I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 83


'I, Tan Cheng, swear to all the gods here, that I will only love Su Jingmo in this life and the next life, and if I violate this oath, I will lose my soul and die. '

Su Jingmo stared blankly at the palm of his hand that was attached to Tan Cheng's chest. Under the palm of his hand, he felt Tan Cheng's heart beating vigorously, with the vitality of a living person and his piety.

'Even if there is a red thread, so what if it's connected to others? I, Tan Cheng, decide who I love... You see, my heart grows in me, not in the gods, he can't control... '


The rhythm of the beating under the palm of his hand, Qin Cheng's words made Su Jingmo in a trance for a moment, it seemed that his heart was also beating at this moment, it was clear that he had already died, and it was clear that he was just a soul without life.

But why, the chest is beating so violently... The blood seems to be surging because of Qin Cheng's words, his mind is buzzing, and his reason has collapsed...

Such a feeling made Su Jingmo's usual smile freeze on his face, with a trace of awkwardness and confusion.

He was born in a high position, but he was not the eldest son but became an emperor in the end. How could he not know how important it was to suppress what he thought and thought in his heart. In the whirlpool of power and magic, the slightest carelessness would only lead to death... Not to mention that his brothers did not One is a fool.

If there is a weakness, there is only a dead end. He knew this very well, and he used this skin to play in the world, never showing his true heart, and he didn't even know what temptation was.

Lin Qing... is a variable in his life. She is an amazingly beautiful and talented woman. Her demeanor and words are absolutely breathtaking. Su Jingmo admires her, and feels that there is no other woman in the world who can compare to Lin Qing. , This is tempting, to this strange woman.

However, this Lin Qing was concerned about Su Jingyan. It was funny to think about it. He naturally saw that although Su Jingyan loved Lin Qing very much on the face, he did not show his sincerity, but Lin Qing couldn't see it.

Su Jingmo was very annoyed, what could he not get

What Su Jingmo remembers most clearly is that when he became emperor and sent his fifth brother Su Jingyan to the northwest, he said something, "You are not sincere in treating Lin Qing."

His fifth brother Su Jingyan did not answer, but in the end he spoke to him on the battlefield.

"Several brothers, you and I are the most similar, and I hide my heart in the deepest part. The emperor said that I have no sincerity, but at least I can see my sincerity. I can see it, so I can suppress it and kill it with all my strength. Brother, have you ever seen your true heart? In my opinion, you are the real heartless, and you can't even see your own heart, oh, sad."

The words were harsh, but Su Jingmo didn't take it seriously, he just went back with a smile and revenge in the future.

But at this moment, looking at Qin Cheng in front of me, I felt the feeling that I had never felt before, my breathing was unpleasant, and an unknown impulse appeared all over my body. .

Su Jingmo couldn't help shaking his head and laughed, but did Su Jingyan really get it right

He thought that his appreciation and cherishing of Lin Qing was like liking. Even if Lin Qing loved Su Jingyan, he didn't care. He never compared Lin Qing to Yu Tugu, because he knew very well that he wanted Lin Qing more than her father's hand. The tassel on the top... His liking is very rational.

But he was not like this when he treated Qin Cheng. His heart was uncontrollable and he wanted to get close. He would suffer because the red line in Qin Cheng's hand was not him, and wanted to destroy it. Qin Cheng's oath made his heartache, but he couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and he was full of contradictions. Qin Cheng's proposal to die in this tomb and accompany him for eternity, Su Jingmo's heart is false, but he is afraid that this person will regret it, wants him to accompany him, but is afraid that he will die...

This kind of feeling is very strong, he is unscrupulous but cautious towards Qin Cheng, he wants to destroy, but also wants to protect, he can't restrain, and he doesn't want to restrain, even if there is no red string on his trembling fingers, he also wants to imprison this person lifetime.

This... more than just heartbeat... this is sending out the whole heart, and what I want to get back is the same sincerity of that person...

And he only now understands.

Qin Cheng didn't know what Su Jingmo was thinking, but just watching Su Jingmo contemplating and unwilling to speak, Qin Cheng felt a little uneasy, and could not help but squeeze Su Jingmo's hand tightly, and hurriedly said:

"I know you may not believe it, but I have no other way. I don't know what's going on with this red thread, but I really really love you, others, how could I like it!"

Qin Cheng was so flustered that he spoke in a mess, and Su Jingmo couldn't help laughing while looking at it.

"I believe you like it," said Su Jingmo's empty hand, and gradually stroked Qin Cheng's cheek, and looked at Qin Cheng with a frown, "I believe it..."

Su Jingmo's active approach made Qin Cheng's whole heart tremble with his every move. He wanted to say something, but under Su Jingmo's eyes, he didn't want to say anything, just let the two of them do it. Eyes entangled...

I don't know when, or how long it took, Qin Cheng felt that the surrounding air seemed to be entangled, surrounding him and Su Jingmo. , even inadvertently glanced at Su Jingmo's pale red lips, he remembered the touch here, but also the sweetness... He remembered the feeling of Su Jingmo's body with his hands last time, and he remembered the softness and beauty even more. tactile...

"Want to kiss me?"

However, before he could retract his erotic gaze, he was caught by Su Jingmo, and the familiar low and mocking voice in his ears made Qin Cheng return to his senses. Before he opened his mouth to speak, the next moment Su Jingmo's action made his eyes widen.

Without waiting for Qin Cheng to reply, Su Jingmo raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Kiss if you want..."

As he said that, he shortened the distance between the two, and the end of his words was swallowed up by the lips touching each other...

When Tan Cheng returned to his senses, Su Jingmo's lips left, he clearly saw Su Jingmo licking his lips with a smile, those peach blossom eyes actually contained a fatal temptation at this moment,

Qin Cheng couldn't help but tense up in his lower abdomen...

Su Jingmo glanced at Qin Cheng's change, and laughed even wider, his left hand quickly lifted up and pinched Qin Cheng's chin, biting Qin Cheng's lips fiercely.

Tan Cheng's eyes dimmed, and he wrapped Su Jingmo's waist with one hand, so that the two of them were close to each other, while the other hand clasped Su Jingmo's head and kissed back.

The lips were entangled in one place, and Su Jingmo's initiative was like a fuse, causing Tan Cheng's reason to collapse into a mess, not enough...

The screaming swelling made Tan Cheng breathe quickly, and when he noticed that Su Jingmo's eyes were starting to mess up, Tan Cheng felt even more uncomfortable.

The kiss moved down a little bit, and when the lips were blocked by the collar of Su Jingmo's clothes, Tan Cheng impatiently wanted to pull off Su Jingmo's belt, but the complicated dragon robes worn by the ancient emperors made Tan Cheng unable to do so. He started, so anxious that the sweat on Qin Cheng's forehead slowly seeped out.

Although he knew that he should not laugh at this moment, Tan Cheng's appearance still made Su Jingmo laugh out loud.

Su Jingmo's laughter made the anxious Qin Cheng laugh.

Turning his head to look at Qin Cheng who was hugging him, Su Jingmo blinked his eyes and said happily:

"I never thought that this belt was blocking the way? Since it can't be untied, let's go here today."

Qin Cheng knew that Su Jingmo was making fun of him, so he looked at Su Jingmo's belt helplessly. Qin Cheng didn't speak, but looked at Su Jingmo sadly. This intention was very obvious. Jing Mo helps.

Su Jingmo smiled and looked at Qin Cheng for a moment, seeing that Qin Cheng was reluctant to let go, and his eyes were getting more and more warm, Su Jingmo suddenly looked away a little uncomfortable.

In the past, his concubines and confidants were all waiting for him to eat each other up. Occasionally, there were so many active lovers who also took the initiative to let him 'eat', and he was happy to enjoy it.

However, Qin Cheng is different. He can feel the aggressive intention of Tan Cheng's eyes, and he found out from the first sight that this person is trying to invade him...

This... This is actually the first time Su Jingmo has met. To be honest, he doesn't know what to do...

He didn't hate Qin Cheng's eyes, but, thinking of the little officials who were married to him during his lifetime, Su Jingmo couldn't imagine that he would let Qin Cheng invade like them...

As for possessing Qin Cheng, Su Jingmo can do it...

However, without waiting for Su Jingmo to think about it, the breath from outside the door of the tomb made Su Jingmo put away all his thoughts, and without saying a word, Tan Cheng, who was still waiting for him to untie his clothes, pushed him away.

This was suddenly pushed and staggered, and Tan Cheng was stunned for a moment, but when he saw that Su Jingmo had sorted out his clothes, he looked at the door of the tomb with a serious expression, knowing that something had happened, and Tan Cheng also hurriedly put his mind away.

"What do you want to do by sneaking into this tomb? Qu Zhiwen, are you tired of living?"

After speaking, the door of the tomb also opened, and outside the door was Qu Zhiwen standing in front of the door.

Qu Zhiwen, who was outside the door, did not come in immediately, but looked at Tan Cheng and then at Su Jingmo and said, "I am a Heavenly Master, and I sensed that the breath was not right from afar, I just wanted to shout in earnest. , is this not afraid to disturb you?"

Qin Cheng glanced at Qu Zhiwen who said this, "If you notice something is wrong, you should leave." Don't you disturb me now

Su Jingmo looked at Qin Cheng, whose face was not very good-looking, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. He didn't say more about this question, but just asked Qu Zhiwen, "What's the matter here in the middle of the night?"

"I really have something important to tell you, and of course Qin Cheng can also listen to it."


"Jiang Ping and I happened to meet your teacher Li Guoxian this evening. Seeing that he was in a hurry, we both followed quietly and saw someone."

"Who?" Qin Cheng walked to Su Jingmo's side and pulled Su Jingmo to the stone pavilion to sit down, and then said, "Could it be Tang Jiaming?"

Qu Zhiwen shook his head, "About this, I would like to ask Su Jingmo, do all of your Su family look like you?"

"What's the matter?" Su Jingmo smiled, "Is it related to this?"

"I'm afraid there is... The person I saw today is actually five points similar to you, and his surname is Su."