I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 65


Half a meter square, the cave where only one person is allowed to crawl through, is not to mention narrow, and it is full of slippery mud.

This seemingly man-made high wall is actually a mountain wall. It is just decorated with flat stones on the outside of the mountain wall. The water from the top of the mountain flows down the mountain wall, causing the creeping cave to be very muddy.

This robbery cave should not be long, because you can feel a cool breeze blowing from there, but it is difficult to move forward, not only because of the narrow corpse, but also unbearable, the narrow cave is so thick the bones of...

Lying on top of the bones, he moved forward a little bit, and the cave was not entirely filled with bones. There were also a few corpses that were rotting beyond their appearance. They looked like they had only been dead for twenty years. People climbed from above. However, the rotting body rotted into a pool of corpse water due to friction, which inevitably rubbed against the body, bringing up a pungent and disgusting stench, and there were dense corpses crawling on the corpse, hair-raising...

Crawling among the dead is a situation that no sensible person can endure.

It is strange to steal the cave. In the tomb passage just now, the skeletons that were brutally dried were removed, and the rest of the corpses were no longer seen. But there are so many corpses in this tomb passage, which can only show that the front is not a safe place. But he had no choice. The fire in the tomb road spread behind him, and if he didn't go, he would be a dead end. He might have a chance to move forward.

Restraining the nauseated feeling in his heart, Qin Cheng raised his head slightly, no longer looking at the corpses under his body, and trying his best not to think about what the soft things under his palms were, and crawled forward.

In less than five minutes, Qin Cheng, who could not see ahead clearly in the dark, reached forward with his palm, but he was empty.

"It seems to be at the entrance of the cave." With that said, Qin Cheng took out a flashlight and illuminated the front. But he was stunned when he saw the front.

Seeing that Qin Cheng didn't respond, Wu Hai, who could not see the front from behind, asked anxiously, "What's wrong? What's in front?"

It is naturally impossible for a small flashlight to illuminate the entire space, but the point that can only be seen by the beam of light is enough to prove that there is a tomb in front of it, because there is a sarcophagus parked in the place where the light source is shining...

"There seems to be a tomb in front of you," said that, Qin Cheng swayed the bottom of the cave with a flashlight, and less than one meter below was a pool of water...

"There is a pool of water below the entrance of the cave, and there are many bones in it."

"Water? How could there be water in this tomb? With a bad thought in his heart, Wu Hai said urgently, "Could it be mercury? "

What Wu Hai asked was what Tan Cheng thought, so he didn't go down immediately, the light was not enough, Tan Cheng couldn't see what was underneath, but when he saw some phytoplankton growing in the water, Tan Cheng was relieved.

"There are aquatic plants, this should really be water." After speaking, Qin Cheng leaned forward half of his body, and carefully jumped out of the cave through the stone crevice outside the cave. Wu Hai also hurriedly followed and climbed out of the cave.

The water bay is not deep, it is estimated to be only one meter, but the water splashed from the fall also made the two of them soaked.

Wading forward, Qin Cheng turned over the backpack behind him and hurriedly took out the flashlight battery.

"Wu Hai, quickly take out the searchlights, it's not good if they get into the water!"

"Tsk, how the hell did I forget about this!" Wu Hai also hurriedly searched for the searchlight. Fortunately, the backpack was still waterproof, and the electrical items were not affected much.

Qin Cheng took the searchlight from Wu Hai, turned on the light, and then they could see what was going on around them. They thought it was just a pool, but when the light filled the tomb, they realized that the water bay was surrounded by a complete prototype. There is a clearing in the middle, and there is a long and narrow road in the east, west, north and south of the open space, leading to the open space in the middle. And there is a door at the end of the four roads. From a distance, even if it is not so bright, Tan Cheng can see what is carved on the door, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, Suzaku...

There are countless gold and silver jewelry on the open space at the end of the four roads, surrounding the coffin with eight steps higher in the middle.

If ordinary people saw those jewels, they would probably go crazy, but at this moment, Wu Hai and Qin Cheng's expressions were extremely difficult to see.

After being silent for a long time, Qin Cheng broke the silence with a sound.

"No matter what, we can't stay in the water all the time, let's go up first."

Climbing up a passage leading to a circular open space, Wu Hai patted the crawling insect on his neck and shook.

"Damn, my whole body is covered with corpses. Fortunately, I'm wearing a mountaineering suit, otherwise I can't stand it if I climb more into my clothes."

Qin Cheng also patted the clothes and joked.

"It's okay, at least it took a life."

"Do you really think so?" Wu Hai squinted at Tan Cheng who already had the answer in his heart, "Speaking of which, why is there another tomb here, shouldn't the original tomb should be in the north, and this one is also in the west. Why is there another one?"

"Maybe... a joint tomb?"

"Come on, if you look at the formation, even if I don't understand the feng shui mysterious yellow, I can see that this place is not so much a tomb, but a formation."

Thinking that Su Jingmo was also trapped in the tomb, Tan Cheng thought, could there be a sleeping ghost in the coffin next to him

Qin Cheng sighed lightly, looked up at the top of the tomb, and frowned even more at this sight.

Seeing Tan Cheng frown, Wu Hai also followed Tan Cheng's eyes and looked up, only to find the huge stone carvings of Yin-Yang gossip on the top of the tomb.

"I'm going, what the hell is going on here!"

"...I'll take a look at the front." Tan Cheng doesn't know the formation method, and he doesn't understand the meaning of these gossip and shikigami. Speaking of which, the tomb of Su Jingmo is more like a tomb than here. As for the formation Fa, listening to Qu Zhiwen's tone, Su Jingmo's tomb is completely isolated from the outside world. The soul can't come out or go in, and eternal life will never be supernatural.

Pinching the jade pendant in his pocket, Tan Cheng can confirm that although this formation looks scary, it should not have the terrifying effect of Su Jingmo Mausoleum, because there are bones everywhere, but Tan Cheng did not see a single soul , it can be guessed that the formation of this tomb should not be used to limit the soul.

As for what it is used for, I am afraid that only by looking at the coffin in the center can we know.

Wu Hai still knew that Tan Cheng could see ghosts, but he still had lingering fears when he thought of the tomb and the two teammates who died.

"You'd better be careful, don't act casually, not to mention that you still have injuries on your body, so you should treat the wounds first."

Now I can't see any danger for the time being. Qin Cheng nodded and took off his coat. The wound was covered with water and swollen and whitened. It didn't bleed any more, but it was even less optimistic.

If I don't go to the hospital for treatment, let alone tetanus, if it's necrotic, I can't tell if this piece of meat will have to be cut at that time.

It was only after the alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs were found in the bag that Qin Cheng resisted the severe pain, poured a lot of alcohol into the wound, crushed the remaining anti-inflammatory drugs in the plastic bottle, and directly sprinkled the drugs on the wound.

The severe pain made Qin Cheng grit his teeth, his hands began to tremble, and cold sweat instantly covered his forehead.

Wu Hai was also frightened, but this was the only way to deal with it at the moment. He didn't know how to help Qin Cheng, so Wu Hai could only talk to divert Qin Cheng's attention.

"I said, didn't you take the opportunity to leave your mobile phone outside? Do you think that Jiang Ping will come over?"

Qin Cheng, who sat on the ground and took a deep breath to relieve the pain, shook his head, "I don't know, I don't even know if I can send that message."

Wu Hai was silent for a while before saying, "I'm afraid it's useless to send it out. He is in Xi'an, and he can't control it. In addition, this place is so remote, how could Jiang Ping come here alone..."

In fact, what Wu Hai said was also what Qin Cheng thought. At that time, he knew it when he got to this deep mountain. The only hope of contacting the outside world was Jiang Ping. Jiang Ping knew the most about this series of cases, and he was accompanied by a The real Taoist priest Qu Zhiwen, if... If you are lucky enough to get that person to help, there is still a glimmer of hope.

"I'm afraid the fire outside won't break for a while. I'm afraid that the tomb passage is full of wood, and I don't know how much it is paved. I think that seeing the posture, even if it burns out, there will only be a big pit left in the tomb passage. What's more, the place may have collapsed, and our only way is to wait for someone to come, or find another way out in this tomb."

After saying this, both of them were silent for a while, and didn't speak any more.

The tossing of this day has also made the two of them exhausted and exhausted. At this moment, the quiet tomb makes people feel a little sleepy.

Thinking that there would be no sudden danger, Qin Cheng closed his eyes for a while, and when he felt that he had enough rest, Qin Cheng stood up, shook his dizzy head, took out the mineral water in his backpack and took two sips. .

"I'll go and see. Generally, the coffin will be engraved. I'll see who is buried in this coffin."

Sitting here like this is not the way, Wu Hai nodded,

"I'll go with you, and I'll take care of you if anything happens."

"Well, that's fine." He nodded, took the searchlight of the luggage, and the two walked slowly forward.

The tomb is surrounded by corpses, and many of them are corpses that have been in the past 20 years. No matter how you think it will not go anywhere safely, you must be extremely careful.

"I can guess some of the traps and arrows in the front, but I really don't know what danger there will be in this place." After all, there was no such tomb in the drawings Su Jingmo gave him.

Wu Hai swallowed and nodded, "Okay."

In fact, this tomb is not very far from the tomb path burned by the fire, but there is no sound over there, and it is abnormally quiet.

Discovering this, Qin Cheng and Wu Hai couldn't help but lighten their pace and move forward a little bit, for fear of waking up something that shouldn't be woken up, for fear of falling into those deadly traps...

However, no matter how careful you are, no matter how you walk on thin ice, some things cannot be avoided.

An Ran walked through the long passage, and when the two set foot on the circular open space full of treasures in front of them with a little peace of mind, a harsh sound of rubbing against the stone walls suddenly occurred in the silent tomb. It got a little cold...

Seeing that the sarcophagus in front seemed to move, Qin Cheng had no time to step back when a shrill cry came from behind,

"Wu Hai—!"