I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 72


What Wu Hai said, Qin Cheng never thought about it.

If he was doing it for his own good, if he could be more rational, if he could hurriedly stop thinking about Su Jingmo...

But no if.

He can't forget Su Jingmo, he can't stop this love.

Su Jingmo is like air, it has penetrated his whole body and mind for a long time. He thought he would come out of the tomb without life, but he was able to escape from the tomb. Now that he left the tomb, he was the first to see him. The one is Su Jing Mo.

This is the first time for Qin Cheng to miss this kind of thought. Even if his injuries are not healed, he can't control anything when he thinks of Su Jingmo squinting at him.

Want to see him, want to see him, want to hug him!

It is a kind of sweetness that is treasured in the heart, it is a kind of deep desire, every word and every expression of Su Jingmo is like the bits and pieces in the memory evoked by the mist floating in the morning light, as long as I think of it, my heart In an instant, it was like pouring honey and sour grapefruit, with a slight sourness in the sweetness, but it made people addicted to it.

He couldn't wait, he wanted to say it out loud, but he couldn't express the passion.

Can't wait, can't forget, Qin Cheng thought, this is deep love.

He didn't stay in Pingyao, Shanxi for more than a moment, and when he arrived in Xi'an in the afternoon, Qin Cheng couldn't help but wanted to go to Ninghua Village immediately, but when he saw his dirty clothes, Qin Cheng still turned around. the school dormitory.

Avoiding the wound and scrubbing, changing into spare glasses and clean clothes, at about 5 or 6 in the afternoon, he ate something casually, and Tan Cheng took a taxi and headed directly to Ninghua Village.

The unrenovated country road was a little bumpy. The wound on Qin Cheng’s waist that had not been stitched off was a little painful because of the bump. He didn’t communicate much with the driver. in the mountains.

My heart started to get out of order...

At the destination, Qin Cheng gave the taxi money, and the driver master looked at the quiet village and couldn't help shaking.

"Young man, what are you doing here in a place where birds don't shit?" The Ninghua Village murder case was covered up. Except for some people who learned from the post on the Internet, most people still didn't know it, especially For these middle-aged drivers who don't surf the Internet very much, they don't care what happens on the Internet, they only care about how to earn money to make a living.

Qin Cheng just smiled and didn't answer.

The driver didn't answer anyone and didn't ask any more questions. He started the car and left Ninghua Village.

The sound of the car was getting farther and farther, and the village with no one was even more silent. At seven o'clock, the sun almost set the mountain, leaving only some halos to render the floating clouds. The mountain tomb in front of it was plated with a layer of light, which made it a little more lively, and the breeze was breezy, but it had a different flavor.

Qin Cheng slowly walked forward step by step, and after climbing the mountain for a while, he finally reached the entrance of the tomb.

But somehow, looking at the entrance of the cave just ahead, Qin Cheng didn't dare to take a step forward, his fingers trembled slightly as if there was nowhere to put it, Qin Cheng licked his lips, clenched his fists, and forced himself to calm down, but it seemed that he didn't. too useful.

He couldn't help laughing at himself, obviously he didn't need to be so nervous, but thinking that the man was here and that he would see him soon, Tan Cheng felt a little timid.

Everyone is a wanderer and timid, but Qin Cheng didn't know that he would feel this way when he went to see the person he loved.

Shaking his head, Qin Cheng took a deep breath, then raised his foot and took a step.

Before nightfall, there were not many ghosts haunting the tomb, not to mention that Tan Cheng was wearing a jade pendant with Su Jingmo on his body, and those wandering ghosts avoided Tan Cheng far away.

Walking through the exploration ditch and stepping into the tomb passage, the sound of Qin Cheng's footsteps was very abrupt in the quiet tomb.

With the light, Qin Cheng stared at the door of the tomb not far away, his heart beat faster and faster, and his pace quickened for some time, until he reached the door of the tomb, and looked at the ink character above the white marble door, Qin Cheng felt in his heart. trembling.

Gently touching Shimen with his fingers, it took a long time for Qin Cheng to say:

"Jing Mo... I'm back... "

Qin Cheng, who was speaking, did not know that his voice was trembling slightly. It was a trembling from the bottom of his heart, a fluctuation that could not be suppressed by his best efforts. The strong friendship in his words just overflowed through these few words. It reached Su Jingmo's heart.

Su Jingmo, who was sitting in front of the stone table reading a book, looked at the book in his hand, a little stunned.

He could sense who stepped into the mausoleum, let alone Qin Cheng with his jade pendant. He had already sensed the breath of Qin Cheng when he set foot on the tomb, and knew that he had paused for a long time at the entrance of the cave before stepping on it. Entering the tomb, he could also feel Tan Cheng walking faster and faster in the tomb. Originally, he thought this person was a little funny, but when he felt Tan Cheng lightly touch the door of the tomb, Su Jingmo's smile could not be hung. , that careful touch seemed to be stroking his back, with an indescribable ambiguousness, it was clear that Tan Cheng had not touched him.

But when he heard Qin Cheng's short words, his calm heart was stirred by the trembling words.

Just like the pool of water in the garden of the Prince's Mansion, when the spring breeze blew up, microwaves appeared on the water surface.

It was obvious that this person only walked for a while before saying a word, but it made him Su Jingmo completely see through his thoughts.

And the book in his hands, Su Jingmo, has not turned a page since the moment he sensed Tan Cheng's breath...

This kind of knowledge made Su Jingmo's eyes darken, he stood up a little irritably, threw the book in his hand on the table, Su Jingmo waved his hand, and the door of the tomb opened immediately.

The door of the tomb moved slowly, Qin Cheng took two steps back, and when the door of the tomb opened, Tan Cheng stepped into the tomb.

He glanced around the tomb, and finally fixed his eyes firmly on the stone table on the left side of the tomb, because Su Jingmo was standing there.

As in my memory, wearing brocade clothes, a jade-colored hairpin inlaid with gold threads tied up the jet-black hair, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the pair of peach blossoms was full of smiles, standing with one hand behind him, Full of the majesty of an emperor, but... For some reason, Qin Cheng felt a little alienated.

Su Jingmo just smiled and looked at him, Qin Cheng, without taking a step forward, just like an emperor who received a minister, seemingly gentle but not close.

Qin Cheng's expectant eyes dimmed a little.

Blinking his eyes, Tan Cheng sighed slightly in his heart, yes, Su Jingmo always looked at him like this, and Tan Cheng didn't expect anything to change during this time.

"It seems..." Su Jingmo looked at Qin Cheng with a smile, "Is it back intact?"

Seeing Su Jingmo's questioning, but he didn't mean to take a step closer, Qin Cheng raised his eyes and looked at him for a while, and then laughed after a while,

"Well, it's all good."

These words caused Su Jingmo's curved eyebrows to move slightly, Tan Cheng smelled of potion, how could he not be injured, he is a ghost, and he is extremely sensitive to the blood of living people, Qin Cheng is pale The complexion and the smell of blood on his body could not have been unharmed.

Clearly lying.

Obviously, it was just a random question. How Tan Cheng answered, he didn't care much and shouldn't care.

However, at this moment... He felt as if something had struck his heart, making him uncomfortable.

Feeling uncomfortable, Su Jingmo broke the mask of the gentle smile and sneered, "Pale complexion and unsteady steps, this looks like it's intact? Tan Cheng, you really know a lie."

Hearing Su Jingmo's words, Qin Cheng felt even more uncomfortable. He frowned and looked directly at Su Jingmo and said, "Then why do you ask again if you know I'm injured? What do I say, how I do it is my business. You don't care if I get hurt, do you?"

In fact, after saying this, Qin Cheng regretted it. If Su Jingmo didn't care at all, it would be absolutely impossible for Qu Zhiwen to rush over, even if it was to prevent him from dying so early, and to help him find out about Daxu. At least he cares about his life, Qin Cheng.

When he said this, Qin Cheng said it because he was full of longing and love, but was stung by this person's indifference. Clearly, Su Jingmo has no reason or obligation to be responsible for his Tan Cheng's thoughts...

I don't know what to say next,

Qin Cheng's silence after the outbreak made Su Jingmo unable to help but look away.

He hurt so many people before his death, he didn't care much, and he felt that it didn't matter. It's just that Qin Cheng is different. He realizes that his words hurt the person in front of him, and it doesn't matter to Su Jingmo...

Unlike Tan Cheng, Su Jingmo understood what would happen to him. He was more rational and restrained than Tan Cheng. Some things can't be touched, and only cutting them off is good. Su Jingmo has always done a good job, and he has never let emotion take precedence over reason.

However, at this moment, as if infected by the traces of sadness spread by Tan Cheng,

However, Su Jingmo started to panic in his heart. This was a feeling he had never felt before. This panic was mixed with a kind of grief and despair that resounded in his heart. It was because he had an insight into the direction of the road ahead...

One person, one ghost... what is the future...

Su Jingmo closed his eyes and spit out a sentence like a sigh

"It's not that I don't care..."

The short six words are like the wind passing through the mountain stream, slightly turbulent but shocking...