I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 6


There is no direct bus from the airport to the school, and it takes two bus transfers to get to the school, but thinking that Li Guoxian must have an urgent matter to discuss, Qin Cheng took a taxi directly after getting off the airport dedicated line.

The taxi driver was about forty years old, with grayish silver threads on his temples, and he was very talkative. Before Qin Cheng got into the car, his butt was still hot, and the driver had already started talking.

"So you study archaeology?" The taxi driver squinted his eyes and said happily: "Hey, it happened that my son-in-law spent 50,000 yuan to find something some time ago. He said it was a drinking cup from the Han Dynasty. I don't remember, hey, I happen to have a photo on my phone, or you can take a look at it to see if it's the real thing." After all, the driver didn't care about the traffic rules, he took out his phone from his pocket while driving. , swipe a few times, and click the photo.

"Let's see if this is true."

The driver's uncle was like this. Qin Cheng, who was thinking about his thoughts, couldn't refuse. He took the driver's mobile phone and looked at the photo above.

As far as Qin Cheng knows, there are very few bronze cups that have been passed down from the Han Dynasty to the present, and they are basically modern imitations on the market. If you buy 10,000 yuan for 50,000 yuan, you have been cheated.

However, when he saw the picture for the first time, Qin Cheng adjusted his glasses, looked at the driver who was waiting for his answer, and said in a low voice, "Where did you get this?"

"Where did it come from? My son-in-law said that he accidentally met in Shanxi during a business trip. It looked very beautiful at the time. The person selling it said it was from the Han Dynasty, but no one believed it, saying that this pattern was never seen. Yes, it must be fake, but my son-in-law bought it back like a ghost at the time. Hey... I guess 80% was cheated?"

Tan Cheng swiped the screen and turned to the next picture, "This is not the pattern of the Han Dynasty. At this time, it will definitely not be able to sell for an auction price. It is estimated that it will not be able to sell for 10,000."

The driver who heard Qin Cheng's words couldn't help but feel disappointed: "Hey... That 50,000 yuan is a waste?"

Shaking his head, Qin Cheng frowned slightly, "This thing is similar to the bronze jue of the Han Dynasty. But it's not. From the picture, the cup has no signs of being worn out. It has a thick paste, a natural rust color, and a very beautiful shape. The upper and upper layers of the pattern pattern in the jazz cup are estimated to be at least a thousand years old. However, the specific situation can only be judged by seeing the actual object... "

"A thousand years?!" The driver said in surprise, "Then why is it worthless?"

Tan Cheng looked at the driver who couldn't figure it out, chuckled lightly, and didn't explain, just said: "You keep it well, it's worthless now, and it's estimated that in a few years... it will be worth a fortune."

Yes, it is priceless. The pattern on the cup is similar to the pattern of the Han Dynasty, but some parts are different, but that part is very similar to the pattern of geese and branches that became popular in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It is elegant and clean, until now, this way The decoration of Qin Cheng found the same as it in only one place…

Now being excavated, the unknown imperial mausoleum in Ninghua Village...

That mysterious mausoleum with too many secrets... Is it the cup I got in Shanxi? Maybe there is something hidden in Shanxi? If only I could contact the driver's son-in-law and know where he got the cup at that time...

Thinking of this, Qin Cheng asked some more about the cup, but the old driver only knew what he just said, and the rest was not very clear. It is convenient to ask about this cup in the future.

After chatting some more with the driver about how to identify cultural relics, we chatted about some things.

Time passed, Tan Cheng turned his eyes out of the window and looked out of the window at the setting sun in the west through the roadside sycamore trees sprinkled with stars.

For some reason, Qin Cheng suddenly thought of what Jiang Bo, who was a graduate student, said, "Instead of wasting time admiring those sunset stars, it's better to do research, and to get results is much more comfortable than those turbulent times." Jiang Bo said. Their entire department is famous for their obsession with archaeology, but what happened to him this time... is probably related to that obsession.

Thinking of Jiang Bo's death, Qin Cheng couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He didn't believe in strange powers. He had lived for so many years and had seen many horror movies and novels, but he never thought it was true, even if he had experienced it. In this matter, Qin Cheng couldn't help but wonder if he was following Lin Hongxing's way at the time, maybe Jiang Bo was killed by Lin Hongxing and designed to drag him into the water...

But Qin Cheng couldn't explain the strange force, and the suffocation that almost killed him without being touched...

Thoughts slowly returned to that night, Qin Cheng was looking for clues that might be artificial, thinking of those green eyes... His heartbeat could not help but speed up slowly, but Qin Cheng didn't notice... He looked up as if attracted. The setting sun, and I don't know when, the sun turned into a blood-red wheel and fell on the far end of the old city wall. The clouds of sunlight have all turned bloody... It was astonishingly red, staring at the gray city wall and the blood-red clouds, in a trance, Tan Cheng seemed to see countless beheaded soldiers lying on the city wall, the red blood infecting the city wall Every crevice of the blood, and then the blood water seemed to merge into a torrent, rushing in, dyeing the whole world red... And the bottom of Qin Cheng's eyes was already blood red...

"… boy! boy!"

Qin Cheng, who suddenly woke up, was already covered in cold sweat.

What was the picture that appeared in front of you just now? !

With a trace of fear in his eyes, Qin Cheng glanced at the ancient city wall of Xi'an in the distance outside the car window. The burning clouds that were dyed red by the afterglow of the sun were quiet and beautiful. Pedestrians walked slowly on the sidewalk outside the car window, as leisurely as in the past. Peaceful, without the blood red just now, but... Qin Cheng didn't know why he felt a little uneasy in his heart...

"Young man, what's wrong with you? I see you don't seem to be feeling well..." The driver glanced at the short-breathing young man beside him, turned the steering wheel and turned a corner, "Are you sick? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Qin Cheng, who was trying to calm down his breath, shook his head: "It's okay." After a pause, he continued: "How long will it take to arrive?"

"As usual, it should take an hour and a half. I took a short cut just now. I guess I can save 15 minutes by going through this alley... Let's see, it should be 10 minutes before I reach your school."


But after a while, ten minutes had already passed, and it was nearly half an hour, but the school still hadn't arrived yet, Qin Cheng frowned, and asked the driver next to him again:

"Is this really the shortcut?"

Qin Cheng obviously made the driver a little embarrassed with an unhappy voice, "This is the shortest way, I've walked through it no less than a hundred times..."

"Then why hasn't it arrived yet?"

"I-I don't know either, this seems to be going the wrong way." Afraid that Tan Cheng thought he had corrupted the money, the driver hurriedly said, "I will count it as the cost of walking for one hour and fifteen minutes."

Looking at the already dark sky, Qin Cheng, who was in a hurry, could only sigh, took his mobile phone and opened the navigation to let the driver follow him.

It took almost 20 minutes to walk out of the alley to the main entrance of the school. Qin Cheng paid the driver according to the meter, but the driver was not good enough to charge all, so he charged at the usual price and drove away.

Knowing that it should be past eight o'clock without looking at his watch, Qin Cheng hurried to the research institute that Li Guoxian said.

After swiping the key card, when I went to the small conference room of the research room, there were already many professors and fellow students who participated in the scientific expedition of the No. 1 tomb of Ninghua Village.

"You're here, everyone in our room is waiting for you." It was Zhang Jun who spoke. After moving a chair to Qin Cheng, he stood behind the door and touched the chair to sit down.

"Sorry, something happened on the way."

"Okay, let's sit down first." Li Guoxian took a thermos cup and took a sip of tea, and continued: "Since Qin Cheng is here, let's ask him to talk about the day's events first, so that we have a good idea."

Seeing Li Guoxian's eyes signaling him, Tan Cheng nodded and briefly explained the events of that day.

When he finished speaking, more than a dozen people present fell silent. Tan Cheng glanced at their faces, and sneered in his heart. In addition to Zhang Jun and Li Guoxian, there were two friends in the same class, and there were several others in the same class. Either they don't believe it, or it's nothing to do with them looking at the phone, and the rest of the people just frowned, not knowing what they were thinking.

Tan Cheng was looking at the faces of the people present, and Li Guoxian was also looking at it. He could also see what everyone was thinking. They didn't speak when they saw it. After a long time, Li Guoxian asked Tan Cheng, "What you said is true?"

Tan Cheng still respects Li Guoxian. Seeing Li Guoxian ask himself, although he doesn't think he still needs to say something to the people present, Tan Cheng still nodded, "It's all true."

Hearing Qin Cheng's sentence, Li Guoxian also pondered for a while before saying with a smile: "The forensic doctor did not find anything after analyzing Jiang Bo, only knew that it was suffocation, but could not find the cause of the suffocation... But Jiang Bo's hands But he is holding a bronze mirror."

"Bronze mirror?" Hearing this, Qin Cheng thought of the jade pendant that he had brought out of the cave and had been holding in his hand, and couldn't help asking, "What happened to the bronze mirror?"

"If the bronze mirror is used for burial, the ancients regarded it as a tool to suppress ghosts. If the bronze mirror is moved, the ghosts in it will be released."

"This is just a superstition, how can it be trusted? Professor, you wouldn't say that a ghost killed Jiang Bo?"

Looking at Wu Hai who said these words, Tan Cheng sneered: "It was me who said that the ghost killed Jiang Bo. You heard it wrong when you were playing on your phone."

As soon as Qin Cheng's words came out, Wu Hai roared: "Bah, do you think I want to listen to your nonsense here? You are the most suspicious in my opinion!"

"Wu Hai!" Li Guoxian pointed at the door angrily: "If you don't listen, let me out!"

Wu Hai is a graduate student under Li Guoxian, and he is also a colleague of Tan Cheng. Tan Cheng's excellence has been favored by Li Guoxian. .

Taking a breath, he put his head aside and sat down. Wu Hai said, "Professor, it's not me, you ask the people present, who would believe what Qin Cheng said? Ghosts are causing trouble? The soul of the tomb owner got angry and killed Jiang Bo? Isn't it nonsense when you hear it?!"

Qin Cheng looked at Wu Hai and didn't say anything, because Jiang Bo was right, not to mention the person who had never experienced it, even if he was the person involved, he still wondered if it was human.

Li Guoxian closed his eyes and sighed: "There are a lot of things that don't exist just because you think they don't exist. I haven't encountered any strange things for so many years in archaeology..."

"Actually, I just came here to ask you what you think about the excavation method. You also know that we are short of funds now. That pit... Even if Jiang Bo is gone, I also know that Jiang Bo must have dug it. He excavated me. Dissatisfaction with the way is not for this period of time... Professor Liu, please give your opinion first."

Liu Mingquan shook the soot on his hand, squinted and said, "According to Li Guoxian's method, of course, it is the most protected cultural relic and tomb chamber, but we can't continue with insufficient funds..."

"I agree with Lao Liu. Until now, we haven't even figured out who the owner of the tomb is. If the state doesn't provide funds, it's very difficult for us to continue. Just the stone block, we don't have a crane or heavy machinery, we can't get it. Well, this tomb is very big, and it's okay now, when we work in the shed behind us, it's not enough, do you want all these cultural relics to be soaked in the rain?"

"Yes, Professor, we can first find out the identity of the owner of the tomb, and then slowly excavate it from scratch."

There were many people talking, but a few words made the entire conference room no longer silent.

Li Guoxian glanced at Tan Cheng who was thinking about something with his head down, and said, "How about you, Tan Cheng? Do you agree to find out the identity of the owner of the tomb first?"

Hearing the three owners of the tomb, Qin Cheng's heart trembled, and for some reason he remembered the jade pendant with the name engraved on it.

Stunning ink...

Will it be…

Frowning slightly, Qin Cheng shook his head: "I don't know."

I don't know if it's good to continue to excavate, and I don't know if that strange event will happen again...

"Professor, you just said that the bronze mirror has a calming effect, so what about the jade pendant?"

"Yu Pei?"


Li Guoxian looked at the expressionless Tan Cheng and said, "In ancient times, Yu Pei prayed for peace and auspiciousness, warding off evil spirits and exorcising ghosts."

"Avoid evil..."

I don't know what to think, Qin Cheng's eyes flashed.