I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 89


Qin Cheng slept in a drowsy night. He didn't move for four days. The hospital couldn't figure out the reason, so he could only give Qin Cheng some glucose, and he didn't dare to do anything else.

Tan Cheng, who was in a coma, was not unconscious. He could feel something was wrong. He had slept for too long and it was time to wake up, but in his sleep, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't wake up, his hands and feet were heavy, and he couldn't open it. Eyes, only plunged into chaos.

In this chaos, there are constantly flashing pictures. In the pictures, the surrounding scene cannot be clearly seen. He seems to be hanging in the air and looking at the chaos below. In those flashing pictures, he seems to be wearing different clothes. Clothing, like the Tang Dynasty, like the Ming Dynasty... and some seem to be ethnic minority costumes, and even a Chinese tunic suit...

And he is either writing or observing, just like the archaeological work he usually does, day after day, year after year, recording something in the same way...

Qin Cheng couldn't see what was written, so he could only let the pictures keep flashing, it was such a boring and familiar job.

There is no coherence in the picture, and it even appears like a blurred old photo. Qin Cheng can't figure out what these are, he can't wake up, and these pictures just keep repeating, repeating over and over again...

I have seen it once or twice, but it is very novel, but it has lost its originality after three times. Five or six times will only gradually get bored. The same thing is always in front of me. He really didn't want to watch any more, he wanted to close his eyes, but in reality he couldn't open his eyes, but in his sleep he couldn't close his eyes, so he could only watch these pictures compulsively.

Qin Cheng couldn't help but feel restless and wanted to escape from this space, but no matter how much he struggled, it was useless, he couldn't move, let alone make a sound! This state made Qin Cheng even more restless. There seemed to be a suffocation in his chest, which was slamming and colliding, but there was no cage, but he couldn't break through.

Qin Cheng somehow remembered the method of trial for zhengzhi's crimes reported on the Internet. He didn't torture him, he didn't say a word, he was given food, he just locked the man in a confined space, showed him the same video, and left him alone. It was even more permissible for the man to commit suicide there, and it is said that many people did not stay in that situation for more than two days.

Tan Cheng used to think that this method of interrogation was very gentle, but now he really knows the viciousness of this kind of interrogation. This is not a physical punishment, but a mental torture. Stay in this place. For three days, Qin Cheng felt that he might be going crazy.

And after a long time, Qin Cheng was indeed in a trance, and slowly Qin Cheng seemed to be unable to see the picture in front of him, but those things were clearly still flashing in front of him. I don't know how long it took, Qin Cheng seemed to hear a sound, the sound lasted for a long time, but Qin Cheng always thought it was an illusion, until a familiar voice entered his ear, Qin Cheng suddenly returned to his senses.

"Su Yunzhi, I don't know what to call the noble person, and I will come to the door to thank you."

With a trace of noble son's arrogance and Su Jingmo's always teasing, it can't hide his domineering natural emperor, Su Yunzhi, who else could this be, Su Jingmo!

Awakening from the trance, Qin Cheng suddenly raised his head and looked forward, but the picture in front of him disappeared, and this sentence disappeared when he returned to his senses.

what happened? The voice just now was that Su Jingmo was good, but... Tan Cheng recalled that Su Jingmo had never said this to him.

Su Yunzhi... Jing Mo only said that Yunzhi was his word, and he never mentioned this word again, because he always called him Su Jingmo.

For some reason, Qin Cheng always felt that sentence was very familiar. He was so familiar with it that when he heard this sentence, Qin Cheng felt a dull pain in his heart, as if he was about to lose the most important thing and give up the most important person in his life. Little by little, my heart crossed, and little by little, I carved his heart and wrote it in my soul, and I will never forget it forever...

Qin Cheng was stunned for a moment, realizing that he was able to act, Qin Cheng covered his aching chest and unconsciously repeated a person's name in a low voice:

"Su Jing Mo, Su Jing Mo..."

But when Qin Cheng escaped from this grief, the painting in front of him suddenly moved, and Qin Cheng approached with some doubts, only to see a person wearing a long jacket with purple borders, with horizontal and vertical gold embroidered tangled branches on it. , with gray hair and beard, it seems that he has been suspended from the car, and he can't see his face clearly, but for some reason Tan Cheng thinks this person is himself...

I saw this man sitting at the desk and writing a line on the paper.

"Puhuang drank the Chang'an water, and Xuanyuan came to Jing Zhaofeng."

Om - Qin Cheng was shocked and wanted to read what this person wrote, but in an instant Qin Cheng fell into a coma, and when he woke up, he really woke up.

It was estimated that he had slept for too long, and suddenly woke up, Qin Cheng still had trouble recovering, his head was dizzy and uncomfortable, his limbs were too stiff to lift, and it was painful to move a little, Qin Cheng gasped. . After only observing all around, Qin Cheng realized that he had come to the hospital again. There was no one in this ward, and he just didn't know who sent him to the hospital.

Thinking of the dream just now, Qin Cheng fell into deep thought, but he didn't wait for him to think for long. Wu Hai, who went out to buy lunch, came back. Seeing Qin Cheng with his eyes open, Wu Hai hurried to the hospital bed and said in surprise, "You He's finally awake!"

Zhang Jun, who had gone to the toilet, hurriedly opened the door when he heard the sound, "Da! I fucking thought you were going to become a vegetative person!" He walked up to Qin Cheng and couldn't help but lean on Qin Cheng's shoulder. A punch: "You've been sleeping for four days!"

"Four days?" Qin Cheng was stunned, he never thought that he had slept for so long, "What's going on?"

"What's the matter? You are so embarrassed to ask us! On the 25th, we looked for you for a day, and the phone was turned off, you know? Later, Wu Haicai and I rushed to Ninghua Village to find you, and you almost asked I fell asleep in that lounge!"

Wu Hai, who was beside Zhang Jun, also nodded and helped Qin Cheng up against the pillow, "When we saw you, we thought you were dead, if we didn't find that you were still angry..."

"That Qu Zhiwen doesn't even know what's going on with you, his body is stiff and he doesn't say anything, his face is pale and blue, his breathing and heartbeat are very slow." Zhang Jun remembered the scene at that time and his face was a little ugly, "... I said, you Have you been beaten by a ghost? Just tell you not to have any borderline romance, how about this time? You can't kill that ghost if you go on?"

"Are you being too lenient!" Zhang Jun didn't know the situation, so what he said was not very pleasant. Qin Cheng could bear with other things, but when it comes to Su Jingmo, even if he knew that Zhang Jun was worried about him, Qin Cheng could not bear it. Cheng did not want to hear such words.

"Oh! Yes! I have nothing to do, and I will take care of you to death!"

"I don't need it."

"Qin Cheng, this is what you said!"

"Okay! What's the noise? It's like a primary school student." Wu Hai looked at the angry faces of the two and sighed, "Tan Cheng just woke up and waited for him to rest for a while, Zhang Jun, go and buy a copy for Qin Cheng. Porridge, I'm here to accompany him, and I'll contact Qu Zhiwen along the way."

Zhang Jun listened and hummed: "Buy a fart!"

After saying that, he slammed the door and left.

Qin Cheng also knew that what he said was a bit too much. Zhang Jun said that out of concern. After so many years, how could he not know Zhang Jun's personality? In fact, it's not worth arguing about at all. Seeing Zhang Jun slamming the door and leaving, Qin Cheng's face was a little awkward.

"He cares about you too..."

Wu Hai couldn't help but feel awkward when he said this. In the end, Wu Hai's temper was the worst among the three. Zhang Jun's mouth was broken but he was smiling and kind-hearted. , He didn't see Qin Cheng's sullen personality before, but only now did he know that Qin Cheng was an archaeological idiot, and he didn't plan to spend time on interpersonal relationships, so he looked sullen and stinging.

And now this optimist, a stuffy gourd, has actually quarreled... And he has a bad temper to comfort him

Zhang Jun has a bad mouth and has been babbling all day long, but his heart is good. This is the first time he confronted Qin Cheng, he couldn't hold back his face just now, but after he went out, he went to buy a porridge for Qin Cheng.

Wu Hai looked at the two people who were awkwardly trying to make a bad face, and couldn't help but say:

"The two of you are so arguing..." Having said this, Qin Cheng and Zhang Jun looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing when they saw the other's expression.

With this smile, the unhappiness just now disappeared.

After waking up, my body recovered very quickly. The stiffness disappeared without a trace. When Qu Zhiwen arrived, Qin Cheng was able to walk down the ground like a normal person. Qu Zhiwen pinched a technique. After investigating Qin Cheng's physical condition, it was confirmed that Qin Cheng had fully recovered.

"Complete recovery?" Wu Hai and Zhang Jun knew Qin Cheng's original situation, and they were a little surprised when they heard Qu Zhiwen say that Qin Cheng had nothing to do. "There's nothing wrong with it?"

"No, it's like nothing has happened. What's more, I feel that Qin Cheng's body is much better now than the last time I saw him."

In fact, Qu Zhiwen didn't say it, but Tan Cheng also felt a little bit, his body was much more relaxed than before, and he didn't know whether it was because he had enough sleep in the past four days or what was going on.

"Since it's okay, I'll be discharged from the hospital. I guess it's because of the recent injury and fatigue that caused me to fall asleep this time. I'll be more careful in the future." After speaking, Tan Cheng looked at Wu Hai and said, "Didn't you just tell me to find a room? I'll be there. I'll go look for the rent in a while, and move in along the way."

"Okay, Zhang Jun and I will help you later."

Seeing that Qin Cheng was unwilling to say more in front of the two of them, Qu Zhiwen didn't say anything, but only hinted that Qin Cheng Sujingmo might have hidden a lot of things from him before leaving.

"Sometimes, it's not necessarily true what he said, that person was never a good person."

Qin Cheng didn't nod or shake his head, just smiled silently.

Qin Cheng didn't have many things in the hospital. Zhang Jun and Wu Hai went to the hospital gate to call for a car, and Qin Cheng went through the procedures for leaving the hospital. After walking out of the hospital, Qin Cheng looked at the list with the list in his hand, but did not notice a person who was walking in front of him and collided with that person.

"Feel sorry."

A cold voice entered Qin Cheng's ears, Qin Cheng picked up the knocked-off list, stood up and returned: "It's okay, I didn't note..."

The words stopped when he saw the appearance of this person, the person who collided with him in front of him had a cold face, but his face was similar to Su Jingmo and Wufen, except for those eyes...