I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 32


The work was suspended for more than a month, and there was no major incident in the tomb of Ninghua Village. The police station, which had been at a standoff with the archaeological team, relaxed a little. As a result, it was impossible for them to waste police force guarding the tomb. There are many cases waiting for them to deal with; secondly, after negotiating with the archaeological team, the archaeological team will not go to the No. 1 tomb, but can only clean the burial pits around the No. 1 tomb.

This is at least good news for the archaeological team. They can't leave the half-cleaned tomb alone, but at this moment, they can't and dare not touch the No. 1 tomb again.

It took a month to complete the construction. Fortunately, there was not much rain in Xi'an and the air was dry. The half-dug burial pit on the northwest side of the mausoleum was not washed away by the rain a week ago.

Before this, the archaeological team had excavated pottery figurines, stone chimes, and burial pits for chariots and horses. The area was large and the number of pits, and the pit on the northwest side of the tomb was larger than the previous ones. It should be the chariot pit. double. Half a year ago, a copper horse armor was dug up, and Li Guoxian concluded that it was an arsenal.

The early excavation work was carried out by Zhao Shangzhi, who was in charge of the burial pit. Later, Zhao Shangzhi temporarily stopped work because he went abroad. This time, Li Guoxian led the team to continue the work, and there was no big problem.

There are more than ten robbery holes of different eras in the burial pit, which can be described as scarred. The archaeological team did not dare to be careless during the excavation, and cleaned it up layer by layer. Before Zhao Shangzhi led the team to do a lot of cleaning, but this time it took a lot of work. It took ten days to clear the cultural relic layer.

Sure enough, as Li Guoxian said, this pit hides a lot of weapons, all the long spears and spear heads of the pottery cavalry, and the wooden objects rot after the passage of time. With the help of some accessories and traces left, it clearly shows this period. Already have stirrups.

At the same time, there are also infantry, equipped with crossbows, bows, daggers, ring-headed swords, shields, mysterious armor, and even a miniature bronze chariot, equipped with spearmen, ge soldiers, and ring-headed swordsmen. Melee soldiers, portrayed vividly.

"The owner of the tomb should have been a belligerent person before his life, with a full arsenal, even closer to the main tomb than the treasures of life..."

Li Guoxian, who said this, handed the copper gun head in his hand to Tan Cheng, stood up, walked up to a high place and looked at the shape of the burial pit. They thought that the burial pit was only relatively long, but after digging slowly, they found that the other end of the burial pit pointed to the main tomb.

It is obvious that the burial pit is another tomb passage of the accompany tomb, one tomb passage is blocked by plugs, and the other tomb passage is connected to the pottery pit of soldiers and soldiers, 'heavy soldiers guarded'.

warlike? Maybe it's true... Tan Cheng thought of the man waving the sword, his flexible and ruthless skills, and the proud appearance of Su Jingmo when he mentioned Daxu's vast territory. the king.

"What are you thinking, you're so happy?" Seeing Tan Cheng smiling and shaking his head, Li Guoxian seldom teased.

"Cough, I didn't think of anything."

Recently, he started working during the day, and at night, he had to work overtime at the school to sort out information. Speaking of which, he has not entered the tomb for four or five days... Today is Friday, and he will be off tomorrow. He should be able to sneak in later.

Thinking of this, Qin Cheng hurriedly picked up the tools and sorted out what he had just sorted out.

Hurry up and finish things, go take a bath, he has been in the mud for two or three days, and he hasn't had a good bath.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the entire archaeological team took the shuttle bus and left Ninghua Village, only Tan Cheng excused to get things a step late.

But at six o'clock, in the midsummer weather, it was very hot and the setting sun on the horizon had not yet completely sank into the western mountains. The sky around the sun was covered with a beautiful golden layer, while the east wind sky in the east was gradually dark blue.

It was supposed to be a lively time and the smoke from the cooking made the food fragrant, but there was no one in Ninghua Village, and it was so quiet that only the birds in the forest could be heard chirping.

Climbing up the mountain with things, the Tunnel Tunnel was cordoned off, and only a few wooden stakes were used to block the entrance. go ahead.

But before they went far, someone exclaimed from outside the entrance of the cave.

"I'm going! Qin Cheng, you're fucking dying!?"

Zhang Jun originally planned to take the bus back to school with the army, but before he could get on the bus, his girlfriend called and said that he had made an appointment with his friend Xia Tong and asked Zhang Jun to take Tan Cheng for dinner tonight.

Zhang Jun just remembered that Xia Tong liked Tan Cheng some time ago, and wanted Zhang Jun to introduce the matchmaking.

Seeing that Qin Cheng was not in the car, Zhang Jun asked Wu Hai to know that Qin Cheng was going to get something, and he was going to ride back by himself in a while.

"Then don't wait for me. I'll go back to school with Qin Cheng by bike later."

After saying this, Zhang Jun got out of the car and went to the lounge over there, but before he could get anywhere, from a distance, he saw Tan Cheng carrying a backpack and was about to call this man, but found that Tan Cheng was not Go to the side where the motorcycle is parked, but leave in the opposite direction.

Where is he going

Thinking of the recent events, Zhang Jun had a plan in his heart, and subconsciously did not disturb Qin Cheng, but just followed Qin Cheng to see where he was going, but he did not expect that Qin Cheng was actually going to that terrible tomb!

Hearing Zhang Jun's voice, Qin Cheng closed his eyes, why didn't he notice that there was someone behind him? It seems impossible to enter the tomb tonight...

Thinking so, Qin Cheng turned around and walked back.

"Why are you following?"

"Is this what I want to ask you?!" Zhang Jun grabbed Qin Cheng and asked, "Why did you come here? You know there is danger! Difficult"

Tan Cheng, who had already thought about his speech just now, helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "I think I got off work early today, and the sun has not yet set, so I thought about taking this time to go into the tomb to have a look, hoping to find something."

"Also found out? Hey, Qin Cheng, you're really..." Pointing at Qin Cheng, Zhang Jun couldn't think of any adjectives, so he could only shake his hand and said helplessly: "You clearly know how dangerous this is, don't you? You Can't you see that kind of thing better than me?"

Shaking his head, Qin Cheng didn't want to explain further, "Why did you follow me? Didn't you leave?"

"My daughter, hey, no," Zhang Jun rubbed the top of his head and said, thinking that his girlfriend had told her not to tell her anything, "I was about to come, but after thinking about it for so long, we also I didn't get together properly, so I thought about asking you to take a rest tomorrow for a drink. I came to look for you but found that you were here, so why didn't I hurriedly call you?"

"Drinking? The one that Professor Li gave me..."

"I'm going!" Zhang Jun, who was shorter than Tan Cheng, put his arm on Tan Cheng's shoulder, and half-pulled the road leading Tan Cheng down the mountain, "You guy just can't enjoy life, how old are you? Throwing on the career, old-fashioned, good, brother today asked my girlfriend to bring a girl over to introduce to you! You can't give up a good life for this big tomb... "

Zhang Jun talked endlessly, and Qin Cheng had no choice but to follow him down the mountain.

The ancient tomb was quiet and lonely, except for ghosts, there was no other living atmosphere.

Ghosts all have one thing in common, that is, the perception of the breath of living people, which is the nectar that ghosts crave for the dying. Even if they are different from those resentful ghosts, it is undeniable that Su Jingmo is also a ghost.

So when Qin Cheng approached the ancient tomb, even if he didn't see him, he knew who it was, and... It seemed, this guy was being followed by others

Thinking of this, for some reason, Su Jingmo walked towards the outside of the tomb.

Just before reaching the long exploration ditch, Su Jingmo heard the voice of the two talking.

girl? drink wine? Su Jingmo was stunned for a moment and then smiled, yes, how could a man of this age not go to that fireworks place? It is rare for Qin Cheng to do things like this.