deal with ghosts. They are not humans, and they cannot confuse their minds. Qu Zhiwen is very self-aware.

Moreover, the Qiongshan under his feet is shaking even more, this mountain is about to collapse, if this place stays, I am afraid that he will be buried in this poor person before he becomes an immortal!

"I can give you the Nirvana ring," said Qu Zhiwen, reciting the magic formula, and a bracelet with a phoenix pattern engraved on his wrist appeared.

"It's just, Tang Jiaming, you can only split the tassel bones in half, otherwise, even if you die, I won't give you the bracelet."

"...how should I trust you?"

"You split the tassel into two and threw it to me, and at the same time I threw the ring to you..." Seeing that Tang Jiaming seemed to be thinking about the feasibility of his proposal, Qu Zhiwen read the magic formula in an instant and summoned thousands of them. Guiding the paper crane, the paper crane exposed to the Buddha's light burst in an instant, and the light stabbed Tang Jiaming to close his eyes subconsciously. At this moment, Qu Zhiwen rushed out of the barrier and moved to Tang Jiaming in an instant.

When Tang Jiaming came back to his senses and wanted to protect the tattered bone, the tattered bone in his hand was kicked into the air by the little wolf cub of Qu Zhiwen who rushed over!

"My scorpion bone!!"

Tang Jiaming wanted to jump up and grab the tadpole, but because of his lack of support, his anger attacked his heart, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Seeing this, Qu Zhiwen jumped straight up, and the Qiongshan under his feet collapsed the moment he jumped up!

The large tomb built by hollowing out the mountain was revealed.

"I forgot, there is a living person in this tomb."

Su Jingmo, who came over, looked at the collapsed tomb, and laughed loudly: "Qin Cheng said, he is your current arrester?"

Qu Zhiwen naturally heard it.

Less than 100 meters above your head, you can easily find a fairyland, but Jiang Ping's life is at your feet... and Tang Jiaming, who is chasing after him...

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, Qu Zhiwen stretched out his right hand to grab the tatami bone, but, for some reason, he no longer took a breath of fresh air. The individual… is the one he decides to give up…

Looking at the mountain that was about to collapse, Qu Zhiwen burst into the sky and laughed three times, turned around and fell towards the tomb...

Can't let go, can't let go after all!